July 22, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 22, 1965 |
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S ELTON--MASON COUNTY 30URNAE-- Published in " Christmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Kamilche Family
Mo n!!ake Terrace
KAMILCHE-.Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Blackwelder and Mr.
t.,nd Mrs. Stanley McFie of Oak-
villi, motored to Mountlake Ter-
race to dine with Mr. and Mrs.
William MeFie and family. In the
afternoon they enjoyed a gnme
of puLt-pntt with the grandchil-
Labor Council
0m e ,ts On
I •
The Mason Comity Labor Coun-
cil this week issued a st,~telntmt
on labor efforts to get a higher
minimum wage and additional
workers covered by this minimum
wage act. The statement was sign-
, ed by Labor Council President
Mr. and Mrs. Hen~"-V Robertsoll Darrell Sharks " ¢~*
with granddaughters, rerrylynn A higher minimum wage cover- ~ $: ,~
and Carlann and Mrs. ayne B.ob- ing ad~Jiticnal millions of workers ~ ~ "
el'~.son spent the weekend in Ore- would be the most potent weapon ~ ~ "t
gon•wmtmg frmnds and relatives, in Ambcrica's war on povmty, un- I ~
Flmay eve mng they visited at the ion spoke.,'men told a House Labor, I! ~': ..
nome of ~vn'. and M)'s. ~Villiam .... ~, ..... ~+'-e IP~ ~
Ci'ant tit. B(;averton and ~'aturttay, ~uut'u'""""~ot hell, wink% t ek with I• il:..i i ...........
, .... - And a 3 - ' • v "., .
the.? were guests of Mr. and Mrs• a,-,,~-,~(~,~- ,'ales for overtime [ FORESTRY TOUR--About 60 persons attend- looks ,over the same area .
1~. S. Silva at Grants Pass. Also ~-'o;]'{'¢{cr"/,,'~te'i0bs for many of the l ed a farm forestry tour on the Ken Frank tree thinned were removed• Inc!ua'
visiting" .... at the R S Silva home ----~-'-L--".,"~tnnlr~v~(t...... ~nl(i ire_ceLt the. . .iobsl.. farm at Cranberry_ Lake ast Saturday• The tour a p anted stand of Shasta
w~s Mr. and Mrs. Carl Verse and ,,f ..... lz'~r~a xxrhn " ran ( h rwise] was soonsored by the Thurston Mason Farm For Trees, a farmed wild stand oT
family of San Francisco. .. ..... . ............ x~...A 1 eL e he lef
' be displaced by technological) estry Association. On t t: Frank, pres=dent of mas Tree,s, a commercial /?~!
A get-well wish goes to Herb changes they stressed I the association explains marking trees for thin- mere a tninning, a pore pec
Nelson at the Shelton General Representatives •of •the Textile[ ning in a stand at his tree farm• On the right, use of a post driver in operat
:-Iospital. Worieers Union of America, La-] .Oscar Levin, also an officer of the association, .
Dinner guests Sunday aL the dies' Garment Workers, Hotel and[ .....................
home of Mrs. I,'lorence Taylor were ........... ke in •h count- to en Restanrant Employes Laundry [L ~ vv~ I- _ __ I . = ,,*
' ' 'WATER PATROLED---Deputy ~neriT) uill uooth spent parroting various la s ~ e y " " • "~ n'c ti ...... /n . AK.=m.-- ~ ,)----=----- I=m
Mrs. Emma McDonald and Mrs• . • , , • ,,(,rKc/:s, ,om.m., ] a ons wor'" i ,an0, ,,
n ~>fthOlyr~aP).aT~i~):l' e fa?::eutshe~ ~°u::aY;~::?;ton?s °;:;n$$:we~m~hevleb~amts:S'
Three res Are Put Oomm
mons home. - ..... ........ Chairman ames noosevc ( -II Oll[n"" Murlil n ..... i"aSin-"a lfllt l Ku "-u" 'IPJlBk UI ...;_ t I/l/
Mond'.ly evening dlop Jn glles,~t '~] TEENAGEI,~ ARE ,VINNEI,~ C~li~olt f~lqt~:etlYbit:dic(a:~s(l wl~]il~[I. Bonding
at the E~I Taylors were the Jerry] 1[" ~ ~ Ivi'~ ~ ~ ~ |] TWO WEEKS STRAIGItTae Bide ]" p °pnpd~rmg •alond the" ~ro~;i'em 'of]i By L,Z* ~~~'t ~~$~
I" ,,son'n aCountstate
,Samples and the Cecil B]ackwel(i- / I4' ' I' '1 14' 14) I I The Shelton Dup]ie t " g how quicldy riley can be ac}~ievc.d/I < .... / . "
..... . .11 I JI. &ll IlCll!b winners for North-Sonthe m[ Pres. Jacob S. Potofsky of the/ Ourweather lhispast ~'cek has leer ci!.izens w!,OSenOblJeeet,~g
t-aim: m'usnes arc uying ann}l g i laSt ~vtonoay nignCs pray xa "e: I Clothing Workers maue tne point[ not been what many peopm would I to protect ann c( •~' ,
."-/. • *.-,an
halnnl(lS mc bern bUSll ll~e(t • Yas It() lid Ton] Hal err Maly s of the state ~ miy lie m nora u~u ~,
• ' ", '- ,' g•~ Y t'" I I m ' roll r~l I t ~ [ .¢ t, P , "• I that: [ consider fire weather, but we have [ source•' • ' ~. ~ • " .- / ' • • "-I'
down in our valley as the Roy] 3 I KeAler and Dorothy Quartier, ~j.nd[ "A higher minimun~ extended [ had little rain and drying winds [ corporat.ed as a part of the actim- I p).ows[on ~,~t
Weals 'ire in the rocessof aint TO l lie IS(lifO. ,oh Bennett and Mike MeNieJ educt'ion in un • ', mn The ties of ,outh o, mizations n. mt, y|cers tor *~
...... . . , . ,oovo,..o ,,o... ,..,....ou,, oau,o co,, , , .... .. .......
ing their honle and he Davo 11I This is two weeks straight for thai emnlovment through doubletime/Denaltmcnt of Natural Resources ] be parl, ieipated i] by individualI an, y . .t,o:
, ) , . ~- •, " t - * • • ' • " r ~u
Whiteners are busy remodeling ] ................... v -,~: ..... ~--- ~ "-^ -'~-~-* * ...... h / two teen~gcrs M~ke and Bob, to [ for overtime and shorter work- [ reported three fires over the past [ boys and gn-ls. The only obhgatmn ' by LabO. _
their home. I w~v ~ uu~,u,'rt. , .... ~.: ........... :..~ ,... ~^~_...._ ] be winners. [ week will immediately be Lrans-[ week Two of the fires were caused ] of'the pal'tieipant is willingness to i rell Spar=¢.s.,
E lOt" "l'fle Journal loctti (Jltl~l~l]. III~IILIV(~ ll.y LIUU~III~ / n .... t
Mr .and Mrs. Jerome Burke at- / ......... I ................. ;~, ,,, ~, ] East West winners were' Mrs | lated into purchasing power since[ because of fires which wine not I nerve. There are no fees or dues. I. ,,Orgamzeu
• Tie a ointment 13 the tALy ~)eIllIlll ~J~ UlYll *~*v*,~ *a,~ ~,) •.= "~ " - ......... • .....
tendedaweddmgon Saturday eve- [ .~ PP .... Y . .: I ................... ~ ......... /Di(k l'm)v and Mrs Gordon Bcn-]the low-income family puts its[earlier extin~'uishcd Both tooklTo join a youngster must be be-lrecord ofllaIt:
• ' uommlsslon el a California ell:l- oI•tler i.o revenL .~.# .v.~.v~.;...., • " " .... ,, " "~ " ' ' • , U
rang at M o u n t Olive Lutheran ] .^.. ~... m.~... ~,~;~,, ~;~¢ ....... ;, ~ .... ~ P,~)o, o ..... hn~ver ill,, ' nett Di(k Perry and Lou Stew- / money to immediate use . | place ill snmldering saw dust piles. I tween the ages of 8 amt 16• [fairs haS ]es~
Chtlrch in Shelton. The bride Mrs./,~F ::=h~"~,=~=u"t.~l"~'r~'t: "~;~'~d~ "t'~'~e ;"(~a.~n'" .....................art 'm~:l Gordon" Bennett 'and PaL [ This he stresses, would "stil:n- [The one July 16 occurring at Ie -n annlication is filled ()tit and of confidenc~
Norman Vilhnes ~s the niece of ~ Byrne ulate p~oduction help lira C~anbel ly Lake on the p~op(ltv of W~shln ton As I of Bep~ese
" " will of local policemen to do a bet- Cliff Coil ns i " • ..... ~, ' "'• • • ~ - sent to the Keep ~ '~ ' g "= ' I
Mr. Burke. q .......... = ..................................... I'he Shelton Brid~e Club meets/merchants and farmers.., stren~,-lthe Kamilche 7nvesLment Companyl~...;ation the an~licant will re- "After llaO
.~ HappyAnmve~sa~y to the Ceml/of nromotion, nroves that after IRE SCltOOL FINA?,CES every Monday night in the PUD] then the whole economy: ........ /required 18 men and approxunate-]ceiw; vahlable information on fire ] expe}:mnce,
iP~leb~[Cn~ff~oir~lis [ PAItTI@IPATION ARGUMEN:£ Ao~iydhita¢~llyU,~.viAlel.~lldge playels a et,,h p Wp~t~t¢~e~m~p~gycpmn~e2o ~.~[ loYth:~gn3~ulyO~? :~ i~upp::s~ ~i~e L prev:nntm~::c~e?p Wa sln~f~p.ng:tOonn / ~,~f~n?i~;' ~
this week• ! ,,,a .... , ....... a ~. ........ ÷~a ~,.. Shelton- Mason County Journal _ ............... -/decent wages from the unfair[ Yard on John's Prairie toot( 10 / h,~nG|,,) ~n~okev the Be'n" stamns ment for be.
• . ..uu .. ~a.,. ~,,,..~ .u.,.~, ..~e. ~, 1, ., • • a in low .............. , "-'- ~' ' • - t '
M1. and Mrs. ten Cole of Shel- , .......... I Dear E( ffm. , , } compet~tmn of those p y g / men and f~ve hours to extmffulsh [ , ~, ,a ..... a ....... h~,,hln card [ discharge o
.. . elecElon J1Ke tne mnuenaos an(t • numerical[ Gra eview's nigh ,, • " - a .a,,se, a.., ..... e ........... v " " • te
~,.n, M). and M?:s, E d :lohnson ,:f li- service offered in all election [ Since the Grapev,ew correspond- . .... ::, :';..Y ........ ....... ,, ........ [wages. . ................. | These fires lemind us how iln-] All a.loplicartt must take the fol-],-','age,
u!ympm ann.~tt, an~ ~rs. ~anyea:m~ai~n [ents to yonr paper are blind to ~"~.'.".":":'.~ ........................ t~res, wlgmm eouoe.t{,_ ot _~m| portant it is to properly put oul:/lowin~-nled~e to become a mcm-[cost unmns~
~mlmons visireu tne uapitol lvl.use- .~;- ..~; ". .......... i an- but thei- own oninions the Lney aL.t.enu. I Textile ~'orKeI's saia a mgner ram-/ .... t:_.. 1-.,^.. ,. -.......~ ,~...- /. ° * "~ I 'File bonoin~
• . . vne ~l:ate OI wasnulgton in tne # " " ~" '' r. , .... " " a q needed uu~" ~re,~ ue~t,re ~e.v.=~ ~.e.,. Def. 2[
nm at Olympm and (lined at the ...... [lead al*icle in ~heir column of o It. ~as brought out at thel~mum wage ~s desper.tey ,. [^~h........... ld, v I'm m~nths[ Ithecost to
• • last nine years nas impel'tell IO1 ........ • ' " ' 1 '( ,, .tx.,,...o ~,~¢a,~, ........... O .............. , • • E
Top of the Ocean m Tacoma one ............ : .... , ,~,~u .............. I July 8 left a number of facts un- meeting that although North Ma- I m the textile mdust 'y.-~- the la:st[ and event~'lallv bun] out But all[ I hereby pledg(~ to the Washing_- / of the exP
day rest week, .u ~u ~v ~,,uu~=...~ ...Z..Wo ~.e:.~.:.... I ~enorted Here are a few" son has an accredited high school, [ re'eat jungle that needs to De/,, ,-~-~[ ~- •. ~."...~g..~ ~.~(' .,,~ ..d [ ton Green Gnara ana promise tel the House "
', , • • .s'alarles sown to "a ~uDan exile for - ~ ~ • " • ' • r ~ ' ~" ) ' ' ' •n )) it Ltt~%~ 1~ ¢1 tjl~i JUlll~ ll~/t *~u=~ ,~,--. "' * of n]" / ,
Saturday evening Martu~ Otto • . . ' . .--, ........ its classroem bmldnlg ~as bl lit[cleared by collective bargam~ g. [ ......... /help prelect the he ltage ¢ ....... rant en
, . ' ' state em lO ment i in we is appl'uVm as wen zt~J .... , • ' ' • ' an a warm m'ecze LO U rn SInOlU~rlil~ " ' el ttt~aJ ~'"
xmlted Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hall P Y ' [-." " • -~ ,,,.,~ ...... and initially lsed) for an u per[ He warned that 'too m, y] ..... [state--her farms---her fml(ls-h • - ..... ~til
• I h a be in ellen olsapproval among Lil'apuv,,~ .~- ( " • P ' ' h 't stand aslles im.o a ragtag ~orest ilre• ~ " " , s UIllO~t "
of LltLlerock. f L e powers th' t , . Sh ] .......... ' ........... ,~ .... fi~ielementary school, and this has/Americans are basing t el• -[ .............. ]forests and her water,,ay.'. [ ..... fem~ard'
~tau~, ux ~t~, ptupu l" foun Tie tlnlCI Ilia lepo]teo stalte(~ ut= *-
MR. AND MRS Percy Adams are so coixvinced that out of town/ . " - '- - .~": "=:'";;" now been outgrown It.was thc/ard of living on the shaky . "/ • ..... ,' ' . ' [ ................ I " "" -°...~on
r*,~ra, ,~A (~ ¢,.),,.A.." • ;.~•~ :' ,~. ~h~.;:: fnlt,~i- im ~a ~unt~.tOV h~ve they / pacion in SChOOl zunc~s ~or ~,~orrn ....... o. =.,:- ...... ,....,x. / ........-,.--^ -al.n;n,~ which! when a private citizen s stump t ~ wiu obey all o~.Ilclai rores~ pru- I ing prow,~ ;
t.,tj,,y~-t, ¢~ ~aal.ut'xta•y vs~tL wttJt Lst~=tt .............. t ..... ) ""~ " o | ~,,o,,,, "Ohi~ ~=,~= xml,,,~rt ~f fh~ slate Otllce T.n:tL aux I~ULI LILL; l~Iul LII | uaLlon ot uvuruutt~ ¢ • ~ ~s | • . . "• .~." / ,~_,: ..... ~..¢ I "£vmld ,anti
'dau hter, Mrs. Cecil McHenr and (the local powers) made alrange-/ ...... 2'" ...... _'_'7.:5__"_""::2 7 ....Mason school directors that it is ]malty employers are only too eager Durmng project near ~u)non on |~ec ................. 7...,,,qng
d mghtms Dmnne and MaiY~a~et ments for this out of town talent meeting the curre~punde.ts were ' eto construct a hi "h o u'se as a" substitute for dccent| Hood Canat gOL out ot control. Tne/ I will learn the names of the mon "",".F.~
g v, . g" 1 .. ,low tlm . g] t • ' ' . ~. . . ' " ., rly -,-
repozLmg , B~mnon Fie Dep,uLment with the , warden folest lo n,a
of Discovery Bay to bring along the taxes to pay " . .. school building Tile upper elemen- hourly wages•' [ ": . " " .' .... /nearest forest fi:e , " _ I q~,,t 'the t
' h ir al ries? 2 Th," COunt uommittee on " - • help ot a crew n'om t ne Depart- I or rual fire chief ~'". ' •
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles t e s a . ] ." . .A .... Y-- . .. '_.. La.rybuildinghad aheady been] I . ~ ~ ...... ]rangm, and loca "[...;,, r, o r.one~
MOllltori of el m ia wele u(sts Scuool L)IStIlCL ulganlzatlon QIQ the local d]st ment o• iNatUlal l%eSouleeS qUlCK v, --o
Y P ¢ ' g ~.':-' In a republic such as ours, why/ . . "_: . " ~- • '~ ..... constructed -- by . '!'/_ . 1 . ,= |'' ~"~-""°~'i~*~"" ~az~" " ' "/ I will prepare myself to detect I ~f'tl~e House
at the horae of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- are we the electorate in our elec- [ noc ac~. armtraruy.•:xney tolmweu ricL, with no participating zunas.| IIIo lm la prflvilll ! ''y ....... s ........... e ~ . / and. supnres.s destructive fires / .. ~)l it the
win Petty. lions, confined to the'choice of lo- [ closely tlae rcgum.t~ons given, to There is no particular reason why[ s~nu~ =v = ...... ] OUR ]965 Forest Festival Queen,/whercver'I may be. [ ~a'inst thou
Mrs. John Gribbon with Mr, and cal talent when We are asked to[ them oy tne state ~epsrtment oz the district should not use its own| ~-!---It!--lL q*--..& [ Patsy Bixenlnann, traveled under/ ........... [. ~,- ~,,~t ern'
i Instruction Their (~eclsion . ." . • . . • • . . . • i wit ~e inert, lain .....
Mrs. Jon Pace of Shelton wer'e Fri- elect leaders? Wh not c nvass Publ c . . .: . . '.. bufldm , and m the opinion of the ~|~]|l~[ |~| threatening skins to Olympm July _ . ..... . . • -_ , mtwo
day ewming guests at the. Al Lord California or Some Yther st:~e for will be Judgect on ~:ne~as,sof tnese state ~fice there is every reason[ ............... h and/10 for the annual Lakefan" cele-/ I ~m }epo~t.all fries ]mmedl /!es:~., tit
s~me lules, D l~ne ~l;ate laoal(:t oz ~ea(ame m cny ~u~ , (1 Detorc Lal~.ln acllon juw~
Y u t that blaLmn Sh( alon ~lth Prince sea tL y g
ho'ne, candidates for Commissionera or~ ~ . " ' , ~ -- ~ --t ' why it should do j S . ' / . -' - ~-: ......... ~'~ ~od of] " ." • L g " ' s..• | ~ ~ ." " ' : • [ '" ' .._~
-~.l~tUn4~ driye~ to Tae ~'aa WI~ el ttv ~? * • ..... ~uucauon, wnien has oeen Known • teacn me' ~uc ~,uu ~t,~ ~,,~ ,_. ' 'm nd P m n
enJoyed1 b;~:the ten Cole,941 I:tlu:ry } ejV'~e ~0'ga~P.'~a~! ~bidinff citizen has) t° reject cc.)unty decisions that did Cll6sirWghepa~:~licC;~a~m~Vit~a~d~./my .salvation,; on thee do I walt[ J~ape?(~ne ]~isa Altoa BtT~S°ne;ln:. [ LeILWl~1 athl(i prPc(~::tp°nt::~ikopl°'/~
Simmons's and M)'~ Nell/(, Hanst, n 'i, , .. , , . not aceora with thenl, l~otning, '" , " ., _,/ all tne oay. I sented SheILon in the twilight ha-! Mail'the followin'~ t~" /,,roLection, a
• . ,. . . /no ~ ght t.o expect farms fzom out , ~ ,. ~on a zew years ago, me argumcn~ , 1'ation from Psalms:' ' .~" ~ ~ ' " , ~' ,
of O]ympul with dinner al a local of state officials or f~om loc'd offi /was brought out at last ~eek s. , .....~. ........... ~a,~,~, ~,,hoo)/ Thts supp m ..... ". rade gracing a red Bonneville con-| Keep Washington Green Ass n / Mail the f
. . • '. ' ' " ' . .' .... " " s ow tha the htw ~,as ,,s~,, u,~ o,,~,,.,,- *-.~s ....... will be "n tnis ~unoay's OlDIe Des- , ' • , r. " " "
le~:mrant lo eonlplete their ¢.ta.,,V, elals, and, nelthe,:.do,.aocal elected|meeti.n,g to ,h a,~;~. .... ;,e ,1,~ had educated Grapevicw students,,[ =~... ~ >h;.t=*ian .~eience church- verl;~ble ~;long}ng to .Ml. P ca.,e Hal}: .... ] Keel) Washi!
l.'a n their [ V4OUI(1 II~¢*ty n =.uu, . ~ ] =t,,, ~ ..... Shelton Tne ills sn]lleS snone w[ (I Slt r Ot wasnln toll / -
• e ~e ry ungel•s spent ' J " " : , -~.~ : ........ :'~ now needed money, and was rea- "s The'subieet of "Truth" will be ' g '•' " .... Unive '....5 "~ g tion
dayS. atu' ay, d visiting some of .... |County Commlttee.',s ollglnal' dec,- o.,w.bl:, exneetin~ heln from us e . .......... 3 : ......... ~....the evening sun after an aftmnoon[ Seattle ,,, Washing•L()ll 98105 | ....... l:Ia
their many friends inchldin Mr. Saturaay night, Mr. and Mrs. Ed sion. ' .... # • ~. ~" ~,~ont,a *,~| expmreu wz~z~ p~r~tt~uL~t .~),L~' .... of downpours• The ro.yal court,/ I will renorL all fires immediate- | An(ae~,~,.la
and Mrs. A P Bissell of olygmpiaJohnson and family of OLympia~ 3. Grapeview voted 1.00~;4 par- When.~.th.]s it!ca wa:~ ,p--,~.-~o.,~|is on tne te.acnmgs ot ~nrmt Jesus. Miss Burke M:'. and Mrs. Pe~tse,]lv before "taking action | Wasnm~=
Mrs. Lorraine Ronnex of Oiympia: were dinner guests of Mr, an¢l Mrs,[ticipation in Sheltou's huilding ~._!!~"_"~e,~:.~"~,~:'~'~e"~a,?.eared to] In aooinon to s.etecnons ~rom and Mrs. Ciive Troy feasted rov-] "I will think protection, talk | Seattle 5, .~
Mr. and Mrs. DeWainc Wal]in andHairy Simmons. ]program in 19(,1. b:lca,i;~lI ,~.~d~r ~t~e~nfaT;:Uan~"rat]ona{~'an(l" ttlcy] ~h~'.mBit~e, ~per:tiSus:eerea~':gs" ally at the Tyee 'Restaurant ~to] • :i: :l: •
family of Centralla and :Mr and Ra lackson Rhon -~ackson Ithis same law we w .'e "g. • .........,~.~+l~. ,t~'~I " ' ~ " ' .! : • -"nh{asantiy conclude their evening, I .~(
M, s 'Stanle:,', McFie',,-f Oakviie r~,,.~:y, ~...,.~..~ ' ....... J~,.;';,,' [contribute to a high school"where supporLeo .±.uu ?~ ,,~,',,c,,.,.,.::7 ;~.~.~] book. This passage Will De inclu.o- ," ;,.~ .:,,, .... , .... ,,,,u,,,~ ~n, nd] WASHINGTON GREEN GUARD "~'
,. ., , , *-.,~..,y *.,ut'r,~=uu a*Lta ~,~*~t Z.XU*Vt.= ' ' • • idle erceneLa c au u,,..~ t, • • , • L~*O ~.,,.'.~,.', .......... • .........
. • ...... only poss P " ' g' ed' Christiamty as Jesus taugnt *,
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stoldn of lon.all talented musmmns and nun-lore studepts .had been attel~(!!ng, time~ for Sh:,lton although con-| .; ".. .... ) ..... ~d .~. ..... ~ ..... f Patsy Joan Pain Nancy Stodden,/
Hoodsl)ort were Monday guests at taters here from New Zeahmd have I ~o~ihs~00so/n ~icc~u~ehato?t~stj~m(~ tilming to keep tl'~etr' students at| l~?c~cn~onie's-nora-special'g~i'ft~f~:om Miss• Bm'ke, and the red converLi-| Name .................................................................... i':i" .....
the honle (f the Edwin Pettys. just eompleled a week of special "• " g ' ' " ~.r...~ ~Kason Only afterward did[ " • ....... " T~l ..... I, ~,,* ;~ ...... ble '~t the McCleary Second[ (please m'int clear Y
A Satl rday evening g)lest for services at ttle Kal~ilche Commu-/c°ming into existence, and there ~':::"~i'n'(1 that tI~'eir ~'ction was[.a: rztua~]s~,.=~,~.~, ~::~.~ ..~,: Gl'owth and Bear Festival The| " "
• ' " ' " • . • .- ~.,,-# -,' ~ tne (|~s.~,,ovr,~,,,a~ u~ ~.|IVIII~ $~uvC . ,• ,
dl lner at. the home of Mr aud Mrs nity Church ........ vg.a.~ riot the .same th~ee-ye~.pel: ,~.'5 ~:,~ • ~how' fin dv.rwhelmhI~[ ..................... " .... ' o:irls had their first taste ot some] . ,. ,~.,~
A1 told was Mrs. Opal Lancaster ]t wa.~ roundup tame at, Taylor/md to u~e ~n computing aliensentiment ill Grapeview favming| _..~ got merely in th~ name of of that that ba r ileal following[ Aoa,ess ..................
Of O1 nl 1~t ~ " , . , ' auce At tnaL ~ime representatives ' ' ~tta.. -- e ............. 0 ' "
.5' P '.. Towm Satuzday as a Bltck A1-[ ~ ,' ............. Shelton I refer to statements such] .m..~ or Truth but i,~ aemonstra the parade How d~d y u hke It,|
Mr and Mrs Jerome Burke on- r R a" a • "l,,~.'~,.,,,tl nef FI '~'~fflo O1 tie S~ate 15(.at(1 SalCl that in tile - • - -- ' ...... ! t_,, ..... , , ,, ,* =. , " / ........
• , ; •. ~ . gn, h~lrc, a..... ~.~ .............- • " -. :- . .............~a ~ ..... ~.,as "On tie oa,-'is'm puonc opinion| ¢i,,n of Truth. as must be the gwls: | Age ................ I belong to ............................. 7-"~.I-I
,er~.a,ned Mr. ~!nd Mrs. ~.}.on ~.ve,y t,qtck l?elongi,!g to a •catUe•man in t~uu.u.e *,2Y:L".::',?,Tg'o',io,:............ v,,iced a few •yea, s ago," etc., in| cause in the cycles of divine light" When Snlokcy and I talk with] (Limit 8-16) (Scout~LT..L.'
an(t s~n, ~lepnen, m o tympm as Centr'a.lia. Thapgs t0 r.ne efforl.s or ~,, as~ ,,.,, p~,. .... e .... ;" . , the tolumn cf Grapeview news[ tscience and" Health with Key Locampers this s{immcr aL the n.-/ ..............................
I le ' oinner guesls l~l'iflay the Jeronlt Burkes and the Cecil | 4 We are being asKe(l t) par- --- "l'shed Jul- 8 I ~-- ~ovtnh,t'~q h~r ~**** , 1~,1,.*., "1~.~1 ..... ) ......... o
~)~ anason Countx/
~Ve(tn(sday the Ira Stansburys, Bla('.lcwelclcrs sh( was co)'ralled i.lclpa.te (n a 40¢){. b tsls of om ................. o- ..A. .- 1ur-~ -.,- offer them nartici~)ation ul Lhel UNUSUAL FLOWER--Mrs Charles well
, , ," ..... .. ' , , '. • • ~ ,. ) ( ion because ThanK you tot /~tw,~, mc ~-~| oy, p. ~o~. "~ " "' ,I "
(lle C(cll Blackweldels and M s fnst Ill I (hlektn hous(nd then ht h s(ho(1 p)pulat r ra on on the eft)
.~ ' " ~ " ".; ...... ; . • ; .... I g ." ' . . ~ ,o portunit'y to express my views./ ' -- Keep "~ ashington Gz'een youth aC-ol in this unusual snap d g ( .
]almen(e Taylo~ called on the Ed onto ~ tlal(k It was genmallylthxt ~s the pezcenLage of OUl P , m ~L t be about four or five stems ,owm ch
Tayh)rs. a~,-e.c,1 ,pen that everyone had re-'students who attended North Ma- Yours tm,!v: .... . .eT's~'~to ~{°toY?m;Sae~ buut Y~Ue~v~ev ti(::,tY'TNe°wa;~'ie:ty °fferalfed th separated as they are in t2~ normal
MIL AND M]RS. Earl Siephens calved all lhe exercise they needed son durhlg the years that. by law mrs. w. tt. ~pooner *-, • a • • • , ' .
nf Olympia visited Mr .and Mrs. for that d~v '~,hen at last'she' was are used for "the COlnputation Grapevicw / friend and every foe. Washington Green Guard Assocm-I stem of the plant on the left is mu¢l~
Martin Otto at their home Sunday. aboard the'['ruck ' ~ • Numm:ically they are few because Washino'ton 98546 --Alexander Pope tion. It is an organization of vohul- I atem, and, the flower mass is much
• .il~