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Continued from page B-4
So. Suite 200, Seattle, WA
98144-4632 or the American
Cancer Society, Attention: me
Cysul Gay Norsby
Cysul Gay Norsby, 80, died
Thursday, July 14, 2011. He
was a resident of Lynden.
He was bern May 14, 1931,
in Langsford, N.D., to Nor-
man and Stella Norsby.
At age 2, his family moved
to Shelton.
He grew up in Shelton
along with his three brothers
and attended school there.
He later joined the Air
Force and after being dis-
charged moved to Belling-
He married Karen Beard
in 1951 in BeUingham.
He joined ILWU and
worked as a longshoreman
for 22 years. When he retired,
he moved to Winthrop, where
he enjoyed making, fixing and
building projects in his work-
His family shared that he
was an avid sportsman and
spent many years hunting
attic, WA 98145-5005
Good Steward Funer-
als of Lynden is handling
the arrangements. To share
thoughts with his family visit
Gordon K. ' ;ordie"
Richmond, St.
Gordon K. "Gordie" Rich-
mond, Sr. died Tuesday, July
12, 2011 in Lacey. He was
a resident of Shelten for 16
He was bern April 4, 1925
to Oliver P. and Pearl B.
ing WWII
and the
Richmond U n i t e d
Guard during the Korean
He married Patricia Prig-
more on February 28, 1990 in
He worked as a meat but-
will be at 11:30 on Monday,
August 8, at the Tahoma Na-
tional Cemetery located at
18600 Se 240th St, Cov g-
ton, WA.
Donations can be made
to Sons of American Legion
Squadron 31 in Shelton. Mail
to 113 Cota St., Shelton, WA
Catholic Church in Shelton,
followed by a reception and
burial at Calvary Cemetery,
Her favorite charities were
Children's Orthopedic Hoe-
pital, Mason County Histori-
cal Society and Girl Scouts of
Western Washington.
Diane White
Ruth Hillier Tylczak Diane White, 55, died
Ruth Tylczak, 89, died Wednesday, July 13,2011 at
Thursday, July 14, 2011 at home in Grapeview. She was
home in Shelton. a resident for 24 years.
Tylczak was born in Shel- She was bern on October
ten on 26 February 1922 to 19, 1955 in Seattle, to Robert
(Hardee) Arthur and Stella (Faubert) L. and Dorothy M. (Christian)
in Newton, Hillier. Stephens.
Iowa. Her early childhood wasShe graduated from Im-
H e spent in Potlatch. The family maculate Conception High
served in returned to Shelton when she School in 1973 and took some
the Unit- was in the eighth grade. Lat- college classes at Seattle Cen-
er she spent two years at Holy tral Community College.
ed States
Navy dur- Names Academy in Seattle
before graduating in the class
of 1940 from Irene S. Reed
High School in Shelton. She
then attended Stephens Col-
lege in Columbia, Missouri
and in 1944, earned a degree
in Sociology at Washington
State College in Pulhnaa
She was a member of Alpha
Gamma Delta Women's Fra-
She married David A.
White in Seattle on July 31,
She was a homemaker and
raised two daughters. She
worked as a waitress and for
a t£me in a retirement home
and also for the ferry system.
The family shared that she
was one of Jehovah's Witness-
es and she was very active in
the ministry. Her hobbies
and fishing, including hunt- ter for several chain stores In August 1946, she mar-
ing in Washington and Men- prior to acquiring his own tied Louis F. Tylczak of Mas-
tana and Marlin fishing in business of Mill Plain Food sachusetts, who she had met
Hawaii, and salmon fishing in Lockers/Retail Meats. He earlier at a USO dance in
Westport, I1Waco and Camp- was employed as manager of Shelton~ They were married
bell River. He enjoyed trav- several Eagles Lodges and for 53 years.
cling and worked, for Vancouver parks She raised five children,
made sev- maintenance de~ont. He • was employed by the Depart-
eral trips retiredas warehouse foreman ment of Social and Health
to Hawaii, of Evergreen Schooldis'aict of Services and was deeply in-
N e v ad a, Vancouver. volved in the activities of St..
