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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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117. )ME ONE -- COME ALL OD CLEAN .HOTEL kT MEMORIAL HALL+..+  SHELTON HELTON-&apos;ASON 0UNTY ,TOURNAL Page 5 ,JR. LEGION'S VICTORY SKEIN ENDS IN BREMERTOII+ LOSES 2-1 DECISION AFTER WINNING 4th  ; o'r.L, ' E:ery Saturday Night ;i; ,+ it lclng 9 P.M. to 1 A.M;, )RED BY GENERAL WELFAREGL +';, /.$ AYe a Yesler Way i Homer. 7 p f ..:0uts de Rooms , Sam) _ ....ll .i ,,li+,:y_,ith R..d io LL and McCOIml00ct,:, r ' : ' Garage Service ounce the re-opening of the | :.,; i "vate 0[nlng Rooms and r sHOF |' Co're, Shop K BARBER ' ' .... $ In the annex to . Within the Seattle 'HE SMOKE SHOP and leatrical districts 0 FIRST STREET -- SHELTON l)"aeoss the street- No real boating enthusiast en- joys seeing n good runabout, in- board or outboard, standing un- used: idle simply because the owner has never discovered how, or in how many different ways, he can get real. keen enjoyment from it. Willard Crandall, boating ex- pert. offers two suggestions. Aquaplaning is one suggestion. To the rider, aquaplaning gives a unique sort of thrill that cannot be really described. There is fun for the driver of the boat, too, and not only that, fun comes from watching the aquaplaner take a toss. Smsrt tmdling of the boat will make the irexperienccd rider learn more quickly, and double his fun from the start. It will let the experienced rider to. his head- standing, and broncho- busting over big waves, and more suc- cessfully let the novice learn these stunts. The other suggestion is waX,€r- skiing; more difficult, and co£':, respondingly more thrilling. A poor driver can mae an exper- ienced water-skier look bad --- % "MALL Power Chain Saws e for Immediate De very Demonstrations Arranged all Members and Families ....... See your Local Dealer or Write M ....... P0ur POWER CHAIN SAW CO. AFLE 00EAUH ,+ i- th Ave. South Seattle 4 ,Wash. EL 0748 On LAKE ISABELLA .....  i-  i %MES FOR ALL-- ESPECIA LLY'rH i! | 11" J'Ir-T-rrr TT TxT1rTinlr- • :'Fo" HAKUWAKI00 i COFFEE'POP "nT TrWT #! . !ICE CREAM I-'I%I/AvEP v / 'Announces lts Appointment as ;OME EARLY  STAY LA <UGIIf | , _ )RGET THE 1ST SUNDAY,IN,,: 'LES ANDSERVICE AGENT , ,.-- ...... 1 '+  .... IN THIS AREA FOR POWER CHAIN SAWS Immediate Delivery-Demonstrations Arranged 499 Fairmont & Olympic Highway aving 00SURED ou oo,.u. <o ,.. -" J tqorgan.+ , & ltla©iett + tituti°n isaut°matically INSUREI"I : ..... Lumber Co. .=rmanent agency of the United stat¢ i A feature combined with sound nla"=rl O]FI(E QUARTER the inherent security of reinV"tJ il, lt AT13 4 ;ins on homes, makes our sa vi"g' = " OLYMPIC HIGHWAY lur accumulated dollars add to your i .... • ount today, all shares purchased I'0" t • PHONE 656 for + • , . 'IT/SBURGH FAMOUS PAINTS month draw earnings from the first, NT DIVIDENDS --22% PER ANbll)$ Irston County Fede/¢ • .@ Igs & Loan Assocl# Security Bldg., Olympia, Wasl), :' DIRECTORS 'ON I. SEARS V. DRAHAIV[ K.L. LMER FRED HOLM: I'I. E OUR SITE BY: st 1st .ER YOU TIONS ON AND BUILDING SUPPLIES a good one enjoys his essential part, as the rider flashes smooth- ly by the crowded pier at a speed much greater than that of the boat. A poor driver can throw an aquai)laner forward off bis board by slowing too suddenly, then hit him soundly with it by speeding. Learning to ride an aquaplane is not difficult. Watch any group of kids learning, a large enough gl;oup so no one feels overly self- co0sci0us, and See how quickly 0eaTlY .11 of them catch on. Nor is cmnpetent driving hard to learn, for an experienced aqua- planer can soon show the driver zlUCh of what is wanted, as the driver who has pulled many aqua- planes can help anyone tJ'ying to ride the board for