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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 23, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 23, 1970
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ool O ice workshops The new drug education section guidelines to in the state superintendent's districts in office follows a priority problems and recommendation by the ional programs governor's Drug Abuse Task soon will be Force Report. The governor said Louis Bruno he plans to seek a more comprehensive program in the drug education 197 !-73 biennium to further the direction of alleviate drug abuse in the state. consultant for "Nickerson has organized a programs in theteam of hard-working, dedicated Is pari in the near future." So far, seven persons have been named to a leadership team which will represent the state at the special National Training Center in Drug Education at San Francisco State College, July 20 through Aug. 14. Members of the team include Herb Campbell, junior high counselor from Richland; Kathy Cantu, Bellevue, currently and Instruction individuals who are pulling working at the Granger Escuelita ~as tateschool office: together programs to meet the in a University of Washington al allocation ol need created by the drug sponsored program calle;Chicano available to problems which exist in our Calmecac; Larry Shaw, science Dan Evans' state," Bruno said. "We hope teacher from Newport: Harold earlier this year. many others will become involved Jaussi, acting head of the training "0ys a trip to the You actually go Public Library information anywhere in the A Zoo by John the problems acquisition ; adaptation to nag; protection of rare animals in the wild and pet problems. The concept of the game preserve type zoo is covered, and the author also discusses the question. "Why bother about the animals?" The World Of The Giant Panda by Richard Perry is a delightful and illuminating study of a most unusual and paradoxical animal. A rare and beautiful beast, it's Tenino live again this 26, as plays host for Based on the the celebration mUZzle-loading rifle gun show dancing, a s of old-time boctor's Here berg is starting a m Shelton, he ek. He will be Center from Mason and will medicine. and his wife and xg to Shelton they have COmpleted his residency at Hospital in mrg took his Work at the )f Illinois at and attended the Illinois Medical Years in the Corps and did residency at Hospital in fe and two sons. the home on Highway Will open his 1. Shelton to practice was :he Shelton ng to recruit or this area. This year the annual Tenino old-time fiddlers' contest will make way for the Washington State Old-Time Fiddling Championships, the first time this event has been held in western Washington. The championships are expected to draw the top names in old-time music in the Northwest. The celebration gets underway Friday evening with the preliminaries of the fiddlers' competition, square dancing and a teen dance. Saturday's activities will begin with the opening of the gun show at 10 a.m., kiddies' parade at 10:30, and the grand parade at 11. The midway area at the Fairgrounds will open at noon, and events to follow will be the muzzle-loading rifle shoot, a wheel-chair square dance exhibition, and Indian dances, all set for in front of the fairgrounds grandstand. Saturday evening the Washington State Championship Fiddling competition finals will be held at Trails End Arena, a 10-minute drive north of Tenino, on the Tenino-Olympia Highway. The event, originally set for the Tenino High School, had to be moved to Trails End because of the recent $250,000 fire at the high school. Sunday the program will get underway at noon with the majority of attractions taking place at the Fairgrounds. Added to the muzzle-loading rifle shoot, square dancing and Indian dances, will be a jam session of old-time music by contestants in the state championships. Square dancers are reminded that dancing will be held at Dreamland ballroom on the Fairgrounds Wednesday through Saturday nights. Trailer and camping space is available for anyone who would like to come and stay for the entire celebration. behavior is often contradictory: a supple gymnast, it is incapable of any locamotion more graceful than a lumbering trot; a bamboo-eater, in captivity the Panda will dine on jam and spaghetti. In Animals Of East Africa Dr. Louis S. B. Leakey tells of the animals of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. An attack by snarling hyenas, the thundering charge of a pair of two-ton rhinos, the manace of a leopard leaping into his bedroom add drama to his observations. Both awesome and beguiling, the wild creatures parade through the pages of this volume. Victor B. Scheffer has written an extraordinary book, The Year Of The Whale, recording with lyrical intensity and scientifically scrupulous detail twelve months in the life of a young sperm whale. Though The Birds and The Beasts Were There by Margaret Millar will satisfy the most exacting scholar, the carefully researched facts are so skillfully woven into the author's story, and the story is told with such sympathy and humor, that it will attract many readers who have never finished a "bird book." Owl by William Service follows a foundling owl through his growing up stages, his antics and alternating signs of affection and Owlish independence, to become an accomplished adult owl. Get acquainted with these and other interesting animals through the books at the Shelton Public Library. There is a wide selection available of both adult and juvenile books on animals and animal behavior. Baptists Slate Film Showing The First Baptist Church will be showing the highly rated "His Land" in their auditorium July 26 at 7:30 p.m. A dramatically different motion picture takes you the length and breadth of Israel in the company of Cliff Richard, England's singing star, and Cliff Barrows, song leader for the Billy Graham Crusades. These men have joined talents in the film to relate today's events to prophecies of the Bible. The Baptist Church welcomes everyone to join with them to view this extra-special motion picture. There is no fee and nursery services are available for infants. CAPITAL SAVINGS... u $1,000.00 * Two Year Savings u Compounded Daily 5% To On Your Savings At Capital ~leNnding on the size and type of your eccounf. Your money is DOUBLY SAFE -- Protected by Capital own exceptional high reserves & by the FSLIC, an of the Federal Govt. HIGHEST FSLIC INSURED DIVIDEND RATE IN THIS STATEI ?HE LOWEST HOME LOA N RATES IN THE AREAl O SHELTON -- First & Railroad 426-8211 Home Office: Olympia Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver ..L Shelton NOW OPEN 8:30-5 Mon.