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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 22, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 22, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE MAgi:JOURNAL GET AFTI]liLAW-BREAKERS Classified Ad ]nntered a second-class matter at the postoflice at Sheltou, Washington /Published eerY  ,Friday mornirig, Subscription: :Domestic, $2 per year, Foreign, $2.50 in advance (All papers ronth after delinquency) HIGH TAXATION A great many people are inconsistent in their atti- tude of condemnation of the high tax rate. In many cases it will be found that those who are complaining the loudest are allied with some gl'oup or organization who are constantly bringing pressure to bear to secure added governmental activities or certain class benefit. This same situation endures in state governments and includes even the smallest ax levying unit. People do not seem to understand that such demands and expectations only serve to bring about added appropriations for new gov- ernmental activities and functions. There is a limit to governmental activities; govern- ment shold not be hampered in-a niggardly manner, but it should not be allowed to run outside its field and waste public funds in the effort to satisfy •class demands. The gover2ment is ours; it will in a great, measure reflect public attitude and mood. If the public mood is one of economy, thrift and common sense, government is bound to reflect it. Our government will be just what we want it to be. Just now it is reflecting a past national mood of waste, extravagance and recklessness. Today the public mood is for thrift and the government is going to react to that mood if the public demands it.--Industrial Review. We all seem a little sluggish these days and won't "steam up" until we get the summer vacation out of our systems. CARING FOR DEPOSITORS It will be good news to its depositors as well as the public generally that arrangements have been perfected to reorganize the Seattle Scan dinavian-Amexican Bank and work out its obligations through conserving its own securities, aided by sufficient cash to cover:)ts smaller and iniinediate claims. This is to be done by the associated state guaranty ba!k,bu without disturbinge guaran- ty!fund. The rep,S:of depositors will extend over a year but they wil!::mothing. The :: uther ;banks/ have " ? ":'"' " : ' i '  " ': ' proven.,, their streny resp ondlng ,¢o all : calls .... maple b.y timid ones, and in Seattle is Over. It ig unfor- tunate, more te'ests to kep auto goes snorting through the than fifty miles an hour flat w in violation of town and state to be told to "cut it out." Shklton kindly and winks at the min- or, infractions, but there is such a thing as imposing on good nature, as well as increasing the hazard of life. FUTURE LIES IN FARMING The large attendance at the recent demonstration of power farming utilities indicates a healthy interest by the farmers and public generally in the advance of agrl- cutur in this section. One of the speakers referred to the fact that at present the farming interests are paying only six per cent of the total taxes levied in Mason Coun- ty, and hat there is grea.t need of developing the  areas o good land in the county to provide for its future.when timber and lumbering will no longer furnish the support o£ the community. This county will compare favorably with any,other ,Western Washington county, it even has advantages over others, and only needs a revived interest towards its good lands and the working out of some plan of: co-operative clearing under odernmethods to attract new farmers and-encourage old farmers. Where the "war profits" we used to hear about? Uncle Sam will want to know about them later on. EXPENSIVE GOVERNMENT When government costs so much that its tax rate strangles business and threatens confiscation, then it has passed its legitimate bounds. The tendency of govern, ment is to go up in costs, at all'times regardless of the ervice it is rendering, whether it isputting more gov- ernment into business or more business into government. ,New machinery for investigation and execution .seems .alWays to be necessary. When the government extends atself too far it is the duty of citizens*to check it. That is ,what has to be done today. Goverqment must be made economical. It must be checked in its extravagance be- fore business is throttled entirely. Destructive taxes must be lifted from legitimate businesS. That is the job that must be attended to and the public must give legis- lairs and adninistrative bodies no rest until steps are taken to accomplish this. Over in Chehalis the other day a Miss Getsman mar, tied Mr. Quick.and the Bee-Nugget used the conventional head "Get, smaQuick" without being facetious. But at this distaice we:can safely crack a smile. " AP .... J SQUARES" The demand in Japan for Washington lumber may help out the logging situation somewhat but is not of par- tl'ular advantage to labor'm the mills. That market calls for what has become known as eJap souares," large squared timbera hieh are hber :worked l'to lumber ln the mills of that .country. The practice is encouraged by tltefact that tanf£is baed: 6n the Stick rather than the usual board measurement, Now the exlmiment of ship-, lo with0uts rm t?be :,' • • " P.,K .g. :.,.  