July 20, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 20, 1978 |
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25-year sentence
given for robbery
Dennis Welter, 18, Olympia,
was sentenced to a maximum of
25 year s in prison on a charge of
first-degree armed robbery.
The sentence was imposed by
Judge Robert Doran. Welter had
previously pleaded guilty to the
charge he had held up a clerk at
Brad's Quick Stop with a gun
last February 2.
Judge Doran, in imposing the
sentence, told Welter that to
grant probation in a case where a
gun had been used in an armed
robbery was unthinkable.
He also said commitment to
a drug rehabilitation program,
which had been recommended
by defense attorney John Jarrett,
would not be proper because of
the lack of security in the
proposed drug program.
good athlete and well thought of
by his teachers and from a good
family, that at the same time
while he had no adult record
because he was 17 years old at
the time of the robbery, he did
have an extensive juvenile record
including a number of burglaries.
Before the sentencing, Judge
Doran heard testimony from
Scott Wessell, a counselor at the
Drug Abuse Prevention Center in
Kelso. The court was told Welter
had a drug problem and would
be acceptable in the program.
The program, the court was told,
runs from nine to 18 months.
Deputy Prosecutor Gary
Burleson told the court Welter
had a juvenile record of thefts,
shoplifting, drug use and
Medley how to operate the new heavy-duty engraver which is available on
loan from the sheriff's office for marking equipment.
shows Scott Hilburn, left, nd Jerry
questioned by grou
Reduced city water ra o
gets f, rst read,ng
First reading to an minimum charges. The present
The new rate would ]nces:
amendment to its water rate minimum charge is based on the effect August 1. h Mu
ordinance which will reduce use of 800 cubic feet a month. The proposed rate cl hy i
water rates for amounts used Users would continue to pay the the result of the coma,- a se
• l!o. ar
higher than 1,000 cubic feet a 50-cent rate for use between 800 request to the publ
month was given before the and 1,000 cubic feet a month, department to look l" he
Shelton City Commission at its The rate would decrease to possibility of a reduced ehi r,
meeting Tuesday night. 25 cents a cubic foot for any w a t e r r a t e w h i c h fl ngt
The proposed rate change amount used more than 1,000 encourage sprinkling 'lThe
would continue the present cubic feet a month under the lawns green. !'
.... ..... . Another change i wi
"i: ' ordinance would ',hal tyD
Weeq program spen shutting off water if th,
...... ........ 50-cents-per-cubic-foot rate for proposed amendment.
word "shall" to "may"
Representatives of the Mason
The judge said while Welter drinking. He recommended
was an outstanding student, a incarceration forWelter. Engraver aval|able for
County needs more heavy equipment
building inspectors
There is inadequate
manpower in the Mason County
Building Inspection Department
to get inspections done as they
are needed, the Mason County
Commission has been told.
Jerry Raymond, owner of
Raymond Concrete, appeared at
the commission meeting Monday
to ask the commission if
something could be done about
the problem.
Raymond told the
commison he puts in concrete
foundations for buildings and
that inspection is often not
available when necessary.
Regional Planning Director
James Connolly, under Whose
office the building inspection
department works, told the
commission part of the problem
is a shortage of manpower and
part is that the inspectors are
unsure what the commissioners
want in reports they have
The reports, he said, also
take time to prepare which could
be used in making inspections.
Connolly said he would start
looking for another experienced
inspector and that revenue from
building permit fees would be
adequate to handle the cost.
The Mason County sheriff's
office has recently received a
heavy-duty engraver for use in
marking heavy equipment in the
Operation Identification
The engraver is available on
loan without charge from the
sheriff's office and is designed
for marking such things as farm
equipment, logging equipment or
industrial equipment, according placed the engravers free of
to Dimitri Todd, crime charge in sheriff's offices
prevention officer for the throughout the state.
department. Anyone interested in using
The engraver was purchased the engraver to mark equipment
by the State Attorney General's can contact the sheriff's office
Office in its Crime Watch Crime Prevention Unit at
program and was financed 426-9766.
through a Law Enforcement Smaller engravers for marking
Assistance Agency grant, smaller items are also available
The attorney general's office on loan from the sheriff's office.