the first time. Haricst .for the beginner to learn is getth up on the board. A. full crouch is ecessary while getting undei",vay. The novice shoull then rise very slowly, get- ting the feel of balance• Once he has this, and it doesn't take much experience to get it, he can control the board in any ordinary riding• He soon learns when and how much pull to give thc rope he holds, to lift the "nose," in waves or in comparative calm. As water-ski designs improve, and as riders and drivers learn more of the technique, this sport is becoming less diffieult to mas- ter well enough so swimming is not the principal feature. Con- sequently, water-skiing is spurting in popularity. The skis do not differ greatly from those used in the snow. The water-skier holds the rope attached to the boat, his feet controlling, or trying to con- trol, the slds. It's not too easy. The skis may take independent directions, nose diving, jerking, going up- ward. outward, downward, side- ways or trying to roll over and over. The start is the hard part. A fast start is absolutely essen- tial, for there is not the surface to the skis to support weight at slow speed. Ordinarily the rider Sits on the dock, feet on the skis, taking off when the rope he holds, to the boat, becomes taut. Or- dinarily, duckings liven up the novice's first attempt at starts, but •occasionally a newcomer will start successfully his first time, raggedly probably, but avoiding a swim. Don't pass up a chance to give water-slding or aquaplaning a trial. If you're past the aqua- planing age, try driving. You'll have nb trouble finding riders if you furnish boat and board. It's a fine way to use that runabout. OLTMANS ADD NEWS The R. W. Oltman family pointed out that a recent article in The Journal describing their trip East was incomplete. The Journal neglected to men- tion that Marg.ret Oltman accom- panied Mr. an'd Mrs. Oltman to the Glacier and Canadian National parks, and that the party also sl)ent a week visiting' relatives in Anaroid, Rusk., whom they had not seen since 1926. Anaroid is located in the heart of the Canadian wheat country, about 450 miles from Calgary, Alia. PARENTS OF BOY Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dickinson are parents of a baby boy born July 16, at the Shelton General Hospital. SHELTON AIR SERVICE INC00 Article00 Start of a New Private Pilot Class -- and -- !The Formation of a Commercial t Pilot Class =1 ale Cups and SaucerS, y0000U CA es, and Many CAN EARN Articles The Shelton Air Service, Inc., is approved by the State Board of Education and the Veter- ans Administration for flight training under the G.I. Bill. RATE DRUG Hanson G. Berg DISTRICT TITLE FROM PUYALLUP IN PLAYOFF TILT Armed with the 4th,District title which they won by whipping Puyallup at Olympia Saturday night on Bob Tobey's one-hit pitching performance, Shelton's junior legion diamond warriors tripped over their first inter-district hurdle in the path to the state championship when they lost a tough 2 to 1 decision to Bremerton Tuesday night at Bremer:on. Shelton had won its way to the 4th District gonfalon with a brilliant 4 to 0 trium and 13th consecutive victories of the season in the four-team district playoffs a Olym- pia, thrashing Tacoma Boys Club, 12 to 1, Thursday night, and then picking off the dis- trict gongalon with a brilliant 4 to 0 triumph over Puyallup Saturday night. But a gamble failed to payoff because the Shelton lads couldn't hit behind Ken Carlson's brilliant hurling at Bremerton in the first round of the inter-district playoffs, so Shelton's junior legion season ended abruptly Tuesday night in its first defeat of the year by the paper-thin margin of 2 to 1. Taking the three games individually, here are the essential facts of each: BREMERTON 2, SliELTON I