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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 22, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 22, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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gAGE TWO jiiiii ii m THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, JULY 22, 192T i . p 00iUN TO SHOOT FIVE TON SHELLS 300 MILl&apos;S Th e German's P'Big Bertha" gud lwhicll dropped sbclls on Paris at tdistanee of sev- my miles, fades Jinto insignificance lefore the new merican g u n tw. hich will shoot' .gas, bombs or !hcl|s weighing ']five ,tons a dis- tahoe of 300 miles. Such a gtln has not been but as .yet, hut in a mini.  i tature dcmoustra- "tion before noted IAmerican inven- t(ors in the tower !of the great ]Wonhvorth l.;uild- ling at New yo:k tthe other day this ilittle gun shot ,steel hullers ,'through a lhrcc- fluartcr inch steel plate, as shown in .l'he pitt ire Ex- perts declare the big gun practical. .!It i smokeless and almost noise- less  the o n I y ,sound coming ': :with the impact of the bullet 'against the steel The same prim:i- {,le Is to be for ,mwed m riveting mot'tunes for ship COIl %t rlJction; ,.9 ]FROMME LIGHTENS LOAD OLYMPIC FOREST RANGER A combination axe and mattotk has been devised which will take the place of the two tools and eliminate about four pounds of unnecessary weight. To most people this won't mean such an awful lot, but to a forest ranger who is required to carry an axe and shovel or mattock with a total weigth of eight or ten pounds, besides his poe.k, this new tool will mean a great eavmg ,of energy or in other words take a big load from his back. R.L. Fromme, supervisor of the Olympic forest, has ordered a number, of these weapons of forest warfare for his de- partment, and expects to equip his men with them. He says they are not quite as efficient as the single tooh: t%r large fires where haste is the big thing, but they will d 9 for small fires and range duty in general. .--Olympian. PEERLESS MARKET RELIABILITY AND SERVICE Bosch & Choslock Shelton, Wash. S H E L T O N INDEPENDENT Auto Stages, i i Daily Schedule Leave Shelton Leave Olympia 7:00 'a. m. 11:00 a. m. $:00 p.m. 5:80 p. m. Shelton to Old KamilEhe.$ 4} Shelton to Snider's Prairie.,..7 Sheltan to Mud Bay ...... 1.00 8helton to Olympia ...... 1,6 Leaving Shelto from Hotel SheIton. Phone 421. Olympia to Snider'a Prairie...50 Olympia to Old Kamilcha...75 Olympia to Ctmhmau's.... 1.00 Olympia to BheltoB ....... 1.26 Leavinll[ Olympia from Braeger' Place Phone 27 THOMPSON t DUNBAR. Ownera and Olmrators SHIPPING BOARD NATION'S PROBLN NEW ADMINISTRATION FACES LACK OF SALVAGING FROM WRECK OF OLD SYSTEM Washington, July 18.Discovery of the need for asking congress for a $300,000,000 deficiency appropriation in behalf of the shipping board today prompted the new chairman, A. D. Lasker, to pronounce his predecessors at the helm of the government's mon- ster merchant fleet as incompetent to the point of being criminal. Armed with authority from Presi- (lent Harding to "yank the lid off the entire shipping situation," he summoned newspaper correspondents to his office. T here he made public figures showing that the shipping board, despite camouflage showing expenditures of $99,518,000, actually went "through" $680,000,000 in the last fiscal year. Deception of Cofigress "That's as near as we can get to it with the deplorable state of the books," Chairman Lasker state(]. "One thing is certain. There was an absolute deception of congress and the people on the expenditures of the shipping board. That never will be again." Alolzo Tweedale, comptroller, gave the chairman and Admiral W. S. Ben- son, former 'chairman, a clean bill. He charged it all to the system. Spent Big Sum Here is the schedule of receipts dragged out of the books of the board by Chairman Lasker to prove that in the present fiscal year $680,000,000 was "gone through": From operation of ships, $300,000,- 000. Frown treasury, by appropriation, $10,000,000. Balance in teasury at start of pQar, $80,000,000. From sale of ships, $200,000,000. "When I showed these figures to the president he was shocked, as con- gress and th'e public will be," he said. "It •only Shows the utter col- lapse of the hilping boarl. It con- stitutes the most difficult business proposition that ever was put up to an/ president." , . Value is Doubtful. There