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Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 2012
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shop By The Social Security Administration • Retirement Benefits and Eligibility Requirements • What Early Retirement Does To Your Benefits • How Survivor Benefits Can Help Your Family . Information Regarding Medicare, Disability, and Spouse Benefits . SSA Online Services - WWW.SocialSecurity.GOV . What the Future Holds for the Agency • Understand How To Get The Most From Your Benefit Wednesday July 18th, 2012 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Speaker: Kirk Larson, Western Washington Public Affairs Specialist for the Social Security Administration, has worked with the agency for over 19 years in both technical and managerial roles. Kirk has presented Social Security information in Washington and California. He has had numerous articles published, and has appeared on TV and radio shows to discuss various Social Security issues. The Social Security Administration and other Federal Government organizations have recognized him for his outstanding public service. Kirk has a degree in Business Administration from California Polytechnic University at Pomona. Merridee Anderson, Assistance Specialist at LMT Area Agency on Aging, will talk about extra help paying for Medicare Part B and prescription drug plans. Question? Call Merridee 360-427-2225 or Kathy at 360-426-2600 Call Kathy Burbidge at (360) 426-2600 for a free lunch and tour 900 West Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584 Sponsored by Area Agency on Aging INDEPENDENT LIVING ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE Drive All Over for Your Dental Needs . Shelton Dental Center is a full-service dental office providing all general dentistry services plus specialty services including: ~t = Oral Surgery • Implants ° Root Canal Therapy • Periodontal Therapy ° Pediatric Dentistry • Botox and Juvederm :[. ;2 )r %. DENTAL CENTER Come see why everyone'is smiling! (360) 426-8401 , 360.GO.BRUSH (462-7874) 1829 Jefferson Street ° Shelton WA, 98584 J MGH open house, dedication scheduled The public is invited to the dedication ceremony and open house for Mason General Hospital & Fam- ily of Clinics' new surgery wing at 3:30 p.m. on Aug. 1 at the hospital's south en- trance. Lt. Gov. Brad Owen will be the keynote speaker. A musical performance by Anna's Bay Center of Mu- sic will be a part of the event along with tours of the new facility and re- freshments. The newly con- structed, 20,000-square- foot surgery wing, which comprises Phase 1 of a two-phase project, accom- modates new technologies and replaces the existing surgery suites. The cam- pus renewal and construc- tion project began in April 2012 with the total cost of the project set at $33 mil- lion. Areas included in the new surgery wing are out- patient services, a post an- esthesia care unit, three operating rooms, two en- doscopy rooms, a central sterilization area for the surgery department, a lab draw station and surgery support space. In addition, upgrades were made to the nurses' stations and inpa- tient rooms in the medi- cal/surgical/pediatrics unit and the birth center. To fa- cilitate a healthy environ- ment, a mile-long walking path was added to the cam- pus grounds. "This is an exciting time for our community. With the extremely favorable economic climate for con- struction, we have an ex- traordinary opportunity to make these high-priority improvements without the need for a voter-approved bond. These improvements will give us the flexibility to respond to future chang- es in the delivery of local healthcare and assure our continued ability to pro- vide high-quality servic- es. More importantly, hos- pital services have changed dramatically in the past quarter of a century, and MGH & FC is commit- ted to investing in the fu- ture of quality healthcare right here, close to home m our community," hospital board commissmner Scott Hilburn said. "This project is a symbol of an accomplishment that positions us to continue to serve our community now. and in the future. The new surgical wing is necessary to provide access to basic healthcare needs locally in our community, and has been instrumental in recruiting two new ortho- pedic surgeons and a gen- eral surgeon. We are very excited about this transfor- mative phase in our Hos- pital and the community's history," CEO Bob Appel said. With Phase 1 complet- ed, Phase 2 begins imme- diately, by expanding the diagnostic imaging depart- ment with the addition of an open MRI unit. and the expansion and moderniza- tion of the Emergency De- partment. "As a hospital district we are very proud of our services, equipment, fa- cilities, and our current Campus Renewal and Con- struction Project," Hilburn