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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 20, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 20, 1978
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Matlock: Harstine: i iii Former resident moves Grange picnic is planned to new church position By DORA HEARING Pastor Bill Trenckmann and family have moved frmn Boise, Idaho to Bellinghanl. lte is lhe son of" Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Frenckmann. lte is youth pastor of (;eueva Community Church in Bellingham. His parents visited them last weekend. Matlock Ladies Club met at the Grange ltall last week Wednesday with tlazel Townsend hostess. There were two visilors, Mrs. Tom Dale and Mrs. Greta Leslie. The next meeting is in two weeks and that will celebrate the July birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier attended the frien.dship meeting at Progress Grange hist Friday eveniug. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Jr. and son of Mercer Island are spending a few days at their farm here and trying to get their haying done. Mrs. Jean Diggle and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley. Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Lowe of Sheiton were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Bradberry. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Bradberry spent in Tacoma with Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hopkins. Mr and Mrs Herbert Breluneyer Jr. returned Saturday after two weeks visiting relatives in Minnesota and Wisconsin. They went by car. Today was the date set fllr pillowcases and tablecloths and the now annual Grange sunnner some crocheted treasures, all Larry E. Townsend of picnic. All Grangers (plus done by her aunt, HelenSiitlons. Seattle, Chuck Smith of'Olympia houseguests) are asked to be at The weekend prior to and Gary Knudson of the Jarrell's Cove Marina Becky's shower, her parents, Battleground drove their families belween 6 and 6:30 p.m. with Dorothy and Phil Chapman, to the Ed Townsend home at your food aud a place setting for received a call from Minnesota Lake Nahwatzel for the weekend each person attending the picnic, in forming that that Phil's to celebrate Ed Townsend's If you do bring extra guests, 89-year-old aunt had died. Vera birthday, please bring extra food. De Marvin was Phirs mother, Carl Portman met Mr. and Last Saturday seven island Mary Chapman's only sister. Mrs. L.D. Portman of Tacoma gels - Esther Goetsch, Helen Dorothy and Phil flew back for and their cousins from New Simons, l)orothy Barnett, Justine the funeral, which was held on York State for dintter Tuesday at Sims, Beulah Hilchcock, Carmen Tuesday, and returned home the Capitol Restaurant in and Lisa Yates all traveled to Wednesday. Shelton. Olympia to be the guests of Bob and Elaine Ireland Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Linda (Waldrep) Mason at the returned home from a week's attended their 45th-year class home of her parents, Mr. and vacation north of Everett at reunion of the Rochester High Mrs. Royce Waldrep (formerly of Warm Beach Campground this School Saturday with a bafiquet Agate) just uorth of Lacey for a past weekend to discover one of dinner at the Solomon bridal shower in honor of their dogs had been missing for Restaurant in Centralia and a bride-to-be Becky Chapman. about four days. Elaine's sister, dance afterwards. They then Linda and her mum served a Mary Depoe, had been taking attended the 60th celebration at hmcheon of jello salads and hot care of the Irelands' numerous a picnic at Burst Park Sunday rolls with punch and coffee. The critters and said the missing for all the Rochester alumni, grand finale of the luncheon was animal had been there on Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ttelin a decorated cake to match the Wednesday night but was gone and Roy Martin attended a IlapkiliS. the next morning. The dog, a family picnic Saturday at The "game of the day" taxed shepherd-collie mixture, answers Garrard Creek near Oakville. the imagination of the 20-plus to the name "Shep." If anyone Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown of guests. Everyone was instructed sees such a dog, contact the Arcadia Shores were drop-in to write vertically on a piece of lrelands. callers at the Grant Siehl home paper the words, "bride and Lila Peugh attended an last week. groonl." The gels were then outdoor wedding uniting Anita Mr and Mrs. R.W. Bartleson instructed to write down things Langdon and Kurt Kingman in and Linda of Kent are spending starting with each of the letters marriage. The ceremony took this week at the Earl Walker in the word "bride" that the place in the yard of Anita's home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker bride should do throughout her parents in the Lost Lake vicinity. of Medical Lake. spent the marriage; and using the letters in Although rain was reported in weekend at the Earl Walker "groom," things that her most areas hereabouts last home. husband shouldn't do. Saturday, Mother Nature parted Saturday guests at Earl Imaginations jumped to the the clouds in the Lost Lake area Walker home were Mrs. June challenge and there were some long enough for the wedding to Davis and daughter Hysal and real "gems." be completed with nary a drop granddaughter Beverly of Next, sister of the of rain in the Langdon yard! Tacoma. bride-to-be, 16-year-old Alice While Eileen Meyers and her Chapman, and Carol Watkins baby son held down the fort Pancake dressed as slightly decrepit old here on the island last week, her ladies and presented an original parents, Doris and Wilbur L _._.l_£_._- skit concerning the many past Jacobsen, took a few days to rillliKl"t[iI adventures of the bride-to-be, tour the Mt. Baker National pl Sonic of them were quite Forest area. They called on sonic anned humorous, such as the time she friends while on the trip, and her companions left her including the sister of their The biggest annual younger brother in an icy neighbor, Esther Goetsch. Elna community breakfast of the year mountain lake. Then there were and Jess Udell live at Arlington. is coming to Shelton July 30. her various hiking adventures, The last night of the trip before That s the Shelton Kiwanis starting with the first one she they returned home, the park Pancake Breakfast, and Kiwanis chose because the fee was only ranger told them it had rained WE ARE NOW BUYING: New Crop Brush Salal at ................... 53* Per Bunch F:errl m pc,. 2s,,.26,, long per bunch) ........... 