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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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wayer with 5 per :,1 oil. Use one or ,he t&apos;cl'e al'e,'% o J l)(nlds not, used poses--and which honl---.-cHn also be V ollly the shore- .ed. Before spray- ,ek for the pres- If lhe season is need, lhe adltlt have a lrendy If; cast', sprnyinv ilitoes nl: bay on suggests tiT," line m'h as Rutger's the exposed skhL call nsually bc ;'al drug store. trip, a. DDT "wro. ?el) the t(:nt l're( Just release the requently "rod let at lilt() the tent. ill a Calloe will LO depend (m n or cio-ar l.o keel ) I---or 11 rel)cllotll IFa nnoll said, K i N PEL Positively Ki back guaral from tile Used For sale and re ally by rding is the only vspaper editor to l ddent of the Uni- O'Neill SO0 BRIOU ALL ItEAT  NO ASH Almost Automatic HURST COAL C0, 225 So. 2nd Street ATTENTION IAS TREE WC YOU INTERESTED IN ? WILL BE PAID IN MAS TREE SEASON? It is Important that ?END THE UNION at the ;LES HALL-- FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1947 at 8 P. M,, YV. B. MeRGANSeR. Business Ag et LAUND High PreSsure Gun-TYP e )il Burners FOR FURNACE CONVERSION9 ave a few Johnson & Cr lit BURNER for Immediate Installations dvin Wilson 110, HOODSPORT, WASH. a aware that the MASON :)NERS ARE EXCLUSIVE County ,:for such Nationally lines as . lsteel" Filing Cabinets. Desks Lex Visible Filing 3ikes Office Chairs, for the "Correct Posture Chairs" Ld many other well known r you need a pen or pencil, : or any Office Supply Iten, ling brands at ISON COUNTY $ ER RNIA EAST I'IKET OFFICE Phone 162 EPISCOPAL PARISII PICNIC SLATED FOR THIN SUNDAY The Saint ]:)avid Parish picnic will be held at the lome of Mrs. Clara Eastwood Sunday, July 27. An outdoor service will be held at 4 " sfipper -following. Those who;wish';to may'go'-:lwhn-' ruing betbre :the"service. Bishop Stephen Fielding Ba,yne, Jr., wife and family, and Reverend and Mrs. Elmer Ctn'istie will be honor guefits from Seattle. Any Episcopalian who has not as yet been contacted and who wishes to attend the picnic is asked to contact Mrs. George Cropper, general chairman, by Saturday, July 26. Her telephone number is 490. Each family is requested to bring table setting and folding chairs. HELTON-tIAgON O1TNTY JOURNAL .....  i ,u , . • I l- . .... """'gelf air" --A .............. finalDlVORC]'Sdeeree of divorce was/] Mrs. in'C°°per'shelt 8,3, _*i: qml AmL -- " -- ' Dim li te A -- Ill a ".'/,,,,,,v,r,, ......... ,,-w,,, granted to Ida Grace Stratton 00Dies on t ,U Ii, I €1 I I.- ¥ iS I! t :i:/ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Griffith, ex- from Carl W. Stratton in Super-I ;_:; ' ' };inert swimmers and instructors, ior Court session .lilly 19. Tile Mrs. Nora J. Cooper, 83, former D;t.t;''.È;t'Oti;t0t"t';uiii " ,6riV "',=ann ¢n  holrlntiol-,, aa I 3rder g raBt;ing the ", d0¢ree was ' resident of Seattle for many years ............ .................................. ,- ,, . ................... . ......... glIgned',b'y:(Judg.:D F. ,W'gght .... :'.' TY;,-, I , , , " . I --- ',- .' T ,  • well', tllogeCdwllo'wtsh..more . . . ...... 4-1-1' ( ;IMltiagt I |:llh,14gftlltg°HOI[| advanced help on Tuesdays 'a{ld Intelloeutory decrees griinted by I , ,'w . ' .... V ridavs at their North  Shore Tod'ay ' I Mantilla" , ,.