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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Sec. 6. Twp. 19 N., R. 4, Years $1.82. : Original Certificate No. 40, Roll 3. Page 10. Line 22. Assessed to Thomas. Jesse Twp. 19 R. 4, W.W.M. Years in _Certificato 1927 to 1935 incl., Certifi- ‘catc $87.84. Original Certificate No. 41, R011 3, ‘Page 14. Line 1, Assessed to Weyer- haeuscr Timber Co.: NEM, NEIA. Sec. ‘19, Twp. 19 N., R. 4. Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate $5.25. Original Certificate No. 42, Roll 3. Page 14. Line 2, Assessed to Weyer— liauser Tiniber Co.: .NW14 NEIA, Sec. 19. Twp. 19 N., R. 4. Years in Certificate 1935. Certificate $5.25. Original Certificate No. 43, 01! 3, Page 14, Line 3. Assessed to eyer- hauser Timber Co.: SW34 NEVi, Sec. 19, Twp. 19 N.. R. 4, W.W.M. Years in Certificate 1935. Certificate $5.'25. Original Certificate No. 44. Roll 3. Page 14, Line 4. Assessed to cher- hflCtlSCI‘ Timber Co.; SE14 NE‘A. Sec. in c0111-: 19. Twp. 19 N.. R. 4, Years ,in Certificate 1935. Certificate $5.25. I Original Certificate No. 45, Roll 3. Page 14. Line 9. Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber C0,; NEIA SW14, Sec. 19. Twp. 19 N., R. 4. Years in Certificate 1935. Certificate $6.28. Original Certificate No. 46, Roll 3. Page 14, Line 10, Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber 00.; NW% SW’/4. Sec. 19, Twp. 19 N.. R. 4. Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate $6.32. Original Certificate No. 47, Roll 3, Page, 14, Line 11, Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber C0,; SW17, SW14, Sec. 19, Twp. 19 N.. R. 4, Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate $5.25. Original Certificate No. 48, Roll 3, Page 14, Line 12, Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber Co.; SE14 SW‘/4,, Sec. ‘19, Twp. 19 N., R. 4, W.W.M. Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate $5.25. 1 Original Certificate No. 49, Roll 3, Page 14. Line 13, Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber 00.; NE% SE14, Sec. 19, Twp. 19 N.. R. 4, Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate $5.25. Original Certificate No. 50, Roll 3. Page 14, Line 14, Assessed to ’Weyer- haeuser Timber Co.; NWV; SE14. Sec. 19, Twp. 19 N., R. 4, Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate $5.25. ‘ Original Certificate No. 51. Roll 3, Page 14, Line 15, Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber Co.; SW1); SE14, Sec. R. 4, Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate $5.25. I Original Certificate No. 52. Roll 3, Page 14, Line 16, Assessed to Weyer- haeuser Timber Co.; SE14 SE54, Sec. 19. Twp. 19 N., R. 4, Years in Certificate 1935. Certificate $5.25. Original CertificatetNo. 53. Roll 3, Page 14, Line 25, Assessed to Thom- Jesse 0. Jr.‘ NEl/i. NEIA, Sec. Twp. 19 N., R- 4. Years in Certificate 1927 to 1935 incl., tificate $226.36.I I Original Certificate No. 54, Roll 3, Page 14. Line 26, Assessed to Thom- Jesse 0. Jr.; NWI/i NE1/4, Sec. 20, Twp. 19 N.. R- 4. Years in Certificate 1927 to 1935 incl., tificate $209.65. I I Original Certificate No. 55, Roll 3, Page 14, Line 27, Assessed to Thom- Jesse O. JI‘J SW14 NEIA, Sec. 20, Twp. 19 N., R. 4, in Certificate 1927 to 1935 incl., Cer- tificate $92.60. I I Original Certificate No. 56, Roll 3. Page 14, Line 28, Assessed to Thom- Jesse 0. Jr.; SE14 NEIA, Sec. 20, Twp. 19 N., R. 4. Years in Certificate 1927 to 1935 incl., tificate $92.60. OI‘ngnal Certificate No. 57, Roll 3. Page 14, Line 29, Assessed to Thom— Jesse 0. Jr.; NE‘A NWIA, Sec. 20, Twp. 19 N., R. 4, Years in Certificate 1927 to 1935 incl., Cer- tificate $239.58. Original Certificate No. 58, Roll 3, Page 14, Line 30, Assessed to Thom- Jesse 0. Jr.; NW1/,. NW1/i: Sec. 20, Twp. 19 N.. R. 4, Years in Certificate 1927 to 1935 incl., tificate $112.36. Original Certificate No. 59, Roll 3. Page 14, Line 31, Assessed to Thom- as, Jesse 0. Jr.; SW14 NWIA, Sec. 20, Twp, 19 N., R. 4, in Certificate 1927 to.1935 incl., Cer- 'ficate No. 60, Roll 3. LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 36. Twp. 21 N.. R. 3. in Certificate 1935. Original Certificate No. 26, Roll Page 89. Line 7, Assessed to Willis 13.: Twp. 22. N.. . in Certificate 1935. Certificate $5.74. Original Certificate No. 27, Roll 2.3 Page 91, ILine 34, Assessed to North Service NEVA Sec._9. Twp. 22 N., R. 3 W. W. in Certificate 1935. NO. 349 NOTICE AND SUMMONS IN COUNTY TAX FORECLOSURE NO. 26 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ' I_ COUNTY. WASHINGTON. a MunlCipal Corporation and one of the Counties of the State of Wash- ington, Plaintiff, ——vs.— 00,, all persons. here- imfter named as owners of any of hereinafter described real prop- erty, and all persons unknown own-. mg or claiming to own, or claiming to have, any right, title. 3am intertest or equity Drapery or an art thereo, Defendants: y p f YIotIi, and each of you. are hereby. notified that the above named plain- tiff. Mason County, a municipal cor- poration, and one of the lawfully or-1 311de and existing counties of the State of Washington, holder ,quency W.W'.M. Years Certificate $13.09. Herr, ‘I Sec. ‘ NW 1.1 . Years N W 1.3 . W.W. M. MASON Pacific Public Co.: NW 1/4 M. Years cate $27.22. Original Certificate No. Page 99, Line Louis; NEE; Certifi» 28, Roll Assessed to Linn, Sec. 22, Twp. 22 .. . 3, Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate $6.48. Original Certificate No. IPage 99, Line 4. Assessed to Lonis; N., R. I Springer Mill , NE 1/4, . or haying white. in and toe‘ 29. Roll Linn, SEl/ir NEV, Soc. Twp, I W.W.M. Years ‘flcate 1935, Certificate $14.40. Original Certificate . Page 103, Line 7. Assessed to Ford, .Adrian C.; Tract No. 3. . 3, Tract No. IdeIscribed as follows ipolnt 71I40tft.2 S of NW corner of frac- o , . . 