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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 23, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 23, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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e url un en rne eneral lem Answers varied from motel and resort owners when asked whether the volumn of tourist traffic was heavier this year than last. Some reported the number of tourists slightly heavier while others reported things a little slower while some indicated it was about the same. The Beacon t)oint Resort reported traffic had been a little heavier than the past three or four years. 1"he (;arden Resort reporled the number of people stopping was down a little, but, that more people with trailers and campers Park Commission Delays Nalley Farm Decision The State Parks Commission,acquisition during the 1971-73 at its meeting this week approved biennium. the Nalley Farm property in The commission, at its Mason County, along with two September meeting, will review others, for consideration at its the prospective sites and will September meeting for develop its 1971-73 biennuml acquisition prioroties. The property, which is in the II Escapee Shelton Police early Sunday rnorning arrested live young people on liquor violation charges. One of these arrested, a 16-year-old youth, was an escapee from C;reen tlill and was taken to Mason County Jail where he was held until picked up by Green ttill authorities. I wo youths, Richard Layton, "~'~ and Michael ('onzoner. "~'~ both of Rt 3, Shelton, were charged with furnishing liquor to minors. Two girls, both juveniles, who were in the company of the three boys. were referred to juvenile authorities. The group was stopped by police shortly after I a.m. Sunday in the vicinity of Seventh and Birch Sis. in Shell(re. Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. V I. I.enin estate of the late Marcus Nallcy, contains 500 acres, including 3,600 teet of waterlront on Ih)od Canal and 12.000 feet of frontage on the Skokomish River. The property is located where the Skokomish River flows into ttood (/anal and adjoins the Skokomish Indian Reservation. ~[he proposed park were on the road. The llama llama Lodge reported things perhaps a little slower so far this year. The ()wners of the Rome Resort and Motel and the City Center Motel in Shelton reported traffic at the Rorna about the sa,ne ira June and picking up in July. Traffic has been heavier at the City ('enter Motel. ]he l.illiwaup M()tel reported traltic heavier than usual. Mike's Beach Resort reported trallic heavy on weekends, with about the' same number ot people coming, but. more new people and people making shorter stops. Rest While Park reported trattic very heavk. The Tinlber Motel reported tourist numbers down a little. l. akc Cushman Resort reported tourist traffic up from what it was last year. The Submarine Aquarium rep()rted more people going by allhoughthey were not stopping a% Ill kith Body Of Man development would leaturc a d wildlile sanctuary and nature Not Foun preserve at the mouth ot the' river and picnicking, camping and boating facilities to be developed on the property. Gorman Appeal ng Is Set The Mason ('ounty (iv[I Service Commission has set a hearing on the appeal ot lames (;orman of dismissal as l)eput~ Sheriff from the Mason ('ounl~, Shcri fl's Department. ]he hearing has been set lor 10 a.m. today in the eclat house. (;ornlan was disnlisscd from his position by Sheriff John Robinson on charges thai he had violated civil service regulations in connection with pc)lit*ell at(iv*lies. The body ol Floyd LeRoy "l'owne. 46, qac()ma, who drown in l.ake ('ushman July l 2 has not been found. Sheriff John Robinson said active boil patrols of the lake for the body in case it surfaced have been discontinued. lit stated that because ol the temperature of the water and the number ol trees on the bottom of the lake, it was doubtful if the body w()uld be recovered. lie said that (livers and other authorities had inlormed his office that because of the termperature ()t Ihe water in the lake, the body very likely would not surface. Tile trees on lhe bottom of tile lake make it risky for divers and impossible to drag tile lake bed l'ol lht b()dy. Robinson said. I tt GET el ON TOP QUALITY FULLER ] I LATEX PORCH / I i lEeK INAMIL ~__=.1~I Besulilul lustre "~i Oulilanding durebillty "A" Use on all deck surfaces Cleanup with soap and weter Fuller's Finest Acrylic! "k Years of extra protection "k Uee on eU eurfeces "k High hiding "k Soap end water cleanup 9x12 al. SPECIAL! Good quaUty REDWOOD STAIN from Fuller. Use on fences, trim.., many exte- rior surfaces. Reg. $2.98 gal. SALE PRICE NOW $2.49 gal. uality Alkyd, Oil-Based, Finish @nrtn ,'.uu ..o...,,,,.. t t 'k Excellent color and glou raten|ion Take this valuable coupon to your "A" Easy to apply local Fuller dealer. You'll get $2.00 o. o. ,.,,o. o, riot house paint advertised, Please without notice. Offer Good Through Aug. 1, 1970 Of Shelton * 426-2611 "Building Mason County" T h e M a s o n C o u n t y is ineligible to serve as a nlember Amacher, chairman of the Allyn right-of-way area for the C o m m i s s i o n , o n t h e of the commission since he has Port District Commission. construction of a boat launching recommendati(nl ol Prosecutingn/oved from the districtfrom The comnlissioners, after ramp. Attorney John ('. Ragan, voted to which hc was elected, disc ussing the question with The Belfair Water District send tile letter and information ]he county conlmission Shelton Attorney Byron was granted a franchise for water received last week from Mrs. agreed to take no action until a Mc('lanahan, agreed to give anlines to serve Bard's Cove Carol Wentlandt concerning lhereply is received from the assignment of its right-of-way on divisions three and four. Allyn Port District ('ommission to Attorney (;eneral's ()lfice. an unused road easement ill ]'he plat of l!merald Lake the State Attorney (;cneral's (()pies ol the letter of McClean's Cove to the Portof l)ivision Two was approved by office, transln,,::d which will be seilt Grapeview. the commission. lrl tile letler and information wilh the inl()iilL,lion to the McClanahan represented the she presented, Mrs. Wenllandl Att,nncy (;eneral will be sent to (;rapcview Port District, which Smokey ~ay$g staled (k)nlinissioner Id Berbelel Mrs. Wcntlandt and to ('harlesw a n t s t o use the county Everyone loses when a forest burns[ PICNIC L 607 S. 1st 99¢ v¢lllt" Fast ,,lced" :::::::: .:.:.:.: %..-.- 2/25¢ Value ',i'l ! II iii', i!iiiiiiiiiii iii!iiiiiiiil 911, Value- 10'$ $3.19 Vnlue Hangers Plastic Heavy molded plastic. "Hot" color choice. :20 - 30 gal. size. R "Carryoul' Price 65% Polyester, 35% cotton. Tapered, sanforizes. Sizes 14½- 17. 3 "new" colors. ,,Pressed,l Price e Slyrofoam lyp0 keeps it coht longer. "Keep - the- Party - Cool" Price 69¢ Value 12 sp(,(,ls. Colors. "Sewed-Up" Price Multicolor. 17 x 33" liNg-sweat" Price 4 "6-Pick" $1.39 Value Family Holds 6 half quarts or 12 cans. 30 ql. capacity. ,,Iced,, Price 99¢ viii HALF GALLO Lights, eight styr° "Jet Set'! Price e Beauties Go... Full color brushstroke reproductions, 16 x 24" "Hang-up,, Price Lighted make-up mirror-regular and magnifying sides. '%Yet look" vinyl case. "G0ne" Price price e Fan: Reg. $7.79 19i Jolt brand. 9 volt. I l/-i gOlll I Evergreen Square • 426-3456 • SheltOlt Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 23, 1970