are 6,000 voyages on which no report has ever been made. "A if era of $160,000,000 was paid for new ships, i#hlch represent very dodbtftll assets" he continued. "The American Legion, sailing at last, aft- er being made' over seven times, rep- resents an investment of seven or eight millions. Approximately $220¢ 000,000,of this money which fias gone stands' ifor absolute loss. • "BUt hege is the fleet on o)ar hands. If wean Solve,the problemwe will have. estmb!isl,the Amerie mer. chant marine' 6n"he'.'seas , which will be worth of the/War to the nation." LAK'FWOOD NN OPENS Two Bremern, Ed Mopes and ,Roy Cunningham; have taken a lease on the Lakewood Inn, on Lake Debm'ah, near Allyn, and will put it again in service to Summer wsitors and automobile parties. The inn has not bee operated for several years and is being overhauled for the new occupancy. Its guests will all come from the Bremerton way. == = =-- == : :=I = = : : =:::::=:: :m i County ( )rrespondence #, HARSTINE 1 t John Wilson went to I?aeolna last Monday on the launch Sun,;et. Mrs. Hattie Go<ides entertained an old friend of her School days for a short visit this week. The lady was on route to Calil:ornia an<t broke the trip to visit her oht time schoolmafe. She (l(chtred hcr,:ell' (Iclilvhted with our 8nu K little i.,:htnd. ,larrell's Cove is b(:(,uming a favor- ire resort of the (lis('ipi(,s of Isaac Walton with the proverbial luck (d" the cult. The Emit Antlers,m, I,(.e Carl.on and Ed Wilson families picnicked on Ewms' lshmd 1:4, Sunday, going over on the Mary tL All went well unlil the return t','ip when engine trouble (tevetoped and they were oblig'ed to send out an 'S. O. S. call which was promptly answered by the launch Shamrock which towed the disabled craft safely into harbor. Miss Inga Anderson is visiting frien(is in Olympia this week. Mrs. Hans Bergeson and lens'Will ian(l Ed left Tuesday morning for a l¢.n clays' visit with Mr. Bergeson's sister, who lives near Soap Lake, Washington. Mrs. Bergeson, who has been troubled with rlaeumatism, for " O (Too late for last week.) The paving' ix prop:ressing nicely, the rmd being: finished to the Hurley Wal(h'ip crossmg. The roa(l camp will move to the creek near hit'. Countryman's store this week. Most of the ranchers are very busy haying. Mrs. Soman spent Monday in Olym- pia. ]Vh's. William Wahlberger is visit- inR' at Mrs, Sarah Veahlberger' this week. Mrs. Carl Young and daughter An- na were in Olyrnpia Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Twentier were Ar- cadia visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cheadle spent Sunday at Roy Greenwood's. ' , Mr. and Mrs. F. Donuhue were in Olympia Sunday evenlnff. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell drove over from Portland Monday for a few days' visit with Mrs.' Russell's brother,' Roy Greenwood, and family. Mrs; Price Lin(/sey who fell and broke her ankles about two months ago, has returned from Olympia, wher she has been under treatment and is getting along, nicely. Miss Maria Calvert of Olympia is some time will try the soap spring spending the week with her cousin baths. Mollie Lindsey. Mr and Mrs De Wit( and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Mr. and s'" Mls Greenwood wme callers at the !Turner from the mainlaml were iLi-  ". -" ;.. ;. oh, ,, M,-,, o¢(-,mo(,- L;arr home Monday evening r Nelson and daugbtm were i They paid Sunny Slope ranch a plea. . -. • " san( call. ," callers at Greenwood's Sunday eve- Let "er rain now! The grapes have Imng• _ vrs Guy Weaver and dauhters passed the critical period of their  - g .... ' race and Nora and Mrs Waldber er growtb ihe bunches m'e formed. • g • ; .... " - .... spent Sunday at the Weaver home at and sae rom me narm na a ram i T . " )" r .... I IVIU(I lay a weel¢ ago oula nave (tone. I ..,. ,*  - ....... ,--, ..... v,r^.,  v, nare reenwood is visiting in Ine lvlarle ran re neiu, on """-'"l ' "" ympm tins week nesday taking over those who went I to witness the tractor demonstration, iPLA N TO I BIG MILL WHOLLY " T p BY ELECTRICITY STADIUM I ort Angele 16.The big [ I plant of the Puget Sound Mills & .]Timber Company closed down last ":" Mr. L. Rauschert was a caller at[week for a matt'er of six weeks, but the Hansen farm on Sunday. ' [wlmn it reopens it will have the fin- Mrs. C. W. Baird of the Dew- drop Inn and Miss Somers took ad- vantage of the nice day on Sunday and came down to the Beach