3 W. Run S. 80 ft. thence E. to Hoods I Thence Northerly along mean-r lerI line to point due E. xbeinging. Thence W to place of be— in Certificate 30. Roll Sec. 26, Twp. I I 3 is Beginning at a is the owner a_ certificatet pf delin- in one cer i icate book form and dated the 20th day of June. 1942, by the Treasurer of said Mason County, sued stor the said Mason County for the severalxamounts due and owing for taxes on each and every lot, tract, : of land hereinafter more particularly described and set forth,‘: said amount being set out opposite each particular description and being the. amount due and delinquent upon each particular lot, of'land respectively for taxes for the years 1927 to 1935, inclusive, for which said Mason County claims right of. foreclosure as will more specifically appear by reference to-each particu-‘ lar description herein. all interest. costs, and penalties there-. on up to and including the 20th day' of June, 1942, the .name of the person, firm or corporation to whom or which I is assessed being set fgrth With each particular descrip- tion, Iall of said property being situ- ated in MagoanIounty, State of Wash- an ‘ ein more articularl described as follogvs, p y -Original Certificate No. 51f 22 N.. issued tional Sec. Washington, and Canal. of place of ginning. Years 1935, Certificate $.81. Original Certificate Page 103. Line 11, Assessed to Ford, Adrian C.; Tract No. 7. Sec. 26, Twp. . 3, Tract N0. 7 is described as follows: pomt which is 1060 ft. South of the NW corner of fractional 22 N. R, 3 W. Run Thence E. to meander line northerly . starting point. to place of beginning. in Certificate 1935, or parcel 31,~ Roll 2. 22 N., tract. or parcel Beginning at a Lot 2 Sec. 26, Tp. S. 80 ft.: of Hoods point due Thence W. Canal. Thence together with . Years Certificate $.54. Original Certificate No. 32, Roll 2, Page 103, Line 22, Assessed to Ford. 1 Adrian C.; Tract No. 12, Sec. 26. Twp. I . 3, Tract No. -is described as follows: NW corner of NE% 26, Tp. said property ‘22 N.. Beginning at ington. f Se 0 c. of SW14 W. Run thence S. 73 1/3 ft.‘thence E. 1320 ft.; thence I thence W. 1320 ft. to beginning. Years in Certifi- cate 1935. Certificate $.55. Original Certificate No. 33. Roll 2, Page 103. Line 27, Assessed to Ford, Tract N0. . 3, W.W.M. Tract No. 17 is described as follows: at a point 366 2/3 S, of SW14 to-wit: N. R. 19. Twp. 19 N., I 1, Roll 1. e 20, Line 31, Assessed to Springer NE% ex Tract No. is described as follows:‘ I in width lyingl Ion each Slde of a center line; described as follows: Beginning at a West line of Sect. I North Range 1 West. taut 272' South of West quarter cor-: running thence North‘ I I more -or less, East line of West half of NEIA containing 40.77 acres. in Certificate 1935, Certificate 'N. 73 13 ft.', NWV‘ place 0 2, Sec. ‘19, Tw . 22 N.. R. Kroc: No.f I p _srip o and 400' 200' Adrian Sec. point on the Twp. 22 mil dis— Beginning ' of N.W. corner of Sec. Run thence S. 73 1 3 1320 ft. ; of NE% 22. N. R. 3 W. Thence E. . 73 1_/3 ft.; Ithence W. 1320 ft. to place of beginning. Years Certificate $.55. Original Certificate No. 34, Roll 2, Page I123, Line 32, Assessed to Pixley, N. Vida; 23 N.. R. 3. Years in Cer— tificate 1929 to 1932 $131.21. Original Certificate No. 35, Roll 2, Page 132, Line 22, Assessed to Foster, Joseph; Twp. ner thereof ; E 4441' to the .. thence d Section, in Certificate 1935. ’Original Certificate No. 2, Roll aIge 20, Line 32, Assessed to Springer Kill 00.; SW14 NE’A Sec. 19. Twp._ 22 N., R. 1, is described as follows: in width lying Lot No. 4. Sec. 19, Twp. ex Tract No. 2, incl., Certificate Tract No. A,-strip of land 400‘ 110’. Ion each side of a center line; described as follows: Beginning at a‘ _‘ nt on the West line of Sect. p. 22 North Range 1 West, distant: 272‘ South of West quarter corner, running thence I more or less, to the East line of West half of NEIA of said I 40.77 acres. in Certificate 1935, Certificate $6.61. Original ICertificate No. 20, Line 37. Assessed to Spri'nger‘. . NWIA, Sec. 19, Twp. 22 N.. R. 1, W.W.M. Years tlflcate 1935. Certificate $8.28. Original Certificate No. 20. Line 40, assessed to Sprin ex part No. 2, Sec. 19, Twp. 22 N., R. 1, W.f W.M. Tract No. follows: A strip of land 400' in width‘ 200‘ on each side of a center Beginning NEV. W.W.M. Sec. Years 19, E NW 1,4 23 N., R. . in Certificate 1935, Certificate $1.82. Original Certificate No. Page 133, Line 29, Assessed to Bross- man, Alex; NE% 34, Twp. NE% North 68°l Roll 2, thereof; 30'-E 4441‘ ex R of W, 23 N., R. 3. W.W.M. in Certificate 1935, Certificate 37. Roll 2. SW14 Sec. Years $16.90. ginal Certificate No. Page 149. Line 1, Assessed to Schauf— ler, E. Mathilda; Lot 1 ex Trs. 10 to 27. Twp. 24 N., R. 3. Tracts 10 to 15 are described as follows: pomt (which is N.E. boundary corner post)— 740 feet West from sec. to secs. 22, 23, 26 and 27. Tp. 24 N. run West 216 ft. corner . . 23°) 45' . SW. boundary corner post on North edge of private road; mg private road and county roads to SE. boundary corner post located on North edge county road; I . high bank to of beginning. This tract located comprises Tract No. Section. containing Years 3. Roll Page M1 ; NE% in cer- I. See. Roll 1. inc.. Tract No. From a I? e or Maifi Co.: SE14 NW14 Tn! (301‘. described as' . W.W.M.. N.W. boundary (Va. hence 165’ lying post. line described as follows: at a point on the \Vest line of Seen, 22 North Range 1 West, South of West quarten corner thereof; running thence North I . more or the East line of West half of NEl/g, of said Section. containing 40.77 acres. in Certificate 1935, $7. . ‘i'Original Certificate No. 5. Roll 1.‘ Page 36. Line 18. Michelson; SE14 19, Twp. thence follow- distant 272’ tificatc $92.60. Original Certi Page 14. Line 32, Assessed to Them- Jesse 0. Jr.; SE14 NWM, Sec. 20, Twp. 19 N.. R. 4, W. in Certificate 1927 to 1935 incl., Cor-l tificate $92.60. Original Page 35, Line 18. Assessed to thence N. place 4441' less, along NE. NE. A's (3,4) more or 11: At a point, (which is N.W. bound- Years Certificate See. less. .1 ary corner post) 110 ft. N. 88" E (Va. , 23°) 45’ E.. (along county road) from a iron pipe located on East bank of Slough Creek at the of the county road. From here run N. 88° E. (Va. 23°) 45' E. 100 ft. to NE. boundary corner post; “aprox.” tion of Slough, thence Westerly along! Slough's edge ab. section of Richard Schaufler's bound- ary line with slough; E. along same boundary line to county" road again and place of beginning. This tract one (the N.E. TD. 24 assessed to ex Tr. N0. Twp. 23 N., R. 1, W.W.M. Tract No. 6 is described as follows: at the Southeast corner of the Sout east quarter of the North-I east quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North. Range 1 West, W.M.; thence the South line of said Southeast of Northeast 270 feet to a point; thence North 270 feet; thence East 270 feet to the East line of said Section 29; thence South on said sec— oint of beginning» ove described tract of land rlght-of—way heretofore deeded to State of Washington for Highway. Years Certificate $56.15. Original Certificate No. I age 38, Line 17, assessed to Hen-r Tract No. 23 N.. R. 1 Tract No. Be inning, of t e SW' E14 of Sec: .. . 