July 22, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 22, 1921 |
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" .................................. IDSUMMERMADNESS ..... ' ........... ' "'<"t?" %%" (Contin,:r '°s,
=__=___ . . ,)
rA, ,, : A Fordson cut away to expose its
working parts, the,good class of met-
I=00:I) YA GOT IN al used and their simplicity of work-
THt5 l,dK-" ? ? inglparts, was especially {nteresting,
VO-tAT IYA WH INK I and gave even Fordson owners a bet-
TRUCK? ! .) ,.,
' ,ra,ta, ua / Editor Journah--To the readers of Notic " - "--q ......
(TA A]M][flDAqkl|your paper I want to say from an Bo r" e snerevy.gven.na me
OlglllJ lUlllll[llY|l |angle where I can judge fairly and a u ox .-quaazatmn o Mason
|from early experience in the Dayton County will begin its session for the
STATE NEWSPAPER MEN GATH-/community I can see a great improve- examination of the tax rolls for 1,921,
o. a"o'; o a ,,e
MEETIN ure meetings of the Dayton Commun- c rrecuons, and equadzaion ox me
t* ity Club at the school house. After lassessments on said rolls on Monday,
. witnessing the fair and just way in [August 1st, at the Courthouse is
_ The midsummer meeting of the which the young president, Miss]Shelton, Washing, ton at which tm
,Washington State Press Association Cronauist cnducted th moi) "T! b , " e
va_s held last week at. Paradise• Inn. .can understand w--hat'"-a'raw r n s .... the ] and place any interested taxpaper
_. . ., .' ., - improvement. From good fountains I should appear and present his claims when Shelton was reached and,an-
under the close protectmn of Mt Rm ,'
m er and atom snowy surrounoings, you can expect 'clean water." Ifor attention, other hundred miles was ahead hen
°.ee??tst2:t t;e/eTealttdlt°:sS t whi° After attending the Dayton Corn-/ J B. SHELTON, [the caravan left Shelton ]ate in the
• " ' P'" munity Club meetin one would be
rate cars to reach Paradise park this -:.) ......... g .... / County Assessor and J afternoon bound fqr Sequim and Port
IAngeles. From there it will ferLw
•. . ..... uu.:u o .ay tnar l[ WOUld no De |
season, mtnougn me snow na(i been ............ • ....... Clerk of Board. i to Bellingham and come down by
. . . • , , c,y u go O nlcago, 2ew | o
D]astea rom tne mper roaas ann Yor ). . a,r...a.:__ ...... 7-.9-ot l easv stages to Seattle and then wind
ta e . , . .. . u vvtmugon, 1, J., ;0 ge; ' " "
g s na(l Deen making tneir u'ips talent or ,ood Cu(lm *^ ^4_
fo,;e;ral das. .... : cational, o,atoricaleanli"n;usic'a ln%:
y an aur(lay were (levol;eo
After witnessing same I am prompt-
to business sessions and discussionsef t in saying this after it was exem-
of matters of interest to the profes- :plified by the old as well as'the young YOU make no mistake about your tires when you
sion, and there was little to distract'at the last Comnmnity Club meeting.
from the business in hand, although A lover of progress Work. C. R.
some of the more venturesome editors Smith, Puyallup, Wash.
and their wives took time to make
Some Of the trips to the glaciers -rod BUY FISK
higher points. Each of the editors, CALL FOR BIDS
and particularly those from the fruit / '
and grain dist%ts, brought eneour- The Board of Directors of School
aging reports of improving financial District 'No. 302 (Harstine Island),
conditions in their communities.
The Republican Slat- '-)+--.;-) ! will receive separate bids on each of
...... e zo,,owmg ,terns up to u/y u, ASK ANYONE WHO USES THEM
so(rattan, which ]s (hstmct from the t Z921 II .......
, a material zurmsneu
Washington State Press Association, [ " •
the latter taking no part of politics I, (1). Painting Jarrell's Cove school They'rebuilt for mileage
whatever, held a shpr} session to dis- [house, raze 28x30 feet with 16 ft.
cuss state matters, and counsels l wall. And we sell them
against taking up. any discussion at / (2). Painting So. Harstine school
•nat time and place prevailed, al-rhouse, size 16x20 ft with 10 ft wall.
though it was plainly indicated that l (3)• Putting in I door and 4x6 ft.
the Republican editors were not ]porch, covered, and placing schoolbell.
laleased at the stories of extrava- I (4). Ceiling So. Harstine school "For Better Servie"
sauce in state affair going around house, size 16x20 ft. with 10 ft wall,
and were not inclined to condone any I with shiplap.
mch offenses on the part of the aJ- All bidsmaybesenttotheunder- Needham & Clothier
ministration that might be proven, s;gned, or those on the Jarrell's Cove
Chapin D. Foster of Grandview schoolhouse may be sent to R. D.
was elected president, and the Journal Haskell, Harstine, Washington.
editor vice president. Mr. Foster is C.E. FISHER, Shelton, Wash.
well known in Mason County, and Clerk District No. 302,
mith him were Mrs. Foster and her Ballow, Wash.
