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July 19, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 19, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Lois Dresback Lois Adele Lind Sand- berg Dresback, 90, died on July 1, 2012, in Seattle from complications of kid- ney failure. She was born on Oct. 2, 1921, in Chicago, the el- dest of the four children of Charles and Agnes Lind. She graduated from Parker High School in Chicago. She was ~courted by Roger Sandberg after they went sled- ding on her uncle's bobsled, and they Lois were mar- Dresback ried in Chicago, June 28, 1941. In 1945 they moved to Dallas, eventually buying and settling on 10 country acres in Grand Prairie, Texas. Lois and Roger built their own house, adopted two children, Carl and Les- lie,°and lived there until Roger's retirement in 1981. Lois was a classical pia- nist and played piano for children's Sunday school classes at First Presby- terian Church in Irving, Texas. She won first prize at the Texas State Fair for every color rose except red, and later started her own floral business. She created needlepoint projects, and won first prize for smock- ing. A member of the Irving Art Association, she won ribbons for both landscape and portrait painting. In her 20s, while work- ing for Bell Helicopter, she did loop-de-loops in ride alongs, and later, at the age of 75, she bungee- jumped off a bridge in New Zealand. She snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef, she rode camels and she hang- glided off glaciers. She trav- eled to Australia, New Zea- land, Denmark, Norway, Scotland, England, Belgium and France. Her family said Lois read widely, loved playing cards, working jigsaw puzzles and playing Boggle. In 1981, Lois and Roger moved to Lake Cushman. Roger died a year later. In 1986, Lois married neighbor Murray Dresback, and they lived happily to- gether until his death in 2008. She is survived by Leslie Sandberg (Seattle); her son. Carl's wife Kim Sandberg (Texas); her grandchil- dren Zach, Nici, and Thor Sandberg (Texas); her sons-in-law Skyler Car- rol (Hoodsport I. and Tim Ramos (Hoodsport), her niece Alice Lind (Olympia), her nephew-in-law Keith Dublanica (Olympia), her brother-in-law, Jim Best (Seattle), her sister-in-law Inga Lind (Sawyer, Mich.) and by many more dear nieces and nephews. Lois was preceded in death by her younger sister Phyllis Best; her younger brother, and phyllis' twin, Wesley Lind; her youngest sister Jacqueline Lind; and her son Carl Sandberg. Lyle Hasbrook Lyle M. Hasbrook, 74, a residant of Grapeview, died of lung cancer on Dec. 4, 2011, in Phoenix. He was born on Sept. 16, 1937, in Drake, N.D. His parents were Aur- ther Hasbrook and Agnes Ficker. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1957-1961. Hasbrook married Col- leen Clair on June 27, 1997 in Des Moines, Iowa. He was a heavy equip- ment mechanic and his family shared he was a man of many talents and diversi- fied interests. He is survived by his wife Colleen Hasbrook of Grapeview; daughter Tonya Hasbrook of Renton; son Travis Hasbrook of Renton; son DJ Hasbrook; step-daughters Pam Pat- terson and Tracey Clair of Des Moines; step-son John Clair of Phoenix; 12 grand- children and seven great- grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. on July 29 at 201 E. Orchard Beach Road, Grapeview, with Den- nis Smith officiating. Memo- rial donations can be made to Kitten Rescue in Shelton. Mason General names July employee of month Bobbie Paquette, a recep- Her nominator stated. tionist at Mountain View "Bobbie stands out because Women's Health, wasselect- of the work ethic and pa- ed by her peers to be Mason tient service she brings ev- General Hospital & Family ery day to Mountain View of Clinics' July Employee Women's Health. She goes of the Month. Paquette above and beyond to ensure began working for Mason our patients' needs are ad- General 12 years ago at the dressed, along with mak- North Ma- ing sure all the information ~ son Medi- that we need is obtained. I cal Clinic, know I can always count on Belfair. her to help get things done." W h e n Paquette