Five-year sentence is
given in theft case
Howard Sudan, an inmate at The sentence was imposed in and July of 1977, Sudan was
section which p ,vt0,
not paid within 30 days. )e'
This change was
result of a request fri ITI]
He stated there have been commission after cog
County Taxpayers Association animal deaths due to tansy members had been told
and the Mason County Weed poisoning in the county which requirement for shuta
Control Board attended the have been verified by a causing problems f0l
county commission meeting veterinarian, people who had not
Monday to discuss the weed The program, he said, is problem with keepi
control program, aimed particularly at educating utility bills current in
Charles Bennett, a the property owner to identify The ordinance willi
representative of the taxpayers tansy and the methods for its second reading and
association, told the commission control, adoption at the co
that group questioned whether The budget for the weed meeting next week and
the weed control program should control program, he said, is into effect August 1.
be paid for out of county $11,040 for this year.
revenues since they believe it is The county has a part-time The commission rea
the responsibility of the property weed supervisor, Ed Wall, which letter from Shelton af
owner, it shares with Thurston County, Gerald Whitcomb inforr
Tom Davis, chairman of the Davis said. city it had a water line!
weed control board, stated the Commission Chairman John PUD 3 property for hid
not have an easement fr
program is aimed at tansy Bariekman stated the problem is
r a g w o r t w h i c h i s a n the worst in the southern part of PUD.
' Godat told the con
accumulative posion which builds the county. The commission, he the water line serv¢i
up in the bodies of animals, said, had removed funds for the
affecting the liver and causing program from the budget last fail Kneeland Center propert)
death, but had reinstated them after was built on a right*
receiving a number of requests, which John Kneeland ha0
Bennett said his group would the PUD but which weal
Taxes are welcome a program put on by apply to a city utility.
reported the weed control board The letter was referred
explaining the program, city attorney for stud
the Washington Corrections Mason County Superior Court by assigned as a porter in the The City of Shelton received recommendation, er tl
..... "" -- • Center, was sentenced to a Court Commissioner Dan hospital at the Washington
Burglary charae =s ,naximum of five years in the O Leary, who had found Corrections Center and as such $54,902.44 and Mason County
$48,322.45 in the June
oe | i • . custody of the Department of Sudan guilty of the charge after had access to a telephone with distribution of the local sales tax SELF EMPLOYED? 1 ll
El,ca aaalnst man Social and Health Services on a a trial without a jury June 21. long-distance capacity, revenue, the State Department of "
• charge of second degree theft Findin-s of the court afte ....
- " r oaring mat time, the court Revenue reported this week. Ask me about tax-favored i '
burglaryChargeSwere°ffriedSec°nd'degreein Mason in lieUAugustineOf bail andappeareda parolebeforehOld. Tuesday. the trial were that during June Mrs.findingSAnnSaid'BakerFrankof SeattleBaker andand The state received $1,571.95 pension plans for self-employed 1 Exc
County Superior Court Tuesday Court Commissioner Dan Mrs. Donald Baker of Olymnia from the money collected in individuals.
