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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 20, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 20, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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3N LAKE home. Ideal for mg or year-round living. remodeled and painted. )ss from marina, with lake lus boat moorage. Priced )00. Family Realty, 212 ;Cond Street, 426-5591, eves. F7/20 f'reALLTIMBER calling! You will el the presence of the high country and still be close to shopping on 5 acres of your choice. Priced $9,950, easy terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $7/20 • 502 EAST Birch, one of Capitol IIRI REBUILDING! Ready Hill's finest. Well-kept, mcely 4-acre ranchette with landscaped 3-bedroom, 6-year-old home. Fun home. Brick accented, fenced bar. You'll front and back yards, ideal entertaining inside and family home. $31,500. ncludes new double .arage paramount realty, 426-9777. custom shop building. P7/20 priced at $65,000, or make offer. Shelton DOWNTOWN 2-bedroom. and Homes, 426-5555. Garden space, $15,000. 858-8444, Gig Harbor. L7/20 K .FARM! 3-bedroom PRIZE PACKAGEr Nice e, Tireplace, double garage, 2-bedroom mobile wrapped" in level acres great ishing tall evergreens. Includes 5 acres, k. New b'arn under lovely little creek, well and uction. Large, tall boat or septic tank for two dwe ngs. garage, fenced pasture. Gift-priced at $28,500, terms. $52,750, terms. Shelton Shelton Land and Homes, and Homes, 426-5555. 426-5555. $7/20 SALE BY OWNER buble wide, nice on excellent lot, $29,5, negotiable, other lots with power, water, $4,5N each. Will otiote selling price, would consider second mortgage reasonable down. Present loan assumable with interest rates. Three other nice lots also available, septic approved. Two lots marketable sized with septic approval has 105' road frontage. swimming, water skiing, fishing, and other lieges on 2 lakes. Salt water 0ccess with boat power and water on all 4 properties. Owner sferred to Yakima. 426-7571, Sandra Todd or or 509-865-4333, George Menter. tfn 2201 Olympic Highway N. Dick Knauf, Broker RESIDENCE PROPERTY EXECUTIVE LAKEFRONT HOME .Transfer forces sale of a beautifull ointed 4-be room name o , y app d ro, n 101 of very choice Mason Lake frontage. The rec n;."_",',_ stone fireplace, deck, even the dock, are of the ntY to complement a $109,500 home. For an 'v"[ment, give us a call at 426-5559. HUGE FENCED BACKYARD Twl  Owner is also transferred and must sell quickly. If you ,..  very line family home with a bi rec room ri h n it'f V:ew: this may be the one. It's a ;god floor pl/gn I t2d, just"fuil ,YOU wit! go see this one with us, you'll find it is - uuu mings to make it HOME. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION POSSIBLE The OWner has moved to Olympia and needs a uick deal nia real comfortable 2-bedroom mobile home qon a very n-tract close to the bridqe on Harstine Island. The full ii'drei1°ibusSy!9pfSeo aTrheta anfvi:sbUYt. ehua: sPhrolCw e ,nue We FIRSThav_CABIN LIVING AT MASON LAKE a hi, lot a. super-nice, double-wide custom mobile home on $49^t- sou just, one block from the lake that's quite .a buy at the -=--" We re not mobile home experts, but this rs one of lil,. ,,,erd nice°neShomeWe have been in. Look it over if you would lakes, where you have access to the nicest of THIS MAY BE OUR "BEST UY" .A. nother fine m " B . hvina r ..... obl.l.e home -- this one with a full expanded inclu'do,.u:V- /he big "bonus" is that it has an extra lot $25,5( ..mat has been made ready for buildin¢l on. For Yn,,,,,  you just can't beat it. It is even partlyurnished. -= ,, oe pleasantly surprised with its location, too. OTHER PROPERTY MASON LAKE BEACH This s • TRACT for a real!, hideaway-type lot has a beautiful beach, great mall cabin or trailer site. $22,500 on terms. ¢ MT. VIEW BUILDING LOT ep . the hard to f" " ,ew et fact, ;,,.. : - ind-kind -- with a v Y .. Matter of end o'f' .