and her hus- N M M C band, Robert, who is retired closed she from the Navy, have three went to grown children - a son and work at two daughters, and two the hos- grandchildren. When Pa- Bobbie pital and quette is not working she Paquette within a and her husband enjoy trav- year she eling and visiting family. became a "Puget Sound is just per- receptionist at Mountain fect for driving around," she View Women's Health. said. "I enjoy the people I come Mason General Hos- in contact (with)," she said, pital is approved by The in describing what she likes Joint Commission, and is best about her job. "And the a licensed and accredited staff is more like family, acute care hospital with a which makes it nice to work level four emergency trau- here." ma designation. There are As a receptionist, Pa- more than 100 physicians quette checks in patientson-staff in 19 specialties. and schedules appoint- For more information go to ments, Fundraiser scheduled for Senior center People of all ages are ment are scheduled includ- invited to attend the "Pig ing the Washington Old Roast and Downtown Coun- Time Fiddlers, John Rosen- try Ho Down," fundraiser green, and Vern Morgus set for 5-9 p.m. on Aug. 25 with more being added. The at the Mason County Senior Center Line Dancers will Activities Center at 826 W. perform and give lessons. Railroad Ave, in downtown Fundraiser tickets are Shelton. on sale now for $12 per per- The event will span the .son with all funds going to center's parking lot. inside the Mason County Senior building and a portion of Activities Association and Ninth Street for a street Center's Building Fund. dance. In addition to thepig For more information and roast, a variety of musical ~p0nsorship opportunities performers and entertain- ca11426-7374. MGH Foundation honors 3 women Mason General Hospital Foundation re- cently selected three Mason County business women from a pool of nominees to receive the Foundation's 2012 American Business Wom- en's Award. This year's recipients are: Stephanie L. Fyfe, owner of Steph's Espresso; Diana Goldy, office services director at Green Diamond Resource Company; and Patty J. Ayala Ross. library man- ager at the Shelton Timberland Library. The women will be honored at the 15th annual American Business Women's Award Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sept. 21. Due to the campus renewal and construc- tion project, this year's luncheon will be held at St. Edward's Catholic Church. 601 W. C St. Tickets for the event are $25 per person, and are available at the MGH Development Office at Gateway Center, 2505 Olympic Highway N., • Suite 460. Shelton. To purchase tickets or for more information, call 427-3623 or 275-8614. Each year, the foundation honors three out- standing business women who are or were suc- cessful in their occupations, work or have worked in Mason County and are active as volunteers in the community. Past honorees include:" 1998 - Miriam Hall. Janet Thornbrue and Patti Tupper: 1999 Nita Bariekman, Jean Lee and Norma Taylor; 2000 - Kay Gott, Colleen Hunter and Doris Wilson, M.D.: 2001 - Mary Helen Anderson. Beth John- ston. R.N. and Betty Wolfe; 2002 - Carol Hunt- er. Rose Nye and Cherrie Reitsch" 2003 - Janis Byrd. Carolyn Olsen and Gayle Weston: 2004 - Patti Case. Betty Wing and Catherine Ann Wolf: 2005 - Angela Wake Olsen. Michelle Schnitzer Corral and Renee Youngs; 2006 - Xinh Dwell- ey, Irene Locke and Virginia J. McCarty; 2007 - Lynn Busacca, Vicki Gonzalez and Lynn Har- vey; 2008 Laurie Buhl, Pam Hanson and Billie Howard: 2009 - Kristy Buck, Sharon Tibbits and Lisa Woodard: 2010 Janene Pettyjohn Bandes. Pamela Hunter Schlauderaff and Cheryl Stew- art: 2011 Barbara Dunbar, Deb Nielsen and Gretchen Schodde. Worthy of Your Trust Comoetitive Pricing - Pre-Arranged Planning Joseph Jacob Glaser On Sund@, July 15, 2012, Joseph Jacob Glaser left this world peacefully to be with his Savior. Joe was born on March 27, 1920 to Hugo A. and Celia E (Yenny) Glaser in Tacoma, WA. Joe grew up and was a well known resident of Harstine Island and was a shipfitter for the Naval Shipyard for over 32 years, retiring