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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 23, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 23, 1970
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ion rnp topic Is escrl By CARMEN YATES HARSTINE-Well here we are back home again all refreshed and ready to settle down in the 'rut' again after about a week's trip whick seemed more like we were gone for a month. With Grammy Lila tucked in her 'grammy hole' in the back seat between two small-fry perched atop sleeping bags for a better vantage of the sights and the trunk packed with food and assortment of camping goodies that all combined made the car springs complain we headed across the bridge, about 5:30 p.m. last Tuesday evening. Sol Duc Hot Springs was the destination that first evening. Arriving about 9 p.m. we found we weren't the only ones that knew of that spot! Much later and we would have had to sleep standing up. Southside IS Project For Year By MRS. RAY KRATCHA SO UTHSIDE-Crafty Teeny Boppers 4-H club members have been working on a main project for the year. In March they made "Easter Bunnies" for Easter, and were given to an individual child they knew. In April they did "Egg Mosaics" that are done with broken egg shells. Their first project in August will be "Needle point." Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitmore and family were Mrs. Whitmore's mother Olive Russel of Mentor on the Lake, Ohio who came and spent two days and Mr. Whitmore's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and two children of Orange County, Calif. who spent three days. The next day was spent first on a hike up a trail through some mighty magnificient scenery about one mile to a beautiful falls. Returning most of the rest of the day was spend lolling between the regular pool and soaking in the hot mineral water. With the car once again packed we headed for Lake straight over to Seattle across Vashon Island and see the new ugly black Bank building (sometimes referred to the box the Space Needle came in) and the Needle itself. And to the north across the hills and valleys towards Pt. Townsend. Also in view is the floating bridge across Hood Canal. Ozette. A campsight was set By mid afternoon Harstine overlooking the Lake. The next was in view after a very enjoyable morning packing a light lunch we headed out the 3.3 mile treck to Cape Alva the most westerly point in the Continental United States. (It might just be a little over three miles going out but coming back its a good ten miles! Whoever measured it only measured from east to west not the other way!I) Coming back we dropped in on some friends at Camp Hoko, the AI Schenks, who were on vacation and had just arrived home from several days of fishing out of Sekiu. They donated a delicious bait of fresh-salmon which made for a real gourmet dinner that night when we settled down right on the ocean west of Neah Bay. Following dinner we were trip. And all the animals were happy to see us back as was Grandpa Peugh. A very appreciative thank you to the Glaser boys for keeping all the mouths fed and watered during our five day jaunt. The following letter was received by Liz Allison and she asked to have it printed so that the Islanders might know their contributions are very deeply appreciated. Dear Liz, Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild for the Children's Orthopedic Hospital and Medical Center in Seattle appreciates and thanks you for your outstanding efforts on the recent Penny Drive. You and your helper, Patti Ryckman will be happy to hear Four Leaves4-H members had lulled to sleep by the tranquil that you collected more than $70 ,, 4-H members in May made Banners" for the Queens Royal a swimming party at the home of surf. The next day while thewhich is only slightly less than Mrs. Maxine Mell Saturday and a small-fry frolicked in the suft and half of what the rest managed Court for the Forest Festival. lunch on the patio. Dad rested Mom and daughter to collect in town. Members in the Crafty Teeny Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Asche poked along the beach shell Harstine Islanders and those Boppers 4-H club are Jennie Whitmore, Cindy Bariekman, spent most of last week East of gathering. With the car once more in surrounding areas are to be Cheryl Clark, Laurie Clark, the mountains, they went over to packed we prowled the roads in commended too for their Leavenworth and visited friends the area. One of which took us generosity. Thank you all! Margaret Robinson, Debbie Giles Mr. and Mrs. Geonze Hassa andwinding up a long hill headed Sec Sincerely, Dorothy Hartley, and Sherry Goodburn. fished in Burke Lake near Quincy. northwest. At the end of the road . Mrs. Tom Weston and we discovered a trail out to the My Brassfield is once again children spent Friday in Seattle ocean. At the end we discovered accepting congratulations on Y th C ff visiting friends, we were at Cape Flattery looking becominggreat-grandma, notjust ou o ee Friendship club met July 15 across to Tatoosh Island. once but twice. Her