1, and thence to extend .200 ft. North, thence 300 ft. East, thence 200 ft. South and thence back to the inning. Years ertificate $.66. Original Certificate No. Page 42. Line 16. Assessed to M ' SE34 SE14. Certificate $2.02. Roll d to Mickel- NWIA. See. , . . I.W.M. Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate $5.31. ' Original Certificate No. 10. Roll 2. Page 34, Line 28. Assessed to Whaley. Edward A.; W12. 14. Twp. in Certificate , NE‘A Sec. 3 and R.RR of =W,; Sec. 17. Twp. intersection Beginnin SEX/4 tl ,n , s. 20° “3 co W.W.M. West 500 ft. intersect West along 85 ft, inter- ' thence N. 16° Years $15.70. Original Certificate No. 62, Roll 3, Page 36. Line 20. Assessed to Arm- E.: gEMRSEIIIA NW’A. tion line to the from the a Lot in Gov. of NE.) Section 27. . R. 3 in all 1 A. more or less. 12: Beginning at a point (which is the Northwest boundary corner post of the tract herein feet North 88° East along the County Road from .9. located on the East bank of Slough Creek at the inter- section of the old County Road; and on the Southerly side quthe said County Road. From said initial point West. along the East- erly line of a tract of land hereto- ed by George Broderson N.. Broderson. e'xcept located strong, Mary Sec. Years $1.82. I Original Page 45, Line 23. Assessed I Wm. ct ux; Trs. 83-84 SlléI SW11... Sec. 31, . 20 N., R. 4, Years in‘ Certificate 1935, Certificate $2.34 Original Certificate No. 65. age 84, Line 18, Assessed to Hanson. uster F.: 5% of Tr. N0. Ex Tr. 3 and R of W, Sec. 26, Tpr.d22 s- e- Beginnlng at a t 10 chains south by government (I 16 chains east from the r section corner of said running thence east 350i thence south 5 chains by gov- ernment measure; thenceI west 350 thence north 5 01131118 to the. comprises public Tract No. in Certificate 1935,‘ Roll 1. : conveyed) Mills;‘ Sec. East (va. 23°) .45’ 5'3“ p. 1 is described as follows: Iatva point 200 ft. North corner of the SE17; loran, iron pipe Lot 4 or 8175 SW% ofS run South 20“ in certi- 7, Roll I1. ' oris- Sec. Years point of b ficate 1935. fore convey and Annie I I the grantee herein, apprOXimately 500 P0111 intersection Iwith Slough; thence followmg said Slough Southeasterly direc— tion to an intersection With the West- line of the Olym- pic Hig way where the same crosses following .of said Northerly and his wife, to scribed as follows. measure an West quarte section 26; John feet 2, Twp. 20 N., R. in Certificate 1 Original Certl icate Page 88. Line sen. Leder a. Oscgtr; 23E sey. and River in a No. feet ; 24, Assesse erly ri ht-of—way feet; beginning containing 2.66 acres. Years icate 1935. Certificate $56.97. No. 66. Roll 3. thence right-of—Iway Olympic Highway in a Northeasterly direction to the inter- section of said Olymplc Highway with the Southerly line of said old county thence in a Northwesterly di- following along the South- old County Road, I I to the point containing 11/5- acres. in Gov. Lot 1, River ; Westerl y in Certl Original Certificate Page 84, Line 21, Assessed to Frink, Jeanette and Ellen HanSOn; Lot 4 Ex Sec. Years SW11 SE14, .. . W.W.M. I 1935, Certificate $12.31. Original Certificate No. 11, Roll 2. Page 37, Line 18, Assessed to Staley. . of SE14 NW5!» Sec. 17, Twp. 20 I. .. . W.M. Years in Certificate 1935: Certificate Original Certificate No. 12, Roll 2, o 27, Assessed to Lee, t. and Crawford &‘Con- SE14 ex Co. Rd. (Crawford and Sec. 20, Twp. I N . 3 W.W.M. Years in CIerti-ltion corner {icate 1932 to 1935 Incl., Certificate; No. 13. Roll 2. Assessed to Puget NEl/g, . of Arcadia Road, Certificate H) N road: rection. erly line of said 100 feet, more or less. of beginning, more or less. situated IISection 27. Township 24 North, Range Tract No. tract is located in the Northeast quar- ter of the Northeast 27.I Twp. N R. prises SW W. y. 213’ N 3 w. West. W. M. 13: This point seven (7 Page 41, Lin Thomas 1,9 in over and R.R.R. Conover's V2 uarter of Sec. more or less. com- of the lake; SE 17, of W interest), int.; . in all 9 acres, described as follows: Starting at Sec- 22—23-26-27. along section line ap- proximately 174.24 feet to meander thence Southwesterly along meander line to intersection of Olym- Highway with Imeander Thence follow north and northeasterly along Olympic Highway to the inter- Highway with section line between Sections 22 and 27. Thence East about 100 feet along sectioniline to section corner, of I tions 22:23-26-2'7; the point of begin- excepting public roads. No. 14: At a point (which is N: Boundary corner post) 10 ft. N.I88° . , from a set iron post located on E. bank of Slough Creek at 'the intersection of'thc South edge county road with same. here run N. 88° . along county road, 100 ft. boundary corner post, Broderson's boundary post; thence S along Geo. Broderson's W. boundary line approximately 450 feet to inter- section of Slough: said lake to a Sections point said point seven (7 I said point of Ibeglnmng; thence (7) chains Ito ppint of be- ning. This deed is given .subjcet a road 2 rods wl e of said tract or running south $78.13. . Original Certificate 9 52. Line Company; and Twp. comer ; seven Mi 1 ! pic line. NP.R.R. Sec. NWIA to a reserve of along the east end a highway and a path ten (10) n lake shore for 'a' in common with the abut~ ting property. Years in Certificate 1935. Certificate $4.55. . Original Certificate No. 68‘, R0114, Page 3. Line 29. Assessed to Berg, 50055. Twp. 19 N.. R in Certificate 1935 Original Certificate No. 69. Roll 4. Page 3, Line 30. Assessed to Berg, Louis; Lot 2. $9035. Twp. 19 N.. R in Certificate 1935 Original Certificate No. 70, Roll 4, Page 3. Line 31. Assessed to Berg. Louis; SW‘/l NE‘A. Sec. 5, Twp. 19 ., . Year in Certificate '1935, Certificate $31.92. Certificate No. 71, Roll 4, Page 3, Line 32. Assessed to Berg. 'Louis; SE14 NE1/, Sec. 5, Twp. 19 1%. R. 5, Year in Certificate 1 35, Original Certificate No. 72, Roll 4. 3. Line 33. Assessed to Ber , 19 N..- . in Certificate 1936, Certificate No. 73, Roll 4, Page 3. Line 34, Assessed to Berg, Louis; Lot 4, ,Sec. 5, Twp. 19 N. R. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1935, ‘cate No. 74, 11011 4. 26 N., . Years in Certificate 1935. Original_ Certificate No. 15. R0112. Line 3. Assessed to Puget Sec. 33. Twp. .M. Years in Cer- Certificate $10.62. . ‘ ~Original Certificate No. 16. Roll 2. go 63, Line 4. Assessed to Puget| 33. Twp.