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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 22, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 22, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAG&apos;   MAN  JOTJNAL FRIDAY, JULY 29, 197J[ IL ill i . I It I I [I I II i T b, , i J [1[ , IJ I . I i ill i Hit f I ILl , , I TA|| ADh A[AV  [teachings of:the Bible, including m ]for any political party to u the l PROFESSI4}ItAL CARD.q ..... O[/%hiMUt/ gt| |..t/lO. I'its membership.'not' vnly',the farmer, I Grange as'the Farmer-Labor BaTty is ! ............... : " UADRq | ADNDIT tbut his familyseekin'g to restore :strenuously attemp.,ting to do. :I think I --'" T----Z - - ESMqtlIIIM[k'ld)UPJIINJ ' agriculture: 0 the most healthful, the I the Grangers will demand of the ] . J. MJEiI£' I/ID PDIILT12 lff1212[tDP !most Useful and the noblest calling Union Record and the Farmer-Labor I Phvmin nt] .l..n-n rUl IX/Ur. GrFuII of man." party leaders an apology and a re-  . ............ ,,s . * The Grange is pledged to industrial traction for such an attempt. I ucceeamg and located in the oflcem .................. lard co:operation, which history shows to  of the late Dr. Walls. tlltor s oe'lvlr it, 11 al ' '" " - " e" " : " " "" • "" "" i h De ne bes way v t (evlse o am AUGUST • o00,,auth°r of the following article, whc I.h roducrs a|l'true Gran-erwill • .. e.--. ---- o -.'erPt'''"Gran"lqe"ethe'resent the attemnt of the Union Rec ...... m K"runswlc'' " leco Qs r ___r _1_ omcial "''organ Ol ne ........ wasmngl;on'Stat- t °rd e 'Laborandpathert y toleaerSmake Ofof tbethe Farmer-Grange  m ]['t  B, I I Tr.  J.T.DEN][..TSHIIIE K .rang.e, was ormer{y a n_fgar[,i,zanl a catspaw to pull political chestnuts ......... .'" =. .... ]enatune lua::/broen"w'h the for that party. ..AND.. rv,,mee aUlmmg, nelon, waa. • "g ...... ' ndl I consider the foTnation of the Open 9 to 12---1 to 5 league, owing o me moepenaence a Farmer Labor art as a waste of ......... diereCtnSSeOfs, hvCnoSc: pddnlinedchnlnePt? {teaiarrelrtSia%no d BU]LG MATFYJ00 00v00,ng b, a:om00en. of the State Grange, is a lead" g • • .... party to meet me on thin ssue, but F leaguer. ihe following arhcle s ell.u^_ ...^ ^^,.^, ^.._ I hold no OR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A, L. BELL tnusUasmter?:blat tis flrm; (nfthet Iill will toward any Granger who wish- LET ME FIGURE ON ABSTRACTS " P Y "  a i es to affiliate with that party or any YOUR NEXT ORDER Real Estate, Loan and effort, through the official range p - I.t. *. .,  T . m ......... . per at least, to dispute radical con-';'.,: ....... " ....... ' ................ " trol in the Grange by the strong ele- -.ON SALE TODAY In some of these records Brunswick casts seriousness aside for the moment, and invites the world to dance to the moat fascinating aesortment of dance music ever recorded l Come in, let us play them for yot 10034 The World Can't Go 'Rod Wlout You 1.00 Soprano . .... Droy Jardon I]lrance 1. Dam TaBor ...... Theo. Kla ment which is opposed to politics and Will Also Saw Your  Hebrew Melody aud Dance Vblin$ofo . EUuBreeskin radicalism in that organization. Logs On Order ' 130231., | $,.a4. im.l. ($n/.b Sere..'.) " CHAS. R. LEW Violln$olo . AIBs£limCadPent'sOrch--ta" .. . rdBron BY H. .H" STALLARD FIAI=rY HAD A LITTI_.. Mill Loated on the ATTO4kTLAW, f {nollW,mvilBluo. oe 463. SHELTON, WASH. 2092 .l t [Aba'tJUblddNuln'Dat'sAUvo • • Zmtbo The Union Record, the mouthpiece l<lT, Bay near belton UaLtkeNoAIAkollawcdnMelody ' of the Farmer-Lbor Party, and, a ' (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermen Bld.) 2106 { rrmak Forara and IFehlnl bunch of office-seekers, are now try- THE LTET TYL$ .. JS Hmolulu Match • Frank ¥orera ud Juatlny Franchlnl ing to do with the State Grange what MO DOUBT; 2107  M.]d. Ula., AI nam,l wltb cad Font's Orcbutm they did to the Non-Partisan League. BLrr v¥ "riME ALDEN C. BAYLEY .SO { Fro&Jok,'sOrch--tm They killed the League's activity BERT HURST (Pa,O'Nail ...... B|nrJoo in this state by benevolent assimila- I-IE GOT INSIO LAWYER Famtl-laaICrtMalaTrlo tion and that is the self-same game 5HE w' MORE TI-.IA Manufacturer and Dealer Mason County Abstract & Title C ?.. 