-Thurs., 8:30-6 Frh ng rug In section, State Department of Health; Beverly Winfrey, senior at Lincoln High School, Tacoma; Carl "Duke" Washington, dean of students, Franklin High School, Seattle; and Clay Roberts, health education major from Central Washington State College, Ellensburg, presently working as administrative intern in drug education programs for the state office. While the team receives special training in San Francisco, work is progressing on the state drug education instructional guides and guidelines for implementation of the programs. A small group of health educators including Len Tritsch, health coordinator for the Kent Public Schools and Paul Templin, health educator from Tacoma Public Schools, is actively involved in developing the basic framework for drug instruction programs, they have obtained reactions to their work from staff and students from colleges and schooldistricts throughout the state. "We are currently organizing two-day workshops for curriculum directors and individuals who have the responsibility in local school districts for coordinating and implementingdrug education programs. These workshops wilt orma fon individual school districts throughout the state will be able to participate in at least one training session, Nickerson said. "We hope each district will send one to three school personnel and an equal number of students and lay citizens to the workshop," Nickerson said. "If, after completion of the sixteen-hour session, everyone works together and sufficient time is allotted to the planning and implementation of local programs, we will be able to reach a significant number of people." Another facet of the first year drug education program is a pilot project conducted in conjunction with the health education department of Central Washington State College, Ellensburg. Dr. Donald McAfee, associate professor of health education at Central will conduct an extension course dealing with methodology related to drug education in the schools. "The entire drug education program has been gaining excellent support from allied fields," Supt. Bruno said. "The Stated Board of Pharmacy has been working with pharmacists throughout the state to supply resource personnel for workshops at the local level: the young lawyers section of the King County Bar Association has be held in early October to pledged its support to the state familiarize these individuals with the new state guides and their use," Nickerson said. Upon return from San Francisco, the workshop leadership team will participate in two administrative conferences. The first is scheduled at the Spokane School District Administrative conferences. The first is scheduled at the Spokane School District Administration Building, Sept. 23. The second will be in Seattle at the Pacific Science Center, Sept. 24. Following these meetings the team will be divided into two groups of three persons each - one to service western Washington and the other in central and eastern Washington. The workshops, which will be open to school personnel, students and lay citizens, are being organized through the cooperative efforts of the state's 14 intermediate school district offices. The basic plan is to schedule enough workshops so all If you stand all day at work, elevate your feet during rest breaks for better circulation. For information on varicose veins, write: Washington State Heart Association 3121 Arcade Building Seattle, Washington 98101 Hurry! Supplies may be limited! Prices good Thursday through Saturday Only 14 Ounce. Reg. $3.33 NOW Regularly $1.00 NOW Reg. $1.49 LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER! ........:~>.~....: .. "." ===============================~ .:.,::.x. .~ $. "ili!ii~ii ..... ~i}~::::iii~, Open 9:30 to 7:30 weekdays and 9:30 to 6 p.m. Saturday 5th & Franklin 426-3327 -- II I group assisting drug education programs; the State Department of Health is cooperating by providing the part-time services of two staff persons to help organize the local level action programs; and many other groups - including the Department of Institutions, the Tacoma-Pierce County Narcotics Center, Richland's Middle Earth House, Association of Classroom Teachers, and the Washington Education Association - have volunteered their time and efforts. "With this kind of support, and by continually involving persons who are presently working in the program, we are confident that we can develop both immediate and king-range programs that will help resolve the drug abuse problem in our state," Bruno said. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF INTERNAL MEDICINE ON AUGUST 1, 1970 AT SHELTON PROFESSIONAL CENTER 1663 NORTH 13th SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 Office Hours: By Appointment Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri. 10:30 To 1:00, 2:00 To 5:00 For Appointment Call 426-2758 Only Until August 1 m One year (parts labor) on all 1971 RCA "Solid State" Color TVs (Good any- in the II Color TV The DICKENSON Model GP-668 23" diag. picture Solid state 26,500-volt chassis (only one tube rectifier)-virtually eliminates tube failure, the major cause of TV breakdown. -"] RCA's ultra-bright picture tube--computer-designed for optimum color accuracy. F'] Completely electronic Automatic Fine Tuning on both VHF and UHF channels r--] Slide-out chassis design-simplifies service technician's job. --] Instant-Pic operation-no warm-up wait. -"]Two 6" oval duo-cone speakers for rich, room-filling sound. See your RCA Dealer, George Valley, for this SUMMER and ask him about special terms Thursday, July 23, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13