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CouJtesv i
Bordeau Elementary School bike winners are: third-grader Dylan
Kloepfer, left, fifth-grader Connor Adams, second-grader Nicky
Berry, fourth-grader Jose Sandoval, first-grader Amy Armstrong and
kindergartener Jason Longshore.
Bordeaux students celebrate reading
On June 18, more than students at every grade lev- their reading homework
500 students at Bordeauxel the chance to win a bike. were entered in the drawing
Elementary celebrated their The assembly honors stu-for a bike. At the June as-
reading success at the an- dents who were 100 percent sembly one child from each
nual Bikes for Books As-readers for the months of grade level was awarded a
sembly. September 2011 through brand new bike and helmet.
To support the Bikes forMay 2012/ In order to beThe staffat Bordeaux El-
Books Program, Masons eligible for the drawing, sin- ementary said they would
| i i i i i i i i i ii i i 1 i i l i i i i i i i i i i ill i I I I i |
~ [~/~C~~--~~--~ ~af~([tJ~tC from Mt. Moriah Lodge No. dents had 1;o read 20 min- like to thank the Masons
, , I 11 donated bikes and hel- utes a night at least four for their generosity, as well
I mets for four of the six draw- nights a week, and have as Bordeaux Elementary
I ing winners. These donated their planners signed by an parents fm their support in
I bikes, along with two addi- adult. Each month, students motivating their kids to be-
~~~~ tional bike donations, gave with 100 percent return of come great readers.
117 N. 8th Street, m ............................................
Shelton WA 98584, www.SheltonDaySpa.com
Welcomes Hair Stylists
Halley&Susan GED Testing Center honors 51 candidates
- with an -
INTRODUCTION SPECIAL: Olympic College Shelton's GED Testing Brigida L. Echeverria; Michael Hartnett;
I 47enter hosted a celebration honoring the Stephanie N. Hernandez; Lonnie D. Hug-
s40 Haircut & ~~:~l I 51 candidates for the 2011-2012 academic gins; Pamala M. Jensen; Ellen Jones;
I year that completed and passed all five of Francesca D. Kealy; Jessica M. Kealy;
• Halley Holmes Susan Combs I their General Education Development ex- Megilan K. Keller: Holly M. Kola: MincW
Foil / Color --Stylist-- --Stylist-- l ams. N. Kretzer: Brian P. Larmay; Cassandra
On June 14. many family members and
friends were at the school's Johnson Li-
brary to hear speakers from the Olympic
College Board of Trustees. Adult Basic Ed-
ucation and the Olympic College Shelton
staff members congratulate the candidates,
Many GED recipients thanked others for
their support and shared their experiences.
A reception followed the celebration.
Students giving permission to have their
name listed in the newspaper are: Ulafu-
|ono A. Amina: Mathew Baker M: Tami J.
...................................................... us Special:
$40 Relaxation Massage Special
Call 427-3189 now for these excellent specials!
With coupon. Specials expire August 15, 2012. MA00014205 ..... I
Balance Day is mo;ing August 1, 2012.
Address will be 2505 Olympic Highway North, Suite 140
K. Lasiter; Teitra Marsh: Sara R. Martin:
Trina N. Myrick; Mark Padgett : James Pe-
tersen: Kelly M. Piper; Eugene Plato Jr.:
Marc A. Prior: Margo A. Searls: Jonathan
A. Sherfield: Ashley N. Smith:. Andrea C.
Wahleithner and Kathleen Yates.
Olympic College offers GED classes dur-
ing the summer on Tuesday and Thursday
evenings from 5-8:30 p.m. starting July 10
and ending Aug. 16.
For more information call 432-5400 or
visit the Olympic College Shelton campus
located at 937 W. Alpine Way.
Behind Shelton McDonalds in Olympic Gateway Center.
L ................................. ~ Brady; Steve J. Carroll: Janice M. Carter:
"A Full Time Commitment to a Full Time Responsibilitj -
"Thank you for your support Mike Eddy"
• Believes strongly in defining the priorities of government tl~rough leadership and collaboration with fellow
elected officials.
• Passionate about the importance of life safety in our homes and neighborhoods.
• Experience of over a decade of service to Mason County has provided him first hand insight and
understanding to be successful as your next County Commissioner.
• Committed to providin8 a high level of customer service with integrity.
• Certified in both ICC Building & Mechanical Codes, along with understanding, implementing and enforcing
all related Federal, State & County code regulations including the WAC & RCW.