said. "What sets MGH & FC apart from other hospi- tals - larger and smaller -- is the care provided by our dedicated physicians and staff members. MGH & FC regularly receives notes of appreciation from patients and their fami- lies about the high level of quality care they received." To date, the project is ahead of schedule and on budget thanks to the ef- forts of Hoffman Construc- tion Company, Scherer As- sociates, OAC Services and MGH & FC physicians and staff. "Living well' class offered at hospital Mason General Hospital & Family of Clin- ics is offering another Living Well With Dia- betes two-day class on Sept. 18 and 19 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. in the Skokomish and Wash- ington rooms at the hospital. Studies show that those with diabetes can enjoy normal, healthy living by learn- ing self-management of the condition, with professional support. MGH & FC has a team of healthcare providers who teach the class, covering the diagnosis and treatment of dia- betes: its medications, proper meal planning, exercise, prevention and treatment of compli- cations, stress management, living well and the use of support people and a healthcare team. Effective self-management can be es- sential in preventing the advancement of dia- betes and its serious complications. The class is also open to family members/ mgnificant others who can benefit and offer great support to those with diabetes partici- pating in the class. Due to limited space, ad- vanced registration for the class is required by calling Sue Barwick, R.N., certified diabe- tes educator at 426-1611, ext. 3301 (from A1- lyn 275-8614, ext. 3301). Diabetes education is a covered service under most insurance plans. For more information go to Free CPR class available to residents in September Being able to save a life is a great value to the com- munity, and Mason Gen- eral Hospital & Family of Clinics would like everyone to learn how. This hospital has sched- uled a free adult, child and infant' basic life support CPR class from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Sept. 13 at the hospital's Learning Cen- ter. located next to McDon- ald's on Olympic Highway COME SEE THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUR CHILD NOW ENROLLING FOR 2012-2013 Full Day Kindergarten & Grade I ¢comhim'dchl~s) (LIMIT 121 MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN SCHOOL 206 E. WYANDOTTE ~Washington Statc Approved School 427-3165 North. The class will cover the correct technique for adult, child and infant CPR, as well as how to recognize the signs of a heart attack and stroke, and how to get medical help. It is open to everyone in the commu- nity, and a Spanish inter- preter will be made avail- able. as needed. All partic- ipants are advised to wear comfortable clothing. Class size is limited, so pre-register for the class by Sept. 7. by" calling the Learning Center at 427- 3609. This is not a first aid class. ii ! ii iiiiiiiiiii ii iiiii!iiii iii i!i!iiii i!iiiii iiii: ii ii ii!i!iii iiiii ! ii! iii iii :i!ii! i ! i i i iii! iii ii iiii i ii iiiii ii ¸I ......... Worship Service (hob Children and Adult Sun~ School 9 AM - ( hiM('are ht)th servi('es A,,,,.,ss 14as s ZCh st. sh,_.u,~,. P.o~ I ~oo .~2. ;-/s~ w~....,~ I ~*.,~v.~..,t*,.,.Wd:.,,,. F-i'ha t L'ut*hTnc a ,~h'u r-he l,~~ ~ 1212Shelton,ConnectiOnWA St. d Christ-centered Church T (360) 426-8611 KSun~. Mornin~ Wo..ip'~ ~ ~11 1 Traditional-8:45am 1 [££A 0 m " B~ble Study [Contemporary- 11:0 a..J "~¢~ x.. J &~'~ Youth Activitie, Pastor Steve Olsen r~ Paster Brian Weinberer ~ : !~ A place:Where all are welcome : 324 W. Cedar St., Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 • :: SUNDAY SERVICES Celtic 7:30 & 10:30 a.m, Christianity Class :::::::i:: 9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church MlSSOtll'i Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m. Christian Education ................. ~:45 am. Traditional Worship .............. l 1:00 Office 426-6353 Daycare 4273165 ah.rlng the llfeglring love e/Jexu~ 3so 426-8461 • Sunday Morplng Worship 9 + 10:30 am Sunday School for all ages • ~ghtChurch 6 pm 419 w. Railroad Ave, • Domingo La Iglesia Bautista 6 pm Sewicio en EspaFiol • Wednesdays 6 pm Youth Church, AWANA K-6. Adult Classes • Jueves 6 pm ~gruF SPRING ROAD CHAPEL FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 1113 E. Shelton Springs Road Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-6998 Sunday S&ool 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed in Rivers of Grace NEW LOCATION Alliance Church 2320 Washington St. Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m. 438-8531 New Community Church of Union Sunday Gatherings (All are welcome/) WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: Page B-2 - SheltomMason County Journal -Thursday, July 19, 2012