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G~ e~ G~ Gg
Bayshore Ladies Golf
June 28
Even Holes
Flight One (18 Holes):
Toni Stevens.
Flight Two (18 Holes): Bil-
lie Elms.
Nine Holes: Judy Zehrung.
Least Putts: 18 Holes-(tie)
Toni Stevens, Billie Elms; 9
Holes-Judy Zehrtmg.
Lake Limerick Ladies' Golf
June 29
18 Hole Division
Low Putts
Flight One, top three: Ann
Johnson, 30; Marsha Berry,
31; (tie) Marilyn Waldrop,
Diane Pollard, 33.
Flight Two, top three: Joyce
Reynolds, 29; MaryLou Traut-
mann, 31; Gayle Wilcox, 32.
Chips-ins: Ann Johnson
LOw Net of the Day: Gayle
Wilcox, 67.
Nine Hole Division
Low Putts
Flight One, top three: Pat
Zulfur, 14; Pat Derheim, 16;
Sharon H rdsall, 18.
Flight TWo, top three; Patt
Wass,13; Sharon Corrigan,
19; Sheila Thomas, 21.
Pars: Bonnie Morrow, #7.
Low Net of the Day: Pat
Zulfur, 32.
Low Putts: Pat Wass, 13.
July 1
& F's
Flight One, top three: Ann
Johnson, 20; Joyce Reynolds,
20.5; Gayle Wilcox.
Flight Two, top three: (tie)
Clara Robinson, Sheila Thom-
as, 19.5; Rosie Bowcutt, 20.5.
Low Net of the Day: Sheila
Thomas, 33.
The Lake Limerick Ladies'
Golf Culb held their annual
partner Best Ball Tourna-
ment. Hero are the results:
18 Hole Division
First - MaryLou Traut-
mann and Diane Pollard
with a two-day score of 125.
Second- Ann Johnson and
Gail Gagner with a two-day
score of 130.
Nine Hole Division
First - Sharon Corrigan
and Pat Zulfer with a two-
day score of 56.
Second- (tie) Sharon Had-
sall and Sheila Thomas; Bon-
nie Morrow and Bona Lavin
with a two-day score of 65.
Bayshoro Ladies Golf
July 5
Selective 9
Flight One, top two (18
Holes): Marylou wicken, Billy
Flight Two, top two (18
Holes): Kaye Knudsen,.Pam
Least Putts: Luanna Ellis.
Kaye Knudsen, 3.
Chip In's/Hole Number:
Pam Ward, 10.
Alderbrook Ladies Golf
July 5
Team scramble
First place: Karen Logan,
Jackie Wattnem, Lorna Mar-
tmson and Janice Lapinski
with a gross scoro of 70.
Second place: Gerry Lou
Haselwood, Del Bailey, Kay
McAvinew and Leona Klein
Pat Johnson, 62.
9 Hole Players: First, Car-
ol Kelley, 21.5; Second, Judy
Brockman, 24.5; Third place,
Peggy Willis, 26.
Lake. Limerick Ladies Golf
July 7
9-Hole Division
Bingu/Low Net
Top three: Diane Pollard,
Kerry Torkelson, Joyce Reyn-
Low Net: Sharon Corri-
gan, 37
Pars: Kerry Torkelson, #7;
Clara Robinson, #7.
Chip-lns: Kerry,, Torkel-
son, #3.
Low Net of the Day: Kerry
Flag Competition
Flight One, top four: Barb
Dennis, Robbi Alberts, Pat
Derheim, Sheila Thomas.
Low Net of the Day: Barb
Dennis, 35.
Bayshoro Ladies GOLf
July 14
First Mates Tournament
Low Gross of the Field:
Martinson/Martinson, 76.
Low Net of the Field: Cur-
tis/James, 58.
First Division-
First: Low Gross - Reno/
Seydel, 77. Low Net -
Muhich/Ellis, 66.
Second: Low Gross - Ev-
ans/Backlund, 86. Low Net -
Proudlock/Watters, 67.
Third: Low- Gross-
Torkelson, 31.
July 8
9 Hole Division " 'Barnes/Warner, 86. Low Net
Throw Out Worst Hole - Claggett/Manning, 67.
Flight One, top three: (tie) Forum: Low Gross'-- Da-
with a gross score of 71. Joyce Reynolds, Goyle Wfl. vis/Reynolds, 87. Low Net -
Third place: Shirley Second IBVision-
M ch, NancyGom , n- cox,F t top thr ::" B hoWW ,e7.
da McMullin and Sharon Du- Sheila Thomas, 27; Rosie
fresne with a gross score of 7. Bowcott, 30; (tie) Sharon
Fourth Place: Dee Bishop, Hadsall, Sharon Corrigan
Elaine Puetz, Diana Cation and Pat Wags.
and Carol Norbeck With a Pars: Joyce Reynolds, #13.
gross score of 72. Low Net of the Day: (tie)
Lake LimerickLadies'Golf Jeyce Reynolds and Gayle
July 6 Wilcox, 26.
18 Hole Division Bayshoro Ladies Golf
Low Net July 12
Flight One, top three: Ann Net Golf
Johnson, 68; Losley Robert- Flight One (18 holes) top
shaw-Mosley, 69; Diane Pol- two: Luana Ellis, first; Mary-
lard, 73. lou wicken, second.
FlightTwo, top three: Joyce Flight Two (18 holes) top
Reynolds, 71; Kerry Torkel- three: Judy Zehrung, first;
son, 73; Gay!e Wilcox, 74. Deb Rechnitz, second; Har-
Chip-Ins: Iris Zieman, #10. lene Robbins, third.
