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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 20, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 20, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l00cord from page fourteen.} the Agate area was returned to July 16, 11:32 a.m., aid call, Nissen reported a vehicle :ed alongside tile road ed. horse was reported loose Island Lake area. 3 at Belfair reported an .ntered and damage done to ler truck. eanie Deskins reported a two-car accident was at Highways 3 and 106. Casto reported a rock tn through a window. Brown reported windows broken. two-car accident was on the Grapeview Road. Brummitt reported a box torn off. rs. LeRoy Simpson a bear ran off with a can. It was later found d up. Irrgang reported a /ed. two-car accident was at Highways 3 and 302. Hallett reported a missing. Davies reported a missing. It was found to impounded. tWO-car accident was near the Belfair Cafe. house was reported on fire Razer Road. pson Timber Company rted vandalism to a fire Camp Govey. Nichols reported a into. avis Rodgers reported taken from a campsite. vehicle was reported in the the power lines in tlr area. one-car accident was in the Bayshore area. rbra Carter reported to a vehicle. Van Vlett reported a balloon thrown at a tbella McKibban reported a a residence damaged. reported spilled on art reported a Welsh Morrow reported a taken. ,car Was reported on fire at ,ale Road and Highway 3 eCtion. Doty reported property a hit-and-run accident. at the Gravell at Orchard Beach was Boyce reported a damaged. :Wo-car accident was d on the Upper alley Road. was reported to to a residence in the owner. Denny Davidson reported tools and power equipment taken. A two-car accident was reported at Highway 3 and the Lake Limerick Road. An abandoned vehicle was reported on the Phillips Lake Road. Juveniles were reported shooting at people with BB guns in Oak Park. A two-car accident was reported at the Bloomfield and Kamilche Roads. Richard Andrews reported a chain saw taken. Donna Sowers reported items taken from a boat. Jeanie Deskins reported a German shepherd dog missing. SUPERIOR COURT Dissolutions of Marriage Joseph Gonzales and Esparenza Gonzales. Emery Smith and Christie Smith. Gary Sutherlin and Barbara Sutherlin. Lee Ann Whitmarsh and injury accident, north of Allyn, non-transport. July 16, 11:04 p.m., aid call, St. Albans Girl Scout Camp, possible back injury, transported Harrison Memorial Hospital, Bremerton. :llllllllllllllllUllllllllllnlnllllnllllllllnlnllnlll Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's office this week were: Henry Kipp, 64, Tacoma, and Mary Isaacs, 67, Tacoma. Karl Cooper, 18, Shelton, and Sandra Sweet, 19, Shelton. Floyd Emery, 49, Pasta, and Billie Eaton, 46, Pasta. Ronald Moore Jr., 18, Shelton, and Norma Hart, 23, Shelton. James Bennett, 47, Shelton, and Karin Kerr, 35, Olympia. Richard Benjamin Jr., 22, Federal Way, and Deloris Huffman, 21, Auburn. Scott Manke, 21, Shelton, and IlIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 00de00s* 'These tides are for the Union area. For Shelton and Oakland Bay add an hour and a half and 2.4 feet. Thursday, July 20 High ...... 4:32 a.m. 11.7 ft. Low ...... 11:39 a.m. -2.9 ft. High ...... 6:51 p.m. 12.8 ft. Friday, July 21 Low ...... 12:19 a.m. 5.5 ft. High ....... 5:28 a.m. 11.5 ft. Low ...... 12:24 p.m. -2.6 ft. High ....... 7:31 p.m. 13.1 ft. Saturday, July 22 Low ...... 1:11 a.m. High ....... 6:27 a.m. Low ...... 