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Shelton-Mason County Journal
lOU and 12U
Timbers headed
to Regionals in
Enumclaw this
. Going into the Mustang
State Section: tournament
in Tacoma last weekend,
10U Timber Manager Ben
Waylett thought the team
would finish in the top
On Sunday, July 17,
the 10U Timber team won
their final game of the
tournamentI becomin the
"I was hopeful they
would win but I'm ecstatic
they won because they've
been working really hard
and it's very exciting,"
Waylett said. "It's a good
group of kids that I think
will be successful in the fu-
The 10U Timbers start-
ed the tournament strong
with a 12-2 victory over the
CVAC Vipers from Rent-
on and followed that win
with a 10-9 victory over
the South Sound Baseball
Crush team after scoring
seven runs in the bottom of
the sixth inning. The team
got a taste of defeat when
Submitted by Ben Waylett
Submitted by Dave Gerhold
The 12U timber baseball team went 2-2 at the
state sectional tournament in Tacoma last
weekend. The team are (front, left to right)
Dakota Burke, Zak York, Mike Gerhold, Kyle
Kimball and Wade Smotherman; (middle, l-r)
Travis Ruschner, Tallen Sytsma, Taylor
Simmons, Jakob Simpson and Jackson Obert;
(back, l-r) Coaches Scott Obert and Dave
The IOU Timber baseball team won the state sectionals tournament in Gerhold. Not pictured are Marshall
Tacoma last weekend. The team are (front, left to right) Caeleb Hitsman McCullough and Andy Lee.
and Payton Goos; (second row, l-r) Ty Smotherman, Brenden Engstrom,
Wesley Burnamb Blaine Van Aagten, Josh Deemer, Easton Waylett and Gerhold said. "I think state do well at regionals.
Max F. Johnson; (third row, l-r) Hunter Frye, Casey Badillo-Brown and sectionals went well and I "Looking at it, I think
Max M. Johnson; (back row, l-r) Manager Ben Waylett, Coach Kevin think we will finish in the the team could possibly
Frye, Coach Grant Johnson and Head Coach Jason Hitsman. top four in the regional be top three at regionals,"
tournament." he said. "But looking at
the Tacoma All-Stars won their earlier loss b.y defeat- will move on to Regionals Gerhold added that he how they played their last
their third game 20-12 on ing the Tacoma All-Starsin Enumclaw this weekend and his team are not toogame, they could win it."
Saturday, July 16. 13-9. with the 10U team. Coach concerned about winning If either team wins the
Despite the loss, the 10U "The kids were definite-Dave Gerhold said the 12U and losing, regionals tournament, they
Timbers came back strong ly excited to beat the team team lost their first two "We want to develop will travel to Los Alamitos,
on Sunday when they de- they lost to," Waylett said. games 8-5 and 5-2. Howev- 'the athletes and they have Cali. to play in the Mus-
feated the CVAC All-Stars "They were in the zone."er, after winning their last done a great job of develop- tang Zone Tournament
from Renton 11-1. In their The 12U Timber team two games 15-2 and 14-1. ing this season." against teams from north
final game of the tourna- also played in the state"The 12U team has done Waylett also stated he and south California, Utah,
ment, the team avenged sectionals tournament and about as well as expected," thinks the 10U team willArizona and Washington.
With a full field of golf-
ers, dinner served to over
200 people and an undis-
closed amount of money
raised through the silent
and live auctions, the first
Love In the Name of Christ
(Love INC) fundralser on
Monday, July 18 was de-
clared a success.
=We had quite a suc-
cessful day," Bill Kendrick,
chairman of the golf com-
mittee, said. =Everybody
seemed to have a good
Celebrity golfers Pat
Boone and Don James
made an impression on the
crowd, with Boone perform-
ing a few songs and James
giving his optimistic opin-
ion of this year's University
of Washington football sea-
Before the tournament,
each explained their rea-
sons for why they believe
the community should be-
come involved in Love INC.
"I would tell the commu-
nity to give back," James
said. "That's the key thing.
Think in terms of all the
things you're getting and
what you can do to help
Boone explained that
he's been saying for years
that if the local churches
did everything they could
to help the community this
country would not need
so much government bu-
=This country is awash
in red ink and I think the
answer is Love INC," he
Kendrick said Mason
County has a lot of people
in need and that Love INC
wants to do everything
a success
Journal photo of Emily Hanson
Pat Boone (left) and Don James were the
celebrity golfers at the first fundraiser golf
tournament for Love INC on Monday, July 18.
they can to mobilize the lo- Handicap Division:
cal churches to help. First Place: Bob Rog-
He stated that local ers, Kyle Hackney, Jerry
churches make an individ- McAvinew and Jeff Wright,
ual effort to help in several score 54.75.
small ways but if they can Second Place: Steve
work together, they can Demiero, Henry Fertitta,
help in large ways. Miles Silverthorn and Jeri
Though the total amount Ainsworth, score 55.
raised was not yet known Third Place: Bob BuM,
as of press time, Executive Rick Endicott, Scott Bar-
Director Carl Duke said he nard and Jack Ott, score
knew the organization had 55.75.
done very well. Closest to the pin #6: Jay
The winners of the tour- Deiglmiere, 7'4".
nament are as follows: Closet to the pin #12:
Non-Handicap Division: Men - Jeri Ainsworth, 6'1";
First Place: Bill Buthorn, Women - Linda Hoff, 32'9".
Paul Muery, Mark Koenig Long Drive- Men: Bry-
and Tom Targus, score 55. an Woods.
Second Place: Jerry Long Drive - Women:
Wasson, Greg Wasson, Tim Caitlyn Ernst.
Wasson and Jim Gallagher, Closest to the line - Men:
score 59. Drew MacEwen.
• Third Place: Drew MacE- Closest to the line -
wen, Chris Cation, David Women: Caitlyn Ernst.
McDaniel and Craig Chap- For more information
man, score 61. about Love INC, contact
Fourth Place: John Kur- the office at 462-5683 or
pins, Fred Bowser, Paul visit the office, located at
Schwinn and Rick Wil- 221 W. Railroad Ave. in
lianas, score 63. Shelton.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
After dressing up their coaches in costumes on Thursday, July 14,
children involved in the Highclimber soccer camp practiced more
fundamentals of the sport during their last day of camp,
Fundamentals taught at
Highclimber soccer camp
By EMILY HANSON so they learned how to have fun with
the sport. The younger children in the
The numbers for this year's High-camp were also taught games, but the
climber soccer camp were much higher coaches worked on fundamentals of the
than previous years, game with them as well.
During the camp, which ran from Another fun aspect of the camp for
Monday, July 11 through Thursday,the children and cbaches alike were
July 14, 21 children participated, the special activities done toward the
which junior varsity coach Courtney end of each day. During the four days,
Weeden said is much higher than pre- the children had mis-match day, dress
vious years, up your coach day, squirt gun day and
Helping Weeden coach the childrenmilkshake mayhem.
were 13 players from the Shelton High "The camp was a lot of fun for every-
School girls' soccer team. one," Weeden said. "I think the camp
"We do the camp to get more kids in- went really well. The kids did well and
volved in soccer," Weeden said. "I also we had a lot of involvement. I'm hoping
think it's good for the team because if the kids return next year and we have
they're coaching then they're getting a even higher numbers.~
better understanding of the game.~ Weeden said she ran this year's camp
For the younger children participat- because the new head soccer coach,
ing, Weeden said the coaches taught Mike Malpass, was not available to do
them games to play using a soccer ball so.
Thursday, July 21,2011 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page C-1