2108 .  AliByMl • they are now playing with the HALF rAY OUT. SHELTON WASH. Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelton 2110  Carolina Lnllab • • . Ctlu Hart d £111ott Shaw Grange. In order to prove my asser- .85 t OronsoBlum ..... CrcentMaioTrio tion I hereby quote from the late PHONE 231. Sheikh, Wash. issues of the Union Record. ' 2112 Poor Bormtl NovolO' Ro|rtlm-.-Plano • Zez Conffey .S5 YouTail'EmlvoflNeoelvlRattim-.Piano ZezConfroy On June 11, in speaking of the 5  % GRANT C. ANGLE , 2114 Xin'tWoGotPonr • • Hamonto,'Maisonrtet State Grange meeting at Colville, it "" . Passengers, Baggage • S ( Down On the Farm o Hanmouiaor$' Male Quartet said: "All progresmve resolutions  . Notary Public " that made their appearance were en- ..../ " and Freight f Ddtln Down .... Criterion Male Qartet dorsed, including those , Real Estate, Insurance and 07 . Goepol Train . Criterion Male Quartet port to the   REASONABLE RATES Conveyaneing 1.0O " " " * fLaddieBuckolno Tenor . • . JimesSheridan the next election." The delegates ' Fire, Life, Health and Accident 1.00058  Molly O • • James Sberidon ond CroKout Maio Trio have talked with say that is not trm A ' PHONE 41.. and Bond Insurance, Siren ofaSouthemSoa Fox Trot hhamJones'Orchestr n a later issue of the Record they • 5059 { MonHomme(MyMan) Fox Trot KnlckerbockorOrchestra announce a Farmer-Labor Chautau-   • D.E. BARRETT JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON • .co qua and state that the Chautauqua f Ain't We Got Fun Fox Trot Beanie Kroeger's Orchestra 2109 lDangerotmBlues Fox Trot , Bennlo Keger'sOrchestra will be headed by such leaders as .s5 William Bouck, master of the State / o/ .Peaches Fox Trot atroduclnB"Trying" Grange, and in the same article they -- 1 | Accordion$olo ...... Mar;oPerrF say, in bold-face type: "Behind the  2111AhcrThe,eYear* Fox Trot In,educing . state-wide movement to furnish a ,S5 [. "My Mammy's Tom" Accord,on Solo Mane Per state educational feature and aid the H A R RY FORD .OhMe! OhMyl Fox Trot lntroducing "Dolly" from "Two Union Record in reaching its real NOTICE OF :EARIN{ O: PETITION 2113 J Little Girlsin Blue" , * Carl Fenton's Orchestra constituency, the farmers and work- TO CAr.. SPECIAL Ev.ECTION ,S5 .Tea.CupGlrl Fox Trot • . Carl Fcnton'sOrchestrs era of Washington, will be the State :ro ,OI&MATION OY 'OET 2115 / I'm Nobody'a Baby Fo Trot lntroducing"Snuggle" Federation of Labor, State Grange, DISTRICT Green Brothem' Novelty Band the Women's Trade Union League, Notice is hereby giv('n, that a peti- Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, .85 t.Liatening FoxTrot . . Greon Brothers' Novelty Band the Farmer-Labor party, the United tton signed by ten per coot of the quail- Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook Moonlight lax Trot lntroduclnz "I'm Mlss[n' Mammy's Mine Workers, Railway Men, Co-op- lngton,fied electOrSresidingOt" withinMas°n CountY,the bouhdariesWaSh" the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. 2115 f Ki,.in'" • .... Carl Fenton's OrchetUn erators, the Timber Workers and the of the proposed Port l)istrict hereinat'- A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yards .S5 .[ Dcopln YourEyes Waltz tro'4uclng'°rryinff ''  Seattle Union Record." Again, : tel' described, has been presented to at Shelton. and £iLed with tie ]Jqard of County CrlFenton'sOrchestra another article on June 21, .John • Commissioners of 51ason County, \\;Vash- I{ennedy, state secretary of the Far- ington, to submit to the voters cif said f Mollo 'Cello Fox Trot 2118 Erdody andh;s Pennylvanin Hotel Orchestra mer-Laber party, says: "The Wash- county, residing in the said hereinafter ,85 All ForYou Fox Trot lntroducing"WitLoutYou" iris'lion State Federation of Labor, the described territory, the l)roposition of creating a port district which shall be- ErdodynndhiPennylvaniaHotelOrchestro State Grand'e, the Farmer-Labor pal'- co-extensive with the limits at" the fol- ty and the Union Record are all join- lancing (lesCrib,d property and territory ing hands to reach the workers and all in lasou County. "tVashington, :o- wit: Th Jo alSt tic ryShop farmers of this state with messages All ,,f the following described r, rop- Shelt0n Market and e urn a ne of hope and encouragement." ery: s(etions ], z, 3, 10, il, 12, 13, 14, Shelton, Wushington Arain Mr. Kennedy states: "that i5, 22.'2:1, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35. 