July 21, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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grams, furnishings and 2--3 p.m., Shelton Tim-
other items outside of the berland Library presents We 19390 North U.S. Hwy. 101
Friday regular budget. The orga- Mary Shaver Marionettes: have Skokomish Nation, WA 98584
nization has helped theThe Golden Axe, for all fishing
7:30 a.m.-9 a.m., The community with hundredsages. Mary Shaver's pup-
Shelton-Mason Countyof programs, events andpets enact the tale of a supplies! At the intersection oiHwy. 101 & Hwy. 106
Skokomish Indian Tribal minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation
Chamber of Commerce items for the library. If poor, old woodchopper Enterprises (S.I.T.E.)Located next to the LuckyDog Casino * 427-9099
will hold its regular you have some volunteerand a Water. Goddess.
monthly meeting at 215 Wtime to spare, the Friends The story comes to life I .~T(~RF, ~, | ~l SPECIALS --- JULY 21 - 27
Railroad Ave. in Shelton. group needs you. For more with handcrafted puppets, - - ~--'- -" - ,~sorte~Varieties ~ IM
These meetings are open informationcal1426-1362, stage, costumes, props ,1,pSI I arlb
to all chamber members, and ethereal shakuhachi l~il~ o~.~.r0....=_~
6 p.m., Mason Coun- music. Learn a Japanese _--~urt~l~l~ ~{l~[Oll I ~11~1~
Saturday ty Optimist Club. Meetssong andtake a smallpup- ~ ~ I A-,~-~mmm~ ~- ...... ~ "~,, .................. ; , --
second and fourth Mon-pet home. Sponsored by 12~.12~'-~4~k~][I~ ~lill~'~l~m~llm I ~~'~~
8:30 a.m,--3:30 p.m.,day, Taylor Town Station the Friends of the Shelton
Flagging certification at Restaurant. 62 SE Lynch Timberland Library. This
Olympic College. Cost$65. Road. Summer Reading event BII ?J I& | p'ece i - " - m's
To register call 432-5400 is part of a Timberland
lOa.m.,TheTinaDe-Tuesday Regional Library district Ba.chUgh hlc enoF: %l
Long Griswold Foundation wide program. For more
first annual bike poker 12-1p.m., North Mason information cal1426-1362. Slg ffi. &JoJo's ..... !:i i
run, at the Lucky Dog Kiwanis meeting in Bel- ~ ~o ~/t t~-~ll ~.,qL1qli~4[llll|
Casino, 19330 North US fair Baptist Church base-Thursday
lSpk. • 12 oa cans
Highway 101. It will be a ment. The point of contact
day full of prizes, raffles, for North Mason Kiwanis 2--4 p.m., Shelton Tim- Came! Bud &
live music, casino free is Del Morton 275-2523. berland Library presents ~ S! Ai99 "v'r*~'~
play, barbecue, build your This time for second and Japan Culture Club, for
own burger buffet, and fourth Tuesdays. teens. Enjoy the sights, " "~~2~~18 pk. 12 oz.
more. sounds and crafts of Japa- . S~lll~ill t,e,llln,u ~
Wednesday nese pop culture: rock mu-
~ ."EItl¢ ~
5-7 p.m., Kiwanis team sic, anime, manga, street
invites you to attend BBQ1-3 p.m., Support fashion, and kanji callig-i_~ iNext
fundraiser for Relay forGroup for Chronic Pain raphy. Refreshments pro- ~J 89¢ 20OZ GigaretteSm°keC°ntainsCarb°nM°n°xidei ""~~!