for a swim. Master Theo. Rauschert and H. Hansen were visiting over on Har- stine Island on Sunday. Capt. Win. Brink made a business trip to Shelton on Saturday to buy material for his launch which will soon be complete. The cabin is al- most finished. ' Hank Hansen went to Allyn today to get some paint fro. Capt. Brink. I The Johnson childern rettirued home today after spending two weeks with their grandparents. Miss Ethel Cbapman was a caller at the Hasen home today. The home canning is in full blast here in Stadium, so news is scarce for this week as the fair sex are too busy to get out. Some are pick- ing wild blackberries. ¢ PICKERING Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Nelscn re- turned from their California trip on Sunday, the 16th, (lusty, tanned and tired, but happy after a drive of near- !y 5000 miles. They report the roads m fair shape with the exception of some mountain roads they encounter- ed on the side trip to vis'it Mrs. Nel- son's brother at Dyersfield. The trip down to Los Angeles took 17 (lays. After a very pleasant visit with Mr. Nelson's parents and his brother Clyde, a physician, they started on the return trip July 7th. Nine clays was the record time com- ing home. Mrs. Elmer Wiss is in Seattle on a visit to friends and relatives. The two little girls, Alice and Lorene are are staying at Ira Libby's while their mother is away; Elmer •is "batching." ays he can boil water without burn- in. it. ' , urs. Chas. Green, Ralph Nelson s sister and her husband are here from Portland for a long visit. Mr. Green may locate here. He is an automobile man. I SHELTON VALLEY ' I Oren Ackley of Yakima visited at the Winsor home several days last week. He left Saturday, expecting to visit, relatives at Steilacoom and Chehalis before returning home. . Mr, Joe Shafer and family arrived last week from California. making the trip up in their car. They expect to make their future home in the valley, having disposed of erty in San Francisco and farm of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob we are glad to say, will continue to pmke their home on the farm so we ge some new neighobrs without los- ingithe old. . ir. and Mrs. Leonard Anderson of Camp One called at the Shelton and Wi_nsor  homes Sunday afternoon. The Wm. Shearers were over from Charleston Saturday night and Sun- day for a visit at the Sharer home. SWEETS TO THE SWEETEST What could be more embar- rassing than to have "that" box of candy opened by "her" and discover that the candy was stale ? Has it ever happened to you ? Avoid the possibility by always buying from uS. It's fresh. PAULSON'S SOFT DRINK STORE ii i ;,m Truck and Transfer MOVING TONNAGE GENERAL HAULING PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES JOHNSON & WIVELL PHONE 161, SHELTON est equipment of any mill on the Pacific coast and will be operated wholly by electricity, it is promised. Construction has already started on bringing the power over to the site of the mill and the box factory and sawmill proper will be operated entirely by electric energy. The planing mill will run as before. The big mill, which has probably run more continuous hours than any other mill on the Pacific coast, is silent for the first time in many months. Work has been rushed for the past two months to clean up its orders s6 that necessmT repairs can, be made. t Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL APpLiCATIONS, as the cannot reach the seat of the dlsease Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influ- enced by constitutional'conditions. HALL' CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It Is taken Internally md acts rthrot the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of er System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINES is composed of some of the belt tonic known, omblned with sos 9 of the best Mood purifiers. The perfect commnatlom of the Ingredients in HALL'S CATARRI-K MEDICINE is what produces such woa- derful results In catarrhal conditions, Druggiste  Testimonials freo. F. J. Choney  Co., Props,, Toledo, Oo Ford, Tractor Strike While the Iron is Hot--- Order Your Fordson Now A FoMson Tractor delivered on your farm, with complete course of instruction, on care and operation, for - $771.95 With No. 7 Gang Plow .......... $913.21 With No. 7 Gang Plow and Double Disc - - $1,092.00 Order Now For Fall W0rk i Terms if Desired WALLACE JOHNSON NOTOR CO. \