against Ronaid Augustine, 30, O'Leary for identification on the received telenhone calls from" Mason County for collection and lto
distribution of the funds. miz
Shelton. . . charge Tuesday afternoon ! erson r . • "'" " elo]
• _ll•=|,lr 1111a@a6 p who 1dent]fled Mmself as The June allocation brings William F. llclmltz
.: Augustine was taken rote The Olympia law firm of --mu=m llSqldll4n a re-resentative - " •
' .... :!k adlnind! h:vtOotfaisOlfar n" this$75r, • ;f;; e.. New York Life Insurance. Company 11!, 'in'
Govey Bldg Suite 5
Mason County, $120,379.53; and ..t..... , ". _.. Effll!ii
.......... g • _ Sears charge card numbers. The the state $4,045.51 for total 4rn KaiJrooa, bnelton l|liiJt p i
jan rormvestigationorourgmry. Bail was set at $3,000. The Mason County jail-detention budget for findings were that Sudan made distributions to date of Phone42(v445 ilJiMned
The charges were filed Augustine is being heldinMason Commission has approved a overtime and extra help and the calls. $269,700.54. )po
against him Tuesday, charging County jail in lieu of bail. request for budget transfers for $1,092.18 left in the police The findings said that, h t
him with burglary jointly with • the sheriff's °ffice t° pr°vide °perati°ns ace°ant f°r thesame f°ll°wing th°se calls' Sudan r i rhe
Ralph Grewell, Shelton. Grebell funds to hire a deputy to replace purpose, made calls to Sears stores in inert
was charged previously and has Wantedman Deputy Douglas Haskins, whois McNairalsoreportedthatla Kent and Kirkland andin I MEET l '
been hold in Mason County jail on disability leave for six total of 16 people and 148½ Portland, Oregon, ordering derr
arrested months, hours of time at a cost of merchandise which was to be s,
Robert D Miller, 28, 424 The transfers, which total $1,553.53 had been used in the sent to him at the corrections Ere
Protest on Washington, [l'remerton, is bein $7,263.65, come from a variety . f the met
search for three escapees from center The value o
n " of a s'o" "n the s ..... the Washington Corrections merchand I PBO
n-'-- -' .... held i Mason County jail on a p y Its I nerlHs ise was $328.76, the , h i
tUlill IlVtn bud et Center June 2 and 3 findm s said
parole hold from California. g • " " g " • , i:":::,, ,, rls'
,,r.,,, e ......... :..-, Miller was arrested by a Sheriff Dan McNair told the - ,, . . ' ?hot
of Spencer Lake, appeared Washington State Patrol trooper commission the funds are I _ =L=. I1 , . "ii'! --7: , pro
be fore the Mason County about 9 p.m. Friday on Highway available in the budget because M m II m .....L • .. ,., You won t f!nd a better carpet and J !,l:, iie ,s, (
Commission to protest the noise 106 on a traffic violation. . persons at higher rates of pay ,_, =u==l= ru=00n l00lJlJ linoleum installer than Mike Piner .... ' ...... =r.ar
which comes from the Spencer were resigning and those hired : -- • " " 1 Mike come r to Shelton from ronnring I .0,
Lake Tavemduringthesummer Stones coming at a lower rate of pay. Aflflnr00_l tf I I Wenatchee...and at Lumbermen's J'll :eft
while there is music and the The next World War will be MCsN:2r t also told the i rr-----" =='== I 1 successtul businesses in Seattle and J :='..
windows are open. fought with stones, comm" " hat as of June 1. ml JLaall .,. mm am 1 we're proud to have Mike as our only Jt' ' " ae
He told the commission he Albert Einstein there was $182.36 left in the i IWIII IM't,|lllIIllgli I installer. - is, asel,
had registered complaints with IN - Fruit-Of.The.Loom ..... 1 When Mike first came to Shelton, I J[ ter i
the Liquor Control Board and -"" ,1 IN /A\\;\\ .... LaaleS MlOUSeS i 1 we checked with his previous | For
• norvs &
the sheriff's office and had no II '\\;\\ ....... RoO. 7.99 & S8 99 *- 1 associates and customers...and found J ,,',llm : Sec
response * * , it AthletiC " ' 1 that people think hes the best. Now IJ i gri
• : ...... ISm=le Awh,I W rh BradJ ]J Shirts
1 he s building a list of satisfied |BlJJI=, J
sheriff's office appeared at the r )) \\;' NOW V 1 customers here in Mason County...a Jr J[ilf ' •
commission meeting after I w,s _ -IrIobSIRPIISHEexPINSES gl I-I // - 1 list well show you if you come in. At |IF" [:/ , 11
Spencer had left and told the L_,l?_L-.f=-li4. ¢.,/ 1[ oF.L wrm tl X \\; . (-' 1 Lumbermen s we know that selling you I '" , i
commission any noise complaint Ill ) () J'aT->L "-'1 --| | "" \\;\\\\" ' \\;\ -r3, iI 1 quality floor coverings is only half the J /i ti
was within the jurisdiction of the II' IIPI 11 Brad's /i ' I J r \\;\ ' - I Iob., The insta!lation must be corret or " |
sheriff's office and that the ill ]llg'--[B[ ]i i.'',,,I ][ 9/'/ /7"x !" you ve wasted our mane !