grandson, at the home of Clara Harrier. The mammoth caves carved in Gary Schmidt and his wife, Mary H I Two July birthday membersthe rocky cliffs almost have to be of Olympia became the proud ou se s were there, seen to be believed. They really parents at twin girls last Saturday. d Catherine Carlson was are an awesome sight to behold. The two cuties have been named Discusse assistant. This sight is well worth the half Tina Marie and Sandra Dee. For The next meeting was set for mile or so walk down a woodsy My it jumped the total number of trail. And it sure brings about an great-grandchildren from nine to a Suggestions for a teen-age Aug 19 at the home of Clara instant respect for ,that grand total of eleven now. coffee house in Shelton were Harrier and Catherine Carlson will discusscJ at the meeting of the be hostess, tremendous gal Mom Nature. Congratulations 'Granny'. Multi-Service Advisory Board last Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stuck of By late afternoon we had theThe Chuck Bridges family week. Aberdeen and Mr. and Mrs. Fred car pointed in an easterly enjoyed a busy weekend starting The meeting was held in St. Stuck went to Harrisburg, Ore. direction. We could have come with a ride in the McCleary Bear David s Episcopal Church. and attended the annual reunion home that Friday evening butFestival Saturday afternoon. The discussion centered of the Goerge Stuck family ofdecided instead to spend oneFollowing that there was around the need for a coffee Harrisburg, Ore. There were 50 more night and see Ft. Flagler competition in the Trail Ride house to provide the youngsters who attended. The Stuck's left State Park. After Hearing Ella School. Pam and Johanna each with a place to go to gather with Friday and got back Monday. McAuliffe talk so highly about it picked up a ribbon for their their friends. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred we were curious enough to take efforts and Chuck came away as The idea would be for a Stuck who spent last Tuesday this side trip. It is all she said. The proud as punch with the Grand certain amount of adult over night were Mr. and Mrs. city lights across the water from Champion Trophy, hislargestone supervision but most of the programs and activities of the young people's choice. The next meeting of the Multi-Service group will be Aug. 6 when further discussions of the proposal will be heard. On Carrier Charles Stuck and family, of Hoquiam. " ' Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha during the week on various days were Mr. and Mrs. John Kratcha Jr., Kathy Kratcha and Jeffrey, Karl Fasnacht, Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson and Jackie and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha, Michael and Shelley. Pt. Townsend are like thousand tiny lewets.' The next day we took one side trip on our way home. Many years ago Glenn and I had driven up Walker Mountain when there was still a fire lookout. But for Mom and the kids it was a new experience. One can look across to Mt. Rainer to the south and to date. (If they keep going they really are going to outgrow'that trailer!) Then Sunday the whole Club, the McCleary Trailriders gathered on the southend of the Island for a ride on the beach. They all wish to express their sincere appreciation to all the property owners from Pt. Wilson south Navy Petty Officer Third Class Glenn R. Campbell, Shelton, is now serving aboard the attack airraft carrier USS Constellation undergoing overhaul in Bremerton. These Specials SELF-SEALING White Only Reg. $1 ! .90 Per Square VINYL ACRYLIC PLASTIC Gallon LUMBER CO. Olympic Hwy. S. Sltelton 426-4282 Summer's hard to without \ ... ,- .. "Ill -'- O |l But why suffer any longer when relief can be had so easily? And economically. Did'you know that gas air conditioning units are priced lower than they were sev- eral years ago? And did you know there have been important engineering advancements in the prodacts during those years? And are you aware you may have immediate delivery and prompt installation? Need we tell you that Cascade Natural Gas now has a FINANCE PLAN to help you buy painlessly? Obviously, every- thing is in your favor to go gas air conditioning this year. Under these conditions, we can't bear to see you so uncomfortable. Please call the Cascade Man now and get welcome relief from the heat! FINANCING AVAILABLE Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 23, 1970 where they went on the beach at the Hi Burch place to the Hole-in-the-Wall for graciously allowing them to cross the beaches and making the ride such an enjoyable one. At the pool, Shirley Craft rolled out the red velvet carpet to all the members making for a grand climax of the day. After enjoying their lunch in the pool room they all enjoyed swimming for two or three hours before heading home. Last Thursday Jim and Orvaline Olds accompanied by her mom, Ruth Hudson who is currently on a visit here from Safford, Ariz. drove the Olds' son, Luke to Sea-Tac to board a plane to Arizona where he planned to get his car and drive back. From there they headed east