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Port denies rumors of more bioma
By NATALIE JOHNSON Tom Wallitner and Jay Hupp denied
actively trying to bring new biomass
As rumors of a new biomass project companies to port property, Commis-
coming to the Port of Shelton circle the sioner Jack Miles told the Journal
local blogs, port Executive Director this week that the port was actively
John Dobson is denying that the port involved in courting biomass energy
is pursuing such a client, companies.
~I saw that stuff in the blogs and "I'm concerned for future dealings
about fell off my chair," he said. with other businesses that the port
Dobson said the rumorslikely start- has been in about bringing another
ed while the port was in talks with a biomass industry into the port," he
Texas company about six months ago. said.
The company was planning to buy At- Early this year, biomass energy
las Pellets, then rent a larger building company Adage abandoned plans to
from the port. build a 65-megawatt power plant at
The wood pellets generated would the Port of Shelton.
then have been shipped to European Dobson said that the port would not
biomass burners, Dobson said. rule out a biomass energy plant as a
However, the plan fell through possible port tenant in the future.
when another company bought Atlas "We do live in a ... biomass-rich
Pellets, he said. area," he said. "We are a supplier.
While Dobson and Commisoners We're going to get calls."
Journal photo by Nalalie Johnson
Port of Shelton Executive Di-
rector John Dobson denied
rumors Tuesday that the port
was negotiating with biomass
energy companies.
14-year-old injured in scooter-truck collision
Must brinj[ in this ad to receive ~ectaL Offer expires 07/31/11.
By EMILY HANSON Hwy 101 in his 2005 Ken- wearing a helmet, was in- not injured in the collision
worth log truck towing an jured in the collision and and while there was report-
A 14-year-old Sheltonboy unloaded 1974 Peerl logtransported to Mason Gen- able damage to his truck,
was injured when a logging trailer, eral Hospital• His damaged he was able to drive it from
truck collided with him on According to the inci- scooter was removed by his the scene•
Tuesday, July 19 on Hwy dent report from the Wash- parents. "The accident is still
101 N at Brockdale Rd. ington State Patrol, when Trooper Krista Hedstrom under investigation," Hed-
Patrick E. Philbrook Philbrook crossed the road said she did not know the strom said. "No charges will
was riding his non-too- in front of Needham, Need- exact extent of Philbrook's be filed against [Needham]
torized Diggler scooter on ham locked up his brakes injuries but that he wassince the cause of the acci-
the northbound shoulder and went into the south- taken home from the'hospi- dent was the pedestrian in
of Hwy 101 as Clayton E. bound lane where he col- tal by his parents• the roadway• If there are
Needham, 43 of Port Ange- lided with Philbrook. Needham, who was charges filed, they would be
les, was traveling north on Philbrook, who was not wearing his seatbelt, was against [Philbrook]."
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City Commissioner Dawn Pannell talked about street projects the
despite low funds.
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
city has recently completed
You will always be with us.
-- Your Loving Family
~~o t~ By NATALIE JOHNSON changed this year because of a lack of
funds, Goins said.
, . orlYIoonlight lgh.nf Z- , The City of Shelton is well under "We don't anticipate that we21 re-
way in its annual review of the Six- ceive a lot of funding in the coming
Year TransportationImprovement year," he said. "We have a lot of need
Plan (TIP). here and a lot of projects we want to
• While the plan attempts to schedule do."
r 0 city road projects in the next six years, While Goins spoke pragmatically,
L rnile the city updates the plan every year to city commissioner Dawn Pannell spoke
~j_/~~///.~~ remain on the radar for state and fed- about projects that were once on the
eral grants. TIP but are now finished or underway,
~This is step one in the process of including Wallace Kneeland Boule-
seeking local and federal funding," said vard, and K Street, which may be re-
Steve Goins, the city's community and paved this summer.
ay economic development director. "The good news is we've seen proj-
While the TIP includes a list of fu- ects on this list be completed," she said.
~i~ ture projects, they may or may not all One of the projects on the city's ra-
get funded, or all be completed through dar for the next six years is a recon-
the six years covered in the plan. struction of Franklin Street.
"The list is essentially the wish list Mason Transit Authority (MTA)
City of Shelton reviews its transportation plan
for projects city-wide7 Goins said. General Manager Dave O'Connell
The plan has not appreciably spoke about MTA's upooming project to
renovate the Shelton Armory on Frank-
lin Street to turn it into a transit and
community center.
"Franklin St. is the site of our transit
project at the armory," he said. "There
is an underground stream there. There
are things that could become problems
at any moment."
The city is planning to work with
the MTA to make the streets and side-
walks work with the community con-
ter's design. On Monday, the city com-
missioners approved a letter of support
for MTA, which is seeking grant funds
for the project from the Federal Transit
"I'd hate to see a Safeway truck go
through the street," O'Connell said.
The city commission will review a
resolution to approve the TIP during
its regular public meeting next Monday
ity to apply for 20 year loan to fix well
By NATALIE JOHNSON opportunity at the end of The proposed project ing their regular meeting.
June," regional project man- would upgrade the well, City Adminstrator Dave
Contamination from sul-ager Dennis McDonald said. which is located near Mason O%eary said that this par-
phides and iron has put a The project is estimatedGeneral Hospital, with new ticular well has a history of
cap on water production by to e0st roughly $3.2 million equipment to to eliminate the contamination.
the City of Shelton's Well #1, with the city's match portion problem with sulphides and "The well produces excess
forcing the city to run only at $159,410• The loan would iron. While neither contami- sand and we've had to shut it
on two wells except in peri- be repayed over 20 yearsnate is dangerous to public down,'he said.
ods of high demand, with an interest rate of two health, they add an unpleas- The well was also once
it Shelton-Mason County li l However, this month the percent, ant odor and taste to water, infected with fecal coliform
Ila ltllr.ll ' ll I city is applying for a 20- ~I~is is notjust for design," Because the application bacteria but now has a chlo-
IllLrlllllll['l[li lllli I year loan th~°ugh the Public McDonald said. "rhey do not for the loan is due today, the rination system, McDonald
I1 $ ~ ~---~~ + : ~,~, I.,,,,Wm, lm, tlt~,ut:~~~~; Jaut .they cityoommissioners approved said. He said that the city
~m~~~:~:~f~:.,~(~ the appltcation after onlyone responded to that problem
I I "We learned about this tion. discussion, on Monday dur- "within hours."
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 21,2011