36, TWO 23 N,, }L 2 %V, W. . AIs,) Sac- William Bouck, master of the State tions 4, 5, ;, 7. , , 16, 17, lS, 19 '.'0, Ice giant Grange, will be one of the speakers. '.'.i, , 2:, 30, i, 3=', 3, Twp, '-'3, N. R. rl'be Grange is one of the oldest of i w. W. m. AI,,. S¢,c.d,ms 1. '-' :. 10. 11 12. 13, 1.i. 15. 22, 23. 24 25. 2t;. 27, the farm orgafiizations, having been 34 35 36 'J'vi). 22, N. I¢. 2 %v v, M, organized on December 4, 1867. The Also, Sections' 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 17, 1S, 19. The Best of 5eats and a Reliable 20 29 30. 31, 32. Twp 22, N 1l 1 V¢. Grange has been the leader and could w:  Mason County, .Vashingt(,n Service at Right Prices be tr.dy called the father Of all pro- The Commissioner districts shall be gresmve legislation. On page four as follows: of the "Aims and Purpose and Prac- District No. 1 shall comprise See- tical Working clothe Order," it says: lions z, 2, 3. 10, . 12. 13, ,i, 15, 22. J.F. BICHSEL, Prop. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, Twp. 23, .... "The Grange is a fraternal organiza- N. IL 2 V. V. M. Also Sections 4. 5, 30 '3L 32, 33, Twp. 23, N :R 1 W. " SPRUCE DIVISION ROAD that no bid' under $600,000 will be tion of farmers to secure these edu- :. 7 s 9, 6, 7, s, 19, 0, 21, 2s, * TO BE SOLD, IS REPORT accepted, according to word received cational, social, financial and legisla- . M. Mson County, Wash. , a the governor's office from Senator District No. 2 shall comprise Sec- tive benefits: National in scope, non- , 7, s, 9, i7. is l', 0. Twp. ||l||l|H||l|||||l||||||||l|l|||l|||l||H||||||||l||||||l|l||||||l|||l|||||||||H||||l|||||||||||l|l|||  The Port Angeles & Lake Crescent Wesley L. Jones. The road will have partisan in politics, but truly patriot- tions 4, 5, 22, N. 1:€.. "vV. W. M. Mason County, to remain a common carrier, is an- ic, seeking to develop the highest Wash, -- :Railway, which was built by the other condition that wil] be evacted standards of citizenship, non.sectar i. DtstrietNo, 3shancompriseSections Shelton Shoe y00ac*or- roduction division of the United by the war department under whom an in religion, but having its high l, 2, 3, i0, il, 12, 13, 14, 2- °, 23, 24, i 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, Twp. 22, N. R. States army, will be put up for sale the sale will be made. The date of ideals of morality, founded on the 2 w. w. M. and Sections 29, 30, 31. 32, in the near future, with the proviso the sale is not yet set. Twp. 22, N. It. 1 W. W. M. Mason . = = -_  -----------== Co.nty Wash AND QUICK REPAIR HOP --   .=.--= And the said Board of County Com- missioners have heretofore on the 13th (BUOOOgnCTa to ]'zod :l[aulen) m m  _ _ / day of July, 1921, made an order fixing the30th hOUrday ofat July,10 o'olock,1921, asa'a m.,timeOnwhenthe Bring your shoes to us for a neat job of repair- ] Here's why CAMELS are 00e.**o00tition, at theShallcommissioners'be had upon. saidroomsPe-in ing quickly done. We are here to give you real the Court House i'n the Town of Shel- service. You'll find our prices right. ton, in said County, and that all per- sons interested in the question present- ed by said petition will be heard by L.C. HOUSE, Shelton, Wash. := said Boara, at the time and place des- I the quoli cigalPtte ignated in said order as above set forth, and that at said learingthe boundaries m||.Hm|uim| of said proposed Port District. may be ..,,:, , increase or diminished. " -. By order of the Board of County nunnjnnnnnnnnunnnnnnunnnnnnn Commiss;oners of Mason County, Wash- -- ington, i i Dated this 13th day of July, 1921. " • -.][:)ECAUSE we put the utmost quality into this BoardC°Unty ofAUdit°r" C0urlt, yIONEandW'commtssioners,ClerkDOYLE'°f the HOTEL SHELTON = one brand. Camels are as good as it's pos- Mason County, Washington. sible for skill, 'money and lifelong knowledge of (SEAL). 