‘ I . Years in Certitiv cafe 1935. Certificate $13.29. Certificate 63, Line 5. Co.: NEH, W., Sec. 33. Twp. 20 N Years in Certificate inal Certificate No. 18, Roll ‘2,. Assessed to Puget ' ex RRR ofI W., Sec. 33, Twp. 20 N., R. 3, W.W.M.i Years in Certificate 1935, Certificate 19, Roll 2. Puget Twp. section Olympic wide footpath are 63. sec— il Co.: .- N., R. 3. tificate r1935. SW14 nlng, Tract Louis; Lot 1. Year (Va. 23°) 45' Certificate $9.63. ll Co.: NEH/1.. Sec. 20 N., R. SE 14 From 7. Roll 2, (Va. 23°) 45' ssessed to Puget ex RRR of .. R. 3, W.W.~M.I 1935. Certificate ,.Qriginal Pa e I . Year Mifi IS also Certificate $4.30. corner buth .16" West vinI/L which George $10.62. Orig Pa 8 63. Line Mi 1 thence Northwest— along slough's edge to a set post, from which run N. 20° E. about iron boundary pipe alder) 3 ft. continue North 20° . to place of beginning. This Tract of NE, Sec. Co.: SE14 NW1/4 erly Original to a set tree 30 ft. with bearing $10.62. to West ; Original Certificate No. Page 64. Line 39, Assessed to Mill Co.: 20 N.. R. thence in the NE 27, Twp. 24, R. 3 11/; From an establishedI ost on Section line between Sec. 22; and 27, which is 956 feet “lost from Section corner to Sections 22. 23, 26, run thence South 17" to a post on the private road, along“ private road intersection with County Road. Thence Westerly along county road about 260 ft. 'to the North bank Northerly ction‘ ofl and 27.} Page Louis: Lot 3, Sec. 5. Twp. 5, Year Certificate $6.26. Original SW14 NW‘A, Sec. located 3, Years in Certi- ficate 1935, Certificate $10.64. Original Certificate No. 20, Roll 2.11) Page 64, Line 40. Asse Mill Co.: I 20 N.. R. 3. ,Years in icate 1935. Certificate $10.64. Certificate No. 21. Roll 2, Line 41, Assessed to Puget! Mill Co.; NE‘A SW1/. Sec. 35, Twp. 20 N.. R. 3. Years in Cer- tificate 1935. Certificate $13.29. Original Certificate Page 64, Line 42. Mill CE). : acres. Tract No. ssed to Puget SE14 NWIA, Sec. 35, Twpm, Ea“ 165 North edge of thence following East- (about 60 Cer- l Original Page 64. erly. ft.) to Thence along Slough Creek to interse line between Secs. Thence East along said section line; Iabout 100 feet to point of beginning; This tract is located in the NEIA of‘ NEE/1. Sec. 27, Twp. 24 N., Rangei 3 W.W.M. comprises 0.75 acres morel in Certificate Roll 2.5 Slough Creek. to Pugeti Sec. 35. Two: 20 N., R. 3 W.W.M. Years in Certifi- cate 1935. Certificate $13.29. inal Certificate No. 23. Roll 2.’ 64, Line 43. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: SW15 SW14. Sec. 35. Twp.I 3, W.W.M: Years Certificate $7.97. nal Certificate No. 24. Roll 2., to Puget 35, Twp.| R. W.: NEHt NEl/a Twp. Assessed Sec. NW1/4 SW 1A. Orig Page Page Years 1935. Certificate $4.30. Original Certificate No. 38. Roll 3. Page 5, Line 13. Assessed 1o Dovennv. pain/I. I Years ’in Certificate 1935. Certificate 20 N., R, less. tif‘cnte 1935. Origi Page 64, Line 44. Assessed Mill Co.: I .20 N.. R. 3, Xmas in C ertificate 17.94. ate No. 25. Roll 2,135.64. Assessed to Dubs-l Original 20'. See. Page SE53. SW‘/4. Sec. tificati‘ 1935. C Original Certific Page 87. Line 13, zinSKIy'. NW% . R011 Assessed to Tim, 1...; SW34 Nov. sz1/.. No. 144. Certificate No. NEH/4 NW's/x Line 31. NWl/a. Fred ; NE 7. FEE l A. in Certificate 1935, Certificate 0. .Ir.; NW1/l NE‘A, Sec. 12, 18. Twp. W W M in r Certificate” 1935, Certificate . R. 4, Tract along the . 5, W.W.M Certificate $25.32. Certificate $3.04. Original Certifi Page 3, Line 35. Assessed to Berg. Louis; SW14 NW14, Sec. 5, Twp. 19| 1N9.é_ R. 5, W.W.M. Year in Certi icatel 3. Original Certificate No. 75, Roll 4,1191}: towit; A1] tide kinds Page 3. Line 36. Assessed to Ber Louis: SE14 NW1/4. Sec. 5, Twp. 19 ., R. 5. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1935, Certificate $34.13. Original Certificate No. 76. Roll I 3. Line 37. Assessed to Berg, Louis; NE»; SW14 ex R of “7., Seal I Twp. 19 N.. R. 5, Year.t¥nrecorded Plat of Pickering in Certificate 1935, Certificate 356,66. Original Certificate No. 77. Roll 4, I 3. Line 38. Assessed in Borg. W.W.M. Louis; NW1); SW11 ex ‘1“); of W, Sec. 5. Twp. 19 N.. R. 5. . 1in Certificate 1935. Original Certificate No.78, Roll Page 3. Line 41. Assessed‘to Ber . hauls; NEW. SE14. Sec 5, Twp. 9 Certificate $16.39. Cer- Cer- Years Cer- Cer- Years I Certificate No. 61, Roll 3. 05s.- of the I less. Certificate No. 64. Roll 3. to O'Hal- Roll 3. 2 in Lot Certificate $40.71. 4. i N., R. 5, Year in Certificate 1935, Certificate $22.54. Original Certificate No. 79, Roll 4, Page 3, Line 42, Assessed to Berg, Louis; NW 1/4 SE14 ex R of W, Sec. 5, Twp. 19 N., R. 5. Year in Certificate 1935, Certificate $42.03. Original Certificate No. 80, Roll 4, Page 3. Line 43, Assessed to Louis; Lot 5 ex R of 1V, Sec. 5, Twp. 19 N., R. 5, Year in Certifi- Roll 4, Berg, cate 1935, Certificate $10.64. Original Certificate No. 88. Roll 4, Page 36. Line 3. Assessed to Smallm‘ Ralph H. et ux; SW14 NEla, Sec. 25,: Twp. 20 N., R. 5, Year Certificate 1935, Certificate $8.11. Original Certificate No. 89, Roll 4, Page 36, Line 26. Assessed to Small, SE14. Twp. 20 N.. R. 5, Year Certificate 1935, Certificate $8.11. Original Certificate No. Page 37, Line 5, Assessed to Gustaf- NW1/4. Twp. 20 N., R. 5. Year in Certificate 1935. Certificate $8.30. ‘ Original Certificate No. 91, Roll 4,: Page 37, Line 8, Assessed to Isham, NWM, Twp. 20 N., R. 5. Year Certificate 1935. Certificate $4.14. Original Certificate No. 92. Roll 4. Page 41, Line 28, Assessed to Sevaried, Osmond T.; Sl/ NW2; NWIA, Sec. 35. Twp. 20 N., R. 5. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1935. Certificate $4.39. Original Certificate No. 93. Roll 4. Page 41, Line 32, Assessed to Sevaried, Osmond T.; Sl/Z Sig SE14 Sec. 35. Twp. 20 N., R. Year in Certificate 1935, Ralph et ux; NW9; son. C. A.; NEIA C. F.; 8% SW14 $2.07. Original Certificate No. 94. Roll 4, Page 98, Line 29. Assessed to Gris- dale, Berthagé int. and Mason Coun— EIA NEIA (Grisdale Interest), Sec. 24, Twp. 20 N.. . . WW.M. Year in Certificate 1935. Cer-, ty 1A; int.; tificate $2.62. Original Certificate No. 95, Roll 4, Page 98, Line 32, Assessed t0 Gris- dale, Bertha 1 int. and Mason Coun- ty 14 int: S .‘/ NE14 24, Twp. Interest), Sec. Certificate $2.62. 'Original Certificate No. 96, Roll 4, Page-98, Line 41, Assessed to Gris- dale, Bertha 1/ int. and Mason Celin- iav. SE17. (Grisdale Interest), Sec. 24, Twp. 20 N.. R. , W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1935, Cer- ty 1/2 int.; N tificate $2.64. Original Certificate No. 97, Roll 4, Page 98. Line 44, Assessed to Gris-t dale, Bertha 1/2 int. and Mason Coun- ty 1,4 int.; SE14 SE14 (Grisdale 1A, Interest), Sec.