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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 22, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 22, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 SIgELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAE-- Publishe l tn "Chr strnasfown, BheKon, Washington Page 7 One beautiful bright pep, feeling ! Grey Hairs acting frustrated and [to him, "Why all frustrat- "Everything I only had "That's the if they only would are tot) kind of an about. Our a soft stuck So I pressure is need blood ike that!" He Then he :alled all his Is- thought had or sets of were really the listeners line, really Jill], Gene three cur- "What ; a stu'ck soft trOUble is mild, trouble. At leg or finger but the pump face, when If phm~b- Garden- biggest area. If one we think Peek up the gate and into at Punkin flOW- never having I! Can't swing garden and ! happy, that necessary in house. wild Indian lilies and Flow- and salal colored ar- vegetables flower re- Michael- ~rolifie on Har- It is pretty and cattle. ~d and if we it should be in tlle ~d ld would do the same on this island. it would help eradicate this men- ace. It: was like "Old Home Week" attending the Harstine Island So- cial Club Picnic at the Jarrclls Cove Marina last Saturday. The Ncss's were most gracious hosts and did a lot of work to make the affair a success. More than 20 club members attended and with as many guests, tile picnic area. at tile Marital was frill. As llSllal at these affairs on Harstinc, the ta- bles were loaded with luscious loud. Homemade bread and rolls, garden salads, fried chicken, hot dishes of rice and pasta,, pies, cakes, and gallons of coffee. IJighlight of the gathering was when Charles Seward cut his 84oh birthd~,y cake and everyone sang "Happy Birthday." Seventeen members of tile Sew- ard family attended the picnic. It was great seeing Sibyl Seward Gillette among them. She formerly lived on Harstine and several peo- ple at. the picnic had not seen her for many years. Following the picnic, believe it or not, no one fell asleep. Some played cards or visited. Others just looked, at the beautiful yachts and small crafts that come into the Cove every weekend, to anchor overnight and use the State Park across from the Marina. A most interesting experience was our visit to Dr. Raymond Waid and him garden last Sunday. Dr. Waid dues not water his gar- den, which is extensive and prolif- ic, and doing better than ours which gets watered daily. All goes to prove that cultivation is more important than water. We came home with a complete herb garden, something we had always planned. Now have sage, mint, anise, etc. Dr. Waid is most generous with his produce and a tour of his land is most interesting. We wm'e ac- companied on this visit by our house g~lest, Dr, Sam Mumby who came by boat from Seattle and had not been to the Inland, where he formerly lived, for several /ears. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lohrer spent ~st Sunday in Suquamish where they visited Jims sister and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. George Finger- tld. It was a special occasion, for the Fitzgeralds' daughtel" was home on vacation. The Lohrers re- port the State Park at Suquamish is a beautiful place to visit. Near- by, is Chief Seattle's grave and the I~ong House where many salmon bakes are held each year. Sponsor- ed by local organizations, the bakes are attended by Pioneerm'- lls up easy, we cruise visit friends ferry or we stop we see If everyone ganizations and many others. David %Vaite is attending sum- mer school mornings in Shelton. He. retm'ns on tile noon ferry and works on the Island in tile after- noons. MRS. IALLIE OWENS and daughter Phyllis of Seattle are :;pen(ling the summer in their cot- tage above the former McDougall property. Other news down that was is that, Dr. Russell Perkins of Tacoma has purchased the lots to the North of McDougall's place, now owned by the Andy Strom- boski's. Mattus and Scott are put- tiny in the access road. Berry picking is on in a big way at tile Gunnar Johnsons. The lo- ganberry crop is doing well in this warm weather and dozens of peo- ple were busily picking as we pass- cd by. Capl. "William G o r t z has