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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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$ SltELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL !i0Clil[ @(I00S To Midwest Floods JELLYMAKERS HAIL THE RETURN OF SUGAR Richard Rector, son of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Rector, received a straight "A" average at. the Uni- versity of Washigton last quar- tel'. Dick i. nlajoring in Geo- physics, He is a member of There (2hi Fraternity. RETURNS FROM ISLANDS Mrs, Edward A. Johnson re- turned to Tacoma July 5, by way of San Francisco and Pan Amer- ican Airways Clipper after a mont/'s vi,]it with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wood. She spent some time in Ilbnolulu, Oahu. Wailukth Mani and Hawaii. :Mr. ]nd MrS. Lee awson and dauRhter, Mary Elleu Pig'S, re- turned July 18 from a month long motor trip back Easl s I:ar as M,+ouri They with ,+,la- Marg StubberL Shower for Couple twos in Iowr,. and Nebraska. The trip proved successful even Bill ,Booth Wed Who Lost Home though they did get in on the il0ods and tt)rna(loes. A.t one point Margie Stubbert. daughter of A miscellaneous h o u s e h o 1 d ill Alexa,ndria, Missouri. the river Mr. and Mrs. S. IL Loudcrback of shower was given for Mr. and Mrs: had ov(,i'flowed its banks until th(:: Hoquiam, aild Ernest \\;Vill%m Fritz'Btlechel at the Dayton Ccm- floodwaters were about 7 or 8 Booth. Jr.. son of Mr. and hIi's, rurality Hall Friday, July 18. Mr. miles teross and covered the high- Ernest Booth, were married July 1, and Mrs. BtiechePs home was way. Chickens and davenports by Reverend Wayne Wright at'the burned to the ground July ]:1. were floating arour:d and Mrs. hi)me of the groim's parents. Several merchants a.nd friends DaWsOn Said. "You have to see The bride was gowned in an gave useful gifts. The Commlm- it to see how terrible i really is." aqua blue suit with willie a eces- ity Club presented a newly wedded The Dawsons drove ¢.nrough sbi'ies and wore a eornag'e of gar- couple. Mr. and Mrs. William Den- Yellowstone. National Park and denias and pink rosebuds. Ier ning, with a blanket. ,  only, attendant was her sister, Miss ......... toured the Grand Coul e Dam be- Shi'rley Louderback of H0quiam. STORK HOWER GIVEN fore tlley rCtllrned. ........ Stab wore a grey sutt with black FOR MRS. R. VIGER ] , , ,, " A stork silower was give]] for STR,AIIGiIT "A" S[ UDI.Ni carnations.aecess°ris and a corsage of pink Mrs. Russell Viger by Mrs. Wil- liam Viger Thursday, July 17, at The groom was attended by his Union. brother, George Thomas'Booth, The bride's motier wore a During the evening Court Whist 'triped dress of gray and white was played witl ihe two highest being Mrs. Pat Smith and Mrs, William Levett, while the two lowest were Mrs. Janles Wilson SYRUP Sunny Jim OUART ...... 33* Dill Pickles 0UART ..... 29 * Tonmto Soup Campbell's COFFEE Fairmont .LB. CAN .... 43* Beans & Ilam Home Style NO, 2 C A  ............ 29* GELLATIN DESSERT ,y00L. '79 PKG ............. 3 C    .... 