[wo IOS for a total of 120'x100' tusked . off the a n,.., ." street wnere traffic won't homer, we think it's ovu ouy for $14,900. Terms, too. GOLF COURSE FRO 65' o .... NTAGE . .., dee,, -,t, ne road and 90' on the fairway ano it s over 180' - '. water and n,we r .... z. there it has nice dnd ,., . - - ,, ,,,,, . trees A E/_ t. at all, the price is only $5,000. OOOHH, WHAT HOW ABOUT SOME T? It's a • WATERFRON . dri^ nice tree-covered lot on bi Timberlake and it is well fron'u^ and has a southern exgosure. Just about 60' of -y¢ tar just $10,950. THIS OWNER WANTS TO S NOW - Make , _ _ELL . h... an offer. It s a very nice back lot at tmberlakes that  oeen listed for T r would be lease ,-sia ...... $3,560. he owne P d to =, your otter. CLOSE TO SALTWATER A ESS A fine CC -.,u' n tract for a _oermanent home close to the boat launch fa--'- at that far awav from the Deal where the Whole  ,/y can keep in Shale. This $9,5Ci0 tract is at Shorecrest "uK It over. IWII?oMulrsN%GeOnLFING, TENNIS AND FISHJp?hIS _ 1 tract a .... joy along with ownership " $3, 00 You waitLnagKoLmerick. Terms can be arranged, so what are .?tlV:TE LAKE WATERFRONT " restricted to rowh,=,.La.k, e Leprechaun is private and . . so-:_,=, we have a bin 93'x260' wooded lot that neeos c.'eone like you The tamilv c,n hve fun cleanln up a itannPng^s.!te. Now'-- would you-believe -- just $5,95 buys yuu can even have terms. AFFILIATED O INDEPENDENT BROKERS need Residenti01 Propertyl Call for free inspection. "PERSONALIZED SERVICE" Check In if you don't see What you need! Anytime 4t6-5519 Evenings Bill Jackson .. ................. 426.S094 Gerhard "Skip Ness ............ 426-3049 McKesson ................ $77-S4S| Denny ................. 426.a_94 COWBOY'S SWEETHEART! 4 spirited acres plus a classy 3-bedroom aristocratic home. Canter around your own fish-filled ponds. Check your fences from your deck chair that surveys your entire estate. Trot to the shop or jog to the barn. Everything is at your fingertips. Priced to fit your saddlebags at $59,950, terms. Shetton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $7/20 OAK PARK. 2 bedrooms, factory-built home, on foundation, nice lot and yard. $22,950. Don Benson Realty, Inc., 1910 Olympic Highway North, 426-3361. B7/20 NO-BANK waterfront. 109' of prime waterfront, Hood Canal. 3-bedroom custom home, nice, quiet area, many exhas. Call fat details. Don Benson Realty, Inc., 1910 Olympic Highway North, 426-3361. B7/20 DOWNTOWN 4-bedroom house on corner lot. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. Priced at $32,900. Family Realty, 212 South Second Street, 426-559], 426-2384 eves. F7/20 FORTUNE HUNTER! We have it. 19 hidden acres with two homes. 2-bedroom home with look of yesterday. Plus 4-bedroom, 2,000-sq.-ft., double-wide, 2 baths, fireplace, barn. Priced right, $76,000, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $7/20 FIXER-UPPER! 3 bedrooms, concrete foundation, new roof. separate garage, but all needs Txmg. |his one won't last long at $20,400. Don Benson Realty, Inc., 1900. Olympic Highway North, 426-3361. B7/20 HOLD YOUR horses! On five fenced acres of pasture. 2-year-old barn with full loft. Very nice 3-bedroom mobile witl Franklin fireplace, sunporch and deck. End-of-the-trail price, only $34,500, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/20 CLASS H liquor license. Cocktail lounge, restaurant, good location, great potential. Call for particulars. Don Benson Realty, Inc., ]9]0 Olympic Highway North, 426-3361. B7/20 BI]owH AND ASSOCIATES (FORMERLY A. ROY DUNN) 426-4447 CONVENTIONAL OR OWNER CONTRACT Hillcrest 2-bedroom that needs some T.L.C. All-purpose room and single garage make this a great fixer-up. $21,500. LAKE LIMERICK WATERFRONT 70' no-bank, 250' deep. $9,500. TIMBERLAKES Nice, level lot conveniently located. See this beautifully treed spot for rec or building. $6,500. BEARD'S COVE, NORTH SHORE, BELFAIR Cash or assumption. $5,000. FAWN LAKE Waterfront and back lots. Commercial and investment properties available. We have others...Call Today. Judy and Dick Wood, Associates, 426-2949 110 RAILROAD AVE., LAND , HOMES Happy Owners " john p. nagle, inc. Of