Low Net of the Day." Ann Least Putts: Judy Zehrung
Johnson, 68. Chip In's/Hole Number:
July 6 Harlene Robbins, #8.
9 Hole Division Alderbrook Ladies Golf
Low Net July 12
Flight One, top three: Sha- Hidden Holes
ron Corrigan, 36; (tie) Bonnie Division One, top three:
Morrow and Sharon Hadsall, Coralie Watters, net. 71; Sue
37. Austin, 76; Sue Wright, 78.
Flight TWo, top three: (tie) Division TWo, top three:
Pegi Reese, Rosie Bowcutt Linda Croswell, 88; Pat John-
and Sheila Thomas, 38. son, 91; Pat Stebie, 91.
Pars: Robbi Alberts, #4; Lake LimerickLadies GOlf
Pegi Reese, #4. July 13
Chip-Ins: Sharon Hadsall, 18-Hole Division
#6. Flag Competition
Low Net of the Day: Sha- Flight One, top three:
ron Corrigan, 36. Diane Pollard; Lesley Rob-
Alderbrook Ladies Golf ertshaw-Mosley; (tie) Kerry
July 7 Torkelson, Marilyn Waldrop
Hidden Holes and Gayle Wilcox.
18 Hole Players: First,Chip-Ins: Diane Pollard,
Sue Proudlock, 57; Second, #17. Lesley Robertshaw-Mos-
Sharon Dufresne, 59; Third, ley, #14.
Ginny Chitwood, 61; Fourth, .P bert-
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shaw.-Mosley, # and #14_
Low Net of the Day." Diane
Pollard, 66.
9-Hole Division
Go to
First: LOW Gross- BeVy/
Pollard, 87. LowNet-Evans/
Wustebarth, 62.
Second: Low Gross - Pape/
Topness, 90. LOw Net - Tong/
Campbell, 65.
Third: ,Low Gross - Bow-
ers/Broadrick, 91. Low Net -
Ellis/Stinoge!, 65.
Fourth: LOw Gross: Dob-
son/Morrow, 92. Low Net-
Sadtler/Bird, 66.
Third Division -
First: Low Gross - Cro-
swell/Kii ch iian, 91. Low
Net, Puetz/raylor, 66.
Second: Low* Gross - Au-
mend/Okerman, 95. Low Net
'- Keller/Pickles, 68.
Third: Low Gross - Tib-
bets/Duke, 96. Low Net - Mc-
Clure/Estep, 68.
Fourth: Low Gross - Mc-
Mullin/McAvinew, 97. Low
Net - Ambauen/Cormer, 68.
Fourth Division -
First: Low Gross - John-
son/Dufrosne. 93. Low Net-
Bailey/I.m~kwood, 60.
Second: Low Gross - Jo-
nas/Stein, 130. Low Net
Clausen/Steffan, 60.
Third: Low Gross - Lapin-
skffHill, 104. Low Net - Bad-
er/Hackney, 63.
Fourth: Low Gross - Ham-
mer/Peters, 106. Low Net -
WolgamotffRogers, 67.
Lake Limerick Ladies GOlf
July 15
9-Hole Division
and F's Competition
Flight One, top tha'~::(tie)
Joyce Reynolds and MaryI q
Trautmann; Kerry Torkel-
son; Gall Gagner.
Pars: Ann Johnson, #16;
Joyce Reynolds, #10.
Chip-Ins: Joyce Reynolds,
Birdies: Joyce Reynolds,
Low Net of the Day: Joyce
Reynolds, 31.
26th Annual Shamrock
Hosted by Lake Limerick
Ladies Club, June 8
Low Gross of the Field:
Gretchen Klein, 77, Grays
Harbor CC.
Low New of the Field: ROb-
bi Alberts, 64, Lake Limerick.
First Flight
Low Gross: Karen Sharp,
86, Maplewood.
Low Net (tie): Donna
Allerdings, Capital City, and
Luana Ellis, Bayshore, 65.
Third Low Net: Marsha
Berry, 66, Lake Limerick.
Fourth Low Net: Michele
Johnson, 69, Tumwater Val-
Fitth Low Net: Carol
Bononi, 70, Capital City.
Second Flight
Low Gross: Mary Lou
Wicken, 95, Bayshoro.
Low Net: Molly Frazier,
66, Lake Cushman.
Second Low Net: Los-
lie Robertshaw-Mosley, 67,
Lake Limerick.
Third Low Net: Gayle Wil-
cox, 69, Lake Limerick.
Fourth Low Net: (tie) Bil-
lie Elms, Bayshore, and Pat
Conway, Dungeness, 71.
Third Flight
Low Gross: Leona Klein,
100, Alderbrook.
Low Net: Iris Zieman, 70,
Lake Limerick.
Second Low Net: (tie)
Joyce Reynolds and Bonnie
Morrow, 71, Lake Limberick.
Fourth Low Net: (tie) Ma-
rie Bierward, Lake Limerick,
Paula Katyryniuk, Bayshore,
Ace .uracy Drive Hole #3
First Flight: Michele John-
son, 2'7", Tumwater Valley.
Second Flight: Leslie ROb-
ertshaw-Mosley, 3'9", Lake
Third Flight: Paula
Katyryniuk, 2', Bayshoro.
Long Drive Hole #17
First Flight: Sharon Glass,
Capital City.
Second Flight: Monica
Gibbs, Lake Limerick.
Third Flight: Dianne Hie-
att, GOld Mountain.
KP Hole #7 .........
, First Flight: Lavack,
16'10", Capital City
Second Flight: Billie Elms,
10'11", Bayshoro.
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Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 21,2011