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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 23, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 23, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• _ BR CV'- HO E t 'NoSL $57,500 Golf & Yacht Club LARGE WOODED HOMESITE$ 18 HOLE CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE, DEEP WATER MOORAGE NEAR UNION ON HOOD CANAL NEW 3 BEDR ELECTRI,-. OOM A, , RANGE °ISHwA:-,' .5 ,-,. , t tFER L ARAGE e -uOUBLE: .p,:o, 500 "READy TO BUILD ON,, OVERLOOK EW LOT IN -...o ,. ,RAG " °' CLE, RE u CAN, L'& "OM, S r'L • " $5,500 Ro s 9,sou HOLIDAY BEACH VACATION & RESIDENTIAL HOMESITES COMMUNITY CLUBHOUSE, DOCK & SALT WATER BEACHES NEAR HOODSPORT CONTEMPORARY THREE BED CANAL VIEW F,D .... ROOM, WORKSHOP .-.,•-' ' uuTSTANDING VALUE AT $27,500 A PLANNEDYOUR RESIDENTIA YOU YEW HOME - BELFAIR sOUIH sHORE WAIER ROHI 80' BULLHEADED % 1200' $30,000, TERMS 21 Years Serving the Hood Canal Area With Two Offices 877-5211 898-21 45 WES JOHNSON, BROKER EVES. JOY KILBOuRNE ..................... 877-5277 ASSOC. BROKER FRED KILBOuRNE ................... 877-6277 BURR WHITE ........................ 877-5498 BOB HARVEY ........................ 898-5262 EVES. MORLEY PREPPERNAU ............... 426-8676 BUD WASCHER ...................... 877-5476 DALE HICKLIN ...................... 898-2793 DICK DEMILLE ...................... 898-2377 RAY REAMES ........................ 898-2067 MARGARET YOUNG .................. 426-6110 HESSEL VAN WYCK .................. 8983501 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 23, 1970 Services Services BOB OGDEN Installation Service Carpeting- Formica- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3 ! 55 3/6 tfn Real Estate REALTY "THE ACTION OFFICE". 226 N. 1 st St., Shelton BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22tfn GENERAL HAULING Sand -- Pit -- Gravel 5-Yard Dump Truck and Loader -- Peat Soil Also Light Clearing Tel. -- FRANK -- 426-3153 A7/23tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn Junk Cars PHONE 426-2046 7/9-30 Near TREASURE ISLAND. Large developed lot. Community water. Deeded interest to waterfront, beach and boat launch. $3,450.00 TERMS LAKE CUSHMAN• Large corner lot and NEW CHALET with FIREPLACE• All Lake privileges included. $9,250.00 TERMS CASE I NLET. 124 ft., WATERFRONT• Room for TWO HOMESITES. $12,400.00 TERMS AGATE AREA. 15 acre farm• 4 bedroom fully insulated home with separate utility room. Huge DEEP-FREEZER, hen house, garage, shop, fruit room. Christmas and fruit trees. $32,000.00 TERMS OAKLAND BAY. 205 ft., WATERFRONT• 3 bedroom home. Excellent location. $33,500•00 TERMS. Do you have a LIMITED AMOUNT OF CASH? NEED a 3 or 4 bedroom home? COME IN and SEE US! We may have the answer. TERMS TO FIT YOU! CALL 426-1141 G. John Brush. Jr. Broker Yelm 458-7100 AI Windell Assoc. Broker 426-3132 Jim Roush--426-8522 Purce Guise--877-5439 PAINTING and DRY WALt RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426-87 13 I 714 tfn Paving Contractor ASPHALT PAVI NG --Driveways --Parking Lots Bob Kimbel Const. 426-4243 -- Shelton GENERAL TREE SERVICE DANGEROUS TREES SAFELY REMOVED Topping Trimming Hedges Clearing FREE ESTIMATES TERMS C. C. COLLINS 357-9971 tfn Real Estate BRANCH OF MCCLEARY INS. & REAL ESTATE JAMES W. HODGES Your choice of three very nice homes on Cooper Point road near Evergreen College• Nearly new. All have 1Vz baths• Ample floor space• These won't last. Priced from $]4,450•00 to $15,950.00. Creek frontage. 168 ft. on Little Mission Creek near Belfair. V, mS. from state park. 2 B.R. home. Over an acre of ground• Fruit trees. Nice lawn. A real good buy at $11,500.00. Lovely 3 B.R. on Mountainview. Large lot, nice lawn, carport with storage. A real good home. $15,000.00. Terms• Large new home in the quietest part of town. 2000 square feet of floor space, 2 fireplaces, 3 bedrooms, and plenty of room to test your green thumb on the 100 X 120 foot lot. Priced at $22,500.00. New 3 bedroom all-electric, in Shelton, with carpet, fireplace, garage. Pick your colors as construction is ready to start. $17,000 Available under FHA 221 or 235 financing• Call us for details. 