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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHTOmIASON ( JOVIAL .] L I , ,,,, ,,, ,, , I i IIU ii i ............. i / 24, 1947. A Hit! We Sc you the visit- and well clothes that dry cleaned longer Immaculate 0r YOur HEATER - C OIL STOVE - FI BE THE SMART F • PHONE 1 ve a full oil tank and be t set for constant laVe a SUPPLY of S (0 to 1,000 gallon for ncw c hisken ( CourRY Distributor for As This is a Boat-Building Shop J J 1 , , , ,,,, , ,  i j i i i,,.,( .i , , , ,,/ J , ,, , _ , HERE is and always has been, since pioneer days, a tremendous market, especially here in the Northwest's water paradise but also all over America, for all types of boats--rowboats, canoes, fishing boats, pleasure boats, freight boats, speed boats and other types of boats. Being the center of a great logging industry and the source, therefore, of a tremendous supply of lumber, Mason County is ideally situated to be, and indeed has been, a fairly sizeable supplier of small arid medium sized water craft.for this region ppssesses the natural resources, the basic materials and the skilled workers. Mason'County can, and easily could; become a larger factor in the boat building industry:of the Northwest, and expansion .of Mason County's boat,building a'c- ' ti¢ities would bring manY benefits to this community. If a large percentage of the lumber and plywood produced here were also fabricated into finished products here, community purchasing power would be materially increased, for then, in this one area, the primary raw materials would be carried through the entire manufacturing process--from the log to the "end use" product--thereby greatly increasing the olportuni- ties for employment. The fact is, however, that the mere possession of natural resources does not of itself assure progress. Natural re- sources are essential, to be sure. But they themselves pro- duce nothing--no jobs, no businesS, no income for anyone. It is the utlization of these resources which is all-important, and such utilization demands that someone--some individ- ual 9r group of individuals--tdke certain very necessary steps. Someone must invest time and money and thinking and work. Someone must "get things going." There is a very real element of risk in the procedure, of course. The individual who establishes a new boat building shop--or expands a present eplant--must buy, build or rent buildings; must buy equipment and materials, mast hire others to help operate his shop, must devote a great deal of time and energy to the ven- ture. It is essential that these risks be taken, for only then can new jobs be provided only then can a community, a state or a nation achieve true prosperity. Mason Cotmty--and eli America-wasfounded and built on the fundamental principle that' any or woman should have the right to work--shoUld have the. . g t to start a busine of his orn and to enjoy the fruits og ms labor. As a result, no other nation ',h the whole wor. can approach the Industrial might of America. In no other naton las te sta. dard of living risen so high for the individual willie . work for it. This results from the American Way o£ IAl:e, and is the pathway to an even greater America. Why Chauge it? The sponsors ¢f this series Of advertinnentg devoted ,to com- munity betterment are citizeas of hth I oommuuity. They own homei here. ThOr children SO to U htnTsaeyhave a deep sense of rMpoimibllity to the tndiVl. . . and to changes f ect the commug rl'ttey are lnrrofl in devel which will a f Y. ' - opin E a healthy community follOW..g ,the American Way of Ie, an4 thus keeping America aria Mason Couy tron for the generations to come. And such risksare taken- gladly- because this is America, and in America every i#dividual has the freedom to choose for himself what shape hiS lfuture shall take. The American way of life provides not .only.the basic, funame£al: freedom of individual enterprise  but the freedom to enjoy the results 0fsuceess:, These freedoms -- as essentially American as the freedom of speech or.thel/fCe dom of religion -- give men and women the vital incentives wh)ch make for progress. As a result, new factories are built, new industries created, opportunities expan_d, L pur- chasing power createdl Everyone benefits, diredly I or:i- directly. Every man and woman- every worker, merch" ant, professional man, teacher- every municipal, country, state or civil service employee- every employer, large or small. All benefit because all have a stake in the commo9 welfare of the community and the nation. Mason County can have greatly expanded boat building shops- and other industries, too. ason County will them. For the people of this community 15ossess the the knowledge and the ambition to create a future full promise and progress---and the American ideal of free e" ! terprise, applied with sincerity and courage, will rewardthe basic which are so essential to economic progreSS, i: One of a series of advertisements devoted to community betterment. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY • RAYONIER INCORPORATED • LUMBERMEN'8 MERCANTILE • ROY KIMBEL ENTERPRISES • GEO. M, GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • COMMERCE lid AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR LOCAL, UNIONS OF SHELTON • SHELTON KIWANIS CLUB • WINE INDUSTRY OF MASON COUNT SHELTON CHAMBER Of FOp. TOP Pl herever you drive th ,eat or mountain CoL best with AROTANE in I°Wer and driving eas, Rrformance will ado tow to the over-all pl, AROTAN