*,*=,Plleir home'dcross from the state park, which boasts a nice beach and pri- The County 4-H Demonstration Cub Scouts of Pack 10 together vale pools. A special class ,ill be CLUB PICNIC SUCCESS The Shelton Garden Club held a picnic lunch July 21, at tJe home of Mrs. George Drake. Dur- ing tlm afternoon Mrs. George Cropper took Codocolor pictures while Miss Nellie Nelson took moving pictures of the whole group. Mrs. Drabe held a contest to see whocould name the most flowers blooming in her garden. Mrs. F. M. Gage was the winner naming 43 flowers correctly. Her prize was a choice of any perennial in :Mrs. Drake's garden. It was announced that no meet- ing will be held during the month of August, ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs." Craig P. Eliot an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Janet, to John Masters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Masters of Joliet, Illinois. The date of the wedding has not yet been set. Within A Week of Placing Your Order we can have in your hands beautiful, plate- less-engraved genuine Art- point wedding invitations a n d marriage announce" ments. Special attention given to silver and golden wedding anniversary invita- tions. THE JOURNAL Phone 100 Contest will be held today at th(, Shelton High School. The following schedule has been planned, based on Monday's regh>. trations: Home Ecouomies Demonstrations 10:00 a.m.---Pat Hart cleaning dn'iSf6ssing a tie 10:30--Jennie MacRae, hemmed patch. 11:00 Donna Scott, s h a p i n 17'. rolls. 11:30 Millie Dugger, washing a sweater. 1:00 p.m. Bobbilec Evans shortcuts on washday. 1.:30--Lil Shoemaker. setting a table. 2:00--Joan Sjoholm, ironing n shirt. 2:30 Barbara McCoy. making griddlecakes. 3:00--Skokomish Queens. Agricultnro Demonstrations 10:00 a.m.---Audrey B all e y, building a storage unit. 10:30 Tommy Bacome. making a rope halter. Judges will be Miss Helen Stens- gaard and George Curtis, of the Grays Harbor County Extension Service. Members, parents and leaders are invited to attend, whether or not their club is represented in the contest. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PAItTY GIVEN IIERE Mrs. Alice Getty gave a sur- prise birthday party honoring Mrs. Annette Munson and Mrs. Ruth Edgely Monday, July 21. Identical gifts were given to the two ladies. During the evening cards were played with high score going to Mrs. Lemley, cut score to Mrs. Munson and low score to Mrs. Alexander. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening with a birttday' cake which read, "Happy Birthday, Annette and Ruth." Those present were Mesdames Helen Lcmley, Agnes Alexander, John Bichsel, Margaret McKay, Georgia Helhnan, Alma Cartel the honored guests Mrs. Ruth Edge- ly and Mrs. Annette Munson and the hostess, Mrs. Getty. • :. . ,. HEAR! "I know It it not to HEAR well." m mmmmmmmm...mmmmm  mmmmmmm... Out of year8 of exporienc0 FREE has c°me a truly hltclligeht and scientific lapproacli t.o better hearing. nd for the free bookleL t t Send "Hearing Through the Years" to Name........................... Address ......................... I Hearing Test at Your Home By Req uest SONOTONE THE HOUSE OF HEARING 810 Cogean Ave. Bremerton / slick sailing for your car, too, with "IHELL PREMIUM GASOLINE you get more than get performance Shell Research. gasoline of many dif- Componentsa group balanced and rigMly scientists to give exacti6what .... = !} needs for today's driving. You can measure the results in quick-starting and pickup • . . on steep, steady climbs • • • or along smooth, straightaway travel. Shell Premium Gasoline, you'll find, is one of the research-engineered products that Shell Dealers have for your better driving everywhere. with the families of the boys met for a potluck St!pper at the Shelton City Park Friday evening, July iS. There were 46 in attendance to enjoy the big softball game be- tween the boys and the clads. On the mound for the boys was young Phil Kieburtz while his dad, Dick Kicburtzl pitched for the fathers. Undisputed umpire for the contest was young Arthur Penter, who was protected from' injury by the glass- es he wore. Den Chief Chuck Beret stoked the fire to perfection for the roast- ing the hotdogs while themothers present prepared the p!cnic tables with the ta'sty "eats." Cubmaster Claude Pevey reports that the next pack meeting will be held at Twanoh state park Fri- day evening, August 15th: Swim- ruing will be the featnred attrac- tion. RAINBOW PICNIC Shelton Assembly No. 19, Rain- bow Gil:ls, will have its aflntlal picnic at Zenith the home of re- tired Masoh m{d O.E.S. members, near Seattle, on Sunday, 'July 27, Cars will leave the temple at 9:30 Sunday mbrning to'tMe the Rainbow Girls to Zenith. The next regular business meet. ins of the Rainbow group will be held at 7:30 p.m. July 29. 