July 24, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 24, 1942 |
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Herb Parsons, Noted Firearms I
avert, Exhibits Here. Tuesday
Fancy marksmanship and
manipulation of firearms will
be demonstrated to all who
wish to witness such feats
free of charge next Tuesday
evening at the Shelton golf
course when Herbert Par-
sons, extraordinary exhibition
shooter, appears here under
the auspices of the Hood Can-
al Sportsmens Association,
the Shelton Hardware and
the Lumbermen's Mercantile
Marksman Parsons will
start his demonstration ,:at
7:15 p. m. at the, Shelton golf
club and the public is invited
to watch him perform his
amazing bag of tricks, which
he performs with both shot<
guns and rifles.
Parsons has been giving
exhibitions at Army camps
throughout the United States
on a tour sponsored by the
Winchester Repeating Arms
Crack Shot Coming Tuesday
Navy Now Opens , Short Items From I
Enlistments Fo r Belfair Vicinity}
Constructionmeni= By Even... z. Baldwin
[ Belfair, July 21#LOUISC Styts
Enlistments in the 'Navy‘s nevv‘i of Seattle is visiting Mary
Construction Regiments were; er this week.
thrown wide Open this week, ac—l Al Clatchey who used to work
cording to a telegram received by I for Thelers and then through ad-
the Olympia Navy Recruitingi vancement transferred to Seat-
Station. itle, was back behind Sam’s coun-,
Skilled andj unskilled, crafts-Net 0V“ the Week end- .-
men, professional menu‘and officel "1.139 01353 Kn» Home, Nursmg
workers of almost every ,kind 3 received their certificates on.
maynow become members of the #Tuesday‘ me .21- Thel‘e was a
“Seabees,” with no limit on en-i movie'on the subject.
listments. ‘ I ’Dr. Lehman and Mrs. Flor-,
.i . ‘ -‘i ence Smith were in Belfair (ml
The seabees glve mtn be lMonday evening giving the first!
tween the ages of 17 and 50 a . . .
. . [shots for typhOid and vaccma-
chance to serve them country "*1 tion for smallpox. These' shots
the best possible way by utiliz-[
mg their experience and“ Skul‘t'oii Callie
ftrlfieemar’ll‘dherili1 aggethgggegho:
the fullest. The regiments afgordd ' r
. 'for typhoid and the next one willg
airgianhtige ?0%p02?§ltgr;$vkziieigl be given on next Monday evening,
pay doix‘ig ‘it I July 27. No children under 12 will
Ibe given typhoid shots but all«
“We he“ a “St 0f aPPm’Simate- i may take the smallpox vaccine,
ly 100 different classifications to. of which there is only one. Any_I
be fined in the regiments Withlone needing them may take both.
pay-grade ratings from seamen Mr. and Mrs. w. T. Gibson,
to chief petty officers,” said h - -t- h R
Chief Specialist Press Wright. of gagy aggm:15;0;niorarte ttifne ,have:
the Olympla Navy Recrmtmg started the return journey to.
Station their home in Long Beach, Calif.
“We have been ordered to push! Th ,G-b d ,
this class of enlistment as rapid-i em: 1 sons are Mrs' ca ys par I
ly as possible," he said, and urgul
ed men interested to call at the .
recruiting office in the Old Capi-l
:01 building in Olympia and check H , I l d
heir qualifications against the! s . I
long list of ratings open. s an i
Men who have recently been: .
turned down because, of their. H Byt.MrS'I 1m“; 13a;- fingn Th ‘
classifications being- closed outi ars me san' uy “T 0
should report back to the stationE Stork has been “Siting the IS"
for immediate enlistment. “and and left a nice boy at the
The Olympia Navy Recruiting; home of Mr. and Mrs. Wanafordi
Station is Open from 8 mm- to' Page last Friday at the Shelton
8 ‘m_ dail and from 8 film. hospital. Congratulations._
topl pm. Sindays. I Arlo Wingert was admitted to
i Shelton 1 hospital Saturday eve-
ning for an operation and is re-
lported getting along as well asi
Gr zin Ir ' '
a g, rlgatlon can be expected at this time. I
DémonStl'ationS Due. Visitors at the H. A. Glaser
Ll'vest k r 1 d t _I home over the week end were
0c g 32 “g emons m l Mr. and Mrs. James Appuka, Mrs.|
tions will be held in Pierce andl Walter, Bebick of Raymond andi
Thurston counties AuguSt ' 11 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Glaser, Miss
where studies and observations . ht
will be made on establishing and; Séfisefibfngf 12.111?
laéfg'segfmfil :1;
maintaining forage growth on Tacoma.
loggefl'O“ .‘andv While irrigation Mr. and Mrs. Bill Matthews of
demonstrations Will be conductedl 561mm were a; the home of Mrs_
August 12 in Lewis and Thurston' MattheWS
i arents, Mr. and Mrs.
counties' how by the Wesmml H. G. SincTair, as also was Mrs.
Washington Reelamatlon Insu' Sinclair's nieces and family, Mr.
tute.’ d
Details of the demonstrations Eggttlzlrs' Hamld Sheppar Of
are now being worked out andl Miss Pauline Hitchcock gave a
:dhen Conéplete‘ti wk“ %6 annot‘mc'l tent party Saturday night
at her
' atccor mg h-o. ‘. ' Kn“ son'ihome on the east side of the
score ary of t e InStltUte- Island and those attending were
. ‘ Miss Nellie Harriman, Miss Ed-
FURLOUGH VISITOR Ina. Wilson, Miss Shirley Sewell
- Corp. Charles Widgav 'of Fortl and a good time Was reported by
Lewis and his wife, who arrived all.
here Sunday from Louisiana, have Mrs. Bernice Sewell was called
been guests at the home of Mr. to the home of her mother.Mrs.
and Mrs. S. B. Anderson several Ed Whaley of Shelton, last VVed-l
days this week while Corp. Widga nesday who was ill. At last re-
enjoyed a short furlough. ports she was lots better. I
Instructions for the mailing ,of hand corner. If to Germany, thel
letters and packages to American term “Gebuhrenirei” should be‘
prisoners of war or American civ- added. l
ilians interned in enemy coun- In all cases, the name and ad-l
tries have been received by the dress of the sender should be out
Mason County Red Cross. the back of the envelope. [
Free postage is now available To address prisoners of war in
to detained or interned civilians other locations, give the pris-i
as well as to prisoners of war. oner‘S'full name,’followed by thel
As letters and parcels are subject prisoner-of-war number, the des-l
to.censorship, they should be ad- ignation of the prison camp and.
dressed through Chicago, Illinois, the country in which it is located.
headquarters for the examination Civilian internees held by Ger-
of‘such mail. many or Italy may be addressed
Letters for prisoners of war or by giving the name of the inter—
cih‘lian internees in Japan or Jap- nee, name of camp and post of-
anese-controlled countries should rice-address, followed by via, Chi-
not be mailed until the prisoner’s-rage; Illinois, U.S.A." in the
name has been released‘by the ap-N pier, left hand corner should be‘
propriate naval or military aué: wfitt’en'fl‘lnterned
Civilian" under-
thority. Until arrangements cam-heath.jit,-9‘Internee Civil” and the
be made, no parcels may be mail-' words”, “Postage Free—France de
ed to prisoners of war or civilian Portf’ in the upper right hand
internees in Japan or Japanese- corner in, place of the stamp.
controlled countries. Parcels should be addressed ex-
When a Japanese-heldprison- actly as gletters except add the
er’s name has been released. pend- word "Parcel" after
“Prisoner of
ing complete information as to War" in the-upper left hand cor-
prisoner‘s identifying number and ner,
prison address, the prisoner should Parcels must be limited to 11
be addressed by full name. mili- pounds and must not be more
tary title and branch of service. than 18 inches in length or 42:
This should be followed by the in- inches in length and girth com-i
dication “Formerly at Wake, bined. They must be wrappedl
Guam, Shanghai, or other loca- strongly and have a complete in-l
tion,” and American Prisoner in ner wrapping bearing full ad-I
Japan; care of International Red dress the same as the outside. l
Cross committee, Geneva, Switz- Such packages cannot contain!
erland, via Chicago, Illinois, U.S. medicines, cigarette papers, mat-l
A. Civilian internees should be ches or any other articles prohi-.
addressed in the same manner. bited in regular parcel shipment.I
In all letters to prisoners of Postage is free, but letters may}
war, Japanese-held and others, not be included.
write “prisoner of war” in upper French, Belgian, Yugoslav,l
left hand corner of the envelope. Greek and Polish prisoners of war‘
Underneath that write “Prisoner in Germany cannot receive mail
dp Guerre." If in Germany add or parcels unless the censor has
beneath that “Kriegsfangenensen- attached the required label. This
dung.” label, furnished by the German
In place of a stamp, the words, government, may be sent by the
“Postage Free—Franc de Port" prisoner 23‘ war to his family or
should appear in the upper right,friends upon request.