problem would be checked into. 5 I , 1 'J) /// .i } -"') I. 1 Check our free installation offer
¢_ r, --rr ,,_ • 1 //ii! / . I below. It s a good deal on a great new
_ FLL. la" II.iLI I I! Athletic Shirts Sizes / [:ii::iiiiiii:!i.." "-' I M carpet for your home.
Port meet;n,-, It..2L-,h--.IBl__/x[g/.LLl lJ -.' S-M-L-XL. Trim Fit Briefs, [ f! :'iii:ii!i#a/ - , 4
.... a II " '°" " /L
The regular Port of Shdton ]' p®n$| • .. €...,.. Ii le m" ( , ,e
meeting for July 12 has been. . itJu't-'-'-w-' '''"'':-ip,o $1, FO $1LI nl', /J" 1l.-.o- ' / "| FMEI
changed tO July 19, rt was ,:.!!, 8p - p g V
announced this week. mi ur. II"opp®r )J . . 8tl
Z & Y g , Tan Reg.
1 l! " for the hot o1' summer-' $,5.75. ' ' im
tlmel Rag $4 99
economy may tmpt you to .11 V/q4J --IE I 1 (| " '='" • - A 99 "
your own property and ,ave our |/ fPrlJJrTm M / / lJ 1'4 Sli i qF' ! I ,
€ommission, but when HIMLIE WjrOIdE J 1 |l =.owT_q -v J m I
32 oz. R rnable Bottles F me we'll provide
T. r".',, /! P-rman.ntPre. PRINTFRONT : 1 l ,. \\;..''- you with Mike Plper"s profe..ional , S,Q
/aalill i i& v
|I00A I00ql'V l00E| | II _ WORKPANTS T-SHIRTS 'i I m ] carpet Installation free with your tot
1 1 "N] I purchase of o minimum of 20 yards of
into a real estate trantaction (/U // 18 r I/F ( llg --reen ta '- C " n i " . jNi / / 1 Olympus-label carpeting, plus pod.
-- / .... .. L., C /m , n Ioaen green, artoO P Ctures I
they'll prove they really earn Il/ • 1 [J 32 to 42 ' remarks S ze= ,..... ,_. 1 1 1 m I O4ympus is Lumbermen's private label [11
their fee. They don't iu,t sit / " " " ." " / l ". X.Q r e " Reg S--,,,. [ i / / I [] I for a huge range of carpeting from the
qF'o'W'W g
,rou.U Dud | .rusnea Dy Tne Dug or can. | tl i $7.49. ' • in I I J I • / nation's top mills, at low price, I Come ) )r '
___... II , $9.99 :FEOO "
pro|pective buyers together to Ml! l = II 1 .... --a[l,,
eern th, approval of any La a v,-
nn II 1 /J . , way and \\;IP I E
Bankcards Welcome \\;
'20011 \\;1
M/IN[ Open 7 a.m.-12 p.m., Mon.-$at., 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Sun. II I=4 OLYMPIC GATEWAY CENTER " T vest" SEIELTON * 49.6-2611
Brad Owen: Owner /1 2505 OLYMPIC HWY. NORTH .... . Open 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon..Fri.
' "°''"""° [ : ![ • t • • • • • • • iI • • II • • • • X-1 ' ' M'30 $-t. • 10-4;30$un.
was within the jurisdiction of the
she riff's
problem would be checked into.
Page 2 Sh dason County Journal Thursday, July 20, 1978