2 Copples Married Marriages performed by Judge Walter Magoon last week ipcludd the following: ' " carI'Stratton and Mildred Day- tonl both of Sheltpn, Jul'Y 19.' Frank L. LaLoge, and Julia An- dersoh, both of Tacoma, JUly 19. Minnesot Club Pi.e!iie Tile annual* picnic of the Min- nesota club will be held Sunday, Angnust 3, at Millersylvania Park on Deep Lake. Coffee, cream and sugar will be furnished bY the club for basket lunches beginning at 1 o'clock, Charles R. Maybury, president of the club announced. FEDERATION GARDEN CLUB MEETING ItELD IN TACOMA The Washington Federation of Garden Clubs is holding its an- nual meeting July 24 and 25 in the Winthrop Hotel it{ Tacoma. A special feature of the Friday meeting is a tour of the outstand- ing gardens in "Tacoma including Thornwood garden,, one of the eight most outstanding in the United States. Any Garden Club member may attend the meetings both days. NEW RESIDENT IIERE New residents in Mason coun- ty are Mr. and Mrs. Len Cole, their son, Gelry, a h'igh School se- nior, and a small daughter. The Coles moved t the t.rb Nelson ranch at Kamilche Pbint where they will engage in produc: lion of grade A milk and general farming: They are former residents of Des Metrics, Washington, near Se- attle. V. MARION FLIES HERE V. G. Marion, of Bellingham, flew to Arcadia point Sunday in an airplane he pnrchased last week. He visited with his father and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Can.  He reported that it took but one hour for the trip from Bellingham. WOODMEN CELEBRATE 58RD' NNIVIfflKSA'KY " • Th'eWpodme ofthe W0r]d of Denver plan to hdd an anniver- sary meeting celebrating the '5r antnvirsary of the' lddge here'in the  Odd Fellows *half at 8' p.m., July 26. Shelton W]! be !ost; for the Bremerton, Olympia and' Elma meniers. A laxge class of new members will be taken into the Wooitmen at this meeting. ECONOMIC CLUB MEETS The Arcadia Ecpnoml Club met with Mrs. 'Avis: Sag&r on FHdtty, July 11. The riex: rneeting vll! 'be the club's picnic to be held at Ma- ple Beach bn July 25. ' SHOWER FOR MilS. H OWRY A stork shower was giyen fr Mrs. Rex Howry July ].8 by Mrs, LeRoy Newman. After 'th gi$ were opened refreshmen vere served. - ' " Those present at the shower in- cluded Mrs. William White," Miss Mildred Daniels, Mrs. Joe Davfs, Mrs. C. Joe Davis, Mrs. Rea How- ry, Miss Betty Butler, Mrs. Pres- ton Armstrong, Jr., Mrs; George Bowman, Mrs. LeRoy 'Newman, rs. Frank Moore, MRS. Rea"How o ry, Jr., Mrs. James Leahy &'nf the ho,ugr gilest, Mrs. Rex Howy: RELATIVES VISITED Mr. And Mrs. A: "B. Wolfe, own- ers'of the Wolfe A:partmehts, e- turned Monday fom a two-day trip to Salem, Oregon, where they visited with Mrs:" Wolfe's 'sister and her husband, Mr. and :Mrs. J. T. Bullock. On their return trip they stopped in Portland to visit with their hiece, Mrs. J0e;'Cook. RETURN TO CALIFQRN!A "Mr'. " and 'Mrs. James Wilsor b former residents of Shelton, let% Sunday morning by air trom Ab- erdeen to Portland, then by train to their home in Albany, Cali- fornia, 'after Spendingtwo weeks here • in sfielton visiting Mrs. Wil, son's mother, Mrs. Lena Isakson and daughter, M'rs. Russell riser. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage license applications re- ceived by the Mason Count7 at!d- itor this week ificluded the fol- lowing couples: Raymond P. O'Brien, 38, and Beulah Baker, 32, both of She[ton, July 18. William A. Hamer, .2{!, Olympia, and Delilah Hylon, 18, Se26i% July 22. organized for young people if de- sired. Their fees are reasonable. The Neul post of the V.F.W. en- tertained the officers and ntem- hers of the Admiral Coontz Post No. 239 of Bremerton on Tuesday, July 15th The auxiliary which holds their meetings on the same nights was honored by a visit by the district president Mrs. Matilda Reid, and other 'district officers The auxiliary is planning to spon- sor a picnic for 20 convalescent boys from the Brcmerton naval hospital. Mrs. Jfames Huffman gra- ciously ol:fered 'her home and grbuncls for this occasion. Tlae A1 errs are the owners of another boat, the "Biliie H." It is much larger than the old one, and is equipped to haul logs anywhere, in any weathe r . The Bill • Cadys were pleasantly Sqrl')risd by th,e arrival of Mrs. C/dy's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. G.-Gibson of Long Beach, Calif. They plan to stay a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McReavy o Happy Hollow llave departed for the S0ult to' make an indefinite stay With relatives there. The A1- lns are operating the store while they are away. Chas. Beck returned to Ameri- can Fall, Idaho, where he is 'em- 1510yed, after a week at home, Margie left with lfer father en route to Laramie, Wyo., Where'she will spend th6 remainder of tle summer with Zalie Amick. The Amicks were •former residents of Belfair. Mrs. T. T. Levi has been the hguseguest of her dughter, Mrs, W. F. err for the past'month. A delightful partS? llcnoring Mrs. Agnes White was given' at the home of Mrs. Mary Miles on Fri- daY, July 18h. Th.0se attending were the Mesdames' Mac Housen, Evelyn Beck and Margie, Margaret rossen, Maxine Ori, Beatrice Rasenau, Pearl Allen and Laura Beck. Following the opening of maliy lovely gifts a dainty Collation was served. The R. W. Cady home was the scene of a pleasant picnic Sunday afternoon and evening enjoyed 'by the cast, directors and families of "Yimmie Y0nson's Yob." The play was given at Belial, aad Union. Art Pelela who played the part of"Yimmie," acted as chef malting thd tasty meat and spaghetti dish that brought plates bick fF sec- ond and third helpings. Mrs. Wing, proprietress of "Sea Fare," pf'e- pared the delicious sea food salad. Members of the group present, oth- er than those mentioned above, were: Walter EddY, RbJand Cul- bertson Don Beck: Florence Cady, Thresa Orr, Erma Roesell, Evelyn Cr6sby, ' Vera Pelela, 'Virginia Erickson and Christini Ahl.' Mrs. Ollie Cleveland came over for the f,estive party. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mitchell did not return from their Eastern trip in time to be With Us, as we had hoped they Would be. Forty guests gathered for this congenial affair. GRANGE NEWS The Southside Grange met July 18, with 27 meraber.q present and six visitors. Mr. and /firs: Auseth and son of Agate Mrs. Emma Mc- Gee and Mr; Collins, both of shel- ton Valley, and Charles Savage of the Skokomish Valley Grange. Brother Collins and Brother Huston reported on P.U.D. Broth- er Savage gave a lengthy report on cooperative banking system, spoke of Grange work in general and legislative assistance. He held the Lecturer's office for five years .anc] will gladly give us any assistance in' Grange Work. Brdther Auseth said as long as he pntrgd a'Gange hall he felt at home: Brother Cari  reported all automobile insurance would go up after ugus' 1. Roy Ritner, pi'esident of the Chamber of Com- merce, will hold many meetings with "Mason County Granges this Fall. Our cKarter arrived of which we are very proud. Siter Crusen had been very ill, but is again able to attend the meet- logs. ttome Economics Chairman sis- ter C6hins is still in need of more donatiohs