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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 20, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 20, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal — Thursday, July 20, 2023 Interesting items E’RE NO. 51! In 2022, the number of (police) officers decreased by 70 to around 10,600 officers in Washing— ton. The 4.4% drop brought the staffing rate to 1.35 offi~ cers per 1,000 people, putting Washington at the 51st low- est rate among all U states and Washington, D.C.. for the 13th year in a row, accord- ing to Steven Strachan, with the Washington Association of" Sheriffs and Police (:Ihiels. Nationally, the rate around 2.31 officers per 1,000 people. w The Scuttle Times, July 10, 2023 AT’I‘EMP'I‘S TO REACH: The vessel named ’l‘itan, on an eight-day expedition to View the wreckage ol‘the 'l‘i» tariie. Was: reported overdue Sunday in a remote area of the Atlantic Ocean 900 miles east olifape Cod, l‘vlass, the IRS. (Joust Guard said Mona day. OceanGate was found— ed in 2009 by Seattle resident USPS 492—800 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason County Journal, PO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Published weekly by the Shelton—Mason County Journal at 227 W. Cota St, Shelton, Washington. Mailing address: PO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone: 36041264412 Website: YOU'RE STILL ON THE JOB, NEPOTISM, SNEAKY BOARD APPOINTMENTS ’«2 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY it THESE . TIMES Stockton Rush, who is the company’s CEO and founder of ()ceanGate Foundation, a marine technology non- profit organization. Attempts to reach Rush on Monday weren’t successful. — The SU- attle Times, June 19, WHEN YOUR NAME IS DESTINY: J udge John «I udge of Idaho’s 2nd Judicial liis- trict Court in Latah County, who is overseeing the case, scheduled a June 27 hearing: to decide what the rlelhnse AND ACCESS TO ALL THOSE FUNDS. AMAZING! written for newspapers will be allowed to review w and also what it might not. ~— Thc Idaho Statesman, June 1.8, 2023 SEEMS A BIT SEVERE: Headline in The Washington Post, April 14, 2023: Demo- crats call for probe ofClar- ence Thomas amid reports of real estate deals with GOP donor - The Washington Post, April 14, 2028 MUSHROOM HUMOR: Headline in The Seattle Times, April 1, 2023: Psyche- delic therapy bill may survive session in altered state A TOUGH ERA FOR OWLS: From Mary Theler’s diary, Aug. 29, 1940: “Charlie lbund an owl on the road and knocked it down and brought. it. to the store and when they came out to look at it, the thing came out of the stupor it. was in and so they had it in a box For a day and then Em— mett killed it and sent it to be mounted.” — Shelton-Mason County Journal, Sept. 6, 2018 HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN IN AMERICA? APNewsAlert HONOLULU -~ Hawaii awards eight 1i- censes for medical marijuana dispensaries, but not to actor Woody Harrelson. The As- sociated Press, April 29, 2016 A PAID OBIT FOR A JEWISH REDNECK: A plus-sized Jewish lady red— neck died in El Paso on Saturday. Of itself'hardly news, or good news if" you’re the type that subscribes to the notion that anybody not named you dying in El Paso, Texas is good news. In which case have I got news for you: the bawdy, fertile, redheaded matriarch of a sprawling Jewish»l\/lexican- Redneck American Family has kicked it. This was not good news to Renay Man— del Corren’s many surviving~ children, grandchildren and ‘4 Front office: Periodicals postage paid in Shelton, Washington. Owned and published by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. The Journal is a member of the Washington Newspaper Publish— ers Association. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $79 per year ($55 for six months) for Mason County addresses and $99 per year ($70 for six months) outside of Mason County. Single issue price $2.00 Publisher: John Lester Advertising: Theresa Murray, Ad Representative Newsroom: Justin Johnson, Editor Gordon Weeks, Reporter Matt Baide, Reporter Kirk Boxleitner, Reporter Kirk Ericson, Columnist/ Proofreader Shawna Whelan, Photographer Dave Pierik, Office Administrator Karen Hranac, Customer Service Delivery: Jon Garza David Olson Niel Challstrom Design: Kim Fowler, Graphics Design Linda Frizzell, Special Projects great—grandchildren, many of whom she even knew and, in her own way, loved. There will be much mourning in the many glamorous locales she went bankrupt in: McKees— port, PA, Renay’s birthplace and where she first fell in love with ham, and atheism; Fayetteville and Kill Devil Hills, NC, where Renay’s dreams, credit rating and marriage are all buried; and of course Miami, FL, where Renay’s parents, uncles, aunts, and eternal hopes ‘of all Miami Dolphins fans ev— erywhere, are all buried pret- ty deep. Renay was preceded in death by Don Shula. r. The Foyetteuil/e Observer, Dec. 15, 2021 THEY SHOULD HAVE FRIED THEM: Headline in The Olympian, July ll), 2003: Senate panel grills Franks, Rumsfeld I (TU/lft'll'l Kir/r Erirrson (ll Ir[r/clillmusomm1u[Antoni ML? Shelton-Mason County AL All regular editorial, advertising and legal deadlines are 5 pm. the Monday prior to publication. To submit a letter to the editor, email Office hours: 8 am. to 5 pm. Monday to Thursday. Closed Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays.