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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(Mull f Vaughn, .‘ ln hospital attention. .ence Russell Castle u‘ Provoe, v ' Montesano, last week. _ j, ‘J. t0n. July 20. Ilevieve E. Maloney, :3ny Nelson, ,. Y. Juli/d274,, 1.95122 ' RIAGE LICENSES '1 and l both of Shel-‘ yell B. Hill, 19, Bremcrton.l 18, Poulsbow 25, Nelson, son of Mr. and'where left Thurs- Grapeview Folks Attend Olympia College Reunion ~. B'i Bierbraum‘l 39’ Union' 1 Mrs. Marion Hoke and daughter and Mrs. Harry Willis drove to £1313 Sheltfnr Juxy 21' lOlympia. on Saturday to attend »FOR SOUTH DAKOTA the reunion of the students of the old “Olympia Collegiate Institute" Mr. Hoke had attended years ago. About fifty gathered d an indefinite visit with ,at Priest Point Park, among them . es in the Badlands . th Dakota. He. said he ' 1“ Navy while in the 3k. 2,‘ Dr . THEATRE Fri—Sat, July 24-25 « KAY KYSER in MY FAVORITE ll. .Mth Ellen Drew, Jane , Wyman KAY KYSER’S BAND la merry Scream set to Music! SERIAL Hem. .~ ‘1’“! y Fonda, Ollua “THE MALE ANIMAL” if Jack Carson, Eugene _. eflette, Herb Anderson 4 scene. a laugh in' every Line! also SHORTS .iin w ,. 8 1‘ ,Wednesday-Thursday L. . . DOUBLE -FEATURE size 2 for 2-" ARBARA STANWYCK “GAMBLING LADY” with Joe] McCrea, Pat O’Brien, Claire Dodd —and— Lupe Velez and Leon , Errol in ‘ Secs A Ghost” ! *With. Charles (Buddy) Rogers also NEWS NEWS CARTOON .. avilland, Joan Leslie 9'8 a Scream in every Mexican Spitfire area i may Mid- l l l l l i l .institutions which, while Dr. Landen, a former teacher there. We can imagine that the stories and reminiscences were very interesting. In the book “Building a State” the author of one article men- 'tions the importance of this in~ stitute at the time Washington was admitted into the Union. Then it was “awarding degrees in the arts and sciences and ap— parently making a better show- ,ing than our university at Seat— tle.” It was One of the. smaller it did not continue, did much early days to lay the groundwork for our state‘s educational life. On Monday evening the Spoon— ers and 'Mitchells met for din- ner at the Mitchell home to cele- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Spooner. Mrs. E. E. Langellier and Miss Hattie Barker were al- so present. On Wednesday a tea was given Seattle, by Mrs. W. R. Spooner. Guests included Mrs. Elton Cleve- Fred Galanty in Seattle this Sat—l Fred Davis, Mrs. Herman Burkhart and Mrs. Cliff Barrett. RAYONIERJEMPLOYE ILL John H. Johnson, Rayonier em- ploye, was admitted to Shelton hospital Monday for medical care. " "minus a QUALITY MARKET , * GROCERIES FRESH MEATS ~ FRUITS FINEST FOODS AT BEST PRICES H‘ooosPoRT t .' "at. E“ Day Off? ELL. that would any of us . \‘n ill” 1 E M . °ll help someone you know, - v you give to the USO! ‘1 ; "9 [Em Water When It’s Hot] Iippin Iarantee {8 TIER CARE or “hat Dues a‘Soldier- o On 8 strange town, with no 8915-. practically no money, and '3 to be back on duty in 24 3?TheUSOclubs,inovies,and shows are doing agrand job ,ng' this problem for the the armed forces: I don’t .there’s any sweller way to “1' gratitude to this coun- g V, ‘ tub hting men than to makes , . . ,ntion to the USO! Remem- TANDARD TAKES OUR CAR ! Y v . T’S a question some of my best customers have ' ,asking me ever since driving under 40lbecame both V, xlble and patriotic. They’ve been figuring and maybe allave too, that oil ought to work longer than 1000 98 between changes. But here’s the catch: With all I, he starts, stops, and idling, your engine may go 1300 ‘55 or more while the speedometer reads only a usand! Stopping, starting, and idling not only mean I {1 hours of work for your motor, but increased con- lnation by gasoline and‘water. No» matter how you '9, it’s wise to come in for a refill" of clean, fresh ‘ Motor Oil every Thousand Miles! ' THERE are two friends of yours that get pretty thirsty during the hot weather—your battery and your dog. .It’s ’a great kindness to Fido to keep a pan of water filled around the house.