t SIIELTON 4, PUYALLUP 0 Shelton's hopes for a West Side Bob Tobey's superb pitching and and a state championship crump-i ,Mary Cai'twright's smart base- led before the failure of the 4h running combined to bring Shel- District champions to hit with ton its third victory of the season their usual effectiveness againstover Puyalhtp Saturday night, 4 the lefthanded pitching of Ronnie i to 0, and with it the 4th District Stevenson at Bremerton Tuesday juifior legion baseball chainpion- night. . I sJip as well as recompense for Coach Norm Hillyard g'ambledlthe 1946 defeat Puyallup handed with his pitching choice for the ! Sheltdn in the 4th District titular playoff game. Tobey elbowed one of l)is most brillian't games in st0png the Fair C,ty jtidiors with oe lobe hit, a srgash Loff'hi8 own glove iz, the sixth inning by Ott'o Balmet wlffch game, giving Thirdbaseman Ken .Carlson his first starting assign- ment of the year in the hopes of saving Tobey for tonight, when Shelton would have met the BeN lingham-Seattle winner if it had won. Carlson responded with a magnificent performance which would have. won nine' games out of ten, but Stevenson, hurling the first lefthanded pitches Shelton has looked at this year in cham- pionship competition, m u z z 1 o d Shelton's heavy guns effectively and was returned a 2 to 1 winner. The two teams traded unearned runs early in the game. Shelton drew first blood in the third ,-hcn Tobey, playing ceuter£ield, was safe on Les Corcoran's boot of his grounder, advanced on Carlson's infield roller, and scored as Carl Sundsten poured a smoking single across.second. Bremerton squared it in the fourth when Don Hein- rich singled sharl)lY to left, was ven an extra station when Gene ells let it slip through his legs, and took third as Carlson and Cardinal both tried to field George egg's sacrifice bunt, leaving first uncovered. Heinrich scored as Wells caught Ed Boyle's long foul £1y. Wells came within a whisker of nailing Hcinrich at the plate. Carlson had two men down on trikes when Bremerton scored its wimiing tally in the seventh on successive doubles down the leftfield line by Catcher Babe Chase and Heinrich. Shelton had runners on second and third in both the first and sec- ond innings but coul'dn't punch ay across and got a bad break in the eighth when Ken Cardinal reached second on his single to right and a wild pitch, then was nailed at third when he thought Gene Wells' sharp smash had gone past egg for a hit. However, egg had knocked the ball down at his feet. unluckily for Shelton, and had Caripal trapped. .Wells was robbed of a hit by the incident. Carlson, showing plenty of heart and nerve, pitche d himself out of numerou§ tight spots and was saved from serious trouble in the third when Cartwright went far to his right to grab Chasc's stiff drive and threw the Bremer- ton catcher out at first with a beautiful throw ,while Bremerton baserunners on second and third streaked for the plate• Carlson fanned seven, most of them coming at critical spots, and deserved a kinder fate for his brilliant mound work. It was the first nine inning game, incidental- ly, of the season for Shelton and their first loss in 14 games, end- ing.a remarkable record. SHELTON ab r h o a e Cartwright, ss .... 4 0 0 2 4 0 Clary, 2b ............ 5 0 1 0 0 0 Tobey,.cf ............ 4 1 0 3 0 0 Carlson, p ........ 4 0 0 0 3 1 Sundsten, c ........ 4 0 1 6 1 0 Cardinal, lb .... 4 0 2 7 0 0 Wells, If ............ 4 0 1 3 0 1 Anderson, 3b .... 4 0 1 3 1 1 McPherson, rf ...3 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ............ 36 1 6 24 9 3 BREMERTDN ab r h o a e Corcoran, 2b ...... 3 0 0 4 5 1 Alexand'er, ss .... 4 0 0 1 5 0 Tappe, lb ........ 3 0 0 15 :t 1 Chase, c ............ 4 1 2 5 0 0 Heinrich, If ........ 