Olympia NO COMMISSION Seller Pays One Flof Fee LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE!! That's the way Bob and Elaine King feel about their new waterfront home. The Kings have recently moved to Shelton from Santa Cruz, California. They had hopes of finding a spot where they could enjoy fishing and golf. Barbara managed to find them a lovely home fronting on Lake Limerick This was the perfect area for them. Mr. King has retired from the telephone company and with the extra time they can fish off their own dock and golf at the Lake Limerick golf course anytime they desire. Bob and Elaine have 4 married children, 6 grandchildren and 2 more expected in the near future. They are all living in Oregon and California. We know the Kings will have a great time entertaining their whole clan at this perfect fun place. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to live all year round in an atmosphere of relaxing recreation. Bob and Elaine have also purchased a nice home, in town, to be fixed up for a rental. Looks like they will have plenty of work to do along With the r fun. Once again She ton Land and Homes is pleased to be able to help and we are vmy proud of Barbara for being on her toes as usual. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LAND  HOMES CALL 491-3620 4325 Lacey Blvd., Lacey WA 98503 24-HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE VI STICKLEY Owner/Broker 422 North First St. rl ..'. Or=du=t. 426-5555 LL,,r ,, ,o " POCKETBOOK PLEASER! Neat and clean three-bedroom home in town. This convenient location has a large fertile garderl spot plus outbuildings. Excellent for the homeowner or the investor looking for rental properties. Asking $27,500, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/20 INVESTMENT POTENTIAL! You'll treasure this elegant 4-bedroom gem. The refreshingly private 3/4 acre sparkles with country quiet and city convenience. Fireplace, double attached garage, outdoor patio are included for your pleasure. Location offers the possibility for having a business in your home. Priced to sell at $57,500, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/20 CHANNEL POINT. 2 lots w/65' waterfront on Hammersley and 75' on Mill Creek. Low bank. Both lots $]0,250, terms. Don Benson Realty, Inc., ]910 Olympic Highway North, 426-336]. B7/20 HANDYMAN'S DELIGHT on five scrumptious acres. Over 900 feet of road frontage, meadows, evergreens, winter creek. Excellent investment for the progressive purchaser. As-is price, $24,950, terms. Shelton Land and Homes. 4265555. $7/20 AUTHENTIC LOG cabin with loft, planted on one acre with water frontage on Lost Lake. Concrete foundation, shoke roof. Reduced for action to $26,500, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/20 HIDDEN RETREAT! Beautiful 2-bedroom cottage, Franklin fireplace, 13x33 deck overlooking nature-filled setting, landscaped. Timberlakes area. Asking $26,950, contract terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/20 QUIET SPOTS! This 4-year-old, 3-bedroom rambler offers a quiet setting, lots of yard, garden space and all fenced. $31,950. Don Nansen Realty, Inc., ]910 Olympic Highway North, 426-3361. B7/20 DON'T SIMMER this summer! Large 4-bedroom home nestled on one acre of tall firs. Private ,end-of-the-road location bordered by timberlands. Glowing fireplace, 2 baths, patio and barbecue overlooking Hood Canal. Near Belfair. Asking $49,500, terms, or make offer. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/20 AGELESS GRACE! Stately 2-story, 4-bed,oaK, 3-bath, formal dining room, g=anite fireplace. Interior subwalls are solid cedar. Located on two large lots with a block garage and a 2-story shop. Below replacement cost, $43,500, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/20 DRIVING DISTANCE is too far for this out-of-town worker. Three-bedroom ranch rambler is looking for new owner. You'll appreciate the unique fireplace and tte oversized yard for the kiddies. Attached garage has expansion potential. Affordably priced at $35,950, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555, S7/20 IN THE path! Progress is headed this way. Look and you will see that a 3-bedroom, 1,]40-sq.