-_ (qut Standard Service keep 3 11“n at the station for visiting Pups-l And it’s a great~ kindness to your battery to let us take ,a few seconds -to check the water every week- in the 3‘ iin honor of Mrs. Al Flournoy, 'of Will attend the wedding of her- iland, Mrs. Dan Morris, Mrs. Em- urday. lmet Johnson, Mrs. community ning #61 ‘which the real reaches the ull‘l .. ‘ SOCIAL Woman’s Club Holds Picnic at Twalloh Bountiful food, many leisure hours of visiting, swimming and sewing marked the Shelton Wo- men's Club picnic meeting at Twa— noh State Park last week. Those taking part in the en- joyable affair were Mrs. W. A. Witsiers, Mrs. Cliff Wivell. Mrs. William Maxwell, Mrs. W. F. Roberts, Mrs. Leo Martin, Mrs. Gene Martin, Mrs. Francis Eac- rett, Mrs. Grover Brewster, Mrs. Robert C. Johnson. Mrs. Frank Willard, Mrs. Pearl Jemison, Mrs. Don McKay. Mrs. A. Almaden, Mrs. Edwin Lov- ell. Miss Marion Johnson. Mrs. Mary Crosby. MYS- Leigh Duffield this section suitable for that busi-i and Mrs. Nina Miller. Former Belfair Girl Announces Engagement ! Miss Ruth Louise Johnson, for-l merly of Belfair and Mr. Laur-y ence G. Dix of Bremerton, an-' family gathering Tuesday, July, 14. They will be married August' at the Dix home in Bremerton. The bride-elect is a graduate of school in 1939. VVlll Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. James B. Amunds sister, Patricia Goodfellow and From Seattle Houseguest at the home of Bobby Jean Gardiner this past week end was Donna Lou Smith, of Seattle. The two young people met in Alaska. Moving to Vancouver 1 Mrs. Lester Vallet is leaving for Vancouver Monday, where she will make her home with her hus- band, who is Port Master at Portland for the Pacific Steam- ship company. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Davidson were her houseguests on the Canal last WEek end. Navy Mothers Guest At Picture Show Members of the Navy Mothers Club were invited by Gus Graf to‘ attend “The Fleet’s In” last week as his guests. Those attending, were Mrs. M. A. Clothier, Mrs. Grace Craddick, Mrs. Bertha Lord, Mrs. Beatrice Rayson, Mrs. Eva Von Bargen, Mrs. Florence E. Woolhether, Mrs. Clara Stuck, Mrs. Eunice Sharpe, Mrs. Ger- trude E. Westcott, Mrs. Aleen Vo- gel, Mrs. Clara Heinold and Mrs. Ruth N. Nelson. I The Club wishes to thank Mn. 1 Graff for his kindness. A regu- lar meeting of the Club was held at the Memorial Hall on Wed-I nesday. l Southside Bible Class Holds Meeting Overy forty parents and young folks gathered at the Southside hall Wednesday eVe- for a Bible Study hour. Thev half hour of singing good oldl hymns was enjoyed by all. The! music was furnished by the Young Folks Band. Friendship Club Holds Regular Meet Fourteen members of the Friendship Club met at the South- side community hall on Wednes- day for a regular meeting. At the dessert luncheon, birthday cakes and gifts were given to Mrs.l Chalmer Saeger and Mrs. C. B. Mitchell, honoring their birthdays. A lovely centerpiece was made of flowers. The afternoon was spent sew— ing on the community chest. There Were two guests present: The next meeting will be held ’at' the home Of Mrs. Winnifred Mc-‘ Donald on August 12th. ! l I l Left for California Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell leftl on ‘Wednesday for San Mateo. Calif” Where she will make her home for seVeral months. Mr. Bell will return shortly for his induc- tion into the Army. Visit Bailey Home ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Washbum and daughter Diana fro!n K9150 were week end guests at the homel of Mr. and Mrs‘. Howard Bailey- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE “Truth” is the subject 01’ the Lesson-sermon which will be read, Inall Churches of Christ. SCien' tist, Sunday, July 26. I The Golden Text is from Paul's} ePistle to the 'HebreWS: “Tth Word of God is quick, and POW‘ erfu1,'and sharper than any two‘ edged suford, piercing even to the dividing ‘asunder of soul and Spirit and of the joints and marrowv and 15.3. discerner of the thoughts andl intents of the heart!" ' | One of the Bible selections in the Lesson-Sermon cites thel words of John: “And the WON-ll was made flesh, and dwelt 81?” ong us, (and we beheld his gloryyl the glory as of the only beget-l ten of‘ the Father,) full of grace and truth.” i The Lesson-Sermon also Pre' sents the following PaSSage from I‘SCIencewand Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; “.