4 bedroom home• 2 on main floor & 2 attic bedrooms, kitchen, living room, good garden area. $6,950•00. Immaculate, quality constructed, 3 bedroom home. Beautiful fireplace, carpeting, double carport, 1 acre m/1.3 miles from town. $22,500..00 3 bedroom home with 5 acres, good drilled well, 4 miles from town. $13,500.00• Owner will carry contract for 10% down and balance at $100.00 per month at 8% interest. If you are looking for a place to rent it will pay you to give us a call. Call us about the FHA 235, No Down Payment and Low Interest homes, and also the Farm Home loans we can help you get. in most cases your home payment will be less than your present rent payment. BRANCH OF MCCLEARY INS. & REAL ESTATE JAMES W. HODGES SHELTON OFFICE: 426-1515 124 N. 1ST. Tom Townsend ............................... 426-6597 Tom Savage .................................. 426-8584 McCLEARY OFFICE: 495-3398 James W. Hndges .............................. 495-3259 C. Tab Murphy ............................... 482-2249 Wes Sanders ................................. 482-3590 Mike Murphy ................................ 482-2249* OLYMPIA OFFICE: Dick Antille ................................. 495-3589 Jerry Pennell ................................. 352-3423 Nick Bosler .................................. 495-3241 iii ii Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4124 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of HERMAN PETERSEN, JR., a/k/a HERMAN PETERSEN, III Deceased. Notice is given that the undersigned is the executrix of said estate; all persons having claims against decedent are required to serve the same on her or her attorneys at their address, and file with the Clerk of Court, together with proof of service, within four months after the first publication hereof or the same will be barred. First publication July 9, 1970. GRACE E. PETERSEN WALLACE & BEST Attorneys for Estate 304 Medical Dental BIdQ. Bremerton, Washington 98310 7/9-16-23-3t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 10471 IN THE SUPERIOR COUR-I OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. HENRY J. ISAKSON, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN L. DUMAS, JR., and the unknown heirs at John L. Dumas, Jr.; LOUISE R. DUMAS, and the unknown heirs of Louise R. Dumas, if deceased, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO the said JOHN L. DUMAS, JR., and the unknown heirs of John L Dumas, Jr.; LOUISE R. DUMAS, and the unknown heirs of Louise R. Dumas, if deceased, ALSO all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 25 day of June, ]970, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court and Services DAY & SONS ROTOVATING Lawns, Gardens, Farm work--2 machines no job too large or small. 426-8750 4/gtfn MOSS ON ROOFS? we remove by spraying. Free Estimates. 426-4316 426-1086 M¢6/25t fn,, Dozers & Backhoes Gravel & Crushed Rock Expert Operators BOB KIMBEL CONSTR. 426-4243 1122 tfn Town & Country Appliance Service Parts & Repairs for Major Electrical Appliances Ph. 426-3410 4t Trucks & Trailers BOB KIMBEL RICHFIELD 1/22 tfn ROTO-VATING Satisfaction Guaranteed 426-2857 Evenings ,m, 4(23tfn WELL DRILLING Bill Neal HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6/tltfn Septic Tank 500-gal., 750-gal, 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn Legal answer the Cc plaintiff and e answer upon attorneys for office below st your failure s( will be re~ according to complaint, with the CN object of sai( sought fully and is br The ob quiet titl unoccu alternative, specific that real proper of this ac a nd for the incidents to said real pro~ Mason cour described as Tract 48, Acres, as of Plats, Mason COU WashingU By Robe Attorne POST 1407 Seattle, We! 98104 MAIN 2-53 NOTI( WATER R STATE DEPART OLYMPIA- TAKE I That Union, 1970, file~ to divert unnamed stream in the area per secol rights, co, the purp' that the diversion of the pl, Section Range County• AnY .~ a ccompanl' ($2.00) with the within tl 23, 1970. Witne-' seal this c GLEP DE ECOLOGY that seale by District Washing in the and supply by the school August. they w~ read. 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