,mother, Mrs. W. A. Hitchcock of Har- 7-29-3t.
ratine Island. The Journal party in-
eluded G. C. Angle, J. E. Angle, and -[||`|
iss Geneva Saeger of Shelton, and _-
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Murnen of Ta-
| Real Canning Short Cuts
The trip to Paradise Valley is one
that cannot be compared ;ith any .
other in the tate, being in a class by - "
il:olf, but oing to the unusual late =
s-'son would better be made in Aug-
u",. Just now the valley is covered -- t
with snow from five to ten feet deep E Cannlns ",-ade Easy
and few bare spots are visible, so the = . .
flower fields are not uncovered. The)
upper section qif the road is not yet tE The canning season is now in full swing and we are prepared
,mooth, although safe, but storage - to meet your requirements with the ndcessary utensils.
room for cars is limited to a few --
hort tunnels banked with snow, and -- We wish especially to call your attention to the "Conservo"
larivatethose of CarSguestsareofn°ttheadmittedhotel. except m and Oil Cook Stoves, .°f which we have a. very complete stock.
6 99
A little later camping parties will --- The Price of Conservo ]s $13.50
be admitted, and also tentin equip-
ment can be rented and meals se-
'cured at more moderate rates than at
Paradise Inn. The rofind trip can be
made in one long (lay from Shelton, --
but little time" would be left for en- :
joying the beauties of close contact : ' CAIS 14 C21S BY
with the mountain or visits to its =
nearby glaciers. Rates at the Inn are QT-- - I
$5 a (lay and upward, American plan, • JARS AT COLD-PACK
and on account of the nch of travel =
during its short season advance res- = ONE TIME
ervations must be made. .
FEBEm, 0FFICES...,..,: :. ":- .::,,::.: - "
,, . ;': ;;FOR''00PUBUCA00 '" "
........... . ' r.f''4 4: ?. "
Senators 3ones ,',)!d ';Pohi!{'er, ,i i "J' '"; ""if [IVO ?., i. I '.'..
,onnecon with lat.,:Relbubliea//"ila' . 'i i: "':,
terests,.i.n.','this.tat:"have agreed to ill
recom ., , tte appointment of the
follow, ins' list .to replace federal offlc- ale d Labor ::. ..:
isis now holding from the former CONSERVO canunder steam :Put in the entire meal,
administration in the Northwest ....
The terms ofone or tvc)'of the pressure,t.:::quart jars of from soup to dessert. Then
Democrats have expired, bat the oth- up uu. ,fi+tfit' meat¢,vegebleS,Don,t in one u,,:::'et tit: ' Do the t'ngsm
ers will be' invited to hand in their ,...era..,:.-.C
resignationS, 'so that the .federal of-
fices may be filled with persons in C6nservo With cheap make- never found time to do. All
sympath and willing to work with shift washboiler and rack con- the food without danger of
the Republican administration ,to .,
make such a record .s the people trivatices. Nor is it costly/ burning will cook in its own
demand, Te list follows: -- eonplicated. When you put the moisture-'all aluable flavors
Thomas P. Revelle of Seattle for -
United States district attorney of the i ......... jars in Consewo they are safe and mineral salts are retained.
western district of Washington, --you cango about your lets- Tough meats.and fowl made
Frank Jeffrey of Kennewick for ure, or do 0ther work. tender and palatable.
United States district attorney of the
eastern district of ,Whingto.,--, ' ,
E. B. I)enn of Aberdeen for Llait0d' "." : i" ' ' GUARA EE * '
States marshall of the western dis- i NT
trier o Washington. I[ i' The manufacturer of this article guarantees it. Use Con-
Millard W. Wartson of Seattle ;for servo, cook and can in it; if it is not all they claim, you may
collector of customs.
Burns Poe of .Tacoma for eollectoi"
of internal revenue, .. return it. -"
Luther Weedin o Coupeville for ..... "
See Conservo In Our Store ,
entombs'sinner of tmmigration : . , . " ..... :,,
Claire Hunt of Colville for survey- I ,.:;.,i2't., .... ' "
or general .......... l. ..............
