July 20, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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00;{saquah.man_ to seek Elaine Province to
00ngress,onal seat seek re-election
IRick Bennett, 31-year-old anybody that tells you otherwise Elaine Province, Mason reelection. Mrs. Provin'ce has
Jquah resident, announced this doesnt understand the problem. County clerk, announced this been the county clerk for the
week that she will seek past sixyears.
[k he is a candidate for tile
|ted States Congress from
.'ngton's Third Congressional
n m a k i n g t h e
[nouncement, Bennett
mented, "In taking this step
[re are just a few basic
aghts that I want to share
1 yOU.
|"First of all, I would like
to understand some of the
ions for my deciding to run
|Congress. I believe quite
|ongly that, despite the
iaraging comments by the
Ident voices of countless
:lactors, the United States is
| always will be a choice
[on - the strongest country
[the face of this earth.
Lever, it doesn t take a genius
lee that we have more than
share of problems. Congress
I its irresponsible actions is
i major problem. The
Umbent congressman from
!hington's Third District is
definitely a part of that
blare. He has consistently
ed for higher taxes,
ttionary programs, and more
more federal control. He
)orted the giveaway of the
rna Canal and he supports
i Boldt Decision. In short, I
[a believe that he is
|eSenting the people of the
! district.
['With that little bit of
ground, that brings us to
|" aennett Just less than
L,..I years ago I started my own
re=-y with little more than
Lp)rcoverbial shoestring and a
ft. big hope based on the
rncan dream. And the last
pie of years have really been
Yam come true. My company
become a success beyond my
est hopes
ut I do believe that all of '
has come to pass for the
hie reason that I have learned
!, a.ther fundamental truths.
: have come to realize that
is no, problem so complex
t can t be understood by
average guy on the street.
)s true in my business
aich ;. .-
tronics ,' sophisticated
• ). And the same is
m. government. Especially
In government! And
And he sure as heck can't solve
"The average guy on the
street knows that a business
can't spend more than it earns
and expect to survive. He knows
that his government isn't really
any different. Everybody seems
to know that except Congress -
and our own so-called
re presentative !
"I have also learned firsthand
the strengths of the profit
motive. My employes are paid
well. But, more importantly,
they share in an aggressive bonus
system. And I want to tell you
that the real growth of my
business is a tribute to their
innovative ideas and their
"But contrast that, if you
will, with the attitudes of our
government. If the guy next
door figures out a way to earn
an extra buck, it seems that
Congress immediately dedicates
itself to the task of figuring out
how to tax it away from him. A
major oil company embarked on
a national advertising program
where they solicited ideas for the
solution of the energy shortage.
However, their advertisements
denied the inventors of any such
solutions the right to share
monetarily in the fruits of their
creativity. It isn't surprising that
their campaign generated no
worthwhile iaea!
"But, be assured that this is
one of the most basic attitudes
that will go to Congress with me.
The real strength of America is
its ability to create. To innovate.
Just think where we can go,
what we might achieve, if we
start providing some real
incentives, some real tax cuts for
everybody - and particularly for
those who want to solve the
"But the mere fact that there
is no real, responsible
representation of the people in
this district - and the fact that
there is a very real opportunity
to be of service - neither of
these facts explains my total
motivations in seeking this
"A total answer for the why
I tam doing this would have to
include a recognition of my
gratitude to this country for the
freedoms that I do have, for the
opportunities that I have
enjoyed. I believe quite strongly
that a person - particularly one
who has enjgyed any degree of
success - has a strong obligation
to serve his country.
"Just as man may accept a
responsibility to provide
one-tenth of his income to
support the church of his choice,
I also believe that a man has a
responsibility to his nation.
"And I pledge, solemnly, to
you that I shall dedicate myself
to the task of putting
government into proper
perspective. I shall work for the
day that the cost of government
is less than the cost of our
Rick Bennett
e show planned
r ne Shelton Chapter of the South Mason Library.
rnational Association of The hour-long program is by
:r Victims and Friends will
[nt the slide show Nutrition the late Gena Larsen, nationally
[he Schools,, next Wednesda known nutritionist.
1:30 prn a " y The program is free and the
• • t the Timberland public is welcome.
Double wides from ....
k Single 14' wides from ..
Service & set up
by our own people.
Price includes delivery
& set up.
undays & Evenings by appointment.
:undays & Even'rags "by appointment.