00::10 pm High ...... p.m. Sunday, July 23 Low ...... 2:03 a.m. High ...... 7:27 a.m. Low ...... 1:58 p.m. High ...... 8:52 p.m. Monday, July 24 Low ...... 2: 59 a.m. High ...... 8:33 a.m. 9.9 ft. Low ...... 2:44 p.m. 0.8 ft. High ...... 9:35 p.m. 12.7 ft. Tuesday, July 25 Low ...... 3:58 a.m. 2.8 ft. High ...... 9:45 a.m. 9.2 ft. Low ...... 3:36 p.m. 2.3 ft. High ...... 10:19 p.m. 12.3 ft. Wednesday, July 26 Low ...... 4:57 a.m. 2.2 ft. High ...... 11:09 a.m. 8.8 ft. Low ...... 4:28 p.m. 3.8 ft. High ...... 11:04 p.m. 11.8 ft. Thursday, July 27 Low ...... 6:03 a.m. 1.7 ft. High ...... 12:44 p.m. 8.8 ft. Low ...... 5:34 p.m. 5.1 ft. High ...... 11:50 p.m. 11.3 ft. Riding group wins trophy The Olympic Reindears mounted drill team from Shelton took first place in the mounted unit division of the McCleary Bear Festival parade July 15. Following the parade, the group went to Elma where they performed at a horse show there. iiiilUlllllllllnnlnulullUnllllUUlnnllllUlllnl ,,,,, CWC -1.8 ft. 13.1 ft. 4.1 ft. sKhleil !!!: tUr i ! 10.6 ft. -0.6 ft. 13.0 ft. 3.4 ft. Linda ,Bramsford, 634 Terrace Boulevard, Shelton, July 15. A son to Sherry and Robert Baker, Star Route 1, Box 296, Grapeview, July 16. Brian Scott was born to Scott and Kristine Swisher on July 11 in St. Peter Hospital, Olympia. He joins a two-year-old sister, Kelley. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swisher and Ken and Norma Carlson, all of Shelton. Can't answer Thomas Van Wey. John Conners and Oletha Conners. New Cases The estate of David Gourman, the guardianship of Sophie Gourman and People's National Bank as executor ,and guardian, against Gayle Delanty, forfeiture of real estate contract. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT July 15, 12:05 a.m., Simpson Mill Four, saw shavings and dust. FIRE DISTRICT FIVE July 8, 6:02 p.m., car fire, Highway 302, no damage, mechanical failure. July 8, 8:48 p.m., aid call, woman down, Treasure Island, District 3, District 5 transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital, Bremerton. July 11, 9:04 a.m., pole yard fire, John's Prairie, no damage. July 12, 7:35 p.m., brush fire, Lake Trsk area, lave acres, District 6 assisted° July 12, 8:33 p.m., aid call, injury accident, Agate, transported to Mason General Hospital, Shelton. July 15, 12:03 p.m., aid call, sudden illness, Agate, transported to Mason General Hospital, Shelton. SENIOR CEHTER NEWS AVAILABLE TO ALL SENIOR CITIZENS AT NO COST: Outreach Assistance, Telephone Reassurance, Chore Service, Notary, Assistance with Forms, Information & Referral. July 24 -- Pping. 25-- Dose- )$. July 27 demand 426-2568 MONDAY, July 21: Lunch, Kamilche, noon. TUESDAY, July 25: Lunch, Belfair, noon. Live music, 11 a.m. Lunch, Shelton, noon. Painting class, 1 p.m. Weight Watchers, 7:30. WEDNESDAY, July 26: Lunch, Shelton, noon. Live music, 11:00. Blood pressure, 1 p.m. Pinochle Club, 6:30 p.m. THURSDAY, July 27: Lunch, Belfalr, n °on` Live music, 11:00. Blood pressure, 1 p.m. Lunch, noon, Shelton Kiwanis program. FRIDAY, July 28: Lunch, Kamllche, noon. Blood pressure, 1 p.m. Card Club, noon. Swim and Exercise Club, 1 p.m. Evergreen College. Thank you, Les, for this space! rtesy of ers IIIIlll lid. (llldiI Cater) Idlll 416-1gll Terri Shaw, 20, Shelton. Robert Coxan, 30, Union, and l / I ]Nlll If you can't answer a man's Martha Gilbert, 29, Union. Don't arguments, all is not lost; you Terry Kinnaman, 19, Matlock, can still call him vile names. and Cheryl