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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 23, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 23, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ers Colony Surf :rty owners and Club attended the Y planning in Shelton, the adding of to the Colony the development Hoss Inc. of ran high Property and those who to attend the sent letters of Commission felt improvements, the roads, of the water for County Improving the and recreation boat ramp, putting in the tennis court and putting greens etc., should be completed in the original properties before any more additions are added. Action on the new addition was delayed for further study, and a special meeting of the planning commission is to be held within two weeks to take up further action on the matter. Guests from New York Emma Lee of Blue Ox Beach recently enjoyed a three days visit from Kay Mudra and Mary Aquino of Manhattan, N.Y. who are the sisters of her son-in-law Bud Buttacavoli. Bud, his wife LaVerne (who is Mrs. Lee's daughter) and their daughter, Gina were also guests during the time the New Yorkers were here. They enjoyed the beach, and also nlversary of Santa Barbara, Calif. b, reception wasMr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson e Sk ok om ish and Edith were guests at the particularily enjoyed a trip up to Lake Cushman and up the Staircase for a picnic. This was the second visit out here for Kay Mudra and Mary Aquino, and Mrs. Lee had visited them in New York during her last trip east. She enjoyed their visit and said how nice it was to see them again. Evans Celebrate Faith and Lewis Evan of Holiday Beach celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary (which was on July 14) July 11. Their daughter; Sharon entertained her parents with dinner at The Cliff House in Tacoma. It was a beautiful evening, and their table at the window looked out over the water and Mt. Rainer lookzd close enough to touch. Later the group went to the Puyallup Elks Club where they enjoyed good entertainment and dancing. There they were presented with a small bottle of champaigne and two glasses engraved "Happy Anniversary" by the management. The orchestra played the Anniversary Waltz. Again on Tuesday evening, Faith was entertained, this time be Madge and Allie Roninson, Ioprnen with a dinner at Adairs Cafe. On this, the anniversary date, unfortunately Lewis had to work. Saturday Mrs. Elva Patterson and her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ted Patterson, of Seattle, called on the Evans. Elva who is a long time friend of the Evans family, is retired from the Seattle Park Department. Enjoy Fishing Trip Bob Blanchard and his family of Ayock Beach recently took a vacation trip to get in some fishing up at Neah Bay. What with bad weather and un-cooperative fish, they returned home somewhat disgruntled. So they went fishing virtually in their own front yard and Bob caught a 36 pound salmon. Busy Weekend Low tides and lovely weather brought out a record crowd to the canal beaches this past weekend. At times it was almost bumper to bumper traffic Friday night and again on Sunday. Fishing was good and quite a few Kings and Chinook were caught off the mouth of the Hamma Hamma River. Lots of clams and oysters were gathered on the 3.3 ft. minus tides. The limit on oysters is 18 per xpans on person, and this applies whether taken on one's own private beach or on public lands. This count includes even the immature oysters in clusters, as some have found out, to their dismay. Perhaps it should also be mentioned that private lands include all the beach that is uncovered by the most extreme tides. Maryland Visitor Six-year-old Christopher Major of University Park, Md. was a recent visitor in Lilliwaup when he spent three days here as part of a camping trip planned by his Whidbey Island grandmother, Mrs. Albert Scott. He flew out alone from his home in University Park, Md. as he had done the summer he was five, for a vacation with relatives. And Christopher is lucky in his choice of a grandmother who knows how to royally entertain a small boy who is full of energy. Chris and his youthful-spirited grandmother were accompanied by Mrs. Scott's daughter, Joanne Strandwoid, and another aunt, Mrs. Louis Beaudrey of Olalla. In their well-arranged bus-type camper they drove up to Olympic Hot Springs area, where they made their headquarters for three days before coming to Hood Canal. In Lilliwaup they made camp in front of the old stone fireplace on the John Robinson property at the entrance to