‘ 24, Twp. Year in Certificate 1935. C tificate $2.64. Original Certificate No. 98. Roll 5. Page 1. Line 21, Assessed to Aus— tin, William F.; Allyn, Lot 1, Blk. 3. Years in Certificate 1932 to 1935 incl., Certificate $10.38. W.M. Yearleilliam F.; Allyn, . Years in Certificate 1932 to 1935 incl.. gCertificate $10.37. Original Certificate No. Page 1, Line 29. Assessed to Austin. Samuel; NWIA SE17. ex Tract N0. 5 William F.; Allyn—Vac. Sherwood Ave I 20}10 ft. wide adj. Lots 1-2,, Blk.. N., R. 4, TractI No. 3 is de—IYears in Certificate 1933 to 1935.1ncl.. scribed as follows: Beginning at the. Certificate $1.10. ‘ N. W. Corner of the NW1/4 of Section 17 Twp. 20 N., R. run thence South on W line 712.25 chns; thence E 12.25 chns; thence N 12.25 chns. to the N. line; thence W 12.25 chns. to place of beginning con 15 A more or in Certificate 1935, Certificate $1.01. lcate 1935. Certificate { tificate $3 . 1935, Certificate I$.51. Original Certificate he No. 67, Roll 4.113593 86. Line itkAs’sesdsedPItot . a ewoo a Tract N , 6. Sec. 1, Twp. 191Lofs 6-10, Blk. 2; Years in Certificate M. Tract NOI- 6 is _de-'1935. Certificzte $1.26. ' Original ICe Page 86,‘ Lin Certificate ‘ $2.02. 3.67 L. C., " along the West boundary of the .going described real estate. bei same land heretofore grantor herein by her father. E. Olsen, by deed dated Aug“gt .1930, recorded October 1930. Volume 55 nf‘Deeds. Auditor’s File No. .lsecond—class formerly nwne Washington , front of, adiacent to, or abutting on the South 225 feet of Governm 4. } Lot 6. Section 34. Township 21 ,Range 2 West; W. M.: being t hands in front of said Lot State of i§age Water Front Tracts. and a frontage of 3.57 lineal chains. nr less. measured along the me ,lille. according to a certified CO" W.M. Yearvihe govornment field notes l'siirvey thereof on file in th ,of the Commissioner of Public Iat Olympia, Washington. some tide lands heretofore deede SHEL'gON-MAsoiicoUNTVg Berg, $7.29. Original Certificate No. 81, Page 3.‘ Line 44, Assessed to Louis; Lot 6 ex R of W, Sec. 5, Twp. 19 N., R. 5. Year tificate 1935, Certificate $7.29. Original Certificate No. 82, Roll 4, Page 3, Line 45. Assessed to BlakelyIMill Co.: R of W, Sec. Twp. 19 N., R. 5. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1935, Certificate $1.01. Original Certificate No. 83, Roll 4, Page 8, Line 17, Assessed to Mar- tinez, A.; SW‘/.1 SE14, 19 R. 5. Year in Certifi- cate 1935. Certificate $4.06. Original Certificate No. 84, Roll 4, Page Line 14, Assessed to Nye, Don'et ux; NW1/1 NVVIA, Twp. 20 N.. R. 5, Year Certificate 1935. Certificate $6.26. Original Certificate. No. 85, Page 34, Line 15. Assessed to N Don et ux; SW1/4 NW1/4, Twp. 20 N.. R. 5. Year Certificate 1935. Certificate $6.26. Original Certificate No. 86, Roll 4,; Page 34, Line 18. Assessed to Don et ux; NWIA SW14. Sec. 22. Twp. 20 N., R. 5. Year in Certifi- cate 1935, Certificate $6.26. Original Certificate No. 87, Roll 4, Page 36, Line 2, Assessed to S Ralph H. et ux; NWIA NE1/4 ex W., Sec. 25, Twp. 20 N., R. 5, W. W., M. Year in Certificate 1935. Certificate Port Sec. 14. Twp. Sec. ll 4,?" Sec. 22, l Nye, mall. R ofi Sec. Roll 4, Sec. Sec. W.W.M. Certificate Grisdale N., R. 6. Year in Certificate 1935, 20 N.. I Original Certificates No. 99, Roll 5, Page 1, Line 22, Assessed to Austin, Lot 2 Blk. 100, Roll '5, Original Certificate No. 101, Roll 5. Page 1,. Line 37, Assessed to Austin. le. F.; Allyn. Lots 1-2, Blk. 31/2. Years in Certificate 1932 to 1935 incl., Certificate $43.25. Original Certificate No. 102, Roll 5. Page 21, Line 6, Assessed to Kriz. Ed- . ward; Beachmont, Lots 45-48, Blk. 2.I yne A. McNutt. Defendant, Years in Certificate 1935. Certificate Original Certificate No. 103. Roll 5. Page 54. Line 6, Assessed to Grou— lund. Ida. Hansen et al; Isl: Add to Hoodsport Vac. Alleys Adj BI. 84. Years I I $2.59. ' Original Certificate No. 104. Roll 5. Page 64, Line 18. Assessed to BIoBuIlI- McReavy's Sts. and in Certifi- iton. Shusann: Lakewood Plat II Lots '41-44, Blk. 3. Years in Certifi- cate 1935. Certificate $1.33. I Original Certificate No. 105, Roll I5. !Page 65. Line 14, Assessed to Curtis.' H. E.: Lakewood Plat 5-12, Blk. 8. Years “BHI Lots: in Certificate JOURNAL: the State of Washington to Elias A. Wright by deed dated March 20. recorded October 2, 1919, '36 of Deeds. page 256, in Volume under Audi- tor‘s File No. 35281. and subject to 'all of the provisions. exceptions and I reservations contained in 'froin the State of Washington. Years said deed in Certificate 1935, Certificate $7.10. That any of the foregoing lots, tracts, or parcels of land hereinbef I described and having been included in 'the Certificate of Delinquency hereto- fore issued to Mason County will be sold subject to any local .inent assessments for paving, lage, irrigation. or any other kind| or sort of local improvement assess— ments lawfully assessed. That all of the several hereinabove set opposite the several descriptions of each particular lot, tract. or parcel of real property bear interest at the rate of twelve per- cent (12'%) per annum from and in- cluding the 20th day of June, 1942, until the payment thereof be made, or a judgment entered herein. You. and each of you, summoned to appear within days (60 days) after Ithe date of the first publication of IthisI summons and notice. to wit: within Sixty days after the 26th day of June. 1942, exclusive of said date, and defend the abovei entitled action in the above entitled court, and serve a copy of your an— swer upon undersigned attorny for plaintiff at his office address here-I inbelow given, or pay the amount as hereinabove set forth upon each of said tracts or parcels of real prop- erty of which you are the owner or reputed owner. or in which you own or claim to own, or have, or claim l to have, any right, title or therein, togeéher with all costs, inter- are hereby l sixty est or penalties attached thereto. In the event of your- failure to ap— -pear and defend such action and pay the amount due on such lot. tract, or- parcel of land assessed to you, or in which you have an interest as here— inabovc stated. Judgment will be ren- dered against you and against the lot, tract, or parcel of land. thereon the lien of Mason County for its certificate of delinquency, which includes all taxes, penalties, and costs against each of said'lots., tracts, or parcels of land up to and including the date on which said cer- tificate was Iissued. I Any pleading, answer, Mason Treasurer herein. Shelton, Washington. NO. 1465 NOTICE OF HEARING MASON COUNTY said Administratrix. Court. CHAS. R. LEWIS, SUMMONS SON COUNTY ——VS.