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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 20, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 20, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i Serving families in thns communit, (:all us collect from  anywhere.  !i-i ' W; '1i i _ I "I . _ i ii i Lewis uneral Chapel since 1909. 77-3836 5303 Kiap Way Bm,,non SHOP T1-11 $699 3/8 m 4x8, Rough sawn .. SHEET 5/8- 4x8, 8" O.C ....... SHEEY9 89 Bremerton Lumber Gorst Head of the bay at Gorst Open 8-5 Weekdays, 8-3:30, Saturday 373 -7111 1 I NOW OPEN| RIDGEMONT APARTMENTS OPEN IN PORT ORCHARD Ridgemont Terrace is an apartment complex designed expressly for senior citizens providing for maximum independent living. Our desire is to provide needed services to help our tenants maintain that independence longer. EFFICIENCY UNIT Complete kitchen, dining and living room, complete bath, alcove for bed, and o patio or veranda (448 sq. ft.) ONE BEDROOM Complete kitchen, dining and living room, complete bath, large bedroom with alcove and walk-in closet, and a patio or veranda (63s sq. ft.) %-- 876.4461 2051 Pottery Ave. Port Orchard Across From Cedar Heights Jr. High School Enioy Your Vacation Drive Carefully Belfair Branch 275-2816 O Sound National Bank The hometown bank  HuJdeberry Herald Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfair office open 9 a.m. to I p.m., Man. & Tues.; Wed. thru Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. News and advertising copy deadline 5 p.m. Fridays. For your convenience there is a mail slot in the door for copy. Office located across from Belfair Texaco in Belfair. MARK LEE " Editor CAROL WENTLANDT ............. Advertising Manager Office Telephone 275-6680 A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and North Shore. 5 iql!! J , 0 'Bem)[ //j Community Calendar By ELEANORA FEDENK CR 5-2774 In the past weeks many of Cinderfemme. One of her junior and varsity. Tuesday, July 25 us have shared the anxiety and teammates remembers Kais as With their family residence 7 p.m., Belfair Fire District sadness of the search for the the girl that could be counted on established at Allyn some five Two commissioners' meeting, missing baby, Andy, son of Mark to take part in the most Belfair Firehall. years ago, Bart worked in and Kais Stryker. Then came the "grueling" events, such as the Bremerton and Forks before Wednesday, July 26 second tragic blow when Kais mile-run, so there would always enlisting in the Marines. He did 7:30 p.m., Mason County was killed in a car accident last be points for the team in week. participation, recruiter duty locally on Taxpayers Association, Belfair Both Kais and Mark went Before her graduation from completion of basic training at Firehall. through the school years in North Mason High, Kais was a San Diego, and received a 7 p.m., Fire District Five Belfair and have many friends majorette with the high school meritorious promotion to private commissioners' meeting, Allyn first class. His present duty Firehall. and memories that linger on. band, leading off at the many station is the helicopter squadron Some of those reach back to festivals around the state and HMX-I, assigned to transport the Thursday, July 27 when Kais was a toddler, living during school events. President of the United States. 7:30 p.m., North Mason near Bear Creek and attending * * * * Information Committee, Room the Bear Creek Sunday School. Word from another son in Two at North Mason High When the family moved With the recent promotion of the Marines tells of a pending School. closer to Belfair and had their Bart Fahrenbruch to lance visit with his parents. Lance popular snack stand, Kais corporal in the Marine Corps, Corporal Mark Fahrenbruch will 8 p.m., Tahuya Fire District attended the Belfair Community Mr. and Mrs. George R. be arriving from his station in commissioners' meeting, Tahuya Church and became a lusty Fahrenbruch of Allyn are proud Hawaii as an avionics (aviation) Fireball. singer with the junior choir of their service-oriented family, technician. I I a.m., Twanoh Falls Women's Club. Call Hannah there. She also started as a Before graduating from East Those freebie comfrey plants Dehler, 275-3512. Brownie for her days in girl High School, Bart was an officer that were available at the Belfair scouting, in the honorary Knights of the branch library have all found a BOAT LOST The North Mason High Round Table, led in school pep home. But I now have more Green, 15-foot fiberglass School "Siskan" for 1972 assemblies and won the of the same, also free, for those kayak was reported lost from pictures Kais as a member of the inspirational award for his with garden space. Neyen's Marina in Grapeview on freshman class and a track team wrestling team participation in July 13. 