A r i z o n a He was a member of SousEdwards Catholic Churv~
and spent a Chef de Chem Deg Pas~ of 40 the Girl Scouts and the lo-
few winters ET 8; American Legion state cal Orthopedic Guild. She
in Yuma, commander in 1997; Ameri- enjoyed traveling, playing
Ariz.. Aller can Legion Post 14; 40/8 Voi- bridge, collecting frogs figu-
16 years in ture 99, Vancouver, Wash.; rines and spending as much
Norsby Winthrop, VFW post 318 in Olympia; time as possible at "Pebbly
the Nors- D-A.V. Ev~ Chapter;, Beach," the fan~ily's summer
by's re- Elks in Battle Ground; Ea- home on the Hood Canal. Her
turned to Whatcem County, gles in Stevenson; Moose at favorite color was purple.
settling in Lynden. His fam- the Dalles, Ore.; Sons of the She was preceded in death
fly shared that he was frugal American Legion Squadron by her parents, husband,
and yet generous, hadagreat 31in Shelton; honorary mem- Louis and brother James
included cooking (especially
Creole and Mexican cuisine),
music, dance and shopping.
She enjoyed traveling with
her husband, enjoyed people
and enter-
Her faro-
fly said she
was fun
loving and
vous with
a delightful
sense ofhu-
White mor.
She is
survived by
her husband David White of
Grapoview; daughters Detra
Phillips (Jacob) of Shelton
and Denita Jones of Tacoma;
father Robert Stephens of Se-
attle; mother Dorothy Woods
sense of humor, was a good ber of Royal Canadian Le- Hillier. of Seattle; sisters Joanna El=
friend an.d loved.pets., • . gion in Vancouver, B.C. Navy She is survived by her chil- lison (Richard), Annette Liv-
• ne is surwvea Dy ms League, N.R.~ and life mem- dren, John (Staci) and their ingston (Raymond), Sunni
wife, Karen; son Dan Nors- ber of Mount Moriah ~ daughters Sarah and Megau Terry (Brian), Dee Stephens,
by (Cheryl) of Bellingham; ii IPP-,AMI,~IT-;-------~- of Tacoma; Margaret Her- MarthaJamersonand Ja-
grandchildren Melissa and 'I~is'--f~n~v"'~d that.flefinger (Eric) and their son net James (Joe) all of Seattle;
Steve Haugen, Rebecca and he p.nlnw~i----~shin¢ h----~ni~-~- Hart of Vashon Island; Lisa grandchildren Jordan and
Jonathan Judy, Mike Nors- fa~v frie-" -nds and'-"--=~dchil--e-' Lavington and her daughters Joel Phillips and Daisia, Mal-
by and fiancd' Shyla Alsum; dren~' . ~' .... Katherine,and Laura~g, Fed- ,akai~ amt Xayia Jones;.t~xee
great-grandchildren Baildy~i,~H-~e is survived by his wife ~ Way;,Jb~ph (Lym0~and aunts;twoundeiandnuiner-
Brooke and Brock Haugen, Patricia; sons Gordon Jr. of their children Erik and Les- ous nephews, cousins and
Samuel and Benjamin Judy and BryanofLakewood, Step- Icy of Albany, Ore.; Andrea friends.
and Carter Norsby. son Ken Burgess of Mercod, of New Westminster, British A memorial service was
He was preceded in death Calif.; step-grandson Robert Columbia; numerous cousins, held on Saturday, July 16 at
by his daughter Terri; par- Burgess; nine grandchildren; nieces and nephews including The Kingdom Hall of the Je-
ents Stella and Norman 14 great-grandchildren and Joann McComb of Shelton, hevah Witnesses.
Norsby; brothers, Joe and one great-great-grandchild. Vhginia Harmon of Seattle McComb Funeral Home
Earl Norsby of Everett. A memorial service pot-and Rev. Thomas Connolly, of Shelton is handling the
At his request there willbe luck is planed at 1 p.m. on SJ. of Spokane. arrangements. For your con-
no services. Donations may Saturday, July 30 at Voiture Mass of Christian Burial venience online condolences
be made to Seattle Children's 135, 113 Cota Street, Shelton, will be held at noon on Friday, may be sent to the family at
Hospital, PO Box 5371, Se- WA 98584. Graveside service July 23, 2011 at St. Edwards www.mccombflxcom.