Roy IC. Lyle of Seattle for statellj!- ,,:.,-.. ...... ,, .,.,.! . ')
lrohibition director.
............... .. ,: !!Lm!m!mm!m||m||,||m,mmmmmmumm|.l!mm.m||mmmmam.;!mtmmm|
(or knowledge, of the mechanics of
the machine they have been driving.
That the Fordson gives full va[ue
for its cost is poven by an inspection
of its mechanism and the strength
of its working parts. It needs only
oil and reasonable attention to an-
swer every call for years in the hands
of the careful owner.
Lieut. Gov. in Charge
William J. Coyle, who is the leader
of the caravan, gave a message to
the gathering on the mission of the
caravan in which he pointed out that
while the triv was an educational
campaign on the part of the Fordson
agencies, it was intended to acquaint
the farmers with the agricultural pos-
sibilities in motorized farm equip-
ment and to encourage a renewed in-
terest over the state in agricultural
lines. Other speakers referred to the
particular advantages of their res-
pective machinery in the caravan and
President Lincoln .took advantage of
the occaign to urge farmers to pre-
pare for the county fair.
Under auspices of the Shelton val-
ley Grange a splendid lunch was fur-
nished 9n the grounds and the hun-
g ry crowd was not long in disposing
of the first supply of eatables and
sounding a hurry call for more before
all were satisfied. The occasion
brought together visitors from all
parts of Mason County and also not
a few from distant po'ints not reach-
ed by the caravan, and it was really
a pleasant and enjoyable farmer pic-
nic, a gathering for instruction as
well as sociability.
Left for Sequim
The Caravan had already travelled
about 400 miles on it wsoponwer
about 400 miles on its own power
Sold only
give tire mileage
at the lowest cost
........ in history
Reduction in all styles and sizes
A New Low Price a
Known and Honest Pr >duet
up in Kitsap county. The local agent,
W. A. Johfison, is entitled to credit
for lis extra efforts, first to have
the Caravan include Shelton in its
itinerary and then for: his arrange-
I ments to make the affair a success
and afford to Mason County the op-
portunity for information that the
showing of Fordsons and machines
C - o, svs oa w: voxG
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of County Commissioners of Mason
County, Washington. wtil receive sealed
bids for the constructl,m of the Volght
Road, from Station 264 plus 00 to Sta-
tion 369 plus 60 for clearing, grubbing,
grading and draining. :Bids to be open-
ed '£ sday. August 2, 1921, at 10 a.m.
Plans and specifications on file with the
County Construction Engineer and
County Auditor at Court House in Shel-
ton, ,Vashington. Certified check for 5
per cent of the amount of bid must,ac-
company each bid. Commissioners" re-
serve the rlght to reject any and all
Date of first publication, July 8, 1921,
Auditor of Mason County.
Modern '
Custom Tailor
You may now have your
suits made to your measure
right here in my shop,
I am carrying a ull 15he
of Detmer woolens and in-
vite you to step in a'nd look
these goo(ls over.
I invite your patronage.
Select cloth and have your
suit fitted to your taste. My
years of tailoring experience
I vlace at your service.
Workmen " '.
L t
llllllllllllllt .2:|lt|llllllll|llllll
All Aluminuln 00rare One-Fourth Off
i i ii: iii%l
I !!t :!ill ;tllt Jgi'./ilt00
We have reduced the price on all Aluminum Ware 25 ] nt =
and can offer you now: ..... i
8 pt. Aluminum:Kettles at the"ettued price o $3.25 ,aer
, ". price $4.25) . , _ .........
10qt. Aluinnurn Kettles at:/;red/i,ed iJ'ice of $3.75 (former
price $5.00). i ,: ' i" ,
" "",",; !Oil00 Co S -=
ok toves ' ==
During the hot summer monthS.the oil cook stove is a real
benefactor, saves the drudt ,iry of carrying wood, the excessive ffi
heat,of a hot fire in the ki len and you could even place t m a -
convenient place on your porch
where your cooking and canning
could be done in open air.
We have the Puritan Oil
Cook Stove in all sizes, at the
following prices:
1 Burner stove .......... $7.25
2 Burner stove .......... $21.00
3 Burner stove .......... $27.00 .
4 Burner Stove ......... $34.00 , .,,.:, ,.,j , ,/,,
TH :)s. oN!: 0000EILL '" '
,../. *' ;,->, ,,.. ', ;... .. .£. . ....
., r,: []
IIIIIII i iimlll iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIilillllllll !111 miliiillii i |liil(iiii ili iliiiliil iilliiiil ihll i lliliiii-illlllllllll
.......... .o
- ? . .,
¢,".':7; "v; ,; :.:" .",:'