July 22, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 22, 1965 |
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Percy M Pio
6017 S.E, 86th Ave
Portland, Ore
ease Foundation publication as be-
mg inj:lrious to health in the same
City Plans
Put Water Line
ml~...~¢~.l~.., l..1.r '90 lel~ Entered as second cla~ matter at the D ost offieo at 8hoiton Wa~h]l~gton 98584 . .~ ~, . 1-.. r.
........... ~01"vlnl ~ :( " xitt~t,o~v out.) ~,z, ..LOUt) under Act of :Mttrch 8 1879. Pub lished weekly it 027 West Cots IU t ents rer wopy
The 5nol[Oll t;IL:~ '.~ ' ~ )11 ! .................................... * ........................................................... " ' " .................................. ~ ........ )-- ..... : __ . EEl' ...........................
Tuesday autholi:;ed City Slll)ervis ...............................
or P•~t•Byrne to proceed il',ulledi-[ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ent Tompled .............. : ....................................................... ......... . ........ ......... ,, I A letter or resignation from his
m~ss~on that eromon : " tI ~ ~ ~ I~j~ I position as Mason County Auditor
now near the top of the w'ltor I ~~~N~ ~ vm~IIN~I~Q ' .... :~ [missioa Monday by C. Y~'olan Ma-
and, in case a log or some otherI i ::!:~'- ~ ~ /son. 111 the letter Mason stated
p~ece of cleb~ls tl atmg down i ~
• ' .... '" .... : ] ~ ~ ~ ln~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7~ : Li / the resignation will be effeetix
~ ~ I, at(*" ~ ~ ~ ~ :~' ~" ....................
t ,.o.ld dam e., .,, I I ID Br ;BII|B W | I§BIIIB Ti,., io, ,nissi,lnor, accepted
}nte~r,zption of wt, t.cr servlc(, to t, [ ii: [resignation with regret. 'they toot'.
,~g( st(lion of tile city ~ ~7 r no action on the sele(tlon of a re
a2.' '.~.;: .... ' .... I A y(,111], 1.~dmonds ~omanis I Road about four lniles north r)f ',): ; [ '' : .. '~' '- '' -
'~no n,le. ~:t'" °"_v'~n21Y..P-~2c,(:rl,ll:},' Idead and three other persons are [ Shelton about 2:10 p.m. Saturday. / placement to till out the rerrlainde.r
:e~: the surface ot tnc .~c~ ~:.,,;ihespitalizcd as tile result of traf- Mrs. lnglis' husband, Gary, 24, lof Mason's present term, which
?aLs. year:~ ol ero,:mn, ...... ~. ?~(']fie accidents in Mason County I and his brother, Ward, 19, Ta- ~... ~ ]runs until ..!ailu,afy, 1967.
oy imwing" ~ater has lo~yerea l:ne iover the weekend. ' l eoma v, ere taken to Shelton Gen- ~ ~!~ ~ [ In his letter o~ resignation, Ma-
oe~ of tile (-reek belOW Lne V,~tL() '
llne" ....... I MI'S Marflyn. lnglis, 18, was I eral Hospital' arid later transferred ~~m'~ ..~]~ [ s.on reeonlm(nded to the ceramis-
t,' ................... ikilled when tbe motorcycle on I to a Seattle Hospital• ]l~L~r~~l [ slon tha.t Mrs. Ruth Boysen. pres-
,,,~.~1t ~'.~lr~ .-~v,.o al!-lwhich sh,, wa.s 11 passe.ger hit a I THE WASHINGTON State Pa- ~~~ t ently Chief Deputy Auditor. be
nounced the apl)ointment ot Mrs. ¢'~r thr )win~" her and the driveI I .... , .... /appointed to fill the vacancy
• I ' ~ c ' Lrol SalU It nlot;ore)cle rluoen oy
Ads Oliman to the hbrary board i, ' • ' NOLA
' . .'.. .", off oll the Mason Lake Log Eumtl/ Ward andMarilyn In~'lis and 't C. N MASON i Mason said he ls resle, illng to
succeed ]~¢rs William snoan ~no~ ~ , o • , _ . " . , .
