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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 20, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 20, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I 12 For Sale •  , v  '74 MUSTANG Ghia, excellent condition. Saxophone. Parachute, "round.' Call after 6 p.m., 426-7615. B7/13-20 RASPBERRIES FOR sale, Matlock. 426-4912. C7/6-27 BARK FOR landscaoina. 15-60 yard loads. Call Skillman's, U66-8812. S3/23tfn HAY $1 bale in field. McDonald Farm, Kamilche Valley 426-3740. M6/22tfn REMODELING KITCHEN? See Jim at Sears for free estimate. We have complete lines of cabinets, carpet and appliances. 426-8201. S5/4tfn ESTEY ORGAN, $400. 426-4755. H7/13-8/3 HAY, EXCELLENT quality grass and clover mix, tansy free, $1.50 per bale in field. Bales weigh 60 pounds and better. Bob Brewer, 426-4936. B7/6-27 USED BATHROOM fixtures, good condition, pale green. Cast iron tub and sink, matching commode. Best offer over $75 for all. 426-4227. F7/20 TOP SOIL Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Pick-ups welcome. Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. tfn The Carpet Layers (]ustom installation carpet, vinyl, tile. $2.(Xl a yard. 426-3763 RE. 3, Box 4b06 , Shelton, 6/9tfn 6RMBTONE SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON South 7th & Park Street 2/1 ltfn SAND t., GRAVEL For the finest in: , SAND GRAVEL CONCRETE WELCOME AT NO For Sale DINETTE SET, $60; desk, $25; coffee table, $15; typewriter, $25; bed spring and mattress; numerous household items. 426-3748. P6/29-7/20 TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn 1977 ROTOTILLER, 8 h.p., $300. Call 426-2223. C7/13-8/3 NEED A passport picture? See The Photo Center for instant color passport pictures. 426-6163, 124 North Second. P5/18tfn TWO BROYHILL nightstands, double bed with box springs and mattress, $250. Wooden desk from Germany, $250. all for $450. 426-7757. R6/29-7/20 POOL TABLE, slate top, mahogany wood, leather pockets, excellent condition, $600. 426-8108 evenings and weekends. B7/6-27 SEARS WOULD like to pump your water! See Jim for free estimates on all pump and water system accessories. Installation available. 426-8201. S5/4tfn FIREWOOD -- DRY maple, dry alder, by the cord or by the load. Delivered to Shelton, Union areas. Call anytime, 426-7752, 426-7571. M5//8tfn SUPER STUFF, sure nuf! That's Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast Store. C7/20 Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate. 426-4227 tfn Coffee Creek Ranch uallty Locker Beef All beef U.S.D.A. inspect- ed. Groin fed. Custom cutting and wrapping. We deliver. Visitors welcome. 426.5131 tfn Sailmakers -- Upholsterers. Marine, auto, home. Your material or ours. Customizing -- restorations. If it is in canvas fabrics or vinyl, we can handle it. Also, industrial aprons, tote bags, vests in stock or made to your order. Boat tops are our specialty. Shelt0n, WA. 98584 426-2321 8 miles out on Bremert0n Hwy, No. 3 • tf g's BOAT T0m Have tools will travel. Custom made boat tops to fit your boat on land or sea. For Appointment Call 426-2806 Evenings Weekends For Sale STEREO COMPONENT system. Marantz 2235 receiver, Teac 210 stereo cassette deck, United Audio dual turntable, 2 large CJD speakers. Must sacrifice at $500. 426-2]34 or 426-6806, ask for Mary. F5/18tfn MOVING OUT of town, must sell immediately. New 12'x20' carpet, Polan chain saw, ]967 Chevy 2 wagon, 2J-chord organ, 8' couch and other miscellaneous items. Call 426-3684. H7/20 JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes, at rock-bottom prices. Kay's Draperies, 113 South Second. K3/4tfn ALFALFA HAY for sale, bale or ton. 426-1446. J7/21tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn ANTIQUES AND old furniture. Open every day, 10-6. Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858, Route 1, Box 168. S3/2tfn GOOD CLOVER and grass hay, $1.50 a bale or $50 a ton. Phone 426-8856. R2/23tfn 20" ELECTRIC range, $25; 40-gallon hot water heater, $25; assorted aluminum sliding windows, $15 each; upright ice chest, $10. 426-7345. T7/20 SEWING MACHINES, sales and service. All brands, low prices, terms and trades. Central Sales, 877-5798. C6/29-7/20 FUCHSIA, IVY geraniums and impatiens baskets, $3.95 to $6.95. Tree fuchsias in patio planters, $12.95. Evelyn's Nursery, Mason Lake. 426-6038. E7/13tfn FOR SALE or trade -- Farmall C tractor with attachments. $1,500 or trade for smaller tractor with attachments. 426-5230. W7/13-20 LOG PERMIT 3-county  • Mason, Jefferson, Clallam. CC permit for hauling logs and logging machinery. 796-4619, Brinnon 7/20 -27 I Mason Hardwood Company ALDER LOGS WANTED 6" and 7 $70.00 a 1000 8" and 9" $115.00 a 1000 10" and up $145.00 a 1000 6"3464 tfn Vern's Auto Body & Gloss FREE ESTIMATES (Open Saturday) = Wire Welding = Fiberglass Work • Complete Paint Jobs • Custom Pin Striping = Vinyl Tops Installed = Sun Roofs Installed = Body 8, Frame Work Experience nn I WE Dole septic tanks dozing 426.9020 FOR AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT CALL ABOUT OUR NEW AUTO GLASS SERVICE • We Will Replace Glass In Your Auto • At Your Home i ' • place of Business • Or My Shop ! NEW HOURS: Radio Dispatched Trucks I Weekdays LOCATED ACROSS gravel i 00:oo o m,:OO p m =--------------------' Saturday FROM BAYSHORE 9:00 o.m.-4:00 p.m. 426-2669 :)ackhoe service 20b e. pine DAYS- EVENINGS 426-t5OO 9'IS/fin Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 20, 1978 O  For Sale MODEL S.O. Case tractor, good condition, $900. 426-1812. T7/20 GOCART -- PROFESSIONAL racing frame, running gear with Enduro tanks, hydro disc brakes, 5-h.p. engine. Second cart half complete, live axle mounted, sprocket mount, rear wheels (new-racing), steering, 3-h.p. engine, more than enough steel to complete. Quick sale, $325. 426-5054 or 426-4433, Extension 301. M7/20 SKOKOMISH VALLEY hay for sale, $1.50 per bale. Phone 426-9378. R7/20 SEARS 31-cubic-foot upright freezer, $200. GE portable pot-scrubber dishwasher, used approximately 3 months, gold, $175. 426-2741. B7/20 FOR SALE -- mink-dyed muskrat fur coat, size 10-12. Make offer. Phone 426-7418. B7/20 360-CUBIC-INCH V-8, 1968 Ford truck motor, complete, $350. 877-9551. B7/20 GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK, 6', $65; 19" color TV on stand, $85. 426-5818. H7/20 SEARS DELUXE model ping pang table, with deluxe paddle, net and balls, hardly used, $80. 426-5181. B7/20 3/4 Wl DTH folding bed, commode, wheeled folding walker, wheelchair. Call 898-2886. C6/29-7/20 50-GALLON Tropic Life aquarium with accessories, two-tank iron stand. 426-5358. $7/20-27 FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to Brooke James, 715 West Wyandotte, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A7/20 WESTINGHOUSE HEAVY-DUTY dryer, 426-1301. S7/20 TWO SLIDING glass doors, 6' wide, 6'8" high. Phone 426-5477. $7/20-27 BUNKBEDS WITH mattresses; blue shag rug, 10xl0, excellent condition. Phone 426-9188. H7/20-27 BURNING BARREL, 5 55-gallon gas barrel, $ Double-lined sleeping bag, $10. Pontiac LeMans, 1969 hardtop, good mechanical, $995. 1972 Ford pickup with canopy, cruise control, $2,900. 426-6584. H 7/20-8/10 NEW WATER pump with tank and fittings, never used. Sacrifice. $115. 426'6038. 