7-15-29-3 fine tobaccos to make a cigarette. STATE FACTOR00S B00mARDS AND POO00A sPoR00 | ADD GREAT WEALTH ConfectionelT, Cigars and all Soft Drhlk$ for Camels. And bear this --ffi _" Nothing is too good in mind! Everything is done to make Camels the MARKED INCREASE SHOWN IN i EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr, --_ LAST TEN YEARS -- ___ best cigarette it's possible to buy. Nothing is done The factories of W----shington added _---- -- for show. $366,433,000 to the wealth of the l-mHiiii ,imply state during the year of 1919. The Take the Camel package for instance. It's the Manufacturers' Association ef Wash- ington is the authority for these fig- most perfect packing science can devise to pro- ureSotherWhiChinterestingWere compileddata on aStheWellindus.aS SAVE YOUR SHOES & DOMESTIC BLEND tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper tries of the state, from a report just received from the Bureau of the Cen- --secure foil wrapping--revenue stamp to seal sue, u. S.-Department of Commerce. There are 4,919 factories in the by letting us repair them at the proper time. It the fold and make the package air-tight. But state and during 1919 they manufac- means a great saving at the present price of shoe tured products valued at $809,635,- there's nothing flashy about it. You'll find no 000; this valuation, represents their YOU can rely on our work absolutely. We handle a extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows, selqng value or .rice at the plants line of the best loggers boots andheavy and light __ . as actually turned out by the factor- its during the census year, and is work sles aL prices that are lower. Such things do not improve the smoke any more not necessarily the gross, sales value of those same products for that year. th, an :premiums or coupons. And remember--you 'rle payroll of the state is another K M. R0SI000LT, Sllr00TON must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality, interesting item. During the year - mentioned there were 150,482 persons engaged in the factories and te pay- ' If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest roll for the year amounted to $225,- 757,000, this means "that for every cigarette you can imagine--and one entirely free one of the 1,356,316 persons credited "-- to the state by the 1919 census the fr0mcigarettya*tertaste, factoHes disbursedduringtheyear STR, S G SIMPSON " ' the equivalent of more than $170 per r t'S Camels for you. person. • • -  The enormous amount of energy , involved in carrying on these manu- facturing enterprises may be gather- ed from the fact that 587,702 horse, THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE power is daily engaged by the fac- Single Faro $1.1. Round Trip $|.7| tories in carrying on their a'ctivities, An idea of the percentage of gain may be taken from the following CHANGE OF HOME-BOUND SCHEDULE table which compares the 1919 fig- EFFECTIV TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1921 urea with those of 1909: Leaves Shelton Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a. m, Wges, per cent increase ...... 292.2 Returning from Tacoma Tuesday, Thursday .,rod Saturday It Materials, • • • • ....  .... >. ...275.9 Value of Products ............ 266.7 1:00 p.m. Dock open till 6 p.m. Value by Manufacture . ....... 256.2 Seattlo freight should be delivered to Pier 8. Salaries .... ; .... .., ,. ........ 211.1 Capital invested ............... 148.8 COMP/00 primary horsepower ..... . .... 97.2 OT|..| qPI'%I[T TRANSPORTATION R.  J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Win,inn.Salem, N. Cj Wage earners ................. 93.2 Persons engaged .............. 87.8 Salaried employees ............ 72.6 Number Of L establishments .... 839 ........ Proprietor an.d ' f!rm members .. 28.5 ...... :. , ,::,. . ..--, . ,. %