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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:2 x3 SHELTON—MASON (scum, Jointly Al.) r? .V,Jul_ __,-Erilday_,__~lulr Page Two A. __.- , w M.— , M “*“c :RlAGE 1 n ___I i l , ! VAUGHN GIRL PATIENT Corkle of Vaughnyvi ‘ence Russe. WE ARE sermon ,Mgghfil‘gggg, llOST LAKE HOME SHELTON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Eggl‘fillglprf’lfoo hellfire: run: puritans?” ¥ a” 1 Consolidated With The Shelton Independent [1 e g8, a 17~A r— U I »e-_IJiHF170ySS elected school superintendent of; Pierce County, then serving as: city assessor of Tacoma, then de- l puty sheriff and assessor of Pierce , County under Henry Winsor. In; 1888 the Winsor and Shelton fam- , ilies moved to Mason County; Two fires of the past sizzling Captain Winsor purchasing lands week end brought the loss of itsl near Dayton and engaged in StOCk ; home and all belongings to onel raising, while the Sheltons pur— ‘family and a fine to another par— chased the Almerion Adams farm ty violating the “no burning” at the head 0f Shelton valleyi i regulations of the Army, District which was their home until 1927, Fire warden George Frisk re- when they moved into Sheltonjportg . 4 CLEANING Levi Shelton was elected reprea The Lost Lake home of Mrs. Sentatlve in 1892 and Was proml' ‘ R. W. Devenney was completely mm" m ma lnent in local politics during his‘destroyed and the family’s be- kill; mum. lifetime. _ :longings lost Sunday when the ""1" "'m‘ Mrs. Shelton was given llfe home, owned by Fred Frese, was! and folds. The . . i “mm” mm“ memberShIP In Welcome Chaptel‘yllost because of a defective tlu, humans: Eastern Star and in Shelton Val- g Frisk said. The loss was esti-’ lenymnge‘ and was a member 0f “ mated at approximately $1000. 'the Past Matrons’ Club of O.E.S., ‘ Because he built a fire Sun- -- clothes. l W and Daughters of Pioneers of the jday to burn some blackberry WE SEAI st t f W h. t . h S J h Th f C and practically fully equipped a plant in Mason County, a e 0 as 111” 0n. masmuc a ibushes, o n omasson o apl-. ) J- . _ I . her mother. Elinice Huntington. ‘ tol Hill drew a $5 fine and court“ear the Tacoma power Plant 2» for the “auction 0f man . YOUR ghOTIIES had crossed the plains by ox- ,Costs when arraigned before Jus_:ganese ore found in the near Olympics under a new pro- team in 1847 at the age of thir- , tice w, A, Magoon Monday on ; cess of electric treatment developed at Pullman to recover 1 Double Mild! to teen. and was living at the Hunt-l a. charge of} starting a fire with- other minerals as well as manganese. A “181°” Place .0“ the COW?” “Xe; out a Permlt- The Page was 1‘3"“ This plant has never been operated but stands idle Where Longwew Is .now loca e idled by Stanley sulter’ State fw'iawaiting connection of Bonneville ower with Tacoma’s when she. was married to Capt-festry department law enforcementl 1, , . ' p km you, mm_ , Henry VVmsor, then carrying 'the 1 Officer in thls area_ 1 mos, now in process of building, but there seems to have i :{ghflmngm mails between the Columbia pveri Get Information straight been so far but little encouragement toward operating the .k {per-amt?!) 3131;; if?veglgléfivglzncatgii$33315Sci: a Comigflernesgglt‘s Cailttlfinggt 35:13:: plant, which could quickly be connected with Tacoma pow- Ip null and. tics and he with John McReavylmg to rumor or what their neigb] er, madegood by lines already built to Tacoma, if the powers-that-be were reallyianXlous to develop Olympic ore Published every Friday morning Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association and National Editorial Association. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton. Washington BEST‘ROYED; FIRE l ADVICE SOUNDED, ‘ Subscription Rates : $2.00 per year in advance; 6 months . $1.23: outside Mason County $2.50; Canada $3.00: Foreign $3.50. GRANT C. ANGLE, Editor J. EBER ANGLE, Manager BILL DICKIE, News Editor H OFFICIAL Morn ILLERS Flflgoua CO in 'ef RICHAr-uiw :ATSON: Adv. Mgr. to NEGLECTING LITTLE THINGS AT HOME Dr. Sayers, director of the Federal Bureau of Mines: has announced that a $500,000 electro—devclopment labor— , jg atory will be established in the Pacific Northwest to deter- , electric energy from Bonneville and Coulee dams. 11” This reminds us that private capital has already built ‘, . defects. invest ten per cent of their in-. Eagles this week voted to invest their July contribution to the War“ per month to fulfill its ten per. cent pledge. gles, collection of scrap iron for the benefit of the Civil Air Patrol, , shape, mine ways of recovering and proCessmg minerals by using Earl Moore. Anyone having scrap may leave it in the pile next to . the Western Supply store at First i and Cedar or if the donation is‘ big enough a truck will be sent to , America will begin holding July 2 B; Bierbr’z .lI'CVieve E. I“ Eat She War Bond In July Improving olirtheir pledge to. me in war bonds, the Sheltonl "For: so E Nelson, S( boy Nelso Specials for Friday and Sat » a $100 war savings bond as, fort. all indefi The aerie would ordinarily need, th 5n the subscribe to but a $25 bond akota.l re Navy wh J-elquick. 2 I ‘~ Ce‘rto 37," KOOL Al sh, Marshmallows. . . 2—1-11). pk" .n Another war effort of the Ea— also booming along in good‘ reports Aerie Secretary‘v on they wish to give to the call. «a l, its pick it up by notifying Secretaryl, KAY KY: Moore. 1 “MY Local 38 Switches /2'gall W1th i To Evening Meetings , KAY Wym _ . KYSE] Due to wartime work which HOME RANGE Fa merry s eeps many of its members occu- V Mus; led on Saturdays, Local 38 0f 1 " ‘ NEwg v- the International Woodworkers of '02. Sign ' ‘ l of Union City, repreSented Mason ; bors say concerning fire regula- . . .30 . -, usfor I County in the Constitutional Con- {Hons or closed areas‘ 1 and produce manganese. 362:3:;?:;ltl;137€nl;§;:tll’;%:rt§fg 3115' L p sum-Mon I . , ‘73“th 911,835” W -{ CCOme to or Phone the forestry We do not know what is holding up this plant from Saturday in the Labor Temple, , 1 ~ - - - - ' Maintee Su _MASON COUNTY LILLEVAUP: MAN PATIENT l322C1,33%fifecvfllfinfififlguggppgfil proving its process of producing manganese economically, Business Agont Charles ‘Savage P EX H STEAM LAUNDRY Slgl‘ud_ JOhnson 01: Lilhwdtuli ‘ anything pertaining to fire regu-I but with a completed plant, equipped with power plant and “$3103 gléztgvgggh'second and UR . . befigilil F3“ DRY T3253??? rtrijedsidlael ogardospl a llations’ Closed areas, etc,” he ad-i ready to go, all With private capital Standing idle and fourth Saturday. Heretofore its ' '1 i an iii m..-“ _ a .- _ ,7 w ' lV‘fig‘ also advised persons to be ready to develop our raw mineral for present and future sessions have been scheduled at ‘ «THEE ” ' ‘ ‘ lcareful about burning refuse in needs, the government is overlooking a nearby Opportun- two o’clock in the afternoons. * ' ,1 V ANIM ;home ranges, to make sure the lty for service without a huge investment as a new labor-I .._ . AL. y , ,, it, Jack C flucs are sound now being a. good ator would re uire, not to S eak 0f the time element. HURFF s ' ' PlIll ' a] , y q p ette Her jtime, during this warm weather . . , p ~ l 1“ a. Sc“ when stoves are not bein used , p . ; r 5' , V v . y g TAKING LESSON FROM CANADA i BETWEEN , “‘0' a 13.11111 . . 1 very much, to inspect flues for1 l Warden Frisk said his office has learned that a supply of one; The United States might well save time by taking a :and 0ne_and_a_ha_lf quart fire ex- 1 leaf out of Canada’s handling of the wage and price situa» l gtinguishers for trucks. and cars tion, after four years of real war effort, and realize that . mgriizfifgfimgtlggugecg: ‘thls country is making slow progress in making rules and ,them' Information on how andladgustments Which Will really check the upward spiral of where to get these extinguishers wages to meet prices to meet more wages. may be had by calling the for- Canada early realized that costs of both war and dom— estry $21538, 9:11:16 11219- _ ed estic consumption could not keep pace with increasing and , ..Thexl;““§“;equ‘§es 823;; piece. unchecked wages, and early .adopted a wartime policy of of machinery run by gas and on 1 holding wages to normal living levels and setting ceilings in the woods to be equipped with on practically all goods and products intended to discour- , age any inflationary tendencies and any undue profits. That overnment 1e islated first to control and taxi . g . . der the jurisdiction of the for- profits, as we are now domg, to the. end that none shall; lestry department, Warden Frisk profit from war; also to control prices and rents; then! Iii? an average Ofdless l turned to control of wages, which constitutes two-thirds of l the; a an acre amage y Canada’s national income, that the burden of sacrifice shall the state, from not be permitted to fall unfairly on any section of the Throughout _ January 1. to July 16, there have ‘ community. But more important Canada set up a Selective Service I been only 155 forest fires, of 2‘29 V322,? gggfig‘iiargy 213$; 1 Board intended to stop the flitting from job to job for top recreationists, 13 by lul’nbem-ng, wages and adding to the unbalance of employment, and ;16 by land clearing, five by rail- directs labor where it is most needed; measuring out man- :Zids a??? 33"; miscellaneous[power on a priority basis as materials are rationed; men ses’ “S a e and women cannot leave their jobs or employers hire them l without consent of the boards. The U. S. has failed to level off wages and even encourages the flow of labor; while it refuses to regulate costs or service or demand results in full measure of its dollars as does Canada. Week End Specials ONE HOUR FREE PARKING ALBER’S 3 PKGS. Corn Flakes I90 EKiPlZEIi. 27c Shorteninglb.‘l7c : PEARL FRUIT Occktail cans 250 No. 2 Cans—RED KIDNEY fire extinguishers, he cautioned. To date, seven fires have oc- curred in Mason County areas un— FORESTRY FIRE HALL HAVING FACE ‘LIFTED’ The standby crew employed by the Forestry Department and sta—i tioned at the forestry fire hall in Shelton is giving the hall at Fifth| land Franklin streets 3. new coat of paint this week, another fine improvement to be added to the many already made on the build- ing this season. A MATERIAL COMEBACK Plywood is currently furnishing an example of how 1 materials as well as men stage comebacks. In the earlier ’ days of American commercial aviation the old tri-motor Fokker was borne on a plywood wing, and even earlier it. 21,766 Acres Of , 1 b t f f 1 was an occaSlona su s ance or use a es. Tax Land on When aluminum alloys and stainlgss steel came in. Mason County,s tax_tme £0118 though, plywood went out of the aircraft world along with are scheduled to be wiped clean a cons1derable part of the fabric construction. Now, under of 21,766.06 acres of land which the impetus of war and need for aluminum conservation, has reverted to the county for ‘it suddenly turns out that the plywood industry is one of “CR 0f tax Payments nex‘ Sat‘ aviation’s most valuable adjuncts. By employing plywood, North American Aviation es— urday when Treasurer Omer L. .Dion places that acreage on the auction block under the applica- , tion of the Simpson Logging each combat trainer it builds. Curtiss-Wright recently an— Comp‘my- nounced a twin-engine cargo plane of about the size of the thfihfarggffifififi oinfiifigjgefllf‘fi . standard Douglas airliner to be built entirely of plywood. —Detroit Free ‘Press. the southwest portion of Mason RUBBER AN ELASTIC SUBJECT County, to its permanent refor— estation plan, company officials have stated. TONY SERVIDEO ILL Tony Servideo,, Rayonier em- ploye, entered Shelton hospital Friday for medical care. ~r- Planar Shelton, Wash. With the rubber situation- losing much of its elasticity PEACH BLOSSOM—CAKE Flour ' pkg. no 2 PKGS. ended the public is beginning to worry and wonder what [all the jockeying in Washington means in terms of fu- lture prospect for the doughnuts on which our cars circu- late. on high it looks as though some politics and much fav- oritism is hampering progress on future rubber, raw or syfi'fhetic, and so far n0 real steps have been made to supplant the lost raw rubber which is unlikely to come back very soon. 1 l Friction between those who from gasoline, grains and alcohol needed for liquor, and discouragement for proposals to use other natural mater— ials, which seem to have some merit if the several depart— ments would come together and settle dowu to the problem of rubber by the quickest and best method. ‘arsh"m’lws 25c Mpllds 1.49 Friday —- Saturday J ULY 24—25 “H M PULHAM ” Starring Robert Young, Hedy , Lamar Rahal-155W hand in the waste liquors of the pulp mills, the disposal of which is now a real problem, and the supply is abun- dant; only requiring some more research work to prove its value in the emergency and Serve the two—fold purpose Sunday Wednesday MILD DRY JULY 26"” of utilizing waste and making new industry for war and i . .. ' TWO_ FEATURES after-war. I y 0mm lbs 10c *' . ,, , . I BLESSED EVENT l Weren’t we taught somewhere away back in the third .- ' PLUS or fourth grade that “q” lsfalways followed by “flash? u can search the dictionary rom qua to quotum W1 011 . THE vii}? TéKES ifinding anything to displtOVe the rule, but Within the I)?“ A L ER I several days Egyptian geography has turned up twp “11’1" FranChot T0“ conn‘e stances where the “q” isn’t tagged by its inevitable u - Bennett they are Qattara and Qibliya- Qattara is the name of the great desert depression whl_Ch l{lam-ks one side of the battle area near El Alamein. Qibhya is the name of the ridge up which stormed the yelling. bayonet—slashing Maorls to strike terror in the hearts 0f defending Gedmans. The Babbage lb.’ 30 Thursday July 30 TWO FEATURES itirnates that it is saving some 250 pounds of aluminum in. i. with the prospect that it will snap back before the year is From what little information WhiCh' percolates from' propose to make tires One source of alcohol WhiCh might make rubber is at i FRIENDS By Mervin Getty also SH “IM’ITATI‘ON VQANILLA. . . lasts; ARBARA s IlOWDY FOLKS: After reading all the best authorities on horse racing we I I l I - In have finally made up our minds t as to what horse is safe to put Wi your shirt on»~a clotheshorse. PHILLIP,S v oral-{Ind Even so we'll never bet on a _ ' ' Y Lu —an horse race. We're afraid of the De licelez] “bookie—man." tM "0 it * l u exlcan Of course horse sense is l NO RUBi - 3‘ secs A what teaches a girl to say LIQUID WAX . . . . . . . . .. qu, 43* Chg): “neigh.” I . also N r . ‘ * , l FRESH TOMATOES . . . . 2n Horse sense also teaches us to trade where values are ' JUICE ORANGES ...... 2 y :- :sPUDs it: Buy YOUR CANNING {Analogue now I. ' given. We try hard to justify your trade by serving only the finest. ins' ‘ 2‘0th Cent HILLCREST PHONE 29 HOT WEATIlER SPECIALS ‘ , . .1 Earls: and Beans~ 2 for _' go Brand 14-02 ............................... -- V f V q ' h . ¢ V V 5° POT ROAST 1b.: Potato Chips Steer Beef: ' 'aley'S -------------------------------------- u q 2;", ‘BF‘ILING‘ BEEF 111, Grape JlliCe Steer Beef Grapefruit Juice , H Orange m? 7 2' for 45¢ A, Sinclmnlll 1r Tomatoiluice v V-8 cocktail i A refreshing drink l-qt. 14-oz. ...... Apricot Nectar : GOLD BAR , COFFEE ‘ FLOUR and OER L I, P R' DUE E ~, Drifted Snow 49-11). sack ...................... ............ .. TRMELON' lb: Guaranteed rip‘e CUCUMBERS 2'for' N. 2-9? I Wheaties 2 Breakfast of Champions ............... KIX 2 fol " FRESH, RIPE omatoe‘sz-ll25c ‘ , Maori-s got the ridgeaAberdeen World. .. ~/-"‘ ' “‘xm.- t WAA___i—H. ARM HURT IN ROLLER Mrs. M. E. Carr is reported Donald Hill, Rayonier employev left hand very low at her daughter’s home Suffered injuries to his in Aberdeen and her sons Roy‘and arm which required Shelton and Harold have been with her hospital treatment Thursday after since Saturday evening. an accident in a roller at‘the mill- MRS. CARRw-FAILING “WOMEN ’IN WAR” “SING DANCE PLENTY "HOT” nglbs' 1} shredded Wheat 2 ‘l , , ‘ . Nourishing ‘Wheat food ....... ’ Pearls cf Wheat __ ,Albter'sfl A ............