07/20 Used Cars 1968 DODGE window van. New tires, recently overhauled. For sale or trade. Call 426-1885. Z7/13.8/3 BEAUTIFUL 1977 Ventura, loaded. Must sell. 866-2652. C6/29-7/20 FOR SALE -- 1972 El Dorado. Very good condition and low mileage. Call 426-5846 or 426-5247. D6/29-7/20 1946 INTERNATIONAL truck, 8x16', flatbed, good condition. Call 426-1790. J6/8tfn '52 GMC pickup. 426-347z. K5/18tfn 1972 VEGA hatchback, $1,300. 426-8140. C3/9tfn 1967 T-BIRD, $795 or best offer. Call 426-2713, ask for LeAnn. A7/13-20 1973 IMPALA 4-door, beautiful condition, $1,500. Call 426-8407. J7/13-8/3 %2 CHEV V2-ton truck; '67 Ford ¥4-ton truck; 1 baggage rack for 1970 VW. 426-9551. M7/13-20 1973 DATSUN 610 station wagon. New radials, runs excellent, $1,500. 426-5387. D7/20 1965 CORVETTE factory original, $6,500. 1970 Dodge Sportsman window van, $3,000. 877-9242. H7/20 '72 CHEV ,-ton pickup, custom cab, loaded, $1,900. 426-3832. $7/20 '66 FORD Econoline pickup, sharp, $1,000. 426-3832. $7/20 1973 FORD ¥4-ton, 4-speed, V-8, with camper. $3,000 or best offer. 426-5719, leave phone number. G7/20tfn 1969 FORD Galaxy. Automatic transmission, PS/PB, good upholstery, runs good. $650 or best offer. 426-5719, leave phone number. G7/20tfn '65 880 Ambassador, low mileage, good tires and battery, runs real well. 426-5340. B7/20 1973 VW bus, new engine. Must sell for any reasonable offer over $2,500. 426-5123. K7/20 CORVAIR, 1965, 4-door hardtop. New paint, seat covers, rebuilt encjine (80% new parts), brakes. M,nimum work to mint condition. $1,000. 426-5054 or 426-4433, Extension 301. M7/20 1973 VW Super Beetle. Sun roof, 67,500 miles, excellent condition. $2,100. Evenings, 426-7575. B7/20-27 The '111 "One good turn deserves another." sarg sez... This week at Pauley Motors, Inc. real head turners include these fine used cars: 1972 Camera 6 Cy,. 1973 Ford LTD, Door, 8 Cyl. 1974 Dodge Dart 6 Cyl 1975 Rabbit Save all kinds of money on any one of these hard to get cars. Also: there are now 12 1978s in stock ready for immed,ote delivery. "So turn into Pauley Motors, Inc. and turn our used car into yours." See Tom Grlese, Bud Knutzen or Don Pauley CIII¥SI.EIt P/i/mrml/l Shelton PAULEYA4OTOR00 NEW HOURS: Monday-Friday, 8:30.8:00 Saturday, 8:00-6:00 Sunday, 12:00-5:00 Front & Railroad 426-5548 i Used Cars '67 BUICK Special station wagon, $400. 426-5324. D7/20 '71 STICK Datsun station wagon, rebuilt by European Motors. New pistons, rings, bearings, top valve assembly, water pump, exhaust system, tires and rugs. $1,995. 426-6830. E7/20 1975 VW Rabbit, 4-speed front-wheel drive. Priced for quick sale. Pauley Motors, 426,5548. P7/20 1965 DATSUN pickup. Canopy, steel-belted radials, AM/FM, 4-speed, $700. 426-]37]. D7/20 1975 PLYMOUTH Duster. Automatic, PS, Slant 6 engine, low miles. Now only $2,995. Stock No. 116. Pauley Motors, 426-5548. P7/20 1974 DODGE DI00 club cab. Automatic, PB/PS, 400 CID engine, very low miles. See this one for only $3,495. Stock No. 147. Pauley Motors, 426-5548. P7/20 1974 TOYOTA Corona station wagon. New tires, good condition. Take over payments, $200 equity, and it's yours. 426-3233. B7/20-27 1974 DODGE D100 pickup. 318 V-8 with 3-speed transmission, very low mileage. On special for only $2,995. Stock No. 113. Pauley Motors, 426-5548. P7/20 1966 OPEL Kadette station wagon, economy car, clean. $350. 426-2741. B7/20 1974 DODGE Dart custom. Blue vinyl top, automatic, PB/PS. An exceptionally nice-driving car for only $1,995. Stock No. 156. Pauley Motors, 426-5548. P7/20 1973 MERCURY Capri. 4-cylinder, automatic transmission, beautiful red, new tires. Stock No. 136. Special this week for only $1,895. Pauley Motors, 426-5548. P7/20 1971 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88, 4-door, PS/PB, air conditioning, good condition. $1,000. 