‘The Word was made flesh. Divine Truth must knoWn. bynits effectson the body as well' as on the mind, before the Sciencel of being can be demonstrated.’ Hence Its embodiment in the in-l carnate Jesus, ~ that life-link forming the connection through'! real, Soul rebukes and Truth destroys error.” H sense, Electricians Picnic SllndayLMaple Beachl Local 882, International Broth- CYhOOCl of Electrical Workers, will' hold a picnic next Sunday at Ma' summary , Deals Completed : l 1V1 rs. i ltives and friends. Edwin's sister, Union, July 21~Some real es—l tate deals consumated recentlyl .were the sale of the Phippsl lHome near Victor Hanson‘s to, Harry Hess, a lot in the Pebblel Beach (former Cleve Hauptly‘ (property) to Mr. and Mrs. Law—I lrence Schoel of Aberdeen who shave built a summer home there‘ lwhere they are now ‘ing" and “finishing.” Another lot lin that park has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis of Elma. who plan to build soon, Mr. Lewis has greenhouses in Elma. Only time can tell if he finds ness. Frank Nosworthy was in Ska-l some time I lgit County last week installing SHELTON-MASON COUNT}: not accepted at this time. These l, Bl‘elnerton “summer- l . JOURNAP boys are home on furlough. Ed Martin, with his mother Mrs. Al Martin, went to Seattle Tuesday lfor a few days visit with rela- Marietta Duckworth of was home for a few days visit. Her husband her Monday and that ,they returned to their home. Of interest to all Wle be pictures to be shown by the Army, at the Masonic Hall, July 29th, at p.1n. This is under pices of the Air Craft Warning Service and everyone is cordially ’Invited to attend. , The observation post is now on‘ lthe street between Garfield’s ,store and the Dalby place and is l“manned” day and night. Mrs. Marian Miller Peak and ‘son John stopped in town one I day last week, when enroute from Hollywood, Calif, to 1former home of the Peaks. Mrs. joined , evening the , the aus- ~ visit for, in Bremerton rm al Page Three CAMP 3 HAS NEW EO‘Y Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roney of Camp 3 became parents of a baby boy born Wednesday at Shelton hospital. COlll't HOHOI' GIRL FOR SPINHARNEYS , _~.,,__ A baby daughter was“ born Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Orville , FM? Boy Scouts We“: P1'68611t-‘ Spinharney of Shelton at Shelton l ed nine advancements at court of 1 hospital, sell. The son, Bill, was home fromi honor ceremonies held in the 1 Sand Point Saturday and Sun-: courthouse last Thursday evening i day. l with District Chairman Charles T. SHELTON VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Lud Alldersenin‘ight presiding. Sponsored by " Shelton Eagles Silent the week end With the Ad‘l The advancements were to: Rau’s Orchestra l HIT-RUN ACCIDENT Jack M. 22, Olympial pipcfitter, reported a hit-and-run‘l 9 l5 Scouts Receive driver struck his car three miles north of Shelton Sunday to Sher—l il'l‘ Gene Martin. Damage wasj not severe to Hursey's vehicle. .dleman‘s at Vail. They had plan-i Fmen Wynn, .. . , . . . s anls and Don Wilson, l fled to pick “lld blackburles butl both of Troop 12, to Second Class ino one is allowed in the woodsl Scout. in that section. ’ 1 , Mrs. Ted Skelsey who fillislledl Wfllde“ bthal’m‘yl “'90? 12. out last years school term, has. phySIcal development, reading and ,signed the contract to teach here: SChOIal'ShiP merit badges; next year. Ben Soper Jr., Troop 12, ath— bmughti letics, civics, and handicraft mer- 3 Sunday good Weather , ,out lots of travel. All the eating;1t badges; ‘ Walter Splnllarney, Troop 2:), places in this section ran out of, . food_ 3the bronze palm, for havuig five more merit badges than required This community . . 