toward p,u.rcaasiBg the dishes. Members are urged to comply toward that need. Worthy Lecturer, Stster Phil- lips 'had a hc]a dnJoye' prqgrm l!hed i]p. Sister Yule sahg, i'Trees- and "Sylvia," accoaEauied b SiS- ter Clai-k< at the p.iarlo.' Sist'er Carr, "Gracie /Qlen' ieporting"; Sister Swiger "Sleepin at the Foot of the Bed." Next meeting will be Augu, st 1. If possiblff t;he 'Aga[e Jbvefiile degree tea  will put on tle first and second degrees, followed by the third'and ourth. All members are asked "to attend to get ac.. quainted with the degree Work. , "kntgni . Swiger. SHIELTQN V.ALLEY The second meeting' of the Orange in Sheltoli'alley had bet- ter' Attendance' but we hoPe for a still better one our next' meet- ing. Ladies', we are to meet at Mrs. Lemke's place the last Wed- nesday in July. Keep that in mind. CLO,QU&LLUII Cloquallum Grange acted as host Grange to the Pomona Giange Sunday, the 20th. A fair crowd attended, but not'as many as was anticipated. Many major issues were discussed. Ex-Con- gressman Charles Savage was here and gave some in}resting ideas and viewpolnls on different subjects brought up on the floor. Former Pomona Grange Master Earl Carr was als0 present, ac- Companied by his wife. ' VISIT MONTANA Returning last Week from a two week vacation in Montana were Mr. and Mrs, pelmar Cole and soils Douglhs and Elmer.' They spent moqg,:{O thgir lme yis!tilg iS,, C0ti's mo'ther inFaileldWtth" a ] side .trip to Winnett'"ffid a lto I With'lfrs. Cole s brother. J vho.l]:,,cently moved to Shelton, ;Pf[gsed<h..W.aY;('ticr'o)SuiaY :''' ; ' . Mrs. Cooiger' had "liwd -in Seat- Judge Wright Saturday inclu£1e that of Rtlth 'Bernert from John W. Benert. Custody of the three children was given to Mr. Bernert. Interlocutory divorces also were granted to May Hurd from Roy R. Hard, and to Lillian Calkins Irom Harry Calkins. Grapeview Mrs. Sarah Hansen had dinner with son Bob and his family iu Olympia recently. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parks were there too. Mr. and Mrs. Parks and Mrs. Hansen went to the ocean last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sund and sons John and Warren are in Cali- fornia for a two week's visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Pet- erson, former residents, are tak- ing care of the Sund place in their absence. Mr. and Mrs. ton Pike of Brem- erton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Floreck tle for.30 years-and before that in Ellensburg for 15 years before she and her husband bought k )lonle in Shelton last month. Surviving are:her htmband. Wil- liam, two sons, Gordon J. Steal'ns and John W. Stearns, five da{igh- tel's, Mrs. Alta Coble, Mls. l,lla Turner, Mrs. Lena Briley, Mrs. Mary Turner and Mrs. Joset)hine Norling, all of Seattle. Also surviving Mrs. Cooper are her brother, Willard Robbins,. of liehigan, 14 grandchildren, 24 n'eat-grandchildren a n d seven great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held in Seattle. 4-H CLUB MEETS The regular meting of the SouLII i side 4-H Chib will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the S0uthside Hall. Members who plan to at'tend the cotinty club camp are urged to bring record books and the re- quired entrance fee. BLUE OX and children, of Allyn, were din- net  g'uests' of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Lombard on Sunday. The Flor- eck family has bought a home in the Hillcrest district of Shelton. A week ago unday, Mr. and Mrs. Glell FJrsberg lnd five chil- dren of Everett, lr. and Mi's. Er- nest Westberg and son Wayne of Evanston, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eddy and Betty Jean, of Bremer- t011, and Mrs. Ida Eddy, of 'Mill Valley, Calif., were dinner guests of Mrs. Ann' Westberg. These guests were all relatives of Mr. Westberg and he couldn!t be pres- ent at the dinner because he's in Alaska. Mrs. Edna Stevens and Mrs. Westberg took a trip to Port An- geles last week. Mrs. Westberg her nephew Duane Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pudas and small son, Terry James, went to Long- view to visit relatives over the fourth of July week-end. The Grapeview Women's Club will have it's annual picnic at Twa- noh park ou Friday, JUly 25th. The committee in charge of this is Mrs. Inga Lombard, clmirman, Mrs. Al- berta Maginnis and Mrs. Evelyn Hysom. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Ba.con en- tertained the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anley (Mrs. Ba- con's sister) from San Francisco, and Mr. And Mrs. Al Krahn (new- lyweds) from Treasure Island, Calif. Mr. Krahn worked as elec- trician at Puget Sound Shipyards for several years and no doubt is known to many around here. Other guests were Mr. Hagg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cannon and daugh- Connie. of Seattle. Celebrating their sixth wedding aimiversary last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Spooner drove to Paradise Valley on Mt. Rainier. TheY were accompanied by their wo children, Linda and Robbie, s. Jane Mitchell and Mrs. Faye Mitchell. Honoring Miss Adelinc B. Wy- eth, a long-time friend, Mrs. Billy Spooner gave a tea at her home last Tuesday afternoon. Miss Wy- etW will be here for two weeks. Her home is at Milton, Ore, Mesdames Wilma Leevers, Ruth Etherton and Vi Barrett. were hostesses at a shower on Thursday for Mrs. Joe Cronquist IConnie Bryant) at Mrs. Leever's spacious home. Many beautiful presents were received by this new bride besides a load of good wishes. Now we come to where we have to admit a mistake in last week's Journal. We just got too much in a hurry to write an extra item before, the mailman should come along. Where we said Juliils Stock and Web Etherton were the dance committee for thc Community Club. we should have said Julius I Stock and John Lomoard are the dance committee for our Fire De- partment. Two mistakes in one line is pretty good, we think., Another tiring: we know of at least two people w.ho missed read- ing half of our column last week. The colmnn was in two parts on that one page. The reason we speak of it, is that we delft want any of our younger friends to miss that juv- enile department. They all like to spell out their nam0s in the col- umn. CATHOLIC LADIES MEET The Hillcrest Catholic Ladies will meet at the home of Mrs. Jos- eph Hill on Arcadia Road at 1 p.m. today. BEMERTON MEN LEAVE E. C. Kirk and Ernest George, associated in a business in Brem- erton, left Shelton yesterday fol- lowing a week spent in selling at Shelton. EVERY NIGHT Except Monday with Orchestra Saturday in the former AIRWAM DINE-DANCE Club Location 6 Miles Southwest of Bremerton on Shelton Hiway Catering to Dinners - Parties L. K. KEATING Phone Bremerton AIRWAY 4 for reservations TASTE THE DIFFERENCE BINNS ICE CREAM WHOLESALE and RfiTAIL New Cabinets Now Available to Dealers CRYST.L CLEA. I C E L1 € lb. Try Some New Flavors--PEPPERMINT, LEMON CARAMEL, BANANA, TUTTI FRUlTI, BLACK WALNUT. BINNS ICE CREAM 8th and Franklin Phone 49-M FOR Pasteurized and Homogenized Mj!k TRY LATZEL DAIRY WE DELIVER @We protect the quality of the milk we han, dle by modern methods in our modern plant. GRATSINGERS' and SONS TELEPHONE 215-J-2 A Combination OF 3 VACATION SETS RCA Victor IN THIS NEW MODEL Automatic Record Player Table Radio Phonograph wih Silent Saphire By Any Comparison BEAUTY - PERFORMANCE - PRICE An Outstanding Value Shelton E!ectri© B. W. SOPER Covey Building Phone 154.W i i i L J "SPEEDY" by Olympic Motor Sales =..DOOt.]BELT'BROKE/I A'r THIS 14EO'l PLEASE. lllk vlll-plqli ,IP.\\;\t. I ......... " " See Us for Your Vacation Motoring Needs We Buy and Sell Used Cars NEW LATE MODELS NOW AVAILABLE