' ' ' ----'----------~' Honda ridden by Gary Inglis and .... ! accept a posmon as ~iel(1 S~tl~]iLor
hasmoved out of the eo~.~.!~u~nty. [ .... [ P~ula Gvni'n 16 Seattle ~were -- -- , ~\vith the St.ate Retiremellt Systenl
ine eolnlllission gave 1Ul'lilal ap r . r . Ii " , ' ' ' ~" ~ -- '
P~}S t?v'pernlissi°~o f°rnP~;°tPc~'tY [ county bets more ;";~,~¢"::o2~' ":;~;7,.~ ~,~J, kr,~. tour AppearIn [ tel~a;l:(snal:~i{oe[\~in;~Sake~leCo(:'ed
• \ 10 wane " :1 ' ; he "o ' r.
o~..~ --r ........ 1-,"- I a curve to the light when the | t ,] b m January, 1909 after
....... a,3 sewer ln,e up ~,e,LO,' Fro Co On /h vin}" e n ~ '
a g b e elected to the o lt~on
' ca e / , motorcycle passed the Honda The " P
• ' ~ " I '~ r'a," drivon b~r alvin ~,llbert 20 / eral Election. He was re-elected h:)
etYentativeapprovalhadbeengiv" ] ~____~_ /~_____/_ : Shelton, approaching westbound, ~...*--~.*--_~ ~L ..... }the o if~e.e in November, 1962 !}.nd
oegan ms seconu te~m oz oznce
n lal a , ' applied his brakes and slid inte - - ~ ......
e last week but fern ppro,- rol'UII LdI1U$ ............. LflmlH¢ll LHdf(l¢~$ /p "sn',,-, .... ,,a~
a] *~xr~¢~ ".xrlfhhol¢l ,-til all of H-- I ~ tile le[l IronI eno el the car I;rn-o'~,r- ~ i aa ,~ uc~ ,y~ .....
• , t .................. ~e " • ' ' ' ,once . '
Mason County s share oz mc
- ~ ~ -, ] - ' • mg both passengers from motor- ~ ..... o .....,~ ..... ~.= ,,~,~,,, [ Before beulg' elected to the aud
easolnenE8 were resenteo t uu~ xo-yt~u,u yuut,=~. -*r,- • " , "
• P " from county trust lands managed , , ' .... • [ itors office e ....
• ,. .. • .. cycle. Thc ~ehicle then skzdded m- • . 'r . h. ser~ed ,rsdeputy
The city ~lthheld permission D r ~ t o Nat ral Rc ed m Ma,son County Super~o . . ,,
e,~,. H~ ~,,~ .... ~ .... ~ ~bo ,~H,,,~ by the epa trnea, f. ..u . . - to the path of the oncoming honda t~,~,~¢ hoe .... ~,,~,~ C, ho,-~o Wr~,,,ht|auditor under Mrs. Susie Pauley.
......... ,,.*o~,t.,~* ................*~ sollrces ~OOK a Dlff jump (IOl'lnlr • , n . .......... ~,*~ u.*,*~ .......... ~,o ...~, | I ' ~ " • '
t ' , ' ze ~ - . -,r~dd(nby Gary Inghs and Mzss ' z 1 • Mason zs on( oI the two el(eted
s ~wer hne until lans a plesent- , .. ~ ,, . . ~ • on varlotzs c tmina ehalges. / " ....
. P the, hsc.d ,ea~ ~hmh closed Jl,ne- • , l ",. .~.~" ." ,
ed for c~ty approval. ,.,.n ~oo¢,~.¢~tn~ ~ , ,,on(,~.~ f~'¢,,~, Gypm. Frank Paid Anderson Shelton Repllb.~can ofhcL~ls s~lx mg nl tile
' " ................ t:~ ......... t ......... ~ ' ' " COllrL nous~
A letter from the city cixil scr ] .~-' • -- -, ,, .... ~ ._, Th~ State Patrol sa~d Ward Ing- was committed to the Washington | ~ "
' ~ ~ "I ~Lale l~ayl(1 iJolnnl/l~SlOl}ey 47~1211 . ".~ _ ...... ~ " •
vice commission was read ip r,o~^ ns suHerea neaa aria poss~ole m-Corrections Center after Judge | Mason said he and his wife will
which it st'tted that in recent civil , ' .~ • ..... telmal in31uues, a compound ft, ae- Wri ht revoked a 3- rea deferral continue to make then" l~ome ill
service exailainations for polic[c ]. M.'asg" ,~;°uaty[s.. snare oI the ture of his ankle and multiple of ~gentence given hi,y in October ] Sh~lton for the present.