Fauthe, 18, Shelton. Elbert Hubbard William Shanahan, 27, Shelton, and Vikki Voss, 23, Shelton. iiiiilUlllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllUnllllllllllnlllll 0000eather High Low Precip. Fahrenheit July 12 80 48 .00 July 13 85 53 .00 July 14 88 53 .00 July 15 84 54 .02 July 16 69 55 .03 July 17 72 55 .00 July 18 74 54 .00 Celsius July 12 27 9 0 July 13 29 12 0 July 14 31 12 0 July 15 29 12 1 July 16 21 13 1 July 17 22 13 0 July 18 23 12 0 Generally dry weather and near-normal temperatures are forecast for the weekend. Highs will be mostly in the 70s with lows in the 50s. A BU71LIR BI17 01 WA0 Are you going to the Polynesian Luau July 22? Don't go all the way to Hawaii l Lei Lani Fashions has your Hawaiian dresses and men's shirts. ImIE= Shell "i I With Purchase. jOlX 1 11 Illocr Iz old fashioned FOOD GRINDER : clamp on, oil purpose 4 blades ((K)9-826) 5.98 subject to stocks available AIII Lilly Miller Garden Supplies 20% OFF All lawn end garden fertilizers, oil Insecticidel, all weed kl!lers and much more. 45.95 2.,x 4.× 6o. 56.95 (564-m4) ooo WINDSHIELD WASHER . 1gal. reg. 1.59 (556.1911 s cleaner/antifreeze solution • removes hazy road film 1.29 SUMMER Funnel.Top, SPRAYERS 3-1/2 gal. stoinless steel tank reg. 43.29 (612-119, 141U 34.50 2-1/2 gal. reg121.451 (612-077) 133U 18.39 i 2 gal. plastic reg. 23.19 COOLANT (,,,) ,o 18.59 /ANTI-FREEZE CO-OplgoI. reg. 3.49  • with corrosion inhibitors and antifoaming agent • STOCK UP NOW! cs,,o,,) 3.09 2' GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING • idain 2r wide sheet (24" €) • cmtom cut to your specific length , hilly guarantied  , ,I .also" Ick =: I =t • lln¢ ¢oMod fr extra llfe   " " • dleliNtld to jab litI on I O . • awailmlbM in ¢omqlltld, crin Ind delta rib pit,ores • aim wailsble in B eolOn at • higher 1=€k Simpson Emplovees' Fel Credit Union Open 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Saturday 4()7 S. lit Shelton s STEP LADDER 6 fl aluminum reg. 35.35 • spill proof pail shelf • bottom & top steps braced • vinyl safe tred • UL approved ( 0,1 24.99 416-4373 Parking in Rear White '3 Mule (614-2.55) 224L split leather 99 w/cotton bockin GLOVES reg. 5.25 ForMembers00 -%.- • ....... ..; ....... . .................................. . ..;..-..-.-.-.-.-. ...... ;. • . .; ............... .... • ,.%. *.... • • .... ...... %. ....... .%.. • .... .............. ...... .......... • ............. ...%. |..., ................. . ............. ................. %. ................ ...... .:::::::: .......... ... ...i;.;=i,.%., ':"" ..... . .......... ., ............... ::::::: ........... ..... 34.95 I3 miles north of Hoodsport .., t I Highway 101, Hood Canal. .  I LAWN MOWER SQUARE HEAD WEDGE 877-526t 1669"374112053V2hP"Briggs&Stratt°nengine 61b.reg. 6.65 I HOURS: . E." I 159.50 (.o)' 2/10.99 I Tuesday thruSunday / 11, ,% T.,t,,f'l i I Oos.d Mondays r p/   I 'In reg. 179.50 Service onlme, lustco/I, al| | ,. WELDED WIRE BARBED WIRE Motto or lasso- brand hi-tensil 100 ft. 12h go. 50 lb. kegs only Box reg. 29.95 reg. stocked sizes 24.95 Common & Box Brite reg. 19.95 reg. stocked sizes 1 6.95 REAR BAGGER (616-169) 122t • light weight 6 gol. 2.39 pm I ___ • AMES" ....... • I No. 19.426 • EllsI IbiS, IRin • "*-"'- 1604.678) \\;\ /I reg. 4.55 PUTTING lqAL ) 81b. reg. 17.99 14.99 WHEELBARROWI GARBAGE CAN .,,=::=, BIG 4 import I durable plastic reg. 2.,55 : "-------'le seamlesstrayl  (616-169 • light w ''lk" steel frame J  .strong --  reg. 34.95 I ,6,, ,0, 26.95 /