29 ¢ Iifl ........................................... Clearance Men's Llnbd COVERT WORK JACKETS sJ.00 MEN'S CORDUROY TROUSERS Brown and Gray Mix. $2.00 MEN'S Bedford Cord SLACKS s3,00 WOMEN'S WHffE SHOES SPECTATCRS AND SANDALS s2.00 LADLES' FARMERETTES Faded Denims and Twills s2.00 COMFORTERS TWo-thirds COtton filled One-third Tanners wool BOY'S Slipover and Coat Styles 50* to s2.00 FLASHLIGHTS PLASTIC AND METAL CASES SO* & Sl.00 M00N'S'SPORT SHIRTS SHORT SLEEVE Fancy Pr/nts. Sizes Small, reed. and large. $1.98 Thursday,' made the trip, Mrs. Cunningham JAC as far as Fort Lewis. The rest of the party called on Mrs. Clara Ill I-IuIltley in Tacoma and tile Love- laCC falnily t Midland, VTash. LES It has come to the attention of people here in the Valley that Children refuse from Septic tanks is being TAP, dumped over tbe hill not so. far front the road going into Isabella and Valley. Children and older peo- ple come tip to pick berries in the Every hills and with dtseasc on the in- 12 crease we think such practice shottld not be allowed. Either dis- Shelton infect or bury so flies will not Phone have a chance to carry germs. SALTY'S STYLE 12th and Bayview -- NOW OPEN Dresses - all sizes 9 und a ;corsage o£ pink carnations. Mrs. Booth, Sr,, wore a gold and I brown figured dress. Her cor- l sa.e was of gladioli and steph- and Mrs. Wi]ltam :Batstone. Mrs. rotis. Steve Vi='er and Mrs. Allen Rau Yore. little girl will enjoy mak- about l/fi pounds soft ripe peaches. tied in giiessilg how many pins ling jellies and jams--the new Grind or chop very fine. Combine Immediately after tlm ceremony were in a jar. After tlle game ,way! Yes, the new short b0il fruits and measure 4 cups into a atablereCeptiOnwas centcredWaS hetd.witlThea bride'Stbree, sellthe pinSviger.Werc given to Mrs. RuS-  recipes for jalDs and jellies are so very large saucepan. tiered cake topped with the tra- Guests present from Unio n were I well tested, anyone who follows To make the jam. Add sugar to ditional .bl:ide and groom minis: :lIesdames Allen Ran, Harlan i the direetions.can turn out per- fruit in saucepan and mix well. tures. The cake was served by Blake, Gene Stark, Don Walker, feet sweet spreads every time. Place over high heat, bring to a the bride's sister, Mrs. Helen Richard BuecheL Larry Scheel, So now that we can have all full rolling boil, and boil hard I minute, stirring constantly. Re- Smitt of Hoquiam. Verb wyatt, James Smith and Pat I the sugar we want  why not let Guests attending the wedding Sivlitl; honor gltest, Mrs. Russell I your daughter help you With your move from heat and at once stir and reception were Mr.. and Mrs. Vtger, tnd hoste,q, Mi,. William jams and jellies? Or, even better, in bottled frtut pectin. Then stir ' S, R. Louderback, Mr'. and Mrs. Vigor. why not tell her she may make a and skim by turns. •for 5 minutes + Jack Fisher, Mr, and Mrs. Franlt Those present from Shelton "batch': all by herself? Sh'6+ll be to cool slightly, to prevent floating Easter, Mrs, Helen Smith tnd were Mrs. Steve Viger, Mrs, Wil- thrilled--and you'll be so proudl fruit: Ladle quickly into glasses, Miss Slfirley Louderback, all of liam Batstone, Mrs..William Lev- Hoquiam; Mr, and Mrs, Ernest W. ette and Mrs. Lena Isakson, Mrs. All she has, to do is follow the Paraffin at once. Makes ab'out 11 Booth, St., Mrs Oorge Shorter Russell vlger's methr. Mrs. direction. for preparation and ;ix-ounce glasses. Ml-. and Mrs. John E. HoWe, MrS. ,lames Wilsori, also attended from ime the boiling to the second. Leonard Booth, Mi-s. M. A, DtcRIn- Berkeley Calif0,nia, Natural fruit pectin does.the rest. Peach /am son and daughter, Patty Mr. and -- And when natural fruit pectin is 3 cups prepared fruit MrS. Perry Rose, Mr. and Mrs. MRS. DeBARD II()STESS added, you can use fully ripe fruit. 