40* Per Bunch Huck ......................... 43 Per Bunch Prices effective at press time. Subieci to market changes. Hilictt, st Call 426-6546 1716 RIDGE ROAD president Craig Chapman wants everyone to circle the date on their calendars and plan to bring • ' :the family.:. - , ' " "It's always the best breakfast bargain in town," says Chapman. Ticket prices remain the same as last year: $2 for adults, $1 for children under 10, and $6.50 for any size family. "We've got 85 Kiwanians working on this event, says breakfast chairman Bill Schultz, "and it's our biggest money-raiser. It's such a tradition that it wouldn't seem like summer in Shelton if we didn't have it." The breakfast will be held from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Kneeland Park. All net proceeds will benefit Shelton Kiwanis-sponsored youth programs including Key Club, Spades Club, Explorers and Boy Scouts, IF YOU" IlDOKING A Name: Tom Weston .... Position: Vice President and Manager Branch: Shelton Hobbles: Mountaineering, amateur radio, photography Banking Philosophy:. '1 don't think you should just 'wait' on people. They're really interested in their problems. You should be too." When you make Tom Weston your banker, you'll find he makes your prob- lems his problems. And he does it in a friend- ly, informal way that produces solutions. It's a hometown kind of spirit. And it fits our style of banking to a tee. If that's the kind of partnership that makes sense to you, call Tom  or the mana- ger of one of our 44 branches near you. ,B00get Sound National Bank MEMBER FDLC. i I Paqe 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 20, 1978 $3 cc`)mpared to more money for an alternative idea. However, the fee was a mere drop in the bucket C0mpared to the necessary equipment for hiking. (Which may be one reason Becky did a considerable amount of same.) Then, too, there were her travels in Europe and the most recent adventure, her job with the forest service in Alaska where she saw a lot of that state fionl overhead in a float plane. The skit also included her future plans It') make her new home with husband-to-be Ray deVries in Iowa, where Ray will be teaching. The skit brought howls of laughter from the guests and a few "sentimental tears" also to the eyes of Becky's mum, Dorothy Chapman. Then it was down to the grand finale of the day, the opening by Becky of the piles of beautifully wrapped gifts. Throughout the process of opening the numerous gaily decorated packages, Becky passed the bows and ribbons to her sister Alice, who created an original colorful bonnet for the bride, with nothing more than a paper plate for a starting base of the jazzy headgear-to-be. Among the many gifts Becky received were some very special ones that not too many brides receive these days. And those were the one full inch during the night! Last Thursday Gordon and Shiri Larson headed for Westport and a full day of fishing scheduled for the next day, Friday. The weather left quite a good deal to be desired and fishing was pretty slow. Gordon did manage to snag one fish for their efforts. Shirl said that now that they have had the experience of a day on a charter boat, next time they'll probably go to Westport for the outing, alright, but they'll obtain their fresh fish the sure way, not to mention the less expensive way, a fish market. They returned Healthmobile stop dropped The Healthmobile no longer will be stopping at the Agate Grange, according to Jan Lester, public health nurse. She emphasized, however, that anyone in the area is welcome at the Grapeview Firehall where the Healthmobile will be on Wednesday, July 26, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mrs. 1.aster now is looking for a more central location from which the Healthmobile can serve the Agate area. &fief yOU flee yo-r doctor. bring your prescription Io Evergreen Evergreen Square • 426-.3456 • Shelton honle Saturday with their $72 sahnon. Janet Robbins and her two children, Rachel and Garth, arrived from Belgium last month to spend most of the summer with her parents, Gwen and Ivan Thorsos, and also two brothers, Kris and young Ivan. Her husband Steve hopes to join his family later on this summer. However, Janet and the youngsetrs headed for Seattle to visit friends when the house began to bulge at the seams with We are once again open to serve your dogs grooming pleasure. 426-4164 Vote JIM 7 rnore company for the Thorsos ' :i WHeAcL family. Gwen's three cousins  .=,m ,am,. from Ontario, Canada flew to , Vancouver, B.C. to visit other relatives. Gwen attd Ivan drove up to Port Angeles, met them : SHE R I and brought them to the island # o for a visit. Efficiency and Also last month Ted and - Competence. Elsie Ness, joined by their daughter Patty, headed for Primary Vancouver to attend the wedding * September 19 of Tom Mattson, the youngest of Paid for by Jim Whall Carl and Elsie Mattson's four sons, and also the fourth and last of the boys to be married. Tom's bride had just graduated from INI Oregon State College shortly before the wedding. The • Property Mattsons are from Milwaukie, • Casualty Oregon, but are also island property owners and close • Commercial friends of the Nesses. Other news from the Nesses • Auto is that their granddaughter, Janet • Mortgage Ness of Tacoma, is working at the marina this summer, • Life especially on busy weekends and • Homeowners holidays. Monsters ANGL The individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is AGEN| not of the same opinion, is a monster. Dick Angle Voltaire --. 4th & Railroad 4 Tomorrow is available for a li nited time only You've been thinking about buying a mobile home. For maybe a year or two. "As soon as he retires. .... As soon aa interest rates come down." "As soon as you find the right bargain." Well, you can buy now at a reasonable price. Or you can wait and pay more later. Whichever you choose there is one thing for sure, the time you lose waiting will be time gone forever. Consider how much your time is worth when shopping for your new lifestyle home. Ask yourself does the home look good? Is it priced right? If the answer ia yes, then the home will sell And, it's only logical to think the better selling homes are only going up in price. Now is the time to make the most of your tomorrows. You'll never make a better bargain. Isn't it time you moved up with Bendix Homes? itg time to move up with Home00 . .11 "",,"L ' ' ,:. .::'.." ;, " " , . HENDERSON'S MOBILE HOME SALES, INC. l 5140 Yelm • Across from Capitol City Golf Course • 491-1222