4 1 2 0 0 0 Ogg) 3b ................ 4 0 2 2 1 0 Pexsonius, cf .... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Boyle, rf ............ 3 0 0 0 0 0 Stevenson, p ...... 3 0 1 0 5 1 Totals ............ 31 2 7 27 17 3 Score by Irmjngs. Shel;ton .................... 00l 0O0 000---1 hits ................ 121 010 010--6 Bremerton ........... 000 100 10x--2 hits ............. 000 211 21x--7 SUMMARY: 2-base hits--Chse, Heinrich. Sacrifice hits---Pexson- ius, Stevenson. Runs batted in-- Sundsten, Heinrich, Boyle. Stiek out- Carlson 7, Stevenson 5. Walks--Carlson 5, Stevenson 2. Wild pitch- Stevenson. Pased ball Sundsten. Runs responsible for--Stevenson 0, Carlson 1. Stol- en base Corcoran. Alpraisers Named by Court for TWO Estates A.ppraisers were named by Judge D. F. Wright in Superior Court July 19 for the estates +qf Bart Blankenship and Joseph . H. Avery. Tho§e named to appraise the Blankenship estate were George N. Adams, Elvln M. Peterson and George W. McElvy. B. Franklin Heuston, H. G. An- gle and W, A. Magoon were named to appraise the estate of Joseph Avery. Forty-eight double-edge safety razor blades of the so-called "thin" type weigh one 0unc e. BOY m-B0]N "- MY. and Mrs. Thomas Burr had a baby boy born to them Thurs- day, July 17, at the Shelton Gen- eral Hospital. Tobey swears should be charged as an error £o .himself. The ball caroomed of Tobey's glove and Cartwright made an impossible stop of the ball back of second and came within a whisker of nailing Balmer at first, that's how close the Shelton tefthander came to being credited with a no-hit performance. In the meantime, Shelton was having no little difficulty solving the righthanded curves which Keith Predmore dished tip for Puyallup and .had only two hits in the books when they came to bat in the sixth inning, a smashing ; single by Cartwright in the third' and an infield bingle by Tobey in the fourth. But Cartwright won the ball game in the sixth with his head as well as a pair of flying heels, With everyone expecting+ the hus- ky Shelton shortstop to whale the ball for all the distance he could get, Cart'right dumped a beauti- ful bunt in front of the plate and beat it out for a hit, taking an extra lap when Predmore threw badly to first. Holding second while Wayne , Clary rolled to the pitcher, Cart- + wright cleverly shielded the ball as Toby grounded sharply toward the shortstop and the b all I skimmed past Art Swanson before • he could See it as Cartwright scored the wininng run. Tobey took second on the futile throw to the plate and scored a moment later as Carl Sundsten rifled a, single to right. Sundsten loped home ahead of Ken Cardinal wlien the Shelton first, sacker's smash right Went fo" the full cirult as slicb.l away from Teny Banazak. Tobey pitched to only 22 bat.t¢rs in the seven inning game. Only i two Puyallup hitters r ea'?hed ]base, and hell, her reched secJnd 'Tom Absher walking wth two out in the first, and Balmer was nipped trying to ste,a! after his hit in the sixth. Sundsten, playing his first game since breaking his finger and with the second fiager on his throwing hand in splints, i made a perfect throw on trig p]ay, He peTformed bhind the log as 'if nothing was wrong with his finger. PUYALLUP ab r h p a Balmer, 2b .... 3 0 1 0 3 Swanson', ss .... 3 0 O 2 l ) Absher, cf ...... 2 0 0 1 1 0 Lindb'erg, If .... 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 P¢dmo'e,p .... 2 0 0 0 2+ 1 Heinz, lb ........ 2 0 0  0 Q 'Banazak, rf .... 2 0 0 0 ,9 Q Wissinger, 3b.. 2 0 0  0 0 Wilkins, c ........ 2 0 0 8 1 T0als .......... 21 0 1 18 7 SLTON ab r h o  Cartwright, ss 3 1 2 1 O C lary, 2b ........ 3 0 0 2 ; Tobey, p ........ 3 1 2 0 tt Carlson, 3b .... $ 0 0 1 0 Sundsten, c .... 3 1 1 } 1 Chrdinal, lb 2 1 1 8 0 Wells, lb ........ 3 0 1 r0 O Anders0n, ,rf .. 