SAVE $ $ $
In Groceries
1—lb. cans
3 for '
14-oz. bottles
6 for
241/241). bag
Minced Razor
4' for
‘ 1.00
Tomato Juice
No. 1 cans
12 for
No. 2 cans
7 cans
Happy Vale
7 cans
Scott Tissue
Pure White, Soft
No. 2% Solid Pack
7 cans
11 rolls
Moon rose Granulated
Regular pkgs.
'4 for
25-oz. cans
'5. for
21-02. pkgs.
5 for
No. 2 1/2 cans
4 for
JUICE, 47-02. cans
4 for
Wesson Oil
2 qt. can
141/2 —oz. cans
A 12 for
$1.15 VALUE
also I
Relianclejfixé Sweet {
Reliance Golden Sweet I
. K. C.
Baking Pwdr.
PiiiiiiS ‘
_' ’ :Erihams 2-lbs, " )1, g:
" EMS, and
‘t of patrk
kg“ to war
I" aFiling a bi
. .,‘ they re
1 'yWith the i
. 5 send off Oi"
“ the Ac lV't
Conserve on Your G T eigefneuuiio;
med theiilj
Oil and Tires ~ . Roy B.
JUST PHONE 305 l e T
, , ‘ 1.‘i-da f1
. . . and let US deliver wa' “yen. Jim
. m.
order to your doorll ,1. pas'sxlfigJifii
M; The fift
Friday — Saturday —- Monday , gisgmi'iugi
. . u -. I {Weetirt Lev
I s . 1 ho b0 8
I 8 Glasses and C§ESCFNL1LOWN aNAN‘SNéAHSAgTQ‘Ex nAvoN,‘
Pitcher pm“ as SWlm Suits SATIN 3S 1 Ems:
.- ,, Embroidered" WellITah
1 oo 1 oo ‘ "Reg-$1.19 32
a O ‘ i
1900 ,
Glass Cigarette
t HOIdel‘i Trays Miscellaneous
quar Counter I f. u
1.00 1.00 all $22: isle
DRINKING Special! Golden g
Goblets Star Mop —
Cut glass and Bottle of Polish
6 tall $2 value I“ ‘° Rayon
lrts Sizes 81/2 ‘9
1.00 Regular 89¢
2 for
Very Fine Lawn
Hand rolled. Reg. 50¢ box
3 boxes
Boys Town Sawyer Shori
Sport Shirts
2 for 1.00
1000 RAYON
Lace trim, small, medium
and large
r 1.00
Soil Off
1/2 gal.
Boys Tom Sawyer
Wash Pants
. Regular $1.19 to $1.65
Silk H
Sizes 8%: to 1‘
pair . r
a f
1 oo 1» r
. .,
‘5: “\.
, Ha
Huck TOW “3"
19" x 39" YelloV” . A Shelto
’ e Whi
White Enamel
Dish Pans
Round Red Trim
Berlin Kettle
White, Red Trim with
6-qt. Size
Berlin Kettle TIES
White, Red Trim with Foulards and Part
Bail Wools. Reg. 69¢ ea.
G-qt. size 2 for
1.00 1.00
and Lavendelfi
Mens Short Sleeved
Sport Shirts-
for Work or Sport. ,.
Lace. trim‘ I and ‘ tailored
style in small, medium
and lage. Dusty Rose . .
Ocean Blue
Krispy Crackers 2-lbs.
. " ButteraWafers . . . 1-lb_. 1.19"!
:Wleneljs' A HYDE PARK b;
4.1135. for : “‘“English Type Cookies. . 1‘1
1.00 .e pnonud
Heavy Colored ‘ SAL"r
4-lbs. for
' Hens
.. lb.
' 35¢
_— g a u u so
‘ Medium N i' STEE I" . . . . . ‘. . f“
Bacon Sh’rt Ribs Red Ripe "
3-lbs. for
(5-le. for CANTALOUPES . . . ._
DRY ONIONS ......‘3—1h5
1.00 .,
—"""f ‘—"' POTATOES. ...... 25-le3
3-lbs. for
sits... in Dggsggd , v
4-lbs. fer 6-lbs. for 11 cans . . . 13-1b5,
1.00 1.00 1.00 . GRAPEFRUIT . .
— w Arizona Seedless