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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 20, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 20, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Real Estate Real Estate Your Own Business m with STROUT REALTY Ten Reasons to Consider "The Greatest Team IN Earth" Nationwide Advertising -- Buyers from Everywhere Nationwide Referral Service Big City Prospect Information Offices All Materials Furnished -- Signs, Forms, Supplies All Advertising -- both Local and Big Cities All Promotional Mailing Folders Regional Lists of NEW Prospects each week Professional Training for Rapid Development World's Largest -- and Oldest in Country Property Thriving m since 19001 And No Franchise Fee either Our Reputation And Creed: Fairness ! m Honesty ! -- Integrity ! You must have Brokers license. No Obligation. STROUT REALTY, Inc. Mr. L. E. Hepler P.O. Box 60968-0 Sacramento, CA 95860 7/6-27 Mobile Homes Mobile Homes PRE-OWNED MARLETTE 1972, 20x52, 2 bedroom, economical all gas, good condition, glass enclosed fireplace. A quality home for only $14,900 HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES 491 -1222 4/20 tfn i SUPER BUY 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS 24x60 Was $21,100 NOW $18,995 No trade, price includes: • Upgrade carpet throughout • All electric • Dish washer • Extra large windows • Living room • Double door refrigeralor • Storm windows • Clor coordinated' drapes i  • Two complete baths • l)elivery and ! up included • 1 year warranty on parts anti rvice • Many other extras OLYMPIA MOBILE HOMES, INC. 6800 MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA WA 98506 TELEPHONE (206)456.5151 - iiii i ii Mobile Homes Cards of 1hanks TOP DOLLAR paid for your CARD OF THANKS used mobile home or trailer. Call We wish to express our Olympia 357-6070. M3/t7tfn heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and 1972 MOBILE home, 2 assistance, also the beautiful bedrooms, 48x12, partially floral offerings and contributions furnished, includes new electric given us during the loss of our box. $5,500. Call 426-2534 after loved one. 5 p.m. weekdays. Weekends Winifred Kimball anytime. D7/13tfn and family 7/20 TRAILER HITCHES, all types. Trailer wiring. Sway control, jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop, 4814 Lacey Boulevard, 491-6150. H5/18-11/2 SAVE! SAVE! Save! We have beautiful mobile all set up with many extras including land. Call 426-3363, Century 21, Jerry Smith Realty. C6/ltfn CASH FOR your mobile home, aid for or not. Olympia Mobile ames, 6800 Martin Way, Olympia. 456-5151. O10/13tfn GI' YOUR blkN WiTH A Want Ad 426-4412 Robin Hood Trailer Village Live where others vacation, on beautiful Hood ('anal. Double and single wide spaces, now available. 898-2163 tfn Own property? Have equity in lot? We can finance your new mobile home with $00 down. Detray's Quality Homes 3801 Pacific Ave. Olympia, WA 1-800.562-6146 tfn Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 20, 1978 USED HOMES • Ardon (8x35), fifth wheel with!tip but • Ban Prix (24x40), 2 bedroom • Brookwood (12xEO), 2 bedroom with tip out • Champion (10x50), 2 bedroom • Columbia (10x55), 2 bedroom with expando • Glenbrooke (14x56), 2 bedroom • Kingswood (12x64), 2 bedroom • Rainier (24x32), 2 bedroom • Rockwood (12x63), 2 bedroom • Security (20)(55), 3 bedroom • Skyline (10x50), 3 bedroom • Vagabond (8)(40), 1 bedroom • Vantage (14x60), 3 bedroom • Weston (14)(70), 3 bedroom • Wilderness (Bx26), travel trailer OL YMPIA MOBILE HOMES, INC. 6800 Martin Way' Olympia. WA 98506 456-5151 { Business Opportunities FOR SALE due to health reasons -- very busy service station and garage. Fast-growing area of Shelton. 