-ft. mobile witl 1Vz baths is a good investment for any homeowner. Priced low at $29,500, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $7/20 OVER THREE ac,es, active beach area, $6,950, level, dry tree-covered acreage. County road frontage, power available to property. Vely close to the waterfront at Agate Beach. Owner will cmrv conhact. Call Rob Home, 857-2121 or evenings 884-3592, Purdy Realty Inc. P7/20-27 HAVE TRAILER, will travel? If you're looking for a place to pause, how about a lovely lot with fresh vegetables and bellies growing in the garden, tool shop, septic tank and all utilities in. The below-market price includes access to fishing, swimming boating and golfing Action-priced at $6,950. Shelter Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/20 HOMEGROWN! r/ acre of fertile soil surrounds your own 2-bedroom farmhouse. Authentic old log shop, garage and machine shed. Unbelievable price of $]7,500. Contract terms to qualified purchaser. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/20 OWNER OFFERS excellent terms on this cul-de-sac lot in the Hat tstene Pointe development. Full price $7,800. Family Realty, 2]2 South Second Street, 426-559], 426-2384 eves. F7/20 ..... • ,._, ....... , ..... Commercial, Residential 8, Recreational Property Hood Canal Real Estate Union, 898-2155 tfn BY OWNER Downtown, 219 South 8th, 2 bedroom remodelled inside an(] out, excellent rental or starter home. $18,500. 426-8108 evenings and weekends. 7/13-27 3-BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL -- $52,500. A lovely home with 2V baths, 2 fireplaces, family/rec room, electric baseboard heat, carpeted, and on nice, large lot. MC403. 4 BEDROOMS -- 3Vz YEARS OLD -- $57.500. With 3 baths. electric forced-air heat, family room, sunken living room, built-in buffet, 2-car garage and much, much more! MC329. 5 ACRES -- 3-BEDROOM MOBILE HOME --$57,500. A uxury mobile home with 1/4 baths, electric forced-air heat, ire.pia.ce, carpeted, workshop, shed, wood deck patio, 5 lovely partially wooded acres. MC400. 3-BEDROOM HOME -- $31,500. ]V stories. 1/, baths. Franklin fireplace, carpeted, basement, extra-large lot. MC399. 3 BEDROOMS -- $34,950. Has ]Vz baths, electric baseboard heat, appliances, attached garage, completely fenced, and more. MC348. 5 ACRES -- 2 BEDROOMS -- CREEK --$52,400. PLUS TIMBER. Has electric forced-air Ieat, spring well, fruit trees. MC381. 1¥4 ACRES -- 4 BEDROOMS -- $58,750. Lovely split-level with 3 baths, utility room, 2 fireplaces, family room, appliances, 2-car garage. MC397. 2-BEDROOM DUPLEX -- 1=/ YEARS OLD- $56,250. Each unit has electric baseboard heat, appliances, utility rooms, attached garages. Good investment. Live in one side -- let the renter pay your payment. MC346. ONE OF THE AREA'S LARGEST SELECTIONS OF BUDGET-PRICED HOMES UNIQUE VIEW HOME Overlooking Oakland Bay and Olympic Mountains. On Fairmont Street, two bedrooms including super-large master bedroom. $23,950. NEWLY LISTED Recent exterior paint, fenced yard, two bedrooms, currently rented. $28,500. SECOND STREET Downtown three-bedroom home, double lot, room for large family room. Shop, appliances included. $25,500. SOUTH 10TH Three-bedroom home, graciously shielded from the street, fireplace, at course, double lot, too. $34,500. DOWNTOWN 2-BEDROOM Right in tt]e middle of downtown excitement. Fireplace, garge, $22,500. COUNTRY LIVING Fenced 2/3 acre, immaculate home, three bedrooms, two baths, fireplace, double gmage, sunken living room, custom draperies. See it; you'll love it $42,500. NICER THAN NEW Beautiful one-yea*old home in Oak Pmk. Thlee bedlooms, family room. Spotless, ymd in and landscaped. $44,950. SWIMMING POOL Above-ground variety witt pump and filter, together with three-bedroom home on large site, just right for active family. $39,950. 5 ACRES, DAYTON Between store and dry sort. Plenty of highway frontage, good building site with elbow room. $8,750. 