— ant: ment will be rendered 1935, Certificate $2.67. Original Certificate No. 106, Roll 5. Page 68. Line 8, Assessed to P Elizabeth J.; Lakewood Plat I Lots 53-56, Blk.I 4. Years in Cert1f1-‘ cate 1935. Certificate $1.33. Original Certificate No. 107I Roll 5, lPage 68. Line 22. Assessed to Ii'ey. IE. A.; Lakewood Plat lBlk. 6. Years in Certificate 1935. C urdy, “CHI Lot 3 Original Certificate No. 108, R0“ 5- Page 86. Line 1. Assessed to quist, S. 13.; Lakewood Plat I R of W. sec. 26. TWP: 22 N.. R. 4-lLots 1-2, Blk. 1. Years in Certificate Years in Certificate 1935. Cer- tificate $107.67. Original Certifica gage 1, Line 31, ASSOSSGCI t0 Neff.lquist, S E. 90.: N., R. 5. w. . I scribed as follows: Commencing at a. ) chains north of SE. Corner of Sec. 1. Twp. 19-R. 5. W.W. M. run thence W. t9 the meander line then in a northerly di- rection following Ithe meandering of omt directly west of olnt seven ( )Ichalns north of the. of beginning; thence E2 to ) chains North of Holm- . .K..I N . 1 , Roll 5. o 09 Hokm_ tificate No. 110, Roll 5. 30.'Assessed to Runge. “Kn Lats 13_ Certificate 1935. 1 IRo'll 5. 11 Marie: Lakewood Plat 20. Blk. 4. Years in Orig' al Certificate No. _I Page 03. Line 20. Assessed to Iters. Mamie McMillan: I Lot 13. Blk. 4. Years in Cartif 1935.I» Certificate $.25. Original Certificate No. 112. R0 Page 133. Line 41, Assessed to man, .Walter: hay View Add. tion. Lots 1L2, BlkI.I18. Years 1 tificate 1935. CeljtlflCate' 5 Original Certificate No. 113. Page 16, Line 3. I‘Assessed to I Geo. F. ; Pickering Passage Ifront Tracts—Tract 33am} Ta l Norwood City» icate Till- to Un- n CCT- Roll 7. Peters. Waters x 775, Sen.‘.33 and 34, TW- 21 N.. It. 2. W.W.M. Tract d Tax 775 are described as» follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Government Lot. six (6). [thirty—four (84). Township twent)"one (21) North, Ran e two (2) West. M.: thence Eas erly on the boundary line of said Gov 6. 715.9 feet, more or less, meander line: thence North 15° East 233.7 feet; thence West, para with the South boundary line of 53‘d Government Lot 6. 779.1 feet, nriore 0” less, to the West line of said ernment Lot 6; thence South. the West line of said Governmen 6.Ito the point of beginning. taming 3.86 acres. more or less; land being also known and desc as Lot 3 of the unrecorded P13 Pickering Passage Water Tracts, subject to a right-of—w public roadwav reserved over a I in! land 20 feet in width extending! . section ’ l out?! CHAS. n. LEWIS. L“ i Attor ‘ I, I ney for said Estate. to thel Suite 1, Lumbermen's Bldg. Shelton, Mason County; Wash. 7—24-31—8-7-14—4t. :I- IVet Hospital Needs Numerous Attendants ernment 37’ i ilIel Gov- along t Lot on“: i ribed l t oft strip fore- r g the to the W. Marsh. Deceased, . persons having claims against the said Deceased. or the said Estate are yII‘quuested to serve the same .verifled with the necessary VOHChers the attached. upon the undersigned Ad' f the ministratrix or her Attorney 0f .Re- cord at the nddresu hereinhclnw given I together the proof of service. with the Cl“?k the above entitled Court within _six nf the first, to-wit: deeded Olaf in page 8. under I 65109. followingr described tide lands 0 second-class, as defined by Sect of Chapter 36 of the Session Laws “f Also. ion 1 d hv th“. in months after the date. up- publication of this Notice. July 24th. 1942. or said claims 531.3” 03;; benforevgr barred. 1 24th he, i ate 0 'first u 1' i n. J“ y ' 3 of the 1942. p b [cato situate having” antler y 0f 0 . 9 office being” 6-26-—7-3-10- IN PROBATE In the Matter of the William J. Fletcher, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thatx Ruth Saulnicr, Administratrix with the Will Annexed of the Estate of William J. Fletcher, Deceased, filed with the clerk of the above entitled Court, her Final Report and v Petition for Distribution. asking the Al\ ORDINANCE DECLARING AN court to approve and settle such re- port. distribute the property to those thereto entitled and to discharge the ,Attorncy for said Estate. Suite 1, Lumbermen's Bldg. Shelton, Mason County.«Washivngton. 7-10-17-24-31—4t defend the above entitled action the above entitled court. and answer the, City of Shelton. Ithc complaint of plaintiff, Neoma H. lMcNutt, and serve a copy Ianswer upon the undersigned attor- nEy for plaintiff, Charles T. at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, agains according to the demand of the com— I lplaint. which has been filed with the Meeting this 2nd day of July. 1942. {clerk of said court. The purpose or fOi eclosing appearance, I or process, shall be served upon the un- dersigned attorney for the plaintiff, County, at his office below stated. and a copy thereof filed with the clerk of the. above entitled court. MASON COUNTY, A Municipal Corporation By OMER L. DION, (I igned) B. FRANKLIN HEUS ON. Prosecuting Atty. and Attorney for Plaintiff (Signed) Office and Post office address of Attorney for Plaintiff: ' Mason County Courthouse, 0N FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Estate of NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. that, the said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be Saturdav. the 8th day of August. 1942,: at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon in the court room in the Court House in Shelton. Washington. Dated this 3rd day of July, 1942. CLARE ENGELSEN. Clerk of Mason County, Ex-Officio Clerk of (SEAL) heard on ‘ | Neoma H. McNutt, Plaintiff. the said Wayne A. McNutt, Defend- You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after date of the first publication of this action is to secure a divorce. Post Office address: Mason ’County. Angle Building. Shelton.‘ Washington. 7»17-24—31—8-7-14—21-28~—7t. I CHARLES T. WRIGHT. Attorney for Plaintiff _|___..—____——-—— I no. 1515 NOTICE TO CREDITOBS T0 ASON COUNTY Deceased. and that all claims against the sail ipvtnn PRES :NT AND FILE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE .“TATE OF WASHINGTON FOR trogether with proof of service. the Clerk of the above entitled Court Within six months after the date of , the first publication of this Notice. i in wrltmg and addressed to J. to-Wit: July 24th. 1942. or said claims Sh"ll be forever barred. ‘ I. 19gate of first publication. J WILLIAM S. VALLEY. Executor of the. Estate John C. Valley. 