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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FridayLJuly‘ZfL .... ._..--..~_..L._‘.‘ .-.- . snEL'roN-MASON COUNTYHJOURNAL‘ a“ ’JIIIy 24, 1 s-,., __._-- .s .... . PATIENT AT HOSPITAL held a convention at Kelso last last week announced the engage- ored August 1 by the Worthy joyable evening picnicking at the ., . V.F.W. Hold Convention Engagement of Miss . Worthy Grand Matron ‘ Baptist Bible Class From Auburn ' terhegwgliegltxllhixspftglS3332;:21: At Kelso LaSt Walk Mary Mcoa‘m Ann°unced I To Visit 0-E~S- Holds Picnic on Canal David Binns of Aubu , ' . F ' W rs , . W. F, McC nn welcome Cha ter NO. 40’ Or. More than fifty members of the" from Wednesday to 81.111 ‘ medical attention. The veterang 0f Orelgn a Mr and Mrs 3' p der of Eastern gtar! will be hon. Baptist Bible Class spent an en- Robbin Binns of Shelton" 0 M Notice To All I. W.A. MEMBERS Local 38Meetings Beginning Sat. July 25 will be held at 7:30 P. M. Instead of 2:00 p. m. each 2nd and 4th SATURDAY of the month because of the Saturday war time working hours of many members. Chas Savage, Business lAgent "TRIUMPH." SHEAFFEKS NEWEST adios. PH. OH. L4_ week. The program of the year will be to furnish trainer planes for our service men. The Mason County Auxiliary pledged a dollar for each member. Due to defense work and short- age of rubber the meeting was much smaller than usual. Marie DeWitt, Nat’l Senior Vice Presi— dent was the national officer at— tending the meeting. Attending from Shelton were Mrs. W. Strike. auxiliary pres- and Mrs. E. F. Martin. Moose Ladies Slate- Another Gard Party . The ‘Ladies of the .Moose have slated another pinochle party for this Friday at the 'Moose Hall starting at 8'p:m. It is open to the public, ‘ \ Vacationing I . Miss Mildred ‘ROSs and Miss Vera Rowe will return today from a two week trip to Califor- nia. While in Los Angeles they visited Mrs. Betty Coffman and .Mrs. Margaret Coffman, the for- mer, Bette DeRosier and Mar- geret LeDrew. SIR/C'le PERSON/ll --Ancl oh, so welcome-those lelfers From home or from loved ones far away. Keep those cheer- ful messages coming and gomq regularly. Give a new SheaFler's ,"TRIUMPH" pen and pencil set.‘ It's a gift he'll use and treasure every day. See our selection for your own personal use, too! Sheolier pens, oll colors,f2.75 to ‘20. ident, Mrs. Arthur Welsh, auxi-l liary senior vice president and Mr. 2 1 HR noun north/May Cains-f. V I . .I s 7? {Ml/4.4 ment of their daughter, Miss Mary Patricia, of Olympia, to Lieuten— ant John R. Soules, son of Mr.| and Mrs. R. L. Soules of Santa! Barbara, Calif. The wedding date' has been tentatively set for Aug— ust 1. Miss McCann has worked for the State for the past eight years, the past three years as reception- list in the governor‘s office. 1 Lieutenant Soule is a graduate Southern He is of the University of California Dental College. unit in Fort Lewis. Visiting in Montesano Little Miss Dixie Lee Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hall has been visiting in Monte— sano the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and with her great grandmother, Mrs. S. W. Picker- ing. Attend. Wedding Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mc- Tacoma where they attended the wedding of Mrs. McKenzie's niece, Miss Eileen Frederick to Sergeant Gerald M. Pepin. The bride has been a frequent visitor known to Shelton and is well here. lFrom Seattle ' Sylvia Fedgwick of Seattle was a house guest at the home of Mr. last 'and Mrs. Donovan Palmer week end. Visit In Seattle , Mr. and‘ Mrs. Len Smith spent days in Seattle visiting enjoying the Victory Square pro- gram, the day the. stamps were dropped from airplanes. Visiting Mother . ! Kenzie spent last week end ml l Mrs. Elmer Smith left on‘sim-l day for. Kentucky to ‘spend a month visiting her mother, Mrs. ' ‘ 'Lula Baxter. five lfrlends and relatives. Thby report l'Entertains on Canal I. Mrs. George Drake entertained with a luncheon and two tables of cards at their Canal for friends on the Canal land in Shelton. Entertain Friends Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Allen spent Thursday and Friday in Se- lattle. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Longan, of Bremerton, were house guests at the home of her parents Friday evening. Capt. and Mrs. Schade I were week—end guests at the Al- len home. Say It WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort . and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime . .lravis Floral Shop §llelt°n Hardware Bldg. Phone 232. , 270_W VICTORY F0 l l LILLIAN WARREN, P H0 N Miss Lela Jo Windle Engagement Announced The engagement of Miss Lela Jo Windle, daughter of Mrs. Ed Faubert was cleverly Wednesday evening, connecmd With 3‘ fiEld artillerylwere hostesses at the Shirk home in Olympia for a shower honor— ing Miss Zetta Havens of Seattle, bride—elect of August lst. Following an evening of bridge, refreshments were served from a table centered with white and gold gladiolas. Small folders with Navy Wings on the front con- tained a poem, which revealed the engagement of Miss Windle and Ensign Samuel Harris Dins- more of Olympia. The wedding date hasn’t been set. , Guests were Mrs. Ed Malstrom of Tacoma, Miss Joan Knudsen and Miss Zetta Havens of Seattle, Mrs. George Warren, Miss Pat Skog, Miss Catherine Plamondon, Mrs. George Clishe, Miss Jeanne Stickney, Mrs. Austin Johnson and the hostesses. Olympia Girls— Feted With Shower Here A delightful 1:30 luncheon and bridal shower honoring Miss Dor- othy Smith of Olympia, bride— elect of Robert Thomas Anderson, was given Wednesday, July 15 at the home of Mrs. Robert Springer. Flowers in patriotic colors dec- orated the rooms and the gifts from a wishing well, also decor- ated in the patriotic colors. The groom-elect is the son of Mrs. Robert C. Springer and Al- bert W. Anderson. The wedding date is set for August 1st. Refreshments were served from a table centered with pastel shades of sweet peas and baby’s breath to Mrs. Fred Odom of l Bremerton, Mrs. Clifford Andrews, home on Hoodl Miss Althea Lange, l Miss Letha Bozarth and Mrs. Fred Smith, all of Olympia. Mrs. Earl Moore, Mrs. Otha Moore, Mrs. A. W. Anderson, Mrs. Harry Hurst, Mrs. William Aus- tin, Mrs. Frank Pierce, Mrs. Lar- ry Godwin, Mrs. Fae Miller, Mrs. Grace Springer, Mrs. Gordon Hendry, Miss Carol Pierce, Miss Deloris Pierce, the honored guest, Miss Smith and the hostess, Mrs. Robert Springer. Mrs. Ray Sharpe Honored At Shower Friday Eve Mrs. Bessie Barrett and Mrs. Inez Dodds entertained at the home of Mrs. O. K. Stephens Fri- day evening, honoring Mrs. Ray Sharpe, nee Eulalie Stephens, a . recent bride. The young bride drew her many lovely gifts from a real- istic wishing well with rope and bucket in the corner of the room. aFlowcrs decorated the rooms. 5 The luncheon was served 'to : Mrs. Elmer Smith, Mrs. Glen Edg- ley, Mrs. Bill Smith, Mrs.- Ann Simpson, Mrs. Jess Tobler, Mrs. lLeRoy Eide, Mrs. Ronald Dayley '(Mildred Parsons, also a recent lbride) Mrs. Arlie Noble, Mrs. O. K. Stephens, Miss Mariette Tatte- bin, Miss Marie Pauley, Miss Jean McDonald, Miss Anita Courteau and Mrs. Sharpe. -, Games and cards were played Iduring the evening with Mrs. El— mer Smith winning cut prize and Mrs. Dayley ,winning honors at the games. announced when Miss Windle and Miss Mary Lou Shirk pers. \read the ceremony at o’clock. were presented to the brideelect‘ -———— Society Editor E 100 ,_._._——- Way-Brown Wedding At Schmidt Home A delightful home wedding was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans P. Schmidt when Marguerite Brown became the bride of Clifford Way. Mr. and Mrs. Slyvester Way, bro- ther of the groom, attended the couple. The altar was improvisad be- fore a large cabinet radio, bank— ed with greens, and tall baskets of white Hydrangea and white carnations. The scene was lit with two standards of white ta» Reverend R. W. Maulden The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Alvin Hartman of Agate and the groom is the son of Mrs. Mary Way of Arcadia Road. Lohengrins wedding march was played by Mr. piano and Willard Hamilton on the violin. Mrs. Schmidt sang “In Heavenly Love Abiding.” For her wedding the bride wore an attractive outfit of light blue georgette with white accessories and a coronet of white flowers in her hair. Following the ceremony the bride’s cake decorated with doves and roses, and punch were served to the guests, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hartman, Mrs. Mary May, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Maulden, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, from a candle-lit table. Jordan Family Reunites In Shelton After Over 33'Years, For the first time since 1909, four brothers and one sister of the Jordan family enjoyed seeing each other as a group last Sat- urday, with Shelton3as the scene of their long-awaited reunion. Mrs. J. A. McVicar of Islin’g— ton, Ontario, of Calgary, Alberta, arrived Sat- urday, accompanied by Mr. Mc— Vicar and Mrs. Jordan, to visit their brothers in Shelton, Kirk, Harland and Fred Jordan, the latter having just moved here from Minnesota a few months ago. ' Mr. and Mrs. McVicar were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jordan on the train trip West. Enjoying the reunion also were Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Jordan; and Rosemary Kidwell, children and Mrs. Kirk Jordan; and Tom Randy and June, children of Mr. of Mrs. Harland Jordan. Mrs. ’A. B. Wolfe and. {Daughter Visit Jesse Mrs. A. B. Wolfe of Shelton and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can Varrell and children of Olym- pia, have just returnedto their homes after visiting Mrs. Wolfe’s son, Jesse, who iswith the U. S. Army. at the Hospital Base at” Gowen Field, Idaho. Jesse, who is in the best of health, likes Boise and wishes to 'be remembered to his many friends. The trip was made by way of the Columbia River highway, re- turning through South Bend, Ore. ‘ tant practices Friday, July 24 and‘ Schmidt at the. 1; Those attending were Mrs. grove, 'Mrs. Horace Crary," Mrs. Laurie and Percy Jordan Grand Matron, Mayme Harmony of Tacoma, making her official visit here. All members are invited and. urged to attend and help make her visit a pleasant one. At 6230‘ p. m. a no-host dinner for the; grand officers and O.E.S. mem- bers will be served at the Col- onial House, preceding the regu-. lar meeting at 8 pim. promptly! in the Masonic Hall. Phone 256-R, Mrs. Martha Ja-l cobs, for reservations by July 30., O.E.S. officers will have impor-, Friday, July 31, 7:30 p.m. both, nights at the Masonic Hall. All, presiding officers are requested to attend. l Visiting Parents l Mrs. David Graham of Port-l land is spending this week withl .hervparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gibbs. . Visiting Daughter Mrs. W. H. Gordon of Everett is spending an indefinite visit with her daughter, Mrs. M. H. l the interest of the men, while the ‘ of the younger folks. ! W. S. Heckman home on Hood Canal Monday evening. Following- the 6:30 potluck dinner served on the lawn of the beautiful Heck-. man home, Reverend J. O. Bovee led the devotions. This was fol- lowed by a short business meet-. mg. Horse shoe tournaments held, women visited and played games. swimming attracted the majority Mrs. Elizabeth L. hennedy Entertained During Visit Mrs. Elizabeth L. Kennedy of: Seattle, former Shelton resident, has spent the past ten days vis- iting her son and wife, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Kennedy. While here she was entertained by Mrs. C. I. Pritohard, Mrs.