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Thursday, July 21, 2011
Year 125 -- Week 9 -- X Sections --- XX Pages -- Published in Shelton, Washington -- $1
Sheriff se t
r objections
By ARLA SHEPHARD missioners' 'disconnect' regarding the state has absolutely nothing to do with the sher-
of the local business environment, I have ifFs office," said Commissioner Tim Shel-
The Belfair sewer project is driving the decided to forgo this philanthropy at this don, whose district includes Belfair.
Mason County SherifFs Office out of its time," Krueger wrote in a letter dated July Sheriff Casey Salisbury stressed that
Belfair location due to a local property 14. "I believe that the current commission- the sherifFs office still has a positive
owner's discontent with the way the proj- ers are detrimentally affecting Belfair, working relationship with the Krueger
ect has been handled, the largest unincorporated UGA [Urban family and is working on trying to find
Rick Krueger, who had an agreement Growth Area] in the county." other options for a location in the Belfair
with the county to donate a parcel of his Several North Mason business owners area.
land for the sheriffs office trailer free and groups have spoken out against the "The Krueger family has been nothing
of charge, sent a 90-day notice to Sher- sewer project, which many feel will force but gracious to the sherifFs office," Salis-
iff Casey Salisbury last week asking the businesses to close due to the proposed bury said. "The Krueger family and the
county to vacate the property, connection charges and monthly rates, sherifFs office work really well together,
"In light of the current Belfair Wastewa- "I think it's unfortunate that [Krueger] and there's no problem between us and
ter mismanagement and the county corn- made this decision over this issue, which this has to do with some dissatisfaction
with other county entities."
John Keates, Mason County Parks, Fa-
cilities and Trails director, is working on
removing the trailer from its Belfair loca-
"I think it will probably go back to the
[trailer] company," Salisbury said. "We've
got some people in the community we're
talking to, to keep us in the area ... We
need to be responsible to respond to things
up there, but the ultimate decision is up to
the county."
The sherifFs office has a small office at
the Safeway in Belfair, where they may
move some of their services, Salisbury said.
. .....
Courtesy photo
An Olympic Mountain Rescue Team included Terry Hiatt, Pete Ozimek, Tammi Wright, John Kaster and Kevin
Swem (not pictured: Mike Baum) scheduled a training mission early this month to" rescue stranded dog Sasha on
Mount Elinor.
By NATALIE JOHNSON "We got a call out on Thursday night that the ranger informed them that they couldn't
there was a potential for a, well, they were do "non-human" rescues.
Losing a dog is many a pot lover's worst calling it a trainh~g mission for a dog rescue,~ Somehow, Wright said, the dog's family
nightmare. What if your canine friend fell off said Tammi Wright. found Olympic Mountain Rescue.
a cliff face right before your eyes? Wright is a member of the volunteer search "The state does not typically issue rais-
On Wednesday, July 6on the still snowy and rescue group Olympic Mountain Rescue, sion numbers for non-human rescues ... but
summit of bit. Elinor in the southern Olym- based out of Kitsap County. She also is the the volunteer organizations do trainings
pic mountains, that very thing happened to a emergency management coordinator for Ma- and that's how we were able to get a mission
couple mountain climbing with their Bernese son County. number as a training," she said. "We went out
Mountain Dog, Sasha. Suddenly, Sasha saw a After frantically calling, for Sasha for two there to train, if we found the dog we found
mountain goat and did what dogs do - chased hours, the dog's owners went to the nearest
it - right off a ledge with a 150-foot drop. ranger station in Hoodsport, Wright said, but See Rescue on page A-7
Five candidates vie for mayor, commissioner positions at city
ARer the November elec-
tions the City of Shelton
may be lei~ with two new
commissioners. Both the
Mayor, or Commissioner of
Public Safety, and the Com-
missioner of Finance posi-
tions are up for election this
Three candidates have
011111J!lJl tllJ!!l!l!lllll
entered the race for I'm excited to take on the structure, like Shelton's cliffe Road with her hus-
mayor including sitting challenge of a new leader- streets, and reinforcing band Ron and their three
Commissioner of Public ship role." relationships with other dogs.
Works Dawn Pannell, Pannell listed the local elected offidials and Local businessman
Gary Cronce and Tracy city's accomplishmentsgroups, such as the Ma- Gary Cronce has also an-
Moore. Mayor John Tar- during her time as corn- son County Commission. nounced his candidacy for
rant declined to run for missioner as the comple- However her No. I goal the office of city Mayor.
reelection this year. tion of $70 million of pub- is to find a stable funding "I'm running for mayor
Pannell, who was elect- lic works projects includ- source for public safety of Shelton because I can
ed to the city commission ing the newly completed within the City of Shel- bring a different perspec-
in 2001, said that she de- Satellite Water Reclama- ton. tive to the city commis-
cided to run for mayor in tion plant, the rebuild of "The grants are goingsion," he said. "Most poli-
an effort to continue her Northcliffe Rd., the re- away and I don't wantticians have spent their
work at the commission placement of sewer lines the public safety folks to entire careers listening
in a new role. in three sewer basins,spend a majority of their to people tell them how
"I thought continu- and the removal of sewer time looking for grants to build roads and create
ity was important with pipes from Goldsborough rather than being on the jobs. In the private sector
what we have planned," Creek. street," Pannell said. I have spent my whole
she said. "We've accom- Pannell said that as PannelV~has lived in life building roads and
plished a lot with public mayor she would focus Shelton for 30 years and
works in my time and on repairing visible infra- currently lives on North- See Positions on page A-7
A four-hour public hearing
on what the interim rates will
be to connect into the Belfair
sewer system conjured strong
emotions on Tuesday in Shel-
ton, as business owners and
other North Mason community
members continued to plea
neCtion charges.
Prior to a county staff pre-
sentation on the proposed
interim rate ordinance, com-
missioners made it clear that
they were not ready to finalize
a decision this week, and Com-
missioner Tim Sheldon made
comments that the sewer sys-
tem would assist in the clean-
up of pollution in Hood Canal
and turn Belfair into a magnet
of economic growth.
"We as county commission-
ers are mandated to provide
those urban services to those
areas" desig-
nated as Ur-
ban Growth
Areas [UGAs]
under" the
Growth Man-
agement Act,
Sheldon said.
"This is prob-
ably the big-
Dobey gest public
works project
we've under-
taken in this county ... I think
ultimately in the long-run, this
will create jobs."
Under the proposed interim
rate ordinance, single-family
households under Phase I of
the project would pay $3,000
to connect to the system, while
would pay
more based
on the num-
of Equiv-
alent Resi-
dential Units
or ERUs they
are allocated.
Moore The pro-
posed inter-
im rate or-
dinance establishes one ERU
at 135 gallons per day -- for
some businesses in Belfair,
that means paying more than
$70,000 in connection fees
The charges for new devel-
opers would rise to $5,000 per
ERU from July 1, 2011 through
December 31, 2012, then to
$6,000 per ERU from January
1, 2013 through December 31,
2013, then to $7,200 per ERU
from January 1, 2014 through
December 31, 2014.
The proposed ordinance also
allows existing development
located in Phase 2 of the proj-
ect the opportunity to pay for
one ERU charge of $3,000 in
See Hearing on page A-7