Continued from page B-1
"We helped get the Baptists going and
the Lutherans and St. Hughs - I'm not a
regular church goer, i just want to see it
happen," she said.
While Stormo said she couldn't share
her popular cinnamon roll recipe, she
shared another family favorite - a wild
rice casserole.
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Allyn Historic Church Board
bake sales like the one at AI-
lyn Days have kept the church
afloat since the mid 1960s.
Ruth Hillier Tylczak
Ruth 'l~lczak, who
embraced a lifetime of
digging clams, hiking
local trails and sharing her
intrepid spirit with family
and friends, died at her home
in Shelton on July 14th at the
age of 89. While she had been
in declining health for several
years, her passing came with
sadness and shock to her scores of
Mrs. Tylezak was born in Shelton on
February 26th, 1922. Her early childhood was spent in Potlatch
where her father was superintendent of Phoenix Logging
Company, her mother was active in the community, and where
she delighted in many adventures provided by a life on Hood
Canal. The family returned to Shelton when Ruth was in
eighth grade. She attended Holy Names Academy in Seattle
before graduating in the class of 1940 from Irene S. Reed High
School in Shelton. She attended Stephens College in Columbia.
Missouri and, in 1944, earned a degree in Sociology at The
State College of Washington in Pullman. She was a member or
Alpha Gamma Delta Women's Fraternity.
In August 1946, Ruth married Louis E Tylczak of
Massachusetts, whom she had met earlier at a USO dance in
Sbelton. They were married for 53 years.
During her bountiful and active lifetime, Mrs. Tylczak
raised five cMldren, was employed by the Department of Social
and Health Services and was deeply involved in the activities
of St. Edwards Catholic Church, the Girl Scouts and the
local Orthopedic Guild• She enjoyed traveling, playing cards,
collecting frogs figurines, researching family genealogy and
spending time at the family's summer cabin on Hood Canal.
Her favorite color was purple.
Mrs~Tylczali was preceded in death by her husband, Louis:
her parents, Arthur and Stella (Faubert) Hillier; and her brother
James Hillier. Ruth is survived by her children, John and his
wife Staci and their daughters Sarah and Megan of Tacoma;
Margaret and her husband Eric Hefflefinger and their son Hart
of Vashon Island; Lisa Lavington and her daughters Katherine
and Laura of Federal Way; Joseph and his wife Lynn and their
children Erik and Lesley of Albany, Oregon; and Andrea of
New Wcstminister, British Columbia• There are also numerous
cousins, nieces and nephews. Rosary will be said Thu'rsday,
July 21 at 6:30p.m. and mass of Christian Burial will be held
at noon at St. Edwards Catholic Church in Shclton, on Friday,
July 22, 2011, followed by a reception and burial in the Holy
Cross section of Shelton Memorial Park.
Her favorite charities were Children's Orthopedic Hospital,
Mason County Historical Society and the Girl Scouts of
Western Washington.
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Continued from page B-1
unlike most guitars, a uke has
strings made of nylon, which are
easier on a beginner's soft fingers.
"It's easy to learn and with most
songs if you learn about three
chords you can start playing," he
said. "It's rewarding because of the
learning curve."
The Alderbrook might not be a
tropical island, but Moss said that it
feels like a paradise on a nice day,
especially when paired with the uke.
"There's a magical little aura
Journal photo by Natalie Johr~on
Moss began playing ukelele
because he was too small to
play a guitar.
around this place," he said.
You can catch Moss Tuesday
through Saturday at the Alderbrook
Resort, most days from 5 p.m. to 9
Continued from page B-1
The Farmers Market continues
to roll along successfully this sum-
mer. One of regulars seems to be Bill
Sheaf with his Harstine Honey. He
has been selling at the market for
three years. People are starting to
recognize the health values of raw lo-
cal honey. As far as Bill knows, Harst-
ine Honey is one of the few, if not the
only, commercial source of local honey
in Mason County. There is no com-
parison between Harstine Honey and
County Journal - Thursday, July 21,2011 - Page 8-5