. tunas ter tne past ]~scal year were cuts" Gar In "lis suffered a flae ....
chief, Richard Camper San Ra- .^(...^.. . ~ ..... z,,^.. ., Y g " - 1964 on a charge of taking a me-/ ...................................
fael, Calif., was first and Fra.nklit~ ] :~z'J'/~U'l.~L c.0n]_Pa,re~_ Lo ~v,,~zv..~.. tured right leg, bruises and abra- tor vehicle without permission of|
/H~ LAI~U~i AHI= Inose wnlcn ,
V. Rains, She}ton, was ..;econd. ] ....... : ' .. sions and Miss Gypin bruises and the o~mer. ] ~1 P
eveltea to tne county iOl unpaloab ~ n h ,a tre d at |
The letter was received by the t ....... ',' ............ '~"~ 1 ........ ra..~io s l S e.w s . .ate . ' II, n petition for ,.evocation of, ~W Pr~PW~,,~U
city commission last Wednesday /_~_'._~P~'.. "~,~_ '~ ..... ' ..... :,.~:.;: Shelton t~enerai tiospitai ana re- sentence Prose('utin~ Attol'ney[ = m~ww =s,z=,~ww~ y
.... ~ i ~.~t.asett uy t~te ~epa[tu~e.L ut leased .... ' ~
an 1 the position oflered to Caml)(.,r ... .......... . Byron McClanahan charged that [
who ace-ted it nd \\,ill take v /l~arul'al t~esources sncome zrom _. ~ -r. ...... ~ ' . ,
p a ", o er.~ ' _ ~._ .." ,~ .__','_. ........ ,_ Tnere ~ as ,~ouu ~amage to ~u~- Anderson had violated terms of his
,~. • . . . ~ tnem. c( mes tnz.'gety ].rolii LllIIU('r~ ~ ~ ~, ~ . --* Cng^' .... ' ~ Q ~-
L,,e JO~ ~.ug. ~. ~sates ...... ~rust~ teases anu .... unr~sL-': oerts lv57 automoofle, ,aoo to the parole by. committing a burglary,. . , I r _ _=
..................................... ]'-.a~ 'm.~. ,~o=..~ Honda and a total loss of the using intoxicating liquor, assocmt-.'~t'Iltln | Ingn
l, lgnr Nai / Tl~e county ~ets 80 ,er cent of motorcycle, ing with other parolees and fail-I w" ,~. v., ,~r,~sa
v vH m~v~vv =vm ml~pwm ' ~ ~ In
to kee em lo ed
__~ • • ___. :the money, with the s[at.e retain- Mrs. Ruth Watson, 26, Turn- 'g p' P Y . [
~,,~J=| ||,,A-- ~l[,~- @All in,- 20 ~)e~: cent to cover the cost of water, was rcportea in sa.tis~ac- Anderson was represented by I Both sections of the newest sec-
Ui~Ull Uii|U[i Ull|Ul$ O~|! m~natz~niel~~ ' , " tory condition at Shelton General Gary ~Aexander, Olynlpia attoz'-]tion of the four-lane free'waybillS-
The Mason County I, ederal The money is distributed by the Wednesday mo~nlng suffe~ln~ ney. Itwcen Shelton and Olympia were
Credit Union will h(,ld an open ; eonilty treasurer in the same way from. !njur!es received when a car C, LARENCE HOitACE Davis lII lopened to traffic Wednesday.