522 North' Fifth Street, Shel-I 1942. l ton. Mason County, CLAIMS IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of John C. Valley, Deceased. ‘ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, William S. been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the Last Will and Testa- ment and the Estate of John C. Valley. ersons having of Said Deceased. or the said Estate are hereby requested to serve the same duly verified with re the necessary vouchers attached. upon ty. Wash. to-wit: the, undersigned Executor or his At- ItOI‘ney of record at the address here- llnbelow given and file suchclaimtsIi W1 Valley, has N0. 1443 MASON COUNTY and file such claims. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE (mums IN Tim SUPERIOR COURT OF THF STATE OF WASHINGTON I IN PROBATE Frontl In the. Matter of the ay for Joseph W. Marsh, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that undersigned, Pearl Watson. appointed and has qualified as m'm-‘li‘atrix of the Estate of Joseph and that PIIS- PEARL WATSON. ‘ l .Administratrix 01' th“ Ema“) inoi'ei of Joseph W. Max's)" ceased. Star Rout€~ She/Ito“ ‘Mason C Washington. the CHAS. R. LEWis‘,mm" Attorney for the said Estate. 14323; Shiite 1. Lulnhermeu's 13132-3 , .9110“ Mas-011 County, V ash. .I d W '7-24-3i»s-7—1Hc. 1919. operate and ore l improve- drain- amounts tric pit. at the to-wit: Crossing Secondary State Highway 14—A, as now located and of in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia, Washington. and the adjacent gravel in the East one-half (El/é) of the (SE%) of Section 6, Township 22 North. Range 1 West. W, M., at approximately Highway Station 803+04.5 (U. S. B.P.A. survey station 760+43.3). NOW. THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a hearing will be held on said application by the Director Highways of the State of Washington at his office in the Transportation Building, Olympia. \Vashington, on the 11th day of August, 1942, at 10 o'clock A. M. I Dated at Olympia, Washington, this 23rd day of June. 1942. , No. v record Southeast quarter 1 Engineer’s interest 7—17-24-31——3t. interest place of the ,of Hydraulics, 17-24-31—6t. whose writing. has I and and Italy. sary. exists MA- the the I l I I I this and public health. and for carrying‘ lsummons. to-wit: Within Sixty days out the work of the local Council Wright. judg- I Govey Bld Deceased. Wash- . FOR Estate of the has been all I here— duly with 1480 Franchise Application . NOTICE OF HEARING In the Matter of the Application of U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THEIIN- TERIOR. Bonneville Power Adminis- tration, for a franchise to construct, maintain an electric transmission line across a portion of Secondary State Highway N0. 14-A and the adjacent gravel pit, in Mason County. Washington. WHEREAS. the United States De- partment of the Interior (Bonneville Power Administration) has. provisions of Chapter 53, Laws of 1937, filed with the Director of High— IWays of the State of Washington an application for a franchise to con— struct, operate and maintain an elec- power transmission line across portion of Secondary State High— ‘ way No. 14-A and the adjacent gravel in Mason County, Washington. for a period of twenty-five (25) years. following designated points, BURWELL BANTZ. State of “'asliin ton ()FFWE 0F SUI’ERV SOR 0F HYDRAULICS Olympia NOTICE OF VVATI‘IR RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 5718 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Frank Coelho of Union, State of Washington. under date of July 17, 1942, filed with the State Su ervisor of Hydraulics. Olympia, Was ington, I for a permit to divert the public. such Objections or representations. in! as he may desire to make, within thirty (30) days after date of! ilast publication, which date is July 31. 1942, I ,Witness my hand and official seal .this 20th day of July, A. D., 1942. ( SEA L) 7-24-31—~2t. CHAS. J. BARTHOLET. ORDINANCE NO. 344 EMERGENCY ESTIMATING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY REQUIRED TO MEET THE SAME. AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF EMERGENCY WARRANTS IN THE SUM OF $500.00. WHEREAS. at the time of the adoption of the Budget of the City of Shelton for the fiscal our Nation was at peace, and . WHEREAS, since the adoption of said _Budget, our Nation has become in‘ volved in War with Japan. and WHEREAS there has said been Created as by Statute provided, aI Local Council of Defense for the I City of Shelton, Washington, and for.‘ IsuchI Council to function properly.l ‘provide protection and relief for the residents ‘of the City of Shelton, expenditure of Public Funds is neces- and WHEREAS, an Emergency bII I'Oqglri?g ttlIiIe expenditturc~o§ , I pu 10 on s or e preserva ion 0 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE order and public health_ STATE OF WASHINGTON. NOW’ THEREFORE, THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF SHELTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: I SECTION I: That an emergency ex— a ists which could not reasonably have HE STATE OF WASHINGTON to been foreseen at the time of the, adop— tion of the Budget of the 'City of] Shelton for the fiscal year 1942, re-'- qulring an expenditure of $500.00 forl immediate preservation of order‘ after the 17th day of July, 1942 and of Defense in the protectiiln of the in life and property of the residents of SECTION II: That the City ofl of your Shelton issue Emergency warrants the amount of $500.00 to meet the Emergencies hereinbefore stated. SECTION III: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days t you from and after its publication. INTRODUCED in regular Council PASSED in regular Council Meeting this 16th day of July, 1942. WM. E. STEVENSON. Mayor Pro Tem Attest: ‘rLENN W. LANDERS. (SEAL) City Clerk Approved as to Form: CHAS. R. LEWIS. 7—24—1t. City Attorney. II No. 1396 NOTICE or SALE or REAL PROPERTY AT MASON COUNTY I In UH" Matter of the Estate of: Wanda Bot-mien. Deceased. ’ Notice is hereby given that. pursu-' ant to an Order of court entered above entitled cause on the 29th day of December. 1941, the Administrators estate will on the 12th day of August. I1942, sell at private sale on Sealed bids the following described a1 property situate in Masdn Colin-i LOt 7 Block 11. David Shelton's second Addition to Shelton, Wash. Per “worded plat thereof on re- Cm'd .