41./2 cups sugar A'lthu'+ Nelson' r" and P+' W + " T O C''I ''LIMB MEMBER+ NO n+ e  L+ t 0 sacrifice flavor now- I box powdered fruit pectin +,+Cv""" +.,.,u +e'+"'aa- Icy A. Rau, Mrs. Blanton Donald- Thursday was a perfect day for a+days. So whynot start today and son, Mrs. Wayne Wright, Thomas the garden party with which Mrs. have a real "jam session" with To prepare the yruit. Peel and E. Nelson, Miss Inez Shorter, Miss Vtt'ginia DeBard entertained mem- Eleanor Anne Booth and George bers of the Hood Canal Woman's your daughter? Y0u'i1 have lots pit about 21/ pounds of soft ape T, Booth. Club at her home nortt of Lilli- of fun and you'll reinember your peaches. Grind. Measure 3Vz cups into a large saucepan. Following the reception the waup, About thirty-five were am party every time you open a Tomake the jam. Measure sugar young couple left for a fishing present to enjoy the hospitality jar of your jam or jelly. For a trip. Upon their return they will of' "Carrolyn," one of the many "starter" try these new recipes: and set aside. Place saucepan reside in Shelton whel-e the groom attractive Hood Canal view homes, holding fruit over high heat. Add is employed, once the summer residence, but Cherry and Peach Jam powdered fruit pectin and stir Shelton now the permanent home of tile (Using sour cherries) until mixture comes to a hard AUXILIARY'IIAS LUNCItEON J, E. Carroll family. 4 cups prepared fruit boil. At once stir in sugar. Bring The Ladies Auxiliary No, 149 The hostess served a buffet to a ull rolling boil and boil hard of Olympia Carpenters Local 1148 luncheon at small tables which 7cups + , +++,,+ ++++ oo++ +° inK--In- spent the day at th6. L. C. Smith were placed about the lawn and 1 bottle fruit pectin move from heat, skim, ladle home at Concord Bezch Tuesday; on the patio shaded by heavy To prepare the fruit. Stem and quickly into glasses, Paraffin at Jiffy 15. I wisteria vines and purple clematis, pit about 1;/a pounds fully ripe sour once. Makes about 8 six-ounce A potluck dinner was served el; Tall hollyhocks in pale yellow, noon with Mrs. Smith serving pinks and fusehia, roses and other cherries. Chop fine. Peel and pit glasses. clam chowder, flowers greeted the ghests, tel- Those present were Mrs, thel lowing the thence of a sign read-. ,...-..-.v....v. Abbott, Mrs. Gertrude DOlly and ing, "Come into my garden ladies,  Shower Honors Sh It V MUSIC BY THE 6 BUSY  r a n d d I ] J g h t + P , C a ,:1 o] Seaman; my flowers WiSh to see you." Mr. e on alley M,.s. Midge Da,+els and da,00hter, Carroll. father o+ th+ hostess, at- Mrs. J. iSmith, .................. The Hiesters are hack from Janice; Mrs. Gertrude Mitchell, tended the party long enough to A shower honoring Mrs. James their trlp East. Mrs, Phoebe Langeberg, Mrs. Ii- see that this introduction was car- j. Smith of Union was given by Lee Slater's sisters, May a.d DANCING 10 P.M. TO 2 ma Stoik, Mrs. Astrid RuSsell, ried out. Mrs. gable Clemensen and daUgh- Mrs. DeBard Was assisted in co-hostesses Mrs. Ada Holmes Grace, from Tacoma were week ter, Eileen; and Mrs. Eva Palmer. serving the luncheon by several of and Mrs. Helen Smith at the home eild visitors at the Slater home * her neighbors and her ,daughter, of Mrs. Smith last Thursday. The and also a neplew of Mr, Slater's. ARRIVES FROM NEW YORK Carolyn, who also played several afternoon was spent in games, Miss Janet M. McRae of New pianb numbers for the entertaih after which hmeheon was served. Mrs. Walter Cooke's brother, John Inse], and his family paid " York City