426-3959 and 426-5332. C7/13-8/3 Mature couple to lease self-service gasoline station. Investment required. Call 426.5900 Seattle tfn CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our deepest gratitude to all of those who shared their love with us in sympathy for the loss of our loved one. We especially wish to thank the Intensive Care Unit at Mason General and the Priscilla Club for their kindnesses and eneroslty and the Degree of onor for their kind thoughtfulness. A thank-you doesn't seem very adequate, but this we do and may the living God bless each and every one of you, our friends and neighbors. Thank you from The Charles M. DeMoss family D7/20 CARD OF THANKS Chris Hlckson's family wishes to take this opportunity to thank those friends and neighbors who have been so supportive with prayers, gifts and love during Chris' recuperation. We are confident that the will of the Lord is being kept and our Chris is in His loving care, so whether he recovers or stays as is, we are convinced that it will be God's richest blessing for us. (Ephesians 5:20). Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Betty & Alan Cha,die & Ricky Kathy & Mike Stienke John & Sue Bill & Teri Linda & Randy Bush H7/20 Instruction PRESCHOOL PROGRAM. Limited number of places available. Experienced teachers will offer of spiritual training, creauve arts, nature study, and music. Mornings, Monday-Friday. Call 426.6473 for interview. G7/20-27 Motorcycles 750 NORTON, 1970. Windshield, luggage rack, 1979 license tabs. $650 or best offer. 426-8208 days, 426-2996 after 6 p.m. V6/15tfn HONDA 250, 1975, rebuilt engine, •$175. See at Bayshore Grocery, 426-1385. M7/20 KAWASAKI 350 Model F-9. Dirt and street bike, rebuilt engine plus tune-up. 2 helmets. Best offer over $400. 426-7594. M7/20-27 1977 HONDA Odyssey, good condition. 426-1067 after 6 p.m. W7/20 Boats & Motors -----_------------,-==- SAILBOAT. 1967 24' Islander Bahama, sleeps 5, head, galley, stove, 4 sail, new hull, and bottom paint. Just varnished mahogany inside. Full keel, excellent P. Sound, Sailboat. Sail away. $7,000. Evenings 426-2470, days 426-7300. J5/25-tfn 31' FAIRLINER, 1965. Twin Chamer 250's, 45 hrs SMOH. Digital D/S..CB. Sleeps six. Brought up to survey 1977. $11,950. 426-7200 days- 426-9611 evenings. MS/25tfn 20' Ladyclipper, 90 Evlnrude, 65-gallon cruise tank, cabin with head, qsink, box, alcohol stove. 4.wheel Holsclaw with electric winch, needs to be cleaned up, $1,000. 426-5054 or 426-4433, Extension 301. M7/20 19' BRYANT, 100-horse Evinrude, Calkins E-Z-Load, $1,095. Call 426-4651. M7/20 18' HOLLYWOOD boat, 90-h.p. Evinrude, Shoreline tilt trailer. $1,200 firm. 426-5719, leave phone number. G7/20tfn 7VPH.P. Sears outboard motor, used 3 times, $175. 426-9481. Call after 5 p.m. L7/20 1976 MERCURY outboard', 50 h.p., excellent condition, like new, used once. $1,400. 426-4533. S7/20 Real Estate Contracts PRIVATE PARTY will buy real estate contracts direct at reasonable discounts. Phone 1-746-4708 for cash offer. Mc7/20tfn Real Estate Wanted WANT TO buy from Owner 5 to 10 acres with or without buildings within 10 miles of Shelton. Henry Brown, 2424 South Warsaw, Seattle 98108. B7/20-8/10 WANTED -- 5 acres or more, any area of Mason County; Prefer wooded. Reasonable. 426-7027. E7/20 ._.....-.-.. WANTED -- LOT for new mobile home byprivate party, In town. Phone 822-3339, 10303 116th Avenue N.E., Kirkland, WA 98033. M7/20-27 Real Estate Wanted HAVE BUYER wishing waterfront home, preferably in Grapeview area. Needs 3 or 4 bedrooms and willing to pay up to $80,000. Family Realty, 212 South Second, 426-5591, 426-2384 eves. F7/20 WE HAVE out-of-town buyers coming in daily. We need your home and land to sell. Over 5,000 offices nationwide to help serve you. Call today. Jerry Smith Realty. 426-3363, Seventh and Railroad. C5/1]tfn Travel Trailers and Campers 12-FOOT aluminum boat and trailer, 60" beam, good freeboard. Like new. 426-8462. $7/6-27 FOR SALE -- 1977 22' motorhome. 