- A. L. Bayley, Mrs. S. A. Hatcher, Mrs. Charles Lewis and Mrs. Kennedy. She returned home Thursday. ‘0AN IF YOU LOSE YOUR TUBE , DO NOT REPENT. "' nable‘ HE IG ' DELAy GLASS JAR v. . , SAVES .County 5 PE ': 4" Associ |nsurance ~‘fi ‘. .L Graham in Shelton. W.C.T.U. Honors Mrs. Minnie Meyers Birthday , Gathering at the home of Mrs. Minnie B. Meyers last Friday for a regular luncheon meeting, the members of the Women‘s Chris- , tian Temperance Union, surprised her with a party honoring her 78th birthday anniversary, which was Thursday. , A gay. socialtime followed the business, meeting, the honored ,guestVreceiving: many lovely gifts. C. 'C. Anderson, Mrs. H. Snel- Mrs. Robert C. Johnson, Hill,” Mrs. AIL. Bell, MiSs' Mar- ion Jehnson, Mrs. W. F. Roberts, Mrs. L;'D.‘-Hack, Mrs-Grant An- i'gle',’ Mrs. Alfred Killm‘er, Mrs. Robert 'Mau-lden; Mrs. Flint, the honored guest and her daughter, Mrs. Lela Tegtmeyer of Seattle. ,' The next meeting will be Aug~ ust 21 with Mrs. Hill. — Auburn Golden Flake Buttermilk 25¢gal. BlNNS — 825 Franklin l Sale of Brooms Compare the genuine quality of these and you will agree the price is very low!! 39¢ -— 49¢ «a $1.25 “new STOCK or TURCO . Picture Puzzles l 500 Pieces 15¢ and 29¢ Wilcx c & 10c Sto_ it SAVINGS BUDGET PAK ’ Wall Paper. Save up to 3070‘ COMPLETE ROOV 89¢ to $1.1 11 NEW STOCK 0F Gold Fish 20¢ and 35¢ ‘ Mrs. Wolfe visited sisters at Eu- gene and Salem before returning from their 1500 mile trip. Mrs. Wolfe reported finding the weather in Oregon much warmer than in Idaho. l Degree of Honor Schedules Picnic The Degree of Honor will hold SUNBRITE CLEANSER BUTTER BLEACH 2—lbs. 1/2-gal. '. 3. “is we 'LYMPIA an: 8 ‘2 6 for 2 A! BUY UNITED STATES WAR '* SAVINGS Activettes Slate Thursday Meeting PENNEY'S ILAN KE'I' M CLUB: other winter. things you're gomfi’rfighs need when '30 weather comes- How? ,Use Penney? lay-AWG‘IJ Nam ' can may 0 m P long nown ney customers,helps you buy whqt you need without 90an into debt for it. wool. 50% lustrous rayon with its extra heat retaining prop- erties and 25% strong cotton for long Wear! 72” x 90”. CHENILLE SPREADS Prize Winners For Blanket Beauty! Soft Cotton—Lubtrousi Rayon! 5.90 Heavy! Large! Towels 33¢ Big, h e a v y, absorbent}. . . Covered with thirsty loops! Lovely Pastels and Plain whites. New and Sparkling Designs Wash . Cloths 6¢ Bright checks and Colored‘ 98¢ Firmly woven with a fluffy, kit- ten-soft nap! Stitched ends. Extra long—70” x 90”. sparkle for Your Kitchen! house ! Mostly in Pump Styles! Thursday, July 30, at 8 p. m. at [the home of Mrs. John Replinger, 521 Fairmont. It will be a regu— lar meeting. Shelton Garden Club‘ Schedule Monday Meet . Members of the Shelton Gar- den Club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. Eber Angle on Angle- side Monday for a picnic meeting. :The ladies are reminded to bring ltheir’sandwiches, coffee will be ‘served. Much fun is expected, as each lady is to arrive Wearing'a hat made of fresh flowers, leaves and 1 wire. Wednesday after a three week trip east to Pittsburgh, Wash- ington, D. C., and New York. ‘Baptist Women’s Circle Hold Wednesday Picnic Mrs. J. O. Bovee and Mrs. Cora Hepner were co-hostesses at their adjoining homes on Island Lake Wednesday for a picnic meeting of the Baptist Circle meeting, at— tended by well over 50 ladies and children. Visitors from Bremerton were IMrs. W. R. Collier, Mrs. Wilbur Hoyle, Mrs. Neace Meek and Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Baker led the at which Mrs. B. C. Combs, dis- trict president presided. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Sharpe on ILake Isabella with 10 members present. Mrs. Jean Schodt was guest of the club. Mrs. Irene Mork and Mrs. Lulu Perkins won l Mrs. Robert Gardiner spent last Week visiting in Seattle. »‘ The Activettes will meet nextl be served. is to call Anita Courteau, 281-J, or Mrs. John Cormier, 313—J. ers. Harold Smyth Entertained Tuesday Honoring Mrs. Harald Smyth, who is leaving Shelton, Mrs. A. L. Huerby and Mrs. Frank Lynn entertained Tuesday afternoon for 8. dozen friends at the. forms ershome. W' During the afternoon the gueSts sewed tea towels, which were giv- on to the guest of honor. Mrs. Bruce Wilcox won the prize for Entertalns Circle Mrs; Purl Jemison entertained the members of the Angleside cir- ‘cle at her home on Wednesday. A potluck dinner was served at noon. They had originally plan- ned to meet at Kneeland Park. Mrs. William Snyder Entertains Club MrS. William Snyder entertain- ed the members of her sewing l Club at her home last Friday with a luncheon meeting. Just a small group were present. The hostess received many' nice The American Legion Auxiliary sponsored its second birthday pal“ ty at American Lake Hospital on' July 16th. Those attendin Shelton were Mrs. E. F. lgVIartini Mrs. Warren Earl, Mrs. Helen Forrest, Mrs. Leigh Duffield and Miss Mary Dobson. Killmer just returned this paSt week from a visit with them. ,Anyone wishing transportation, from I l BLEACH ______ 1/2 gallon 23¢ TOMATO JUICE~ ________ _. 46-oz. 23¢ PEACHES—No; 21/. .... ._ ‘2 for 45¢ Bluingfior Ammonia. 2 bottles 15¢ Rockwood Chocolate Syrup... 10¢ ‘CATSUP .......... ... ____ 2 bottles 29¢ I l i l l l a picnic next Tuesday evening! July 28, at Maple Beach on Lake 1. Isabella. The potluck supper will: 1 1t): gervedtalt 6:30. Each person is, TOILET TOMATO ring eir own table servicel Coffee, cream and ice cream will‘ l I l . \ . finishin h ’. f‘ t . THRIFT AND 1Returns From East T g ers‘ lrs' ‘ " ., _ 83- and refreshment Gs FDR , L d h s were “3:2,... PASTEL BLANKETS selfless: .is r: Woven of a blend of 25% warm turned to her home in Shelton Mrs: Huegey pirsgilegr" mower of LUNCH—All Varieties Meat . . . lb. SKINLESS or REGULAR Weiners . . lb. HEINZ, BULK SWEET Pickles . . pt. l SODAS ____________ __ 2-lbs. 31¢ GRAHAMS ____ _. 2-lbs. 33¢ _..___——- l UIOVEGETABLES Radishes .. .. 3 bu. 10¢ LOCAL , Rabbits Carrots bu. 5¢ " l. BRIGHT T0 WELS borders. the penny drill. Several baskets and rugs were i 23 LADIES The next. meeting will be with Pumhased at the hospital. l 'Mrs. Evelyn Butterfield on Aug- 1; v ' ‘ ' l ' ¢ h d ust 12 with an exchange of birth- Vis‘ Seattle _ ,Big afloral desxgns are splas e . ' day gifts for an. Patty Kinmer is ViSiting her over these towels to make your Y cousm and relatives Mr. and Mrs. v; kitChen the gayest mom" in your V ViSit In seaflle Arno of Seattle this,‘week. Audrey ' . I I ‘. , *— / . 5f0r...... 25¢ 6for..fl...49¢ 2for...... Bartlett "PEARS Fryers — Stewing Hens ll ' devotions after the otluck lunch- . ‘ ' . . so“: Terry eon and a short busllness meeting glftsv' The neXt meeting Will bel ' . . - , DILL . l then was opened heldj Ylth Mrs. Richard Watsonl I I -' , ‘ I In a Lovely Floral Visiting was the main diversion on u y 31. I . . ._ mt , i “. Jacquard DeSign! in the afternoon with the children Visits Husba d l ; . . a (0101 doing a lot of swimming. n ‘ LOCAL' v , tSays “‘ , €118. McCulloch and Mrs. Fresh Ground ' , 5 ’T Thoroughly .Mrs. Robert Nutt New _ Lfggwithuffield spent the Weekl reen Beans: . lb. Hambur er - r v .. °FENA D i had For. Caz Comfort serviceable, iLake Club President - ghimacu the la“??? husband at! g . . . . . . . es 9'1" Winter Weather, absorbent! , lMtrs‘.I Robert Nutt, is the newly Angeles m and Vlsmng in Portl LARGE. aisle .19 . "r ' Pretty colors! eec e Lake Isabella Club presi— "‘i ,. gs,“ SNOWY WHITE - n he... and Mrs. R. Si. - - , . 29 eese . , , , . , , , , , 1 »_ SHEET BL 18 x 38 lpresident. They vyere Agelggtedncgt g‘gfgcan Pegion Auxiliary ' ' ’ ' ' pt. rideazswe TERRY the regular Wednesday meeting p or Bl'thday Party Green Ohions and lb‘ A by ., s