arrived home llst .9 at of her mother's guests. Tbe guest of honor received many Thursdab' to spend the rest of' Ehe gifts, a visit at the Cooke ranch a week . ago last Sunday. They are from , +. summer with her mother ',/d FAVORITE RECIPE WANTED Guests inch.ideal Mesdames Jew- Grays Harbor: brother, D. C. and John G, Mtc- The Rainbow Girls of Shelton ell Deer, Evelyn Smith, Inez i Rue and family, She h*ad a pleas-are compiling a recipe book and Dodds, Ruth Jacobsen, Catherine Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooke were. G00I00RD E ant trip, stopping in Fort William knowing are many good Pierce. Mary Baxter, Nell Byrne at the opening of Dr. Collier's to visit her.unt also visiting, her Cooks in Mason Countythey would and Mary Smith, all from Shel- clinic last Saturday. Mrs. Cooke cousin in Victoria, B, C. the Skil- appreciate a recipe from every- ton: Mrs. Frances Viger of Union. was much impressed by the flow- lingO, one. You must have a favorite Mrs. Faye Valton, Bremerton; ers deeoratinz the roon.s. ] and her ree little sons are visit- With the community's.wives, away of Edmonds. at the Kaz'nes home nnd also at ing at the MacRae Ranch for a Mail your recipe with your Walter Cook's one day last week. week, Mi, s. Ma(Rae is hei- aunt. name on if to the committee chair- WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS Frank Kneeland and his wife man, Judy Satterthwaite, Rt. 2, ANNUAL SUMMEI OUTING called on the Glovers last Sunday. Box 230, Shelton, or bring to Lu- The Shelton Women's Club will Mrs. Glover Ls his niece. Anne Adams at The Journal of- hold its annual summer outing at Mrs. Fay Bennett and ;Mrs. ficc, Alderbrook Inn, 12:30, Monday, Harry McConkey and Signe Knee- . 50 land called at the Rntledge ranet ----- July 28, with a luncheon, GUEST LIST COMPLETED 'those in charge of the arrange- Sunday. Later in the (lay tht,y In the story last Week about ments are Mrs. A. Almaden, Mrs. Went out after berries and each the 4,bth wedding' anniversary of Purl Jemison and Mrs. Herbert picked a six.pound pail o£ black- Mr. and Mrs, Oral Mercer and Miller. berries. Mr. and Mi's, Fied.Anderson, two At a short business session, Mr. and Mrs Dick Kimbel and I--'0 names were overlooked and left Mrs. Frank Willard will review boys were at Alderbrook over the week end. out of the.guest list at an open the highlights of the state con- The Glovers were Olympia vis- house held to celebrate the occas- vention at Seattle. itors Sunday. ion. They were Mi-. and Mrs. Otto Mrs. Larry Karne's mother who Knorr, sister of Mrs, Anderson, BECOME GRANDPARENTS has been visitinK witl the ICarnes , and Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Knorr, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rose became family, left for Seattle last Men,- both fainilies of Shelton. grandparents twice in one week. Mrs, A. C. Dawson had a baby day taking little Karen, her grand- PLAN CLIMBING TRIP girl July 11 in Dallas, Oregon, daghter, with tier for a week's vacation in Seattle. Dr. and Mrs. Browning, with and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kneeland their son, Robin, are preparing to became parents of a baby boy. called at the Highlands Sunday " leave on a climbing trip tomor- This is the first boy born on i'ow to the Grand Tetofi in Wyom- the Frazier side of the family in night, '* I Last Saturday your correspond- - lIlff with the Mountaineers, an 47 years. Organization from Seattle. The ent accompanied J Keith Bennett and his mother to Tacoma. Mrs. Brass Hose NozZles Grand Teton is just below Yellow- DAYTON PICNIC PLANNED Cunnihgham and her two children tone National Park. Dayton residents are invited to and Miss Barbara Oldberg also -------   ...... . .... the annual picnic of the Dayton _ _lLd community club to be held at 1 ' " GRAHAM p'm' sunday at Denght Pak' pARAMOUN T Garden Spri GIRL'S Faded Deillrtl ,...