426-1812. T7/20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Garage, Yard Sales FLEA MARKET fourth Saturday monthly, 9-6 Lincoln gym, Shelton. For display table reservations call 426-2910. D6/8tfn FLEA MARKET second Saturday monthly, 9-6, Potlatch Woman's Clubhouse. Hood Canal Lions. H1/12tfn GARAGE SALE on Spring Road by Parkwood. Watch for signs. Saturday only, 10-4. Clean, useful clothing plus lots more. $7/20 POST MOVING sale- Saturday, Sunday at Lilliwaup. Call 877-9242 for directions. H7/20 THREE-FAMILY sale -- Child's clothes, women's fall and winter clothes, men's sweaters. Friday, Saturday. Ellinor and Boundary. O7/20 MOVING SALE. Plants, shelves, table, etc. Saturday, 8 a.m.-11 a.m. 325 East "1" Street. E7/20 MOVING-IN sale --July 23, 8-6. Beauty shop equipment, size 12 clothing, antiques and collectibles. Cash only. 1029 Cota Street. 07/20 BASEMENT SALE, Friday Saturday, 10-6, 619 Cascade Avenue. 9-piece dinette set, $85; desk, $35; recliner, $15; office chair, $18; end table, $7; hedge cl!pper, $15; vacuum cleaner, zu; canning jars, free. Miscellaneous clothing, 15c to $2. Lots of miscellaneous items, free to $3. 07/20 GARAGE SALE Thursday evening after 5:30, Friday 9-5. Antiques, oak, dolls, corner cupboard, stamps, Bennington, walnut dining room table and chairs, solid mahogany doors with brass doorknobs, leaded glass w,ndows, clothes, miscellaneous, much more. Near Spencer Lake Tavern. Watch for signs. J7/20 GARAGE SALE, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, ]0-5. Enter Hoodsport on Highway 101 South, Follow s,gns. GOOd junk, few tools. M7/20 MOVING-IN sale, Thursday, Friday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Lots of different things -- plants, mugs, clothes, shoes. Come and browse. 1933 Summit Drive. L7/20 Help Wanted WANTED -- EXPERIENCED cleaning ladies. Call Blue Heron, 1-898-3] 23. B7/20-27 HELP WANTED. Dinner cook, mostly 4 p.m. till midnight. Call 877-5251 for appointment. O7/20tfn RECREATION AIDES needed (art time to work with the evelopmentally disabled. Contact Mason County Parks Department at 426-7464 for application. M7/20-8/] 0 RATES 15 words or less-- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . Help Wanted SITE SEAFOOD is now accepting applications for employment beginning July ]5. Apply in person. Route 5, Box 397. 877-9246. $6/29-7/20 NEED JOURNEYMAN plumber, start $10 hour. Also sheet metal worker, installing furnaces, start $8 hour. 426-4792. $6/29-7/20 ALDERBROOK INN now accepting applications for all hotel-related positions. Sales, maids, secretary, desk, cashier, hostess, lounge, kitchen and food service, night audit and accounting. Please call for appointment, ]-898-2200. A6/29-7/20 MAINTENANCE MAN -- part-time day shift. Ideal for retired man. Apply in person, Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center, 2430 North 13th, Shelton. E.O.E. F7/13-8/3 WILL TRAIN restaurant workers, dishout cooks, dishwashers, backup cooks, waitresses, bus boys. Opening up new business. Call 426-5070 or 426-1424; ask for Frances. P7/13-20 WAITRESS WANTED. For appointment call 877-5251. O7/6-27 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Apply at Heinie's Broiler. H7/13-8/3 EXPERIENCED FRY cook wanted. Apply at Heinie's Broiler. H7/13-8/3 REAL ESTATE sales --full-time salesperson to complete our staff. Professionalism is of paramount importance. paramount realty, 426-9777. P7/13-8/3 WANTED: DRIVER/COORDIN- ATOR for bi-county transportation system serving elderly and handicapped in Mason County. Must be CETA eligible. Must have intermediate endorsement "and valid