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Ralph Severson & Patricia Stevenson have been married
for 50 years and are still going strong. The Seversons,
formerly of Tacoma, are now living in Lilliwup.
Several candidates are promoting change
within the board of Mason County Fire Dis-
trict 3 in Grapeview, as two seats are up for
election this season.
Jeremy Seelig, 24, and Nancy Montgom-
ery, 63, will be on the August 16 primary
ballot for the six-year fire
commissioner position No.
2 along with incumbent
Start Catron, 82, who has
served on the board for
more than 20 years.
"I've always been sup-
portive of the fire district,
but lately [the Grapeview
Community Association
Seelig has been] treated with a
great deal of disrespect
and disregard, I feel," said
Montgomery, who has owned property in
Grapeview since 1980 and lived here since
1996. "It's time for a change. Mr. Catron
has been there for 20 years ... it's time for
a woman to get in there and have a wom-
an's perspective especially
since we have a woman
fire chief."
Montgomery has
worked in the insurance
field for more than 30
years and has volunteered
on planning commissions,
Pa~ent Teacher Associa-
tions, the Girl Scouts, the
Montgomery Friends of the Library, a
condominium association
and has served every posi-
tion on the Grapeview Community Associa-
tion board in the last 15 years.
She has five grandchildren and four chil-
dren with her husband of 43 years.
"My candidacy is really about returning
openness and account-
ability to the public and
restoring a harmonious re-
lationship between the fire
district and the commu-
nity association," she said.
"I love the closeness of the
community and how all the
people are ready and will-
ing to help people in time
Catron of emergencies and not ...
We want to have the best
fire district we can have
out there."
Her opponent Jeremy Seeling has been a
vol~r at the dis~ict for ed~0ut two years
~ ~ ~iv~'r~' ~evie~
for about six
with his wife and two daughters and was hired
assecretarytotheFire Commissionersin 1988.
Three years later, he was appointed to fill the
term of a commissioner who left the district,
and he has been in his position for 20 years.
Catron, who was in the banking business
for 25 years, is most proud of hiring a good
fire chief in Patti Graeber, he said.
"I remember that, that was an accom-
plishment, but this is all a team effort," he
said. "We're a gr6wing department; we re-
cently completed our 10-year program for
new vehicles and we did it in eight."
Catron said he hopes to end the "little
squabble" the district has with the Grape-
view Community Association.
"They seem to think
they don't have to pay a
maintenance fee, so I guess
they really want the tax-
payers to pay their mainte-
nance," he said.
In the two-year Com-
missioner Position No. 3,
incumbent Glenn Hoop-
man, 57, will contend
Hoopman against Mike Creighton,
Hoopman, a former paid
and volunteer firefighter, was appointed a
little more than a year ago in his position af-
ter Commissioner Scott Barry moved out of
the county.
He has lived in Grapeview since 1994,
when he left a firefighting job on Whidbey
Island to work on cranes at the Bremerton
shipyard. He retired in 2010.
If Hoopman were elected, he would work
on better communication with the Grape-
view Community Association, of which he is
a member.
"I think there's a hidden agenda that I'd
like to straighten out and I think we're go-
ing to get to the end of it soon," Hoopman
said. "I want to be more transparent with
the community and with funding to be good
stewards of the taxpayer money. My one goal
was not to merger with anybody, we do quite
well with [Chief Graeber] and the staff... 1
hate corruption and I'm an honest person."
His opponent Mike Creighton has lived in
Grapeview for four years and has served in
many capacities in public
service: as a school board
member for nine years,
a city council member in
Bellevue for nine years,
a board member at a food
bank and Seafair and as
the mayor of Bellevue for
two years.
~I.~ncouraged.~o run
years. ..... bysom folks here and I
"I feel that Grapeview is a nice secluded ~ Crelghton just have a desire to give to
area with a real tight community,Y he said. the community and to sort
"i noticed some changes in the fire district of bring open public meet-
lately and I just want to make sure that the ings to the community," he said. "I think we
community as a whole gets taken care of and need to have a strong fire department that's
that everything is done in the community's well-trained and -equipped, and we need to
interest." have open public meetings where we discuss
Seelig has served in the military with two everything in public and we need to have
tours in Iraq and now works as an appren- some strong financial management."
rice machinery mechanic at the Bremerton Creighton owned an insurance broker-
shipyard. He has a wife and a six-month-old age firm, and his family has owned a home
baby. in Mason County since 1968• He lives in the
Stan Catron moved to Grapeview in 1969 area with his wife.
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Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 21,2011
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