Lilliwaup Creek Valley.. Enthusiastic assistance in showing the young visitor a good time was given by his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Pierpont Robinson of Lakewood who were guests at the Jack Catto beach home. They hosted a salmon barbecue dinner on the beach. Chris went boating and swimming, fished in the creek and went for a ride up the Skokomish Valley and to Camp Govey. COLLAPSIBLE PICNIC TABLES includes bench $19.9s 607 S. 1st 4213-6612 Management Agreement Washington State's forest industry has signed a smoke management agreement with government agencies in order to control air pollution from essential forest burning. Controlled burning of slash in logged-off areas is necessary to meet the legal requirements covering proper reforestation and forest fire prevention. The new air quality agreement was signed by the Washington Forest Protection Association, representing large and small forest owners throughout the state. Government agencies concurring in the program were State Department of Ecology, Division of Air Quality Control: State Department of Natural Resources: U.S. Forest Service; and U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Department of Natural Resources will coordinate the program. It will include daily reports of all forest slash burning and will sanction such burning when air quality and forest fire danger levels permit. Garrett Eddy, president of the W.F.P.A., said that forestland owners are cooperating in the effort in order to improve the environment while also meeting the legal slash removal requirements for forest fire protection. To make your children capable of honesty is the beginning of education. John Ruskin ~or... Table Tops, Mirrors, Aluminum Sash, Shower and Tub Doors, Storm Doors and Window Glass Replacements of all kinds See . . . 710 Cedar Leroy Dale 426-1152 Call for Free Estimates last Sunday Herbert Helin home at Matlock and Mrs. L.A. Sunday afternoon. They attended 40th wedding the Matlock Church service in the Galloways are evening with Edith showing slides oy York and of her work in Columbia, South Serving America. tion were the Sunday dinner guests at the Sharleen, Chester Valley home were Mr. and Kathy and Mrs. George Valley and their Galloway grand-daughters, Monica and Attending the Angela Marshall. Sharlyn York Grangers don't forget this There were 84 Friday evening is the regular le day a picnic meeting of Skokomish Grange, at the York starting with a pot luck dinner at Out of town 6:30 p.m. Also notice the and Mrs. Paul beautiful new sign on the hall, lall, and their arranged by Dess and Earnest Anderson Haines and installed by the Fire Merritt Island Department boys. We thank all Taylor of those that had a part in it and also Id Mr. and Mrs. those who had part in decorating the entrance hall. Arthur Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter picnic at the and Paul Hunter enjoyed a Mrs. Avene vacation trip into Canada, going Thursday as far as Calgary where they se Present were attended the stampede. and daughter There will be no evening and, Mrs. Irma service at the Skokomish toodsport, Community Church July 26 as Urnett of they decided to attend the First and Mrs. Ronald Baptist Church in Shelton to see of Puyallup, thc Billy Graham Film "His Maurice Suthin Land." #2044 ft.... 595db. Capacity White, Avocado $5 More & Normal Installation ever., no stuck packages or In-forced "jet stream" freez- zero-safe. Deep door, juice in Avocado or White. aranteed Or Your Money Back. Plan To Suit Your Needs. SALES OFFICE I 24-Hour Phone caI's 426.8201 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Heavy Cast ACCENT DISH in stainless by International SHyer Slice 'n Serve set in famous Win. Rogers silverplate Yes, now you can have your choice of either of these beau- tiful silver gifts FREE when you open o new savings account with us of only $250 more, or when you simply add $250 to your present TCF account. Flawlessly crafted by the famous International Silver Cam- Lovely Ban Bon diih in famous Wm. Rogers iilverplata pony, each of these lovely gifts will complement even the most discriminating table. Stop by and choose yours soon. And, remember, too, we will transfer your savings account from anywhere in the nation ab- solutely free of charge. And we'll give you a free gift, too. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OLYMPIA. SHEtTON " LACEY • OLYMPIA • LACEY Home Office Branch Fifth & Capitol Way 41:1 i Market Square • SHELTON Branch ~1111 Kullroad Avenue Thursday, July 23, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15