426-8533. $6/29-7/20 FOR SALE -- 1971 10V2' Starliner camper. Hydraulic jacks. $1,350. Phone 426-6976. D7/6-27 Personal THU RSTON-MASON Community Mental Health Center, Shelton Branch, offers counseling for children, adults, families. 426-1696. T9/15tfn GEORGE VALLEY Furniture and Appliances -- the best night spot in town -- Sealy mattresses. 3/14tfn ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. For information call 426-5044 or 426-8446. S4/29tfn LIVING WITH a problem drinker is too much for most of us. If you want help, call AI-Anon, 426-6909 or 426-5307. V2/2tfn For Rent FOR RENT -- 1-2-3- bedroom houses, furnished apartments, monthly-weekly rentals, also trailers. 426-4420 or 426-6612. W7/6tfn COUNTRY MOBILE home. Older single adult lady. No pets or children. Own utilities, 2-year lease. Write Box 55, c/o The Iournal. 7/13-8/3 2-BEDROOM A-frame, furnished, Benson Lake waterfront, adults only. $250 month, $100 damage deposit. 2310 Sirkka, Centralia 98531, 736-2368. E6/29-7/20 ONE-BEDROOM apartment, $175, on Oakland Bay. September through June. 426-1094 or (503) 963-3845. T6/29-7/20 ONE-, TWO-ROOM apartments, $70 to $95. Utilities, cable TV paid. Second and Grove. H5/1 ltfn FOR RENT: trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/8tfn OFFICE SPACE for rent, Hillcrest area on Olympic Highway. Call Mason County Realty, 426-4486. M5/4tfn For Rent FOR RENT- small 1-bedroom cabin, cozy, 1V2 miles past Lake Nahwatzel. $150 monthly, $50 deposit. 426-4742. $7/13-20 FOR RENT -- 2-bedroom modern home on bay, in Agate district. Fireplace. Available August 1, $200 per month. Call 495-3538 after 1 p.m. E7/20 1-BEDROOM apartment for rent, Sherwood Beach Apartments. 426-3724. L7/20-8/10 COMMERCIAL BUILDING: Downtown location, $175 per month. Downtown warehouse storage with alley access, $175 per month. For details and location call Family Realty, 212 South Second, 426-5591, 426-2384 eves. F7/20 3-BEDROOM unfurnished house. Drapes, living and dining carpeted, range, fireplace. No pets, deposit. 426-8269. G7/20tfn Services HOUSE PAINTING, gardening. Milt kaJune, 426-9036. L7/6-27 CUSTOM GARDENING and weeding. Call Jim, 426-7515 after 5 p.m. J6/ltfn BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn INSULATION, COMPLETE services, Borden foam, fiberglass, cellulose, new and old construction. Energy Conservation Insulation, 426-1116. $6/29-7/20 MOVING??? YOU need trained people to help you plan and service your move. Call Olympia 491-4195 for free consultation service. Pacific Storage Inc., Allied Van Lines. Local -- National- International. ICCMC 15735. P7/13-8/3 DON'T HAVE a chimney fire! Call Clean Sweep Chimney Service. Free estimates, licensed. 426-2234. B7/6tfn GENERAL HANDYMAN and carpenter. Small jobs okay. Call Jack. 426-9241, after 6 p.m. S7/20tfn AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work guaranteed. Phone 426-4322. 1201 Cota Street. R7/20tfn CARPETS CLEANED with the new Hydra-Master Cleaning Plant. Shelton Janitorial Service, 426-8936. S4/13tfn RADIATOR SERVICE, complete cooling, system work. VanderWa/s Garage, 321 South 2nd Stme,,426-8208. l,/4t.fn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurage precision grinding. Now at Seager Motor Shop, HiIIcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn ROTOTILLING -- YARD and arden, small grading and veling. 426-9976. M7/2Otfn GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route2, Box 79S Phone42s.2501 TRAILER, 40' Hood Canal. $125 includes utilities. 877-5508 after 12 noon. R7/13-20 SMALL STUDIO apartment, older gentleman preferred. Furnished. $100, $50 deposit, references. 426-2121. LT/13tfn ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Range, refrigerator, wail'to-wall, water, garbage. Seniors preferred, references. $135, deposit $50. 426-2121. L7/13tfn FOR RENT -- furnished apartments, utilities paid. See at 120 West Kneeland, No. 4, or call 426-7604. G7/13-20 FOR LEASE -- 3-bedroom, 2-bath, fireplace, double garage. Two acres, Cole Road. $325. 