re- turned to Harstine after a week in the U. S. Mmine Hospital in Se- attle. Glad to hear the captain iv nmch improved in health and feel- ing much better. Dr. and Mrs, Don Marble and three children from Sparks, Nov., were here last week visiting and saying goodbye to her parents, Mr. tnd Mrs. Paul Chaffee of Point Wilson. Dr. Marble, a professor at the University of Nevada, has tak- en his sabbatical year. The family have gone to the nmuntains above Lima, Peru at Puno on Lake Titi- caca (12,500 feet elevation). Mrs. Chaffee just received word, the Marbles had a safe flight and ale now at home in Puno. Other inter- esting news in the Chaffer family is that, their granddaughter, Jan- ice Radelet, of Portland, Ore., is going to be an exchange student. She will go to Germany next Sep- tember near Nuremberg in Bava- ria. Everyone on Harstine was sad- dened to read in last week's Jour- nal, that our genial fire warden William Muller, passed away. It was ahvays a pleasfire when Bill came to call, and issue the pe~m~it for beach fil~s. Miller's Dept. Store Now Open 'Till 9 p.m. Every Friday SAVE UP TO 44% lena Rubinst " % ONE TO BUY... A BEAUTY COMPANION TO TRY! LOOK NATURALLY LOVELY ALL DAY! t SHAMPOO m! Buy: Silk Fashion Liquid Make.UP 175 Try Free: Silk Fashion Face Powder WASH AWAY BLACKHEAUS! uu=t WNhV, J hy h~Washmt Grains 125 lryFree: "WaterUly" Pore Lotion BE NICE TO BE NEAR ALL DAY! Buy: Your choice o fRo[I-Dry, Perfume Cream or Perfume Spray ueoaorant-Anti.Perspirant 25 Try Free: Your choice oJ Heaven Sent w Apple Blossom Eau de Parfum i i u i Ill I SPECIAL TREAT FOR BEAUTIFUL EYES! Buy: Eye Cream Special 15o TP4 Free: "H~rbal" Extrait STOCK UP ON THESEEXCITING VALUES TODAY! prices plus tax tin, ted time only NELL'S PHARMACY 5Oh & FranMin 426.3327 i VERN & JOYCE Your hosts and pnoprietors of Wards Shelton Agency No Money Down Use Your Credit SAVE $96 ,an the finest Static-free FM sound from 6 x 4-inch front mounted oval speaker, 3 IF stages for distant reception, 24000 volts of picture power. Was $495 NOW $39900 H KM-8015 New 9-inch Solid State witt~ earphone and 15-ft. cord cornplete re-chargeable battery pack $24.95 HH L-1966 $12495 Q SHOP IN PERSON See actual catalog merchandise samples; use our rug, tile, decorating, home improvement swatches and 'many other convenient shopping aids. O LOWER SHIPPING CHARGES Pick up your catalog order at ,our store--save money on shipping charges. Order by phone or m person; we'll call you when it's in. l:i,' ~ i i~ :; HL-4564' As Near As Your Phone % 220 N. 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Foam insulation gives greater storage capacity than same size freezer with conventional in- sulation. Sure-Seal Safety Lock, 2 keys. Adjustable cold control. H L-4944-00 17-eu. :ft. Ideal for any family size. Stores and freezes 615 Ibs. of food at certified zero-cold temperature. 4 refrigerated fast-freeze shelves. 6 "bonus" d~ar shelves to hold a supply of frozen food packages. Magnetic gasket seals cold air in. $19488 Big 13.5 cu. ft. 120-1b. capacity combination completely frostless regularly $288 NOW ONLY $1990o JU-1474 II Family-sized 7-piece self-edged 36 x 60 inch table extends to 72 inches, and 6 chairs. Very beautiful sandalwood with dark pecan border 21.month Ward's Riverside 7.50x14 black tubeless 2 for $2644 SPECIAL FOR CAMPERS 18 x 19-ft. sleeps 8, 4-way ventilation thru 39 x 29 inch fiber glass windows with storm flaps, pole-free interi,or, zip- pored screen door with privacy flap. Save $10 at $89,90 H KM-9705 CREDIT TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Open a convenient charge account and just say "Charge It" when you order or extend payments over many months. No down payment. SHOP BY PIIONE It's quick! Order the items you need from an)' Ward catalog. An experienced telephone shopper will give you individual attention, DEPENDABLE Repair Service We service what we sell! Buy with confidence at at Wards knowing that repair service is nationwide Call us when you need service or parts, PERSONALIZED SERVICE You can rmw shop this modern, convenient way like millions of other Wards satisfied customer~. ALL THE STORE YOU'LL EVER NEED .... Over 100,000 items to choose from in Wards Big Catalog . , . plus personalized service,