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Page 2 — Shelton-Mason County Journal — Thursday, July 20,
cauurr BRIEFS
Special filing period
Aug. 8—1 0
The Mason County auditor’s Elec-
tion Department announced a special
three—day filing period Aug. 8 to 10 for
no filing fee.
According to a news release, can—
didates for the positions of Mason
County Cemetery District positions
No. 1, 2 and 3, Fire Protection Dis—
trict 18 commissioner position 1 and
4, Public Hospital District No. 2 com‘
missioner position No. 4, Port of De-
watto commissioner district 2, North
Mason School District school board
director district No. 4, and Tahuya
River Water District commissioner
position No.
Candidates can file at mason-
countywaelectionsgov. A valid email
is needed to file online. If you cannot
file online, people can file in person at
411 N. 5th St., Shelton. All candidates
that file during the special period will
appear on the N 0V. '7 general election
ballot. If no one files, the incumbent
retains the position for the first two
years of the next term. There is no
candidate withdrawal period for the
special filing.
Any questions can be directed to
the Mason County Auditor’s Election
at 360—427-9670 ext. 470.
Picnic Saturday
at Schafer Park
The Friends of Schafer and Lake
Sylvia are hosting a community picnic
at 1 pm. Saturday at Schafer State
Park in Matlock.
According to a fiyer, the group will
serve free hamburgers and hot dogs
and the Grays Harbor Banjo Band
will play a mini concert at 3 pm. Side
dishes and desserts for sharing at the
picnic are welcome but not required.
North Mason Fire,
county sign lease
North Mason Regional Fire Au-
thority and Mason County have
agreed to a lease agreement for the
old fire authority building at 490 NE
Old Belfair Highway in Belfair for
certain county services.
According to the information pack-
et, the term of the lease is 10 years
for $2,000 per month. The county will
= ‘s
,, l
- 401 k
0 Health Insurance
- Vacation Pay
0 Quarterly Safety Bonus
$22 - $32 DOE
For more information, go to Face-
Sunday morning fire
destroys residence
A structure fire Sunday morning
resulted in the loss of a residence.
According to a Central Mason Fire
& EMS news release, a porch fire was
reported at 421 E. Osprey Lane. Peo—
ple were evacuatingjust before 3 a.m.
CMFE arrived on scene in six minutes
to find a two-story residence engulfed
in fire. Crews worked to confirm ev-
eryone was out of the house and initi-
ated a defensive attack to prevent the
fire from spreading to neighboring
homes and property. Crews were on
scene for hours and the residence was
declared a total loss. The cause of the
fire is under investigation.
CMFE thanked Fire Districts 8
and 13, West Mason Fire, South Ma—
son Fire, North Mason Regional Fire
Authority and PUD and MACECOM
for assistance responding to the fire.
Motorcyclist injured
Saturday on US 101
A motorcyclist was injured Satur—
day afternoon in an accident on US.
Highway 101 south of Shelton.
According to a Washington State
Patrol news release, a 54«year-old
West Richland man was southbound
on 101 near the intersection with Old
Olympic Highway. The motorcycle
left the road on the left side, struck
the cable barrier and ended up in a
southbound lane. The man sustained
a compound fracture to one of his legs
but was conscious after the accident.
He was flown to Harborview Medical
Center in Seattle.
The road was partially blocked for
two hours.
make improvements to accommodate
county offices and during the period
of initial construction, NMRFA will
forgo monthly rental payments for a
period not to exceed two years.
Mason County Sheriffs Office
North Precinct will be moved.
The lease payments will begin Aug.
1 and the current lease payment is
$4,017.64 and will be paid from the
current expense facilities budget.
Improvements will be paid from the
REET 1 fund.
1131 Kamilche Ln.
Shelton, WA 98584
360-427-861 1
Forest Service
objection period
The US. Department of Agricul-
ture’s Forest Service announced the
availability of the draft decision no-
tice, environmental assessment and
comprehensive plan to start the objec-
tion period for the Pacific Northwest
Scenic Trail Comprehensive Plan.
According to a news release, the
comprehensive plan guides the de-
velopment of nonmotorized trail
throughout the entire length from
the Continental Divide to the Pacific
The forest service gathered public
comment and documents for the com—
prehensive plan was updated to ad~
dress the comments received.
The Pacific Northwest Scenic Trail
is a 1,200-mile-long hiking trail that
starts in Glacier National Park in
Montana, crossed through northern
Idaho and finished in Olympic Na—
tional Park. Currently, one-third of
the trail is on, roads, and some por-
tions in remote areas require bush-
whacking with no trail.
During the objection period, the
Forest ServiCe will accept objections
from those who submitted specific
written comments regarding the
proposed project during the scoping
comment period or the draft compre-
hensive plan and environmental as—
sessment public comment period. The
objection period is open from July 14
to Aug. 28.
Structure fire
on Oak Street
Central Mason Fire & EMS re-
sponded to a fire on July 8 on 201 Oak
Street in Shelton.
According to a CMFE news re-
lease, CMFE responded to a smoke
Hansen to lodging"
tax committee
Susan “Rachel” Hansen was ap-
proved for an appointment to the
Mason County Lodging Tax Advisory
According to the commissioners
meeting information packet,
the lodging tax advisory tax com-
mittee shall consist of at least five
members appointed by county
Gas Stoves,
Inserts & Fireplaces
Pellet Stoves Inserts
investigation and while enroute,
CMFE was advised by dispatch that
there is smoke coming from a struc—
ture on. Oak Street.
The call was at 4:30 a.m. and
CMFE arrived on scene four minutes
later to an abandoned structure fire
with a large amount of discarded ma-
terial inside. Crews had responded
to this house for a fire months ago.
Crews were able to quickly extin—
guish the fire and the cause is under
South Mason Fire, Shelton Po-
lice and MACECOM assisted on the
Paddle Safe Week
starts Friday
Gov. Jay Inslee issued a proclama-
tion declaring next week Paddle Safe
Week statewide.
According to a news release, Pad-
dle Safe Week Will lead an effort to
create a culture of safety around pad-
dle sports.
The campaign recognizes the
state’s diverse waterways require dif-
ferent skills, preparation and safety
equipment. '
In the last five years, paddlers are
55% of statewide recreational boats
ing fatalities, with growing popularity
and lack of safety education have con-
tributed to the fatalities.
The program recommends safety
practices including get educated, use
a leash, carry essential gear, check
and understand the weather, pro-
tect against cold water shock, file a
float plan, paddle with a group, avoid
alcohol and drugs, learn how to self—
rescue, label your paddlecraft and be
visible to other boaters.
For more information, go to ti-
nyurl .com/2tjshm 6h.
I Compiled by reporter Matt'Baide
commissioners. ‘
The committee must include two
members who are people involved in
activities that are authorized to be
funded by lodging tax revenue, known
as spenders.
Hansen’s term expires at the end of
the year.
Hansen is the owner of Northwest
Event Organizers for 11 years. Her
term expires July 18,
I Compiled by reporter Matt Baide
N. US Hwy. 10] Hoodsporl I 360-877-5200 360-427-3780