2 0 0 0 0 McPhersonl cf 2 0 0 0 0 8 Totals ..::,...... 24. 4 . 7 '21 Score by Ilmlngs Puyallup ......... .0i0 DO0 O-- O Hits ............ 000 .001 O-- 1 Shlt0n -r ........ 000 09.4 S-- 4 Hits .............. 00! 05 X,- 7 sum: : me E- inal. Runs bagteu in.,.uadinal .z, Sundstdn, .Tobe. Stzel ot--r ro+ey 9, ,Predmore 7. W/lk- Tobey 1, Pr,edmo'e ,2. Passed bali --Wllkins, luns responsible for --Predmore 4+, Btole b:a. --An derson. Umpires'Jack Ste.wflrt) plate: Stun Armstrong, Gllchrist, bases. SHELTON iES ThUrsday, July 24 0w .......... :i4 a.yL 2.8 ft. High ........ 12:57 p.m. 1L0 ft, Low ........... 5:27 p.m. 3.5 ft. Friday 3uly 25 High ........ 12(05 a.r . 14.3 St. Low .......... 7:05 ;m. 2.0 E High ........ 1:38 p.m. 11.0 Low .......... 6:29. p.m, 5.1 ft. Saturday, Ju!y 26 High ........ 12:40 a.m. 13.8 ft. LOW .......... 8:02 a,m. 1.1 ft. High ........ 3:14 p.m. 11,6 ft. Low .......... 7:43 p,m, 6,3 ft. Sunda, July 27 High ........ 1:30 a,m. 13.2 ft. ow .......... 8:55 a.m. 0.5 t. igh ........ ,4:28 p.m. 12A ft. Low .......... 9:02 p,m, 7.1 ft. Monday, July 28 High ........ 2:16 a.m. !.2.8 ft. Low .......... 9:43 a,m. +0.1 ft. igh ........ 5:24 p.m. 13.2 ft. w .... . ...... 10:15 .p.m. .7.4 ft. igh Tuesday, July 29 ...... .. a:o! a.m. ,, o.w .......... 10:.= a,m, ,0,. I: High ........ 6:,10 P.m. 18.8 t. Lbw .......... 11,1 p.m. 7A ft, '- Wednesday, ffiily 30 H[gl ........ 3:4 a.m. 12.3 ft. Low .......... 10:08 a:m. -0.1 ft, High ........ 6:48 p.m. 14.2 ft, SHLT+ON !, BO!'S CLUB ] Home runs by Ken Carlson with two aboard and Maw Cartwright with the be§ full lave Sheltor. n eight-ru start m the first inning against the green-uai- Ibrme, d Boys Club of ,Tacoma ThurSday night and mlide Johnny Johnson's ii.tching assjg'nment a bI'e.e the z'st of the way. The slender Shelt'on righthandcr should hav'e had a shttt!t for his five-hit ff0rt but a. }0bble with LWo out by hotlst6p Mary Cart- rig, ht all0wed e Tacomt club t notch an unearned run in the first. Johnson was unable to iitch the final inning because of a .reak misha p , the Boys Club catcher accidentally hitting the Shelt0n pitcher on his small fii- ger ) his throwing hand with the al duriug the between-inning warmups. Carlson worked the final canto, giving tip a walk and thp sixth hit gane:ed by the Ta- comans in the game, but escap- ing without a score, After .the big first - inning splurge, She[ton .cooled off and scor'ed in only two other innings off Art Viafore, Boys Club fast- bgll rghthader, a wild pitch prc- pelliag Gene Wells across in the third after he had tripled to right- center, another wild pitch and Singles by Tobey and Ken Card- imal tallying three more in the si>;th, Tobey saved Johnson's skin with two brilliant ffeling plays in the fourth, robbing Vial€re of a home run and holding him to a double With a despera,te stab of his smok- ing drive to leftcenter, then run- ning a city block into rightcenter to make a shoet0P catch o' Chuck Berger's looper for the tiird out. Cartwright+ came up with a .bit of piracy on Glon Huffman's smash in the sixth, too. SHELTON ab r h o a e Cartwright, ss 2 3 2 1 4 2 Clary, 2b .......... 2 1 0 0 0 0 Tobey, cf ........ 3 2 2 2 0 0 Ctrlson, 3b-p .. 4. 1 2 1 1 0 Anderson, rf-3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 Cai'dihal. lb .. 3 1 1 8 0 0 Wells, If .......... ,1 2 2 1 0 0 Priszner, c ...... 3 1 0 6 2 0 Jotumon, p ...... 2 1 0 0 0 0 aValley, rf ........ 1 0 0 1 0 0 McPherson, cf 0 0 0 1 0 0 Totals .......... 28 12 10 21 7 2 a Batted for Johnson in:Vth. BOYS CLUB ab r h o a e Klippert, c ...... 4 0 1 8 1 1 Rei]er, lb 4 1 1 7 1 0 Huffman, 3b . 4 0 ! 0 0 0 Geppert 2b .... 3 0 1 Z 1 0 Viafore, p ...... 3 .0 1 1 2 1 Wing', cf. ......... 3 Palatiieclessi. ss 3   7 1 00 Berger, If ........ 3 0 0 2 0 0 Calklns, rf ...... 