5 ACRES, AGATE Partially cleared building site, located on Daniels Road, with lots of frontage. $8,750. READY SITE On Daniels Road in Agate. Building site with water and SEPTIC SYSTEM IN. Start building now. $5,500. 5 ACRES- LYNCH ROAD Adjacent to Skookum, easy commute to Olympia, hard-surfaced road frontage. $9,000. ALMOST 3 ACRES -- PANHANDLE AREA Good, level building site, "site-inspected," good road access. $4,950. 5 ACRES -- HARSTINE Nicely wooded, on Sunset Road. Frontage and access ae good. $10,000. W E H AVE A GOOD S E L E C T I O N O F HARD-TO-FIND HOOD CANAL AND SOUTHERN PUGET SOUND WATERFRONT AND ACCESS PROPERTIES. Sheltonville Properties 703 So First 426.9791 24-hour answering service Morley Preppernatl. Broker Jef Conklin ............ Associate Lani Samuelson ........ Associate Fritz Neau ............ Assoclate Lloyd Woodward ....... Associate Marcia Engesser ........ Associate Randolph Fltzthum ..... Associate , i ii 627 ELLINOR . .. Immediate Possession 4 bedrooms, fireplace, newer roof, cement block foundation, and fruit trees. Trim needs painting. $21,000 firm. NEW LAKE LIMERICK HOME... Woodsy privacy goes with this immaculate, 2-bedroom home. Beautifully carpeted, nice setting and a freestanding fireplace make this an ideal retirement home or first home for young couple. $32,950. All types of recreation at your fingertips. LAKE LIMERICK WATERFRONT HOME... 115' of clean, pebbly beach waterfront with a neat-as-a-pin 2-bedroom summer home, including a freestanding fireplace. Immaculate retreat, $40,000. Excellent fishing, golfing and tennis. FAWN LAKE p. .... m culvert, power and water. Partially ci;aro/kL  NotNG $5,000. 1306 ELLINOR... Small but sturdy house on corner city lot. Good investment or first home. $10,500, terms. LOTS AT LAKE LIMERICK... From $2,500 to $5,400. LAKE LIMERICK ONE-OF-A-KIND... Beautifully landscaped, immaculate IVz.story home. Many extras: shake roof, deck, freestanding fireplace, catwalk, workshop, RV hookup, carport, barbecue, and quality carpeting. $42,000. ACROSS THE STREET FROM MASON LAKE... 2 heavily timbered 60'x150' adjoining lots. Level, parklike setting. $7,500, terms, buys both lots. VIEW PROPERTY BETWEEN SHELTON AND OLYMPIA... 5 secluded, lightly wooded acres with a view of Oyster Bay and MS. Rainier. $14,000, terms, 20-year contract. , LOTS AT TIMBERLAKES... From $3,500 to $4,950. 10 ACRES NEAR LOST LAKE . . . If you like seclusion, but insist on county road frontage, power and phones available, let us show you this 660'x660' sleeper. $13,500. STEAMBOAT ISLAND ROAD... 78 acres with 1,200 feet of high-bank waterfront. $180,000, terms. LAKE LIMERICK ... Relax on the lovely deck of this immaculate 2-bedroom mobile home. All types of recreation facilities available. $14,950. Sure beats renting. HARSTINE ISLAND... 5 acres with beach access. $8,490 on real estate contract. 5 ACRES -- NEAR PIONEER SCHOOL... Not Logged Here you will find a bubbling creek goinq through a park-like setting for a market value price of $J,]50, terms. 216 EUCLID... 4-bedroom Early American home with firellace, basement, outdoor fireplace, fruit trees, and an extra lot. $29,500, ' assumable. NEW LAKE LMEmCK CEDAR - Owner anxious to sell thi\\;,,nitu'e: 3-bedroom, 2-bath name. Beamed ceilin-- ?..,ace, oversized deck are just a few.of the out¢.lX.,g features. Sale price of $39,500 unoer appraised %ue). 2=/ ACRES, MILk CREEK . . . A nice building site is already prepared for your new home or mobile home. Water and power are in. $10,150, terms. 227 SATSOP . . . A Cape Cod 1,872-square.foot, 5-bedroom home featuring IV baths, 2 fireplaces, slake roof, workshop. All on a nicely landscaped, wooded lot. $41,500. OPEN SUNDAYS, 10:00 TO 5:00 (' EVENINGS '  .... / joan towhey, associate ..... , ...... :426-5927 / | ruth tingvall, assoc, broker, appraiser .. 426-1054 / | doug tingvall, g.r.i, broker ...... .... ,426-1054 / Ld. scott tinqvall, associate ........... 426.7229J paramount realty 1929 olympic hwy. no., mt. view 426-9777 i i i iii i i i iii i i lhusday, July 20, 1978 - Shelton-Mascm County J(:)u:,al - Page 29