Washington State driver's license. Demonstrable ability to work with seniors, handicapped and volunteers. Salary, $600 per month. Apply: Mason County Senior Center, 208 Grove Street, Shelton. Closing date July 20, 5 p.m. $7/20 WANTED: TRANSILI - manager for a bi-county transportation system serving elderly and handicapped. Must have experience in transportation management. Demonstrable ability to work with volunteers necessary. Experience in rograms for the elderly and/or andicapped necessary. Salary $800-$875 D.O.Q. Apply: Mason County Senior Center, 208 Grove Street, Shelton. Closing date July 20, 5 p.m. E.O.E. $7/20 LIVE-IN companion, active lifestyle, lovely environment, Shelton. Must drive. 426-4528. R 7/20-27 AMBITIOUS MAN or woman, presently employed. Part time to start. Full time when qualified, with a minimum guarantee per month. Complete training program. Farmers Insurance Group. Call 943-9765 or 866-7209 eveninqs. F7/20-8/10 NURSING In.Service Director RN -- Full-Time RN's and LPN's Full and part-time shifts available. Good starting salary, fringe benefits. Nurse's Aides Full and part-time. Prefer mature persons with experience. $2.91 per hour plus fringe benefits. 1It "k t t W I t t t W APPLY IN PERSON FIR LANE TERRACE 2430 No. 13th Shelton, WA E.O.E. 7/13-27 Wanted CEDAR LOGS or timber wanted. Highest prices. Scheller Brothers Lumber. 352-3]78. S6/15tfn WANTED -- WORMWOOD logs, any species. Please call (206) 357-3848. E7/13-8/3 WOMAN NEEDS ride from Parkwood area on Shelton Spring Road to arrive downtown by 8 a.m., Monday through Wednesday. 426-1117. L6/29tfn CASH FOR all cars, trucks, bodies, parts. Immediate pick-up service. Scrap and metals of all kinds. Newsprint and corrugated cardboard. Mason County Salvage, 426-8626. M7/15tfn WANTED -- CEDAR saw logs, green second growth. Call TOr current prices. Versapanel Inc., 426-5571. V]0/14tfn BUY BEER bottles, 30c case delivered, 25c if picked up. Call after 5. 426-8569 or ]619 Laurel, Shelton. A5/18tfn Wanted • WANTED -- 6' mix of fir, hemlock, cedar.- Minimum 3Vz diameter. 25c ea( Versapanel, John'S 426-5571, for sped ! V7128tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Port of Shelton, John' We buy poles, piling, and land. 426-6350, h( 426-8914, P.O. Box K2/24tfn WANTED -- NEW residents to rec Jim Whaley WANTED -- USED canoe, any shape. H7/13-20 TIMB Wanted, Cash, contract exchange land Clearing. WYNN'S 275-3222 or after 7 275-2944 Work Wanted LICENSED DAY care, 6 years old. District, Timberla kes. C10/13tfn LICENSED DAYCARE, and up, Mill 426-2905. GT/6tfn Pets, Livestockl LOW COST spay neub sponsored by M information and app call 426-9828 or M6/15tfn AKC CHESAPEA) retriever puppies. Big, go-getters. Pet, huntin Call 1-857-4564. FLASHY BAY 3-yea lett hind partial Arabian gelding. Sire dam -- Bazsa. Ready reat Dotential. Call 26-166, Jerry Richert. R7/6-27 TRAIN YOUR dog Beginning and a( obedience classes Shelton. 866-4410, H7/20tfn RIDING LESSONS. interested in ridin qualified in 426-6666. FOR SALE -- re! Australian she Phone 426-6152. CAN LEAVE Mom adventuresome kitter black and white male male, one gray and female. Very playful 426-4227. F7/20 GOING-OUT-OF-BUSIN Aracauna chickens, Boney Fingers Farm, 4', D7/20 FOR SALE: two oats, $30 each. 26-6152. F7/20tfn Lost & Found LOST -- dachshund, three years across back. Red rhinestones and t "Angel." Please call 426-4529. Reward $7/20 LOST, WYANDOTTE male white cat with named Spot. Reward. $7/20-27 Auctions AUCTION EVERY night, 7 - cons .. Tar ql McClearly Auction & McCleary, WA, phone 495-3454. Virgil Auctioneer. RS/5tfn CLOSED VA CA TION Our next August 3rd, 7:30 Stotewide i Auction AT THE TROPICS