426-6514. M7/20 NICE 2-bedroom duplex. Carpeted, drapes, self-cleaning oven, dishwasher, disposal. Water, sewer, garbage paid. $235 iP:ter month plus deposit. Family ealty, 212 South Second Street, 426-559], 426-2384 eves. F7/20 One and Two Bedroom ,partments, with carpet, drapes & appliances, no pets. Jefferson Apts. 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr. Apt. 2 or 426-1916 '7/12tf n Office/Warehouse Complex In Shelton Olympic Gateway Center. Available August I. Warehouse: two 1,200" sq. ft., 11 ft. ceiling bays with electricity, water and natural gas. $300.00 per per month or $550.00 for for both. Offices: No. 1 3 offices, reception area, $700.00 per month. No. 2 1,200 sq. ft., $600.00 per month. No. 3  1,200 sq. ft., $600.00 per month. Call Steve Hansen 426.5565 tfn I | I Remodeling Kitchen? See Jim .at Sears for free estimate. We have complete lines of cabinets, carpet and appliances. Phone 426 4201 5111 tin BASEMENTS TAaYl CONCRETE CONTRACTORS Licensed and Bonded as General Contractors Ben Meyers, 426-1718 Alan Tahia, 877-9728 20-27 2t i PUMPS Multi stage submersible and jet. Sears Would like to pump your water! See Jim for free estimate on all pump and water system accessories. Installation available. Phone 426-8201 5/11 tfn %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% rvices MATT'S TREE Service. DangeroUs trees removed or topped, any size. Call 877-5229 for estimate. M5/18tfn PERSONS WITH handicapping condition may find help with any problem at Troubleshooters free of charge. 426-7717. Z4/20tfn CRUSHED ROCK for your driveway or the permanent solution, concrete paving. Graystone, phone 426-3344. G 12/7tfn EXPERIENCED HOUSE- PAINTER will work by the hour or by the job. Call 426-7174. M7/13-8/3 Legal Publications MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION No. 904 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT No. 866 WHEREAS, on Mason County Road No. 0061 1873 known locally as the Homer Adams & Binns Swiger Road, and more specifically located in --, M.P. -- to M.P. -- work defined as "construction'; in the BARS Manual, Page 11-63, et seq, is determined to be necessary and proper, and WHEREAS, this project is identified as No. 304 306 on the officially adopted county annual road program. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to Apply two (2) shots BST- 1.93 mi. and that said work is to be performed by day labor in accordance with the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described County Road Project is necessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Road Construction, $16,000.00. Engineer's Estimate in detail is on file in the office of the County Engineer. The County Road Project herein described is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law, ovided, and in accordance with AC 136-18. ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASH INGTON /s/John Bariekman Chairman /s/Floyd C. Cole /s/Tom Taylor 'ATTEST; /s/Peggy Cleveland Clerk of the Board 7/20-1t MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION No. 906 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT No. 868 WHEREAS, on Mason County Road No. 9750 known locally as the Belfair Park -- Tahuya Road, and more specifically located in Sec 31, Twn 23N, R 2 WWM, M.P. 5.15 to M.P. 6.44, work defined as "construction" in the BARS Manual, Page 11-63, et seq, is determined to be necessary and proper, and WHEREAS, this project is hereby made a part of the officially adopted county annual road program pursuant to RCW 36.8£.130 and assigned No. 211 thereon. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to Apply 3rd shot BST- 1.29 mi. and that said work is to be performed by day labor in accordance with the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described County Road Project is necessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Road Construction, $5,200.00. Engineer's Estimate in detail is on file in the office of the County Engineer. The County Road Project herein described is HEREBY. DECLARED to be a public necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law, provided, and in accordance with WAC 136-18. ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/John Bariekman Chairman /s/Floyd C. Cole /s/Tom Taylor ATTEST: /s/Peggy Cleveland Clerk of the Board 7/20-1t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pioneer School District No. 402, Mason County, Washington. Pursuant to law, notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Pioneer School District No. 402 will hold a public hearing in Pioneer School at 7:30 p.m., July 31, 1978 for the following purpose. To Adopt a Final 1978-79 school year budget. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of the budget. Copies of the budget will be available in the.Business office of Pioneer School District by July 15, 1978. /s/Doris Louderback D.A. Louderback, Business Mgr. 7/13-20-2t Legal SUMMONS PUBLICATION DISSOLUTION MARRIAGE (DIV CASE NUMBER SUPERIOR COt WASHINGTON, Mason In re the Marl Petitioner: Debra S. Respondent: Terence L THE STAT WASHINGTON TO Kepl, RESPONDENT: You are hereby sun appear within sixty the date of the first of this Summons, to sixty days after the June, ]978, and above entitled above • entitled court the Petition of the filing with said court, ar copy of your answer undersigned address stated below. your failure to do will be rendered according to the Petition which has with the clerk of said my marriage to you dissolved. I am acting without counsel. /s/Debra S. Kepl Debra S. Kepl 1830 Jones Road Shelton, Washingtofl 98584 6/29-7/6 ON RESOLUTION No COUNTY ROA PROJECT No. WHEREAS, County Road No. locally as the roads, and more located in --, M.P. work defined as in the BARS Manual, et seq, is necessary and proper, WHEREAS, this identified as No. 103 the officially annual road program. THEREFORE, RESOLVED BY THI OF COUNTY that it is their Apply 3rd shot BST. Daniels, 0.27 mi.; Sellqren. 0.39 mi.; Victor, 1.42 mi.; and work is to be labor in accordance Washington State Specifications for Bridge Construction a5 by Mason County. BE IT FU RESOLVED that described County Road necessary and proper estimated costs of sai are herewith set out a5 Road Constr $18,000.00. En’ in detail is on of the County En! The County herein described DECLARED to be, necessity, and the Cog Engineer is HEREBY AND AUTHORIZED and proceed thereon provided, and in WAC 136-18. ADOPTED this July, 1978. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY, WASH INGTON /s/John Bariekman Chairman /s/Floyd C. Cole /s/Tom Taylor ATTEST; /s/Peggy Cleveland Clerk of the Board tSON RESOLUTION Nq COUNTY RO PROJECT No. WHEREAS, on County Road No. MiS locally as the miscellaneous roads, specifically located in to M.P. -- work ,, ,1 construction in Manual, Page 11-63, determined to be proper, and WHEREAS, this hereby made a officially adopted road program 36.81.130 and assk thereon. THEREFORE RESOLVED BY TH] OF COUNTY that it is their intentio 2 shots BST to the roads: CR 6548 Nelson, CR 6347 Rauschert, CR 6350 Mountain mi.; CR 6353 Mountai; mi.; CR 2923 Orch; 0.51 mi.; CR Beach Dr., 0.14 mi.; Giblers Cove, 0.17 ml said work is to be day labor in accordan( Washington State Specifications for Bridge Construction by Mason County. BE I.T FU RESOLVED that described necessary and proper estimated costs of are herewith set out Road Const $13,500.00. Enq in detail is on of the County En The Count herein descril DECLARED to be necessity, and the Engineer is HEREBY AND AUTHORIZED and proceed thereon ovided, and in AC 136-18. ADOPTED This July, 1978. BOARD OF COU COMMIS! MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/John Bariekman Chairman /s/Floyd C. Cole AT.SI's....m Taylor cS(ePeg g y Cleveland rk of the Board