in 1973. In 1955, he married Myrtle Knight in Shelton and raised three daughters, Patricia Kinnett (James), Linda Motes (Leon) and Margie Rolfs (Dave). The maniage ended in divorce. Joe enjoyed spending time with his grandson, Joey. He also enjoyed horticulture, fishing, picking oysters and digging clams. He was an avid'reader and loved dogs. He took care of all the dogs in the neighborhood with his pockets full of treats. Joe was the best Dad in the world, was very thoughtful of others an(t one of the kindest, most gentle persons one could have ever known. He leaves behind 17 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren, 2 great great grandchildren and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. He is preceded in death by his parents, his companion of 25 years, Idell Rutherford; sisters, Helen and Margaret; and brothers, Andrew, Dick and Bud. Donations can be made to the Bud Glaser Aluminum Can Fund. A celebration of Joe's life will be held on Sunday, August 12, 2012 at the Harstine Island Community Hall at 1:00 PM. McComb Funeral Home was honored to serve this family. -- Paid Obituary Notice -- r~_ Fredrick John "Woody" Wood Fredrick John "Woody" Wood passed away on July I, 2012, at his home, at the age of 47. Woody was born on November 26, 1964 in Star Lake, New York to Donald T. Wood Sr. and Linda (Carpenter) Wood. He graduated from Clifton-Fine Central School in Fhte, NY in 1983. He graduated with certilicates in welding and calpentry from the Soudtwest Technical Center in 1983. After graduation, Woody enlisted in the United States Army, where he served from 09/01/83 - 03/25/87. ttis MOS was a 44 Bravo, which was a trained metal worker. He was an expert rifleman and grenades man. While enlisted, he earned the Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Ribbon and Parachute Badge. Woody met his wife Jackie (Graham) Wood in 1986. They wel~ married in their home in Union.WA on June 18. 1988. Woody and Jackie traveled around the Pacific Northwest for his job as a millwrigut for many years before resettling in Shelton. WA in 2000 Woody worked for Simpson Lumber Company for the past 12 1/2 years as a millwright. Woody had many interests ranging from going to garage sales with his wife to raising chickens, ducks, and turkeys. Loved to cook for his friends anti Family), even though he always said he was a terrible cook. He also enjoyed craftwork, sewing, riding horses aud tinkering around the house and even did a little race car driving. His happlest momems were while spending time with friends and family especially his grandchildren. Woody belonged to a few different organization which included the 40 et 8 Veteran- Club• The Eagles # 3862. and The Moose Lodge in Montesano. tte especially enjoyed ralsntg mone3~ for the 40 et 8's Christmas Fund. Woody is survived by his wife. Jackie Wood of 2,1 years; His parents Donald T. Wood St. and LInda Wood. Oswegatchie. NY: His brother Donald Wood Jr.. Star Lake• NY: His 2 sisters Jeannette Wood. South Coulton. NY and Arleen Borrelli. Canton. NY: His four step- sons Randall Gearhart. Vale. OR Brian Geattlart (Misty) Orofino. ID: Russell Gearharl /Tia). Shelton. WA: and Jeffery Gearhart (Sara). Port Ludlow. WA: 14 grandchiklren. 3 great grandchildren and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins. A celebration of life will be held on July 21 ' at 2:00 p.m. at the 40 el 8 Veterans Club• This will be a potluck and family is requesting for people to wear tye dyed apparel as this was his favorite to wear. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to The 40 et 8 Christmas Ftmd in his name. -- Paid Obituary Notice -- OREST A Reputation Built on Service AFull Servtce Funeral Provtder Direct Crematmn $777.00 Shelton - (360) 427-8044 Olympia- (360) 943-6363 Funeral Alternatives proudly serves all faiths, venues and cemeteries Special Burial & Cremation Packages for Families using Shelton Memorial Park Send obituaryinformation to: obits@masoncou Deadine is 2 p.m. the Tuesday before publication. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursoay, July 19, 2012 - Page B-7