to Moses Lake and called on their friends, the Goerge Beal family. Continuing east the next stop was at an Aunt and Uncle, the E. E. Foote home in Lake Mead, Ida. After they'd had a good visit and the heat was about to finish them off they once again headed west. They stopped in Kennewick to visit close friends, the Pete Fournier and Larry Daniels families. In Pasco they enjoyed a two or three weeks sightseeing and fishing in Canada after joining friends from California who were also doing likewise. They had stopped for a day or so on their way up north here on the Island to call on some friends. Last Sunday the Nesses had a group of about twenty friends from Olympia for a picnic in their picnic area. All present were members of the same Scandanavian Lodge, the Order of Runeberg. Jack Cruickshank arrived back home a few days ago and daughter Susie reported her mother was due home on Tuesday of this week after their sad trip to California. Susie said she had just gotten home herself after a camping trip of a week near Seattle. The Gordon Simmons have their grandaughter, Susie Arata from Oregon with them for a week or so. Tuesday Gret and Susie attended a picnic held by the Women's Republican Club held at the home of Thelma Puhn on Arcadia Point. The Joe LaLande's of Aberdeen have returned after ahnost three weeks in Canada. They are getting along very well The Evergreen State College Board of Trustees today voted to accept bids for the construction of student residence halls and a central utility plant. The major contractor for both projects will be the Hoffman Construction Company of Portland. Hoffman's low bid of $2,833,100 for construction of the residence halls was 10.8 per cent below the budgeted amount. Total cost of the project, including design and other related costs, will be $3,975,940 - $167,550 under what had been budgeted. The project includes a ten-story structure and three Scientists Services The question "What is truth?" has a logical and practical answer according to the Lesson-Sermon on "Truth" to be read in all Chrisian Science churches on Sunday, July 26. With a Golden Text from Second Corinthians which states, "We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth," the readings include a verse from Psalms: "For the word of the Lord is right: and all his works are done in truth." five-story hall: accommodate Completion is August, 1971, i~ college's opening. The Hoffra~ was named for a plant. The State had dis4 announced $1,421,000. The 25 heating and will be The boar' resolution re, million in state improvement biennium, pres McCann committing an million for be financed fro~ they & RENT Easy visit with sister Joyce who is on the construction of their new Services begin at 11 a.m. at the working this summer in Our Lady home near the Gordon Simmons.Shelton First Church, 302 Alder of Lourdes Hospital there. The Most of the two Handbe and the public is welcome to 205 Cats next time the threesome climbed families spent the past weekend attend. . ,,,,~.,.~ aboard the family fliver they here on the Island enjoying lots of |~"m-.~b.,J..~D.,~,.,~m..,j..,m..~p.,m-o didn t stop until they were back boating. !! i P~~ IPS in God's country, otherwise Mabel and Nels Baunsgard I knows as Harstine Island. have their own mobile home park It's been awhile since we at the moment with the arrival of checked in at the Marina so Elsie their nephew, Jack Miner and his • Ness br°ught us uP t° date °nwife, Beth and their s°n wh° areI 1~3 part of what s been going on enjoying about a two week stay in there. She reports its a bit hard to their travel trailer next to the tell where business leaves off and Baunsgard's larger one. They are company begins since they've had from, Wilmington, N.J. Tuesday lots of both. Jack s mother, Mrs. Fern Miner of Anyway daughter, Patty is Lakewood drove down to spend a i I ~111~~~ll~ home for the summer. However day or so before her son and his she and a friend took two weeks family have to head home. for a trip to Hawaii the end of Monday of this week the Start June. Yates had as their overnight One of the salesman from the guests two of their nephews, ~ NOW OPE $1JNI Weyerhauser project and his wife, Willis McCormick and his wife, the Andersons are staying in one Norma and three of their five ~ of the apartments. Next weekchildren. They were accompanied they will have their three sons by Willis' brother, L yle ~ 9 A.M.-5 P.M. , with them who have been away at McCormick and his wife, Connie camp for the past couple or three and their four youngsters from : Goodyear Tires, Batteries, Accessorle. weeks. San Diego, Calif. who are I Etl ISI The Harold Seibrings stopped currently visiting in Washington. in last week on their way back Also coming along was Stan s m I I home to Oregon after spendingbrother, Faust from Ollala. ~ Front & Grove b ~ .qllm, ,qll,. ,im~p ,911~ .,llnl~ .,1~1~ .111i~ ,qml~ q~lp 'dlIIBP '1~" You heard about them through advertising. That's advertising's job- advertising communicates. About soaps, shoes, cars, cold remedies. And about new products. Like self-cleaning ovens.