Hiway 3 at Gorst /g,,,.,,
377- 4461 /; o
Elaine Province
z00MBoa, V vAew
bile Homes
Lois Scott to seek
assessor position
Witnesses plan
for conventions
A schedule of 20
international conventions has
been completed by Jehovah's
Witnesses for the continental
United States during the summer
of 1978.
Spokesman Rora Furr said
146 persons will represent
Shelton at the Kingdome in
Seattle, July 26-30.
The Witnesses are utilizing
some of the largest sports
stadiums in the country for this
series of international meetings.
They include four covered
facilities: Astrodome, Houston,
Texas; Superdome, New Orleans,
Louisiana; Kingdome, Seattle;
and the new Silverdome in
Pontiac, Michigan.
Furr added 760,000 persons
are expected to attend the 20
conventions in three languages,
English, Spanish and French.
Five conventions are planned for
Canada with an attendance
estimate of 145,000.
The theme of the convention
is "Victorious Faith."
"There are many issues
confronting society today," Furr
Gorton to
be speaker
Attorney General Slade
Gorton will be the speaker at the
Skookum Rotary Club meeting
at 7 a.m. July 26 at Heinie's
He will speak on anti-trust
law and its effect on the business
Lois Scott announced this
week she will file for the
In 1972 Elaind Province, a position of Mason County
Democrat, ran against and assessor on the Democratic
defeated Mildred Conklin, the ticket.
Republican incumbent who had She has been a Mason
been appointed by the county County resident 30 years.
commissioners after the Twenty of those years she has
been employed in the assessor's
retirement of Lodga Fields. Mrs.
Province served a two-year
unexpired term and ran
unopposed in the 1974 election.
In addition to being the
county clerk, Mrs. Pronce is
the ex-officio clerk of the
Superior 'Court. She is
responsible for all court
proceedings within the Superior
Court, and all trust funds paid
into the registry of the court.
Mrs. Province is a member of
the Mason County Democratic
Club and the Women's
Democratic Club. She is also a
member of the Washington
Association of County Officials
and the Washington Association
of County Clerks.
Lois Scott
said. "These include changing
moral standards, emphasis on
materialism, social problems,
energy crises and an accelerating
arms race. The convention
program will stress the value of
faith in the Bible as Christians
face these issues and other daily
problems of life."
License asked
The Washington State Liquor
Control Board said this week it
has received an application for a
Class C-D license to sell bottled
beer and wine for on-premise
consumption from James Fay
Hoyt, at the Cornucopia Dell,
114 Second St., Shelton.
chain saws
Now as low as
Model 361A
Model 45
Professional loggers have put more than
30,000 Jonsereds to work in western
woods since 1971. The Jonsereds reputa-
tion iS built on dependable value and
service through a dealer network of pro
chain saw shops. Jonsereds has nine
models to meet your cutting needs•
See the Jonsereds line at
Saeger Motor Shop
John Klemmer, Jimmy Buffett,
Steely Dan, John Coltrane and more.
on Hillcrest
"we service what we sell"
i vtl
$7.98 Lps & Topes Now $ 4 8 8
*Similar Savings in other price ranges.
On 4 in Olympia, 943-9181 OPEN 7 DAYS
office, holding the position of
chief deputy for the past two
Mrs. Scott is a state certified
appraiser. She has completed
Personal Property, Residential
Appraisal School, and a Federal
Government Management
Training Program. She feels this
training, experience and
schooling is an asset for the
position of assessor.
She is a member of the
Mason County Democratic
Women's Club, at present on the
Ways and Means Committee. She
is a member of Donnie J. O'Neill
Orthopedic Guild and is past
president and secretary.
Lois resides with her
husband, Leon M., on the
Arcadia Road. They have three
children, Cheryl, Holly and
Peter. All are Shelton High
School graduates and are Mason
County residents.
Mrs. Scott feels the principal
responsibility of the assessor's
office is equalization of
assessments for all of the
property owners of Mason
County as well as practical
management and courteous
assistance to the public.
Th: magement "and Jresidents "
, Holiday Park Retirement Center would
II like totake this opportunity to say
i to all the people who helped make our:
[] July Jubilee Celebration a success. [[
m.j 00;nooMix.q
All Breeds
24-Hour Service.
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Air cond., power steering, power brakes, auto., RX4 5 speed, AM/FM radio, luggage rock,
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302 V8, automatic, power steering, radio. Was
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'75 DATSUN 280Z
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4 cylinder, 4-speed, radio. Was $2595.
Over 50 used Cars & Pickups
1st & Grove
Thursday, July 20, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13