1n11111111 Johansen, Aries Golf News exchange vows The newlyweds are residing on South Shore of Hood Canal after a honeymoon trip to the Washington, Oregon and California coasts. The bride is a 1975 North Mason High School graduate and a 1976 graduate of Bremerton Business College. She is employed at Hoodsport for the U.S. Forest Service as a computer resource technician. The bridegroom also is a 1975 NMHS graduate and will be a senior at Central Washington University in Ellensburg. He is employed by Neal Olsen Construction. Guests included the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Bloomingdale of Montesano and Hazel Johansen of Aberdeen, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Aries and Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Ryder, all of Seattle. Miss Cathy Ann Johansen and Kenneth Jay Aries were married June 17 at the Summit Avenue United Presbyterian Church, Bremerton. The Reverend Harold W. Staats officiated for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Johansen of Twanoh Falls and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Aries of Tahuya. Attending the couple were Carol Ellis, the bridegroom's sister, as matron of honor, and his brother, Michael J. Aries, as best man. Other attendants were Kari and Susan Bloomingdale, Mary Thomson, Lynell Shearer, Karen Shillinger and Cindy McElhenny. Seating guests were Bryan, St,yen and Bill Johansen, the bride's brothers; Allen Shearer, Gary Scott and Tom Johnson. A reception followed at the Kitsap Golf and Country Club. nn1111111! LakeLand Village Golf and Country Club Rolling Hills ladies' club came to LakeLand Village on July 13 to play against LakeLand women's club in an 18-hole tournament. Patti Schillinger took low gross with 82 for LakeLand. Dot Kerlee was low net for the first division, Kay Sinkunis for the second and Alice Aiken for the third. Malvina Scott and Louise Okonek tied for least putts with 30. Irene Armitage had the longest drive on No. 3. Dot Kerlee was also closest to the pin on No. 5 - only nine inches. The Rolling Hills women were guests of the LakeLand club for a salad luncheon after the competition. MASON LAKE MISCHIEF Clovis Rogers reports on July 15 that his Mason Lake campsite was burglarized. The men's club two-man best ball invitational on July 8 had an exciting finish. Ken Baldwin and his guest, Norm Sanders, tied with Glenn Miller and Iris guest, Tom Thompson, for low gross with 66. Ken and his partner beat the other team on the first hole of a "sudden death" playoff to take top honors for the day. SLIDING DOOR SMASHED Isabella McKibben reports on July 15 that the sliding glass door at her Old Belfair Highway residence was kicked in during the night. SHRIMP RUSTLER STRIKES AGAIN Larry Lowrey of Belfair reports on July 14 that four shrimp traps, lines and buoys were stolen out of his boat moored at the public dock on North Shore. NOIITIHI |11OIII OARAII -- GENERAL AUTO REPAIR 27 S-2128 V, mile w. of Belfair State Park Senior citizens, 5¢ off each gallon of gas. DAVE'S BELFAIR ARC0 STATION Clip Coupon & Bring In. Good Thru July • Belfair Auto Parts • North Mason Towing, 2 Trucks Reasonable Rates 275-3211 I D & G TREE SERVICE I TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED t FULLY INSURED } • Wes Grlf|ey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR Belfair Electric 275-2020 We are franchised General Electric Dealers • Discount Prices • Factory Service • Terms • We take trade-ins. Free delivery & normal installation. Bonded & Licensed Electrical Contractors Special Contractor Pricing. V= block North of 9's FAIR HARBOR MARINA ON CASE INLET OPEN 7 DAYS A • Monthly & daily moorage • Gas & oil • Fishing gear• Bait * Pop • Ice * Geoduck • Bank cards welcome 426-4028 271 4 miles Grapeview from All OVEREATING? SMOK Let Mildred James help you to stop by using her of "Self-Improvement Through Relaxation," thru Friday, July 24-28. Lose Weight Clinic 12 noon or 6:45 p.m. Stop Smoking Clinic 10:45 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. Fee for five one-hour sessions, $25. open to anyone interested. Pre-re necessary; YMCA membership not req Call YMCA in Bremerton, 377-5447, for information. NOW OPEN THE BIKE SHOP OPENING WEEK'S SPECIAL 1971 Kawasaki $7 • New 8, Used Bikes • Trade-ins Welcome • Good Selection of Reconditioned TV's From ,$69.95 & Up THE BIKE S Located next to Mason Co. Credit At new Belfair ............................ -- ........ l ' eN00rCa100i PIERCED and qlo goom r >._ CLINIC t 275-6226 ,/'11 AT BELFAIR D \\; CLUa STY, Ale I II .... *5.95 COMPLETE DINNER Salad, vegetable, potato, dessert, coffee. Entertainment Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday Dance To WHITE GINGER Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Mike Mendoza Folk and Country Blues PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Bar Oin IO a.m. to 2 a.m. Weekdays 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sundays ALL DAY MONDAY Rum Highballs 60 ¢ P,lge 2 - H,,cklebery Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - July 20, 1978 A registered nurse will pierce your ears painlessly. Saturday, July 22nd and Saturday, July 29th, 10 a.m. to 4 ° Ills A Very $599 Special Price Plus Ta Price includes piercing and a pair of earrings of your choice. Studs, hoops, pearls or stones. BELFAIR DRUG Belfair Shopping Center 2 75-6161