‘n the office of the Auditor of said county. All bids on said property must ‘RIc’ Graham. attorney for Administrators.1 _I Shelton. Wash. or filed uly 24th. l With the lerk of said court on or bemm 110011 of the 12th day of Altgust. I crms 1942. .The bids shall specify the (if and amount of the offer. Dated at Shelton. Wash. July 24th, JOE BOGDEN HELEN KENNEDY Administrators. .J. W. GRAHAM, » Attorney for Administrators. 7-24-31—2t. I Shel ton. Wash. Vernon G. Latimel‘. \_————-—~——— FXNED $200 0N GUN CHARGE I Ronald Hickam of Shelton was {med $290 by Judge D. F. Wright 1“_ Superior court Saturday when ,Hickam entered a plea of guilty l" 3' Chart“: of carrying it pistol in “wear Without a license. and Mrs. under the pit at a point of Director of Highways- an application located in Mason State Sunervisorl of Hydraulics. ‘ ~ year 1942. Germany, the PRIVA E SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR, special rePWSentatiVe of the U. S. Civil SemIce Commission, will be at the Shfirlff's office for several hours this afternoon (Friday) to inter— :Vlew aPpliCants for positions at the American Lake veterans hos- pita‘l. . I The. hospital is in need of so attendants six mess attendants, three cooks. one baker, one store Clerk: 0.00 janitor, one guard logauffeur. and two utility labor- e s. I Anyone in this area interested '10 any of these positions is urg- ed to Contact Mr. Latimer today. By Frances Radtke Lake Cushman, July 21#Mr.I and Mrs. Oscar Ahl were Tues- day evening dinner guests of Mr. Edward Radtke. everyone know how the catfish came to be in the little lake or standstill Lake as it is geograp- hically known? This is the story as Oscar tells it: “In 1914, while I was driving the stage between Cushman and Shelton, I arrived home, my head— quarters at that time being Doc‘ Beach’s drug store in Shelton, to find the Doc just returning from a fishing trip to Allyn. He walk- ed into the kitchen adjoining the‘ store with his basket full of fine looking catfish. He emptied the fish into a pan of water to soak fishermen stoutly claim this to be the pro— per thing to do with catfish. The next morning they were all swim- ming around in the water, much to the amazement and consterna- tion of the Doc. who stood there in front of them shaking his head‘i and saying, ‘what am I going to do with them now? They were dead yesterday and I’ll be darn- over night. M a n y Ied if I'll eat them!' "I (Oscar) said, ‘All right, if you'll give them‘to me, by heck, I'll find a good home for them.’ So I took them along and When I came to standstill dumped them all overboard and believe me they had a happyl is full of them and so is Cushman.” Mr. and Mrs. Art Gilmore left! waters of an unnamed spring tribu-Ime 18 for .their nut ranCh inl tary of Hood Canal. in the amount of 0.01 second-feet. subject to exist- ing rights, from April 15 to October 1 of each year for the purpose of garden irrigation and continuously for domestic supply; that the approx!- mate point of diversion is within Lot 4 of Section 32, Township 22 N.. Range 3 W. W. M.. 1County. A map showing the. location and plan of said diversion and the, proposed use is on filev in the office of the State Supervisor Olympia. Washington, itogether with such other information as is required by law. Any person. firm or corporation right will be injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the State Supervisor of Hy- ‘dralilics. at Olympia, Washington. home. Now standstill Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan ac-l icompanied their guests, Mr. and pav $120 to Mrs. . ‘Mrs. Floyd Leighton and familyiI :01? the care of home to Englewood July 18, af-l drenI made father ‘ I‘ter which they made a short vis- it to their friends Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGee of Onalaska, Wash. Dick Schmidt were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Del gLIaramie from Wednesday thru Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Laramie are now visiting her daughter Ihusband, Mr. and Mrs. .Dorn of American Lake, which they plan to continue on to .10 Mr. and Mrs. HOW CATFISH CAME To BE; ‘STANDSTILL’ LAKE RE , Seattle to visit 1in ”~ Henry Gooch. ' and Mrs.‘ and daughter areI tives in Tacoma th‘a'. Varney Craig I, short visit. to his 5!. ‘Headman. Mrs. He= that her brotheI'.I I I whose ” Shelton pulp mill of June, is now a Shelton hospital. and Mrs. and son left Tuesd’v‘ spend a few days tke’s father, Emil 'I Mr. and Mrs. J0 are spending two beginning July 20 lcy‘s parents, Mr. 5 l Linscott. recently received 9‘. the U. s. Navy f_ ‘ petty officer to chl obtained a short 13‘, from his post in Still visit his mother in I. who has been ill. Jack Simmons all Potlatch, with Seattle, were Su i Mr. and Mrs. EdW Rea Howry, and Betty Jean ed from the Puya on Thursday, IMrs. Howry, three weeks longef'. bumper crops of b? ' pickers being paid and $1 per crate stay all season. i Mr. Does leg was Mr- Service Servi’m tice, Tue Y. Frida: .56.? -' EDWARDS Pd and i Mark s. I: . s, _Ig D a. n 9 :30 evotion, Mr. Ha ' it 0 “a '. LIVE I Ihlllltrest on . Muth I, hool, ,Service, 11 , League ea 9‘ -, 0km p. m. I STIAN ., hlrd and . y hool, .III Sei- day Per"; Vice, 11 Service Lake who 7 ' Judge D. F. the clerk of the 9... ago in an automfil which Ross Lym of drunken driVl as part of his son for the Curtis child ’ is to be paid from up on court order If you don’t tn Ldvertise-«place a urnal! an ., nit ‘ 'a..lkl . Norman ‘ after instrp ages l I Will be sole distributors of If ‘lia BELL’S GOLDEN GUERN. MILK * Produced in the heart of fertile Skokomish Valley. FRED R. BELL Sought, , e gener: . e able to n Effective as of July 20. 1942 rwise, wil meet t: ' h the pilot 1 ‘13 canl .. mete infc val A\ ard, 11 Bo l l l l l i ! Estate Electric R Now UNFBO You need not have a priority rating to ESTATE ELECTRIC RANGE any longer- Now you can actually broil, not just steaks and chops. but standing rib roasts, legs of lamb, whole'hams, chick- ens. The Estate Bar-B- Kewer broils, or barbecues. with radiant heat—the kind you get over wood embers , or charcoal. It utilizes the . modern low-temperature method recommendedby the National Live Stock and Meat Board. It releases all the capacity ofthe bake oven for cakes, pies, biscuits, etc. ADDIS AN EXTRA QVEN TO I'I'IHE RANGE An Exclusive Feature of the ' ESTATE ELECTRIC RA‘: GOLDEN also.” bake oven "h is broiling “1 With the BI oven space 1 ing. It’s 1‘15 oven range- 5 till? Jill. For gr“ QUILT-Ill GRID "Anon paisaksa. H33. :3 accommodate? ""“~ the capacity Buy All ESTATE ELECTRICE DIOW-a-s-sWhIIC They Are Avail- I TERMS—V3 down, 12 months to P“? x w"