house in its new building at Fourth as et.noral taxes with the bulk of na wnzcn sne was a. tlassenger ~eft of Port Orchard was ~iven a three- The section fi'on~ Lynch Road io
and Cedar from 4 to 7 pm FridaVit ~elni, for suDr)01"t of schools the road on Highway 1.01 about year (teferrai of se~ntence afl:er Cole Road brings the freeway
The credit union otflce was mov- ! and conntv roads, ~ole said. nine miles south of Sheltol~ at ~Meadin~r ~niltv to a charge of sec- about 2~,., l1111es closer to Shell.on
ed into its new quarters late in .... i ........... ._, ..... 5:30 a.m. Sunda.y. oi~d de~'ree b~rElary He'~was also and to the point where a. proposed
May. although. _ some finishing. .. THE DRIVER OF the vehicle l-e,~",e,,ented~ by Alexander ........ as his b3pass around the c~ty will start
touches remained to be eonlplcted: ~a~ ~|~ I[~,~ William Fox, 26 Seattle, wan un-co~n't-anoointed attorney Ralph Kirslake District High-
on the building. , lull= I~1~1~ ~ injured. ' Daxis*was char~'ed wiih break-way Engineer said iigi~ts and bar-
.................................: = '|I ~ Anq According to the State Patrol i~lo" intn a 's~man1~' borer: oii Tea rieades .on the north end of the
ON tlONOll ROI,,I ~____e0nl ~roIn ____|__~I]~ le Mrs. Watson. suffered, a fractured _..l_eTL~c " M~FI"IVt, 18"alont.~ with two. .~UV("-. ...... new' section of frt eway. where it
Nancy E. Briggs Shelton, was; .... left leg and multiple scalp lacer- m,iles q;he ~uveniles both from g'oc.s back il~to the two-lane road
ir~.centlff named to [hc Willamettc ~ Mrs. Zella M(~unts, wife of l~ev. ations. ;c~Ls[~, ¢~',~: v,'e~,e' handled b~, are now completed but 1hat lights
i UniVer'~'ty Honor Roll for £intslaing' Hot.ace Mounts of the li~ir~.~e(:li~ ...... :T.lie ve~i~te'!~b so ittl~i~ltl bl~ ~*~'~.",,~',',~t~'''~'= "" ' "~,,.~ "'- . " a~: two intersections (m the new
the spring semesler with a 3.733o(hst Church is back home i~-~ hel- t Ixghway 101 when it went off the ~ l)nvia V,~au also serftenced~ : by seclmn will not be ,~stalled for
grade point average.. Miss Bt'iggs, ton after a six-monih missionary right side o~ the road into a ditclaih~'a'.t~"~Vl~','.~t.,tO~,rve. 90 day.~in several days.
a 1,¢)62 gradlvtte from Irene S. assignment in Chile. and over a 60-foot enaba akment, hecounty' ail with credit f6'i"thea"~l|,; T@O intersecLicms are at
Reed ttigb School is the daughter Mrs: Mounts a laboratory tech-rolling ow,A" on its side. two m~nihs h'e has been in jail lhe Craig Road and the Ryan-
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben T. Briggs; nician, assisted in the establish-Both accidents were investigated o;.),.~ },t,, ~;.l-~S~ ' " Fredson l-¢0ad.
Shelton. A junior biology major, ment t)f a hospital laboratory at by Trooper Robert Furseth with "~"~=I')~'~I~D~bSl, EI¢. OIHt and I(irslako said that since traffic
Miss Briggs served as York House a government hospital in Chile. Mason County Sheriff's deputies Phillip Scrafford, both of Shelton, from these t~vo intersections was
chaplain and tream~rer and is a She arrived in the U. S. July :13,a:~sisting in the accident in which were released on their persona} not heavy, it was decided to open
way as any infeetiol;s disease is, in member of the Young Republicans. and got back to Shelton Saturday. the fatality occured.
a(tdition to causing damag(~ to ..................................................................................................................................................
kidney function1. It lnay involve
one or both kidneys and is corn- •
mon at all ages• There may be
sing/e or moltiple att~aeks which
may lead lo the estahlisiame~t of
a chronie infection. Pyelonephritis
may be t)resem: wILiIOtlt e,tusing
any observable symptoms, and its
presence is established only by a
thorough physical e.~anlination and
labolatory tesLs. The sev