2 0 0 I 0 0 . Totals .......... 29 :1 6 21 9 2 Se.ore hy Innlngs Shelton .......... 80i 003 0--12 I Boys lubrH'itSc:":'" ...... 41! !D.3 0--I0 ..... 100 000 0-- 1 i Hits ............ 200 102 1---- 6 SUMMARY: Home runs--Carl- ' soil, Cartright. 3-base hit-- Wells, 2-base hits--Cartwright, Viafore. . Saci, ifice hit-- Clary. Runs batted tn--Cartwright 4, Car:bon 3, £obey, Cardinal, Gep- pert. Sruck out--Johnson 6, CarlSon 1, Viafore 8. Walks+ Viaf0re 5, Carlson 1. Wild pitch --Viafore 2. Hit b atters--Prisz net, Johnson by Viafore. Innings pcld 7-- J.ahDson 6. Runs re- @}pbpbl i'iA}Ox"e 11, Johnson pa!se!,,..l.--Prlszer. S t o I e Ii b'eSL-T,0bey GepperL wing. Urn: pires -- Gilcluist, plate; Stewart and Armstrong, bases. sON Is IORN .... M r. and.. Mrsl, R['t,, Fraer had a son born t,t'{ ]Npnes- day, 3u!y 16, at the Slelton Gen- eral H6spital. Bayley Heads ])in " r't , Ass'n; N 8- I cam Simpson Loop Due Phil Bayley will direct affairs of Shelton's bowling clan for the approaching season, having been elected president of the City Bowl- ing Association by a largc turnmit of kegelers at the first annual bowling picnic held at Twanoh State Park last Thursday. His running mates will be Jess Daniels, first vice-president; Adc Wright, second vice-president; Harry Cole, third vice-president: Paul Fredson. fourth vice-prem- dent; AI Fcrrier. secretary-treas- urer; and an exccutive comntittee composed of Allic Robinson, Tiff Skelsey, Charles /Hokie) Hokan- son, and Ade Kopperman. One ctiange il the league setup for the coming season was all- proved, last year's major leagues (men's and women's) being drop- ped snd the Thursday night spo they occupied turned over to a new eight-team Simpson Logging SUR{ I'M WILL|N5 TO BE A SPORT ON) t4ALLOWI;'N UT PU6$Y, POP SA' IF J T10 6kT  ;F It'LL GIVE MI:' ), toOMlUlbl6 J'O RMIMR IT Y, )/ .':; WLL WWA?tVI;R I Gi3" i'M 601146 0  ) PASS ON TO YOU AI THAT 00I€! Just Watc, hing the days go by won't malce you wel- come around the house if you fail to remember an anni'Tersary. But you will be a happier man in a hap- pier home with a happier family if you Remember' with a gift from company league which Holcansnn will supervise m his capacity as _ _ S,00pson ,'ecroation-., di, ec<or. RPC00W00TH'00 , Other ,,,eekly dates relniiin the JLZ.tJl:Nlial k). same as last year, .the eight-team ................. I.ayonier lcague taking Monday, Lll-/ - .J¢7.WI=,LIY - IVlUOIt.a the wonlen S league Tuesday, the n Inil),nnd ]hnnr 1 I commerclal league Wednesday, " .............................. ' ,,ndt22:<_,ity leag?!_.:!?}.?: .............. : ..... ,, RInE! Over Beautiful Trails... Fine Horses! New Equipment Alderbrook RIDING STABLE Trad s End RIDING STABLES OWNED and OPERATED by GENE STARK Two Miles East of Union Three Miles East of Twanoh Phone Union 342 Phone Belfair 533 Horses and Saddles for Sale • N--q--- b,, How to add fresh new years to 01d dry shingles If your roofs or side Walls are beglnnlng to show age, Standard Shingle Oil qulckly makes them perk up. Made of spccial kroiedm oils and clear-type crcosoi t tends to atten out Shingles already ,arped, checks cracking, prevents moss-growth. Standa ;hingle'011's easy ko brush or spray on fences, laths, and stake. It's a sure money-saver for mixing )'our own wood Sta;[ns with this hfe-preservmg oil. C. C. Cole 122 Souh Third St., Shel'ton Phone 87 .... means one thing to .an American, another to an Englishman. To an Ameri- can G-Iit might mean. "What does sle Io0k like?" T0 ,a BrRish tommy, "Is there something wrong with the motor?" • e , ; ' " ? A ) , BUT WHETHER A NNET ME NS A HAT ,, T I_, I!OOD, OF AN A1 JTOMOBILE TO You, IT S A G00D IDeA FOR A GUY TO LOOK UNDER IT NOW AND THEN. For Tune-up or Motor Repair, THE SHELTON GARAGE Trig.on Motor Oil | PHONE 52 Union 7600 i ,+