*.v.vv.*...-. :.......v.v,. SLACKS Allyn ',GS ....  ....... I ........   family moved tO Shelton last week 8helton, WaSh. Sizes?-14 where they will now make their Rose Sprinklers Thursday, F|day, Saturday home. They sold their property --t11 UU*41IIIIf t, ly 24, 25, 26 here to Mr. and Mi's. Herrlngon. The community will miss them but ONE WEEK DeflfilS Morgan we sincerely hope they will enjoy R P #ilne Wyman their new home. Thursday- Wednesday ose runers ........ "CHEYENNE" Mr. and Mrs. Herrtngton and July 24- 30 BED SPR00DS son are from San Franoiseo and Janis Paige, Bruce Bennett we wetcome them to our corn- IN TECHNICOLOR Wild! Wicked! Wide Open munity. Mr. Herrington is a son EVERYBODY MUST SEE Thrills.. of Mrs. Henry Budding'. Heavy Tufted I, HI ii II |" 1 '1J' Mr. and Mrs. G. Nelson of Port,- "THE YEARLING" the home of Mr. and Mrs, Win. Austin last Starring Gregory Peck NEW ARRIVAL$1i Chenille Sundayju]l°nday'2T, 28, 29Tuesday ]and, Ore., visited at F'iday and whiIe there they en- feast o1," chowder.* M THE LATE The Va.ughn baseball team won NET GEORGE APLEY" hy a score of  to s in a game Thursday Saturday played with the Silverdale V.F.W. Vanessa Brown, Rlchard team last Sunday at'Silverdale. JUly 31 - August 1 CURTAINS .+.,o+ +++,, Rebecca Morgan spent last week Richard New and Introdue- end in Shelton visiting with her TWO FEATURES , ing Peggy Cummins friend, Betty Johnson. It's the IncomparabJy Mrs. Charles Wrage's mother, BLIND SPOT Ecru COlOr Entertaining Movie!t Mrs. Duly, and her sister, Ruth, Adjustabl% Easy to $---.AZUU ,, , spenther here.lasz week end visiting with Jim Wakley-- $5 SO edneday Only, July 30 The Grapeview-Allyn fire de- SONG ON pertinent will conduct their third TWO FEATURES  semi-m.tlhllYnbenefit dance at the THE RANGE I I "BORN TO Victor a ext Saturday night, July 26th. These dances have HARDWARE DIePARTMENT BOY'S SPORT SPEED" been very successful and epjoyed AND CASUAL Johnny Sands, Terry Auslln bY everyone attending. Saturday - Tuesday "Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wereham, C000TS Ride tt,e Cockpit of Thrills, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heuderson and August 2 - 5 ]V[r. and , Mrs, Charles Wrage ',, SECOND FEATURE calledtdthohome of Mr. and Frank Sinatra Joan LesUe, Robert Hutton Mrs r ck Thursda e e- D U u,aa-- "- " l Y  IT HAPPENED , ,in¢ the 16t . The occasio was TOO YOUNG ....... n ., Mrs. Stocks b,rthday. IN BROOKLYN TO KNOW" Tbc news boxes at the stores Kathryn Grayson Etablished 1895 ave been empty the last two " weeks ? ? ? Featuring Large sizes and Lingerie Hours ].2 Noon to 9 p, PEARL SALTWlCK PHONE  Mason County's Largest Dance FOOT LENGTHS + I: .... Brass Coupled DIAMOh are iifeti ....  S SECUR2TY aRa] :' tS is ail ideal ttme to bu: ' inVest .. inv flputatlon is your guarm I illarnond y0u h purchase • U/tV at the lowest pric, .: : iVAN !i NEUENSCIIW.4 Angle Building" Pho: Plo,d "black Orte tank, tank, they area at heat. With size wire, become i:, *and i con- heaters tank, COntrol, guarantee, install .I$ FIRST Fu]