e g i ,almatn all. ltatll labor in  count.: ,: ./,, %.!?,,.,, ,,, ..... . ../ It does not appear that any of the wet towns of the state have ary, thing on Shelton, where the traffic in contraband "moonshine" has become flagrant enough Vo disgust people who still have some respect for law. To the laymen who is not charged with the enforcement of the laws or drawing a salary it appears strange  that a better showing has not been made in the arrest and con: viction of those engaged in "boot- legging," at least to the exteut of securing fines to cover the extra cost of hunting the offenders. ]f .gem,ral sentiment is weak in this regard it will be com;idered something of a relecHon on the communitv, but it shou ,1 be realized that the 'majority of the people do respect the laws and will stand be- hind those who are char,_'ed with the enforcement. If the illicit traffic is carried on too flagrantly it ought to be easy to at ]east put it out of sight. A 0oor start has so far been made in this county, in some cases a jury has given offenders the benefit of every doubt and oermitted them to escape, while in the few conwctions the T)enalty has been so small as to be farcical, and looked at as a li- cense to continue. If a 'ood stiff jail sentence as well as a fine ample to cover all the cost the taxpayers have footed to watch the "bootleg- gers" was meted out, the enforce- ment of the federal and state pro- hibition laws would no longer be a huge joke. If something tangible in the way of a clean-up is not soon made the Jot;rnal is inclined to think that an organization of local citizens will be formed to demand improvement and, incidentally, to take a hand in the cleaning up. ' ,t|ii ,I ol  [,(:$ 500 REWARD ': '' : I ' '' __'_:" _ . ' IFor information leading to the arrest .  . and conviction of persng "rustling" vOR SAL.E: A good two horse srmg cattle belonging to th/hdersigmed. wagon :m goo(I con(lIT, IOn. • ..,ll sel _T  NInon, A "H" 1T11 _ WA; cheap. Gee. Jassarnick, (John's ,"'d"L7 ' ''"'::,i T""" .... h l .... t .... ' ........ ' ............... ' ...... treeK),  e on. -a' • Hunter and O Bishop. FOR TRADE: Will trade five head 7-8-tf of fine beef cattle for milch 'cows. FOR RENT: Five-Room House on T. G. Garrison, (Upper Skokomish Cota street. Mina Livingston. Valley) Potlatch. P.O. 8-5-3t 7-15-29-3t. FOR RENT OR SALE: Six room $5.00 paid by the Conffort Foot Pew- ]muse for rent or sale. Bath and der Co. for any case of perspira- electric lights. Inquire at Paine's tion, odor, or scalded feet it fails Restaurant, Shelton. 8-5-3t. to satisfactorily relieve. Ask your TIMBER FOIl SALE shoe dealer, or headquarters, Mc- 2,800,000 feet of fir timber and Minnville, Ore. 8-26-7t 400 piles, on lhe water of Hood Can- FOR SALE--Young Holstein Bull a]. M B. Grave:% owner, Lilliwaup, Calf. Eligible to registry, W.A. Wash. 8-5-3t. Hunter, Potlatch, P. O. (Skoko- FOR SALE: Two large cows coming mish Valley) 7-29-3t "..h in August. Allemen Ranch, SAW MI,LL FOR SALE Matlock Route. _ 8-5-3t LO¢ST: Fohling kodak in leatllercase, A small saw mill in good location Sunday evening at Alderbrook "on on tide water. For further particu- Navy Yard highway or between lara. inquire at this office. ($2) 8-12 [, that place and Shelton. , Finder PLANTS AND FLOWF.S please return to Dr. J. T. Shimek, Shelton. Reward. 7-29-2t Seasonal plants flowers and bulbs FOR SALE: Two iron bedsteads; two of all kinds furmshed at reasonable prices. Send in your orders to Esther iron bed springs; oak dining table Munson, Shelton. 4-22-tf and six chairs; 30-30 rifle. All in , fine shape. Also new .22 cal. Rem- ington rifle; one 8x12 tent, prac- LO Off ticalyl new. All bargains. For information writ.e or call at this Logged-off land for sale to actual office. (S-1). 7-22-1t settlers. Price $3.00 per acre and up according to location, topography and FOR SALE: Chevrolet 490 touring character of soil. Liberal tmrms of car, good as new. Tires 'all new. Apply Thos. O'Neill store. 