99¢ 24 oz. SURGEON GENERAL'~/NG'.. ~
Life. $12 donation held and Other Invisible dis- sided by the Friends of
at the 40 & 8 club located abilities please call for the Shelton Timberland ~79¢ 10 OZ..
at 113 West Cota Street, meeting schedule and fur- Library. This Summer For
Shelton. ther information at 426- more information call 426-
0900. We offer something 1362.
Monday every week, alternating
weeks we have regular 7 p.m., Music in the
1 p.m., The Friends meetings at the hospitalPark at the Post Office
of the Shelton Timber- or local coffee get together Park features local favor-
land Library will meet. on opposite weeks every ite, Paul Barber with his
The group raises funds to Wednesday. unique blend of rock and
help the library with pro- folk, old and new. I
I)dve-t~m open Sm.T~r 7m.~m. I~'i.Szt 7m.lO~ ?resem uns coupon :or your r~ ~Ir uu~ ~am. ~ ~or
• ALL FUTURE GAS PURCHASES at Km~che ~ading Post .
360"426-5254 L_ ...... '-
Located at the intersection of Highway 101 and 108, Just minutes away from Olympia and $h~ltoa
Community Thomas Maim *Traditions
Safety Day picnic Named to Dean's 11,4
.... 1. .... List at Lawrence
i::tllU U[3 11 IlULIL; t3 , , . .. .
The Mason County Fire District U n I versl :y
6 Fire Department will host a community
safety day picnic and open house from 10 Thomas Malm, son of Anthony
a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 23 at the and Carol Maim, of Shelton, has been
Fire Department located at 50 East Se- named tothe2010-11 Lawrence Uni-
attle Street in Union. The picnic and open versity dean's list for maintaining a
house will include hot dogs, popcorn, huge minimum 3.4 grade point average. I m 12Pu Pepsi l(nli AMP]I
jump and maze, tour of fire station and fire Founded in1847, LawrenceUni- II .. , Iii "°'""o o/I
IL 399 I "!!!{ (" 18 Pack- oz. Can
world-cl~s conservatory of music,
bothdevotedexclusivelytounder- ....................... :' : ] hte | Budweiser |[
--" graduate education" Ranked am°ng I f /;' ~"
PJnerica's best colleges, it was select- --r,,I1 Bud Light
. ~ ~ ,.. ~ .-. , ed for inclusion in the book "Colleges l/ / / " Bud Light Lime 11
k 181 ck *12"
irene Heea HIgn bcnooI That Change Lives: 40 Schools That . , .... .~--
• Will Change the Way You Think
Class reunion August 4 About College." Individualized learn- cans 3
ing, the development of multiple in- t' kou' -- mbject to dia pe without notice - 1
The Irene Reed High School class of 1941 terests and community engagement
and 1942 luncheon is will be held at 11:30 are central to the Lawrence experi-
Thursday, August 4 at Robin Hood Restau- ence. Lawrence draws its 1,520 stu-
rant and Pub located at East 6790 Highwaydents from 44 states and 56 countries.
106, Union, WA 98592. John Eager states On the web: httpd/readabeut.
that many folks from all over the United me/achievements/Thomas-Maim-
States" are coming. Designated drivers are Named-to-Deans-List-at-Lawrence-
welcome University/2847256.
Come See Our 1st-Run
Harry Potter
& The OeeUdy
HJk)ws Plm 2
Dally 1:30, 4:10, S:4Spm
Additional Shows
Fd-Sat 9:20pm
Darlk of the Moon
r~dly S.'O0, s~opm
Add/t/on#l Sho~
Frl-Sst 9.'00pro
~-- tiOW OPEN--
Fm.7/22 • THURS. 1/28
Gmn LanWn
Port of Shelton, Position 2
Let s Work Together to Build Our
Economy Through the Port of Shelton
• Served six years as City of Shelton Commissiouer of Finance & Housing
• Curren;dy serving on the boards of Mason County Shelter & Mason
County Literacy
• Life member of VFW Post 1694
• Member of American Legion Post 31 and 40 et 8 Voiture 135
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Dick Taylor
for Port Commissioner
308 W. Seattle Ave. • Shelton, WA 98584
gift for any
Complete this form, clip it and mail to P.O. Box 430, Shetton, WA 98584
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 21,2011 - Page B-3