• Performed contract negotiations, interviewing and hiring, conducted staff evaluations and managed
several million dollar budgets where projected revenue forecasting is critical to business survival and
having a negative balance is unacceptable.
Pat Carney Jenny L. McGee-Morgan Dixie Smith
Sandy Carney Gregg Graham Gail Brewer
Gary Burleson Skylar Core Dave Kamin
Kathy Burleson Tracie Core Dale Smith
Mike Mclrvin Mike Holt Gone Strozyk
Lynette Mdrvin Martin Nelson Meghan Muenchow
Mike Eddy Lisa Nelson Taylor Muenchow
Lisa Eddy Jerry Newcomb Alan Muenchow
William R Reed Mary Newcornb Randy Smith
Greg Twiddy Diana Renecker Elizabeth Smith
Shannon Twiddy Pete Janda Brad Morris
Jim Bennett Rick Ryan grina Morris
Karin Bennett Anne Marie Ryan Darren Lohrneyer
Dave Haukeli Eric Eagle Marcie Lohrneyer
Pam Haukeli Joe Strand Justin Whitley
Laura Wheeler Pat Wheeler Shawn Hoage •
Cassie Eagle Mike Lurid Jared Hanson
Debi Kadoun Ty Kadoun Debbie Richardson
Gary Wilson Bill Hoage Greg Schirato
Tad Rutherford Bob Arrnanino Jim Lanrnan
Ann Garland Marc Galland Mike Seymour
Bill Johnson Char Hanson G.£ Coker
Herb Baze Lanny Wilson Roger Wilson
Kevin Pennington Bill Sincliar Dave Boling
Margie Schirato Austin Schirato Debbie Huston
lbny H~ston Steve Holt Mick Uffelrnan
Colton Twiddy Bob Smith Mike Albaugh
Susan Halbe~l: James Halbert Bruce Lund
Sandy James Chase Lund Danielle Lund
Mark Yergeau Steve ReneGker Joe Puhn
Bev Yergeau Jennifer Reneckel Melissa Puhn
Patches Cox Bruce Shuttz Jacob Kilts
Tad Rex Gerald Nault Pauline Nault
Don Welander Lisa Welander Bruce Adsero
John Kilts Jay Cole Jody Sisson
Karen White Jack Eagle Michele Crow
Stephanie Michaelis Joe Michaelis Lisa Johnson
rina Goodwin Dogwood Construction Hood Canal Heating & Cooling
Mary Jean Hrbacek Terry Ryan Rob Barnes Joni Wilson
Brian Core Kimberly Rodgers
Brad Wilson Keith Fuller
Margaret WilSOl~ Glen Keeffe
Dave Harkness John H, Btanton
Ntis Harnkess Jeanne B[allton
Rick Stevens Joe Colo
Dawn Stevens Jeff Radtke
Rodger Garrick Joyce Radtke
Jodene GaiT[ok Gall Brewer
Lariv Waters Oeal~ Secor
Rene Chambedin Sharon K, So(or
Jon Ryzek John Core
Don Putvin Barbara Core
Carneon Bennington Grog Story
Kyle Graham Max McGuire
Mike Woods Donna McGuire
Cheryl Woods Tonia Lewandowski
Andrew Spear Dane Marbut
Marcy Spear lerry Greg
B & T Morris Construction Michelle Lyons
Kathy FuBer Bea Utley
Bob Gilman Palrick Ufley
Teresa Gilman Frarlk DuMars
Ned Wilson Pat CIow
Sheri Wilson Cecil Crow
Kenn Mackintosh Chris Cation
Laurie Mackintosh Diana Cation
Marty Rodgers Drew MacEwen
Leslie Barrett Danelle MacEwen
Michael Luke Steve Pete~s
Carroll Kelley Karnilche Dental
Barbara Kelley Gary M. Holt
Phil Chamberland Don Lyons
Michael Fabrizio Rob McGuire
Marjorie Adsero Jennifer Kilts
Jack Dalton Katherine Dalton
Chris Cleveland Dan Cleveland
]oni Smith Codi Nelson
Rill Hrbacek
Cheri Core
Mari Lou Cole
I Paid for by Core for District 2 (R) • 40 W Shadow Valley Ct. Shelton, WA. 98584 • (360)432-1602 • votecoredistrict2@hotmail.com I
Page B-4- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, July 19, 2012