8-5-3t ayment and interest on deferred payments at the rate of six percent SIGHTLY BLOCK FO SALI per annum. Liberty bonds taken in Sightly block of land for Sale on payment at par. Angleside hill. On front of hill SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY facing town along roadway. Un- obstructed view. Partly cleared. A good buy. Inquire this office. (A-1)t H. SAUER BUILD006 ON ]NC00hSE NEW EVERSHARPS IN PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER AND DECORATOR We have just received some of the Open for work until October 1st. One of the most encouraging feat- new model Eversharp. Plain short Postoffice box 503, Shelton, Wash. ares of the business outlook is the Corona ]encil with ring $I.00. Red, I01-i resumptiontistics from°fthebUildingcountryaCtivitY'at ]argeSta" blue and black enameled Eversharp ......... with eraser, 50c Refill leads now 15c snow more bu)l(Ung m progress nan ac" " " .... ' - ^- ' --'" for ,,ears. : a l Kegs, ln(lelloJe lea(l zoc. u --=:-:----=:===:=-:::====- Contracts awarded in 25 Northeast- )usmess,:men carry, the Eversharp. ournat muonery nop Build Nowl srn statics for April totaled more than - quarter of a billion dollars, the l   . , largest on record for an April and l . " : an increase of 34 leer cent over m/II'WW'IW MIIf%IT March. Inmsectionstel.creas4 Drlr. 1J-l[Uli • i am prepared to :fuish reached 71 per' cent and .all sedtioni') • :' , ' estimates for the coastruc- report 'gains Over' previous :montls. J v: .' v' I m'   w tion of buildings of Residential construction"leads, all L'l m:[ m m m w v other building, s the nation is short -  £ • Jt Jt. Jt WOOD over 1,500,000 homes as a .result of retarded 'construction during the war. 'Slightly lower wage 'scales and cheip- er lumber have acted as a stimulant ,to building, but there must be still further readjustment in prices before there will be a real bmhhn boom. Building, in addition to affording employment to thousands in the. building: al  allied:trade stimu- 'lares many other industries, makes business for railroads and augments the purchasing power of the country and demand for cmmodities.--Ex- change. i Now buiPped 'with power ma- chinery for, first class work. : FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits eleaned : pressed and dyed. cENtRAL HOTEL Rooms ,for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prop. i ii ..: CEMENT BRICK or TILE Let me know your require- mens Dan Anderson CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Shelton, Wash. ========================= 00lappy W]o00e A photograph wil Reep the thought of that great occasion fresh i memory. Arrange to have us take a picture on your wedding day. Kodaks and Supplies The Heckman Photo Shop Postoffice Building, Shelton Have you seen the latest Wood- stock Typewriter, containing several ) ew features not found on any other machine. Look over these good. points at Journal Stationery Shop. BLA CKSMITHING and HORSESHOE.ING Phil Horn Shelton Washington Farmers --are motorizing their farming equip- ment. Every business, whether it's: farming or otherwise, must be kept; abreast with the times to be suc- cessful. Our business is to KNOW the laa( titles of Mason County, and we are adopting in our business every pro- gresmve m'ethod that will make the real estate titles of th'is 'county mar- ketable with the least delay and ex- pense. TITLE INSURANCE wil| accomplish as much for the title to land as the modern tractor will ac- complish on the land itself. ABSTRACTS TITLE INSUR'AICE Mason COunty Abstract : Title Company (Under State Supervision) Shelton, Wash. i ] ' Lurnbermen's Mercantile Company Good news for all who sew HIS store now offers to its customers the Belrobe Method for home sewing. In managing her dress allowance it is every woman's pet ambition to combine the utmost in style with a real €tollars-and-cents economy. And now the coming of the Belrobe Method makes it possible for even the least experienced to realize ttis ambition. If you follow the Belrgbe Method the clothes that you make at home will have more style than you ever dreamed of, for less than you planned to spend. BELROBE METHOD for home'sewing saves from 50c to $10°°,00on material The Belrobe Method, with every. new DESIGNER PATTERN, gives you the cutting-layout ,that a professional would use to save every possible inch of your material. These layouts are planned for every size and for every imitable width that you could use economically. With a Belrobe Method layout you will often use as much as a yard less than Top would otherwise have dared to depend on. "lhis will mean a very , considerable saving on your dress al- lowance. Next, when you are putting the g,ar- ment together, you will find a set of instructions--#iauK¢d, not fussily ex- VISIT OUR . ,, ,. ," ....... 12, ,L, , .. ....... alone plaind-'to help you tp seam, to'drape , and to fit your dres exactly as you want it. : .... And finally, when you come to the last few stitches, there is a special set of' instructions to help yu get the, mysterious little tricks of really smart finishing that you have never been able to copy or imitate. The Belrobe Mett0d, is now included in the same envelope with DESIGNER PATTERNS.:,:i,t Can not be purchased' separately. Ask to: see fit at oir pat- tern counter---it will give you a new realization of' what,can/be done with some of the 'lSutiful 'materials that 'will be fashiOnl!ble ,his mT er. DESIGNER 00ATTERN .... DEPA ..... ......... .... ....... - RTMENT .................... . .  ..... / " ........ ,. ......... :.,.:: • " =. ".t ....... .'!,-' .... ,., .:.'; .': ": .'.:,.':