2 an .brate the first wedding anniver- Port Orchard, class of 1942 and1 w. R, he graduated from the Bremertonl * ple Beach ’on Lake Isabella- Refreshments, will be supplied ,by the local. A r f s t has been arran p Ogram 0 pm S ~tee in charge, g‘ed by the commit- it an automatic telephone system. ‘, Miller was in pearl Harbor Dec_l 7th and was proud of the fact that we have some months later. . had an automatic telephone sys—l nounced thelr engagement at a tem for several years Of the three boys who went t TaCOma last week. two “are in for a couple of months with Lieu- the Army now,” EdWin Martin tenant Aldrich before he went to d Otis Toig. Ed Blerbrauer was can well be ember Mrs. SAFEWAY #W'rw 1 N "M BER ‘A' How to cut down on waste by eliminating haste 1k A list offends Haste in shopping makes waste in land and in time too If has always been our family duty to waste as little food as possible—to- day it is our patriotic duty. And cer- tainly the most effective way to do this is to plan menus and shopping lists to- gether—a. week at a time. For this gives you the opportunity to fit one day’s leftovers into the next day’s menu—to vary meals—to keep meals well-rounded nutritionally_to stick to the budget— and to plan definite times for Shop- ping, thus cutting down on your shop- ping trips. But streamlined shopping schedules take careful planning. And at all times the perishability of different meats and vegetables must be kept in mind. For meats, you might select shoulder lamb chops, enough ham loaf for two nights, and Swiss steak. In the refrig- erator, most meats will keep about a. week; cured meats like haul and bacon will keep longer; ground meats, poultry, and fresh fish should be cooked the same day or day after buying. For Vegetables, you might choose corn, string beans, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, lettuce, and celery. That’s notcounting the potatoes and onions you’d have on hand already. As soon as you get home, wash the vegetables quickly, dry, and store them in a covered container in the re- frigerator. Use green and leafy veg- etables that day or the next. Carrots and corn Will keep longer. Here are three menus the Safeway Home- makers’ Bureau suggests you might have planned before buying MONDAY DINNER _ Baked Ham Loaf garnished wuh Canned Spiced each“ Scalloped Potatoes Toned Vegetable Salad of T 01’" Letth Finely Slwed Green Onions, Celery. and ‘ Quarte'red Tomatoes with French Dressing Gangerbread will: Whipped 0760'" TUESDAY DINNER Braised Shoulder Lamb Chops com on the Cob Melted Butter Buttered String Bean: Lettuce and Tomato Salad with Mayonnaise .fim Shortcake with Pmm'ng Cream WEDNESDAY DINNER . Cold Sliced Ham Loaf Stnng Bean and Cam Succotarh Pickles Potato Chips Shredded Carrot and Raisin Salad Ice Cream and Cookies Planning "Glshborhood purfles Read the article in this week’s Family Circle Magazine about cooperative neighborhood parties in which every- one shares in food, expenses and fun. Out every Thursday, free at Safeway. Safeway Homemakers’ Bureau JULIA LEE WRIGHT. Director 9" :"Wovgu Leonard IVO more moss FOR MR. 5' WANTth 0F 'SATURDAY SPEClALS‘ SATURDAV. l Mrs. Charles Evans has been‘1 added to the cooking staff at Kuett's Tavern. Mrs. Laura Gott went to Seat, . tle last week to Welcome into thel merit badge chairman, the bronze for Eagle Scout. Merit badge awards were pre- sented by Milt Clothier, district Saturday, July 25, Admission 25¢ -—- Tax 5¢ evacuated Aldrich a n d l l l , . ldaughter Jane returned last week i world her namesake, a grand-‘ gall“. bty DJ; Elliigene BFOWIDmé’Iv TOtal 30¢ Per Person 0 from California where the were‘ dau hter. Mr. and Mrs. Dwi ht‘ umwa er 0111101 Gommlsswner- ' . . y ‘ Soufhmayd are the proud pit- 1 Tumwater Council Executive Max DanCIng to ‘ ants. lJensen was present and made an-l nouncements. u IT’S UP TO YOU . . . Kelly could afford to die . . O‘Hara could afford to grin at death . . . \Ver- mutli could afford to match heart with steel . . . and all to keep old glory flying. Cam YOU afford your dimes, quarters, and dollars? BUY U. S. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS NOW! that dre really low priced * An illustrated story worth reading No Sales To Dealers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ~ . O l, l l g and Saturday, Safeway prices l , are always low 1 gae’w flay ’Z/alued. gusty flay valued l QRAHPEEpOUIT JUICE ........ .. tin 23¢ ngAZTgL CHIPS ............ .. 2 likes. 19¢ l , gRAgoEFRUIT JUICE .... .. 2 for 19¢ gagging CHIPS ................ .. nkg. 35¢ ‘ PEARS ......................... ..... _. tin 21¢ BEER opARTs .............. .. 4 for 98¢ Harper House iancy, 29—07.. Oldstylv lull 32-02. ' PEARS .................................. .. tin 23c CATSUP ............................ .. bottle 11¢ I Libby's Bartlett. 29-02. Red Hill brand. 11-02. l gEACnES,,_ ........................... .. tin 18¢ gppANpTWBUTTER ............ .. jar 29¢ ! renames ...................... .. 2 for 25c -------------------- —- at. 4% , l EQMATQES -------------------------- -- tin 12¢ §§§§§§YL§E§PREAD qt- 4W l prepay CgOlRN .................... .. tin 11¢ EHTTER ------------------ -‘ lb' 4,7 CREAM’CZQRN .................. .. 2 for. 25¢ fifijfigfillflgER ------------------ -- "0- 44¢ ‘ ,3ch RRISPIES ................ ._ pkg. 12¢ gnaw CHEESE ---------------- "0- 27¢ ' 0 eggs .Eg—oz. 'thISIEA'll‘IgES ...................... .. pkg. 11¢ """""""""" " (30% HS (:01‘02}, -OZ. _ _ ' I _ U. _ I _ i _ . . I . _ . . . . .- . _ , _ , _ _ _ , , _ _, -lb. t. S ecial "A" lal're browns l ill-931% SATIN 31b tin 69¢ figuzgwl,,,s. ............... .. 1b. pkg. 22¢ l SEES” """""""""""""" " 3' ' {n . {15338 ...................... .. doz. 83¢ l SEEK. ------------------------------ 3"” “‘1 69¢ QERRHgAgss ........................ .. doz. 83¢ . l §£3Ellllifipgmr ----------------- “kg” 20¢ ggnpltjfleLASSEs .............. .. doz. 42¢ --------------------- -- "ks 42¢ gpgigqggrpASSEs ............... .. doz. 42¢ praise SOAP ................ .. 2 nkgs. 45¢- HIERVIQAPS ................. .... .. (19;. 22¢ p LIDS .......................... .. doz. 9e EXTB ‘ 1ilylgaASQN CAPS ...... .. doz. 22¢ On or before August 22 War Ration -------------------- -- doz. 5¢ j Staring) No. 7 will be gocid for tWC;1 extra CERTO ________________________________ n 3 for 43 1 n s f . This, owe er, as no Pure l'l'uit pectin -~ lilies oon iiiaiemalnder oi the War .gggealégngS .............. ._ 2 nkas. 31¢ i Ram“ Stamps. CIGARETTES .............. .. 2 nkgs, 25¢ Avalon. etc. Wings. Tender, iuicy meets every time or all your money back without questionl Fresh and top-quality or all your money backl Sold by the pound to save you moneyl SLICING TOMATOES .... .3 .... .. lb. 12¢ Lgpgpggrgggs --------------------- -. Ill-31¢ Firm, or slicing . FANCY LEMONS ............ lb. 9¢ BEEF STEAKS .................... __ lb. Sunkist, large Fancy Sirlom or Rib WATERMELONS ................ .. lb. 4¢ BACON .................................. .. lb. 29¢ Klondyke. black seeded . Federal Brand . . . Whole 0r 1/, slab NEW POTATOES ................ lb- 3‘/z¢ BEEF SHORT RIBS ............ __ 1b. 15¢ White Rose Meaty cuts » NEW PEI’XS .......................... .. lb. 10¢ SA‘LMON _______________________________ H 1b. Local telephone OCean fresh . . . Sliced or by the piece' " GRAPEFRUIT .................... .. lb. (ii/2c Arizona mm seedless Bu War Bonds and Stamps with "the APRICOTS .................. .. CAN NOW! 4 THIS IS THE WEEK! m°neY YOU “"9 “" 5‘"?qu FLLON ruesmv Wm WW, I‘ SAFEWAY PM“! M! ALWAYS TO Till A5 M wen M SO GO ON WITH YOUR “gamma”, m, l JVST cam WT mrs AS LOW as ms. you own lo mun As w: “M ms GE, momma 1 cat MY h d 'M mo 0,, w, “ms w CONVINCE MY www.mooeas. tau. mums ABOUT IT. can m we g,‘ . Sic ORDER 0" A WEEKDAY W on t of ur “ l ’9 3,. no “I Wk mowmc 0:” nuswomsmwns. annulus ls MK. mm. IT'S we HAWNG msansmo. 7”" Sm“ new. SAFEWAY mess you 3 Yo b g l . 34m,an ?, ? THAT we save tow-mean may ARE my order 9" w°°kdflY '99 3 my 31 none D_A_Y AT sarevw EVE—R! “ii/,QEI'LEEEEE Not only will you have more time to i, play on weekends. but you’ll be able to 1 shop more leisurely if you get your big l grocery order on a. weekday. Sofway‘l prices. you know, are always law, on , everything, every day of the luck. SAFEWLY ASITISON