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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,  , , L L_J • , - I .Classified Ads ffv. a, , ,u .,r .,,v I, ,r .wv ,l.•,,r..r ,,r., v qb,..,r4w FOR SALE PHONE 26 for home milk delivery._ M11-1,1tin 7D-I-&apos;'XL--? Low bed, Jv:.ux 20 tires witil fifth wheel hitch. 5ohn Vincent, at, 1, Box 230. Shellon Valley. 6-5-tin .t, Vl ,,AL, I. $, 01lnple Motor Sales for auto pacts anu accessories. First and Mill Streets, phone 595 7-4tin -(SNVE RT-'YOUT( "kITCHEN r ANE to oil, See the new Therm silent Atr Flow Burner In operation at • Sam B Smith Co. Legion Way and , Cherry, Olympia, Phone 7753. 21-15tin, ' "bR S,ALE--Zii:y"Sld rovh:l fir wood: ' not slao woos, any length, 1 load or ' , a hundred, prompt delivery. C. R. ., (Cliff) Borden, Star Rt. 1, Box 95,, ShaRon, Wn,, Phone 216-J-3. 6-19-tin FOR SALE f--Coil Spring ' 1---Spring Filled Mattress f-Pressure Canner lApex Vacuum Cleaner Apply Eaton Body & Fender bird and Grove Phone 8 %. FOR SALE: two good mik cows, Jersey and one Guernsey, A t , Nordulst, lte< 1, Box 24, 7 t 'F(JR"'ALE:McDougall kltcllen (Jabi= net, Horton washing machine, Era- , press cook stove. A. E. Swearlnger, Route 1, Box 141, MIll Creek road. 7-3-31 kid and 14-monlh old buk, alaso " some used lumber in different sizes and four colonies of bees, Josepitine ,, Lusin, at. 2, Box 268, "Simlton: 7-I0-17 0R SALE: Baby strol]eT and play 'pen. Like new. Phone 160-J• K7-10-24 FOR " SALE: Sherwin-Wliliame out- - side house paint, $5.50 gal. Catto ttardware, 815 Railroad. Phone 48. 5.22-tfn suitable for ranel use, or recall she G• W, Palmer, Matloek Route, : lock (near Beevllle School). 7< ' '0R S ALE:-Whlle collie puppies, some fen't pure white, znqUire Route 1, .,ox 215, Mrs. Merrill Saeger. 7-10-17-24 R'SALE: Weste;n';oplng saddle ..... bridle and martlngale, excellent con- dition, $150,00. Phone 591-RX. L7-I0-24 ]:"6-t- --IgALi''-t'q}; r-g -" w'gs I {i" -"in ach i n d in good conditlon, $40. Phone Union ' " 388, Mc7-10-24 WEw "TI'RES ow available i n unl ira:: ited quantities at Meli Chew.clot, Car sizes d:40x21, 5:50x19, 5:50x17, 6:00x16, 6:50x16. 7:00x16. 6:50x15. .... 7:00xI, all truca ure m: S, and tubes of all etzes. Also used tires In ...... all popular sizes. Moll Chevrolet, 'Fh'st and Grove, Phone 777 or .778. eondltlon. Phone 626-M. M7-17-3t 'F0" SXLE i ' :H0d.( ti, htl,},: -13. fC lifi: tane equipped, with range and heat- ,I' sleeps 4, and has pcrnmnent bed $1350. 620 Ahler St. C'7-24 The PHILCO Console AMERICA'S GREATEST RADIO VALUE FM ..... Short Wave .... Tone Control Phonugraplt with the Dynamic .,:.: pinup Liberal trade-in allowance on your old radio JULY ONLY Olympic Furniture 321 Railroad Phone 94 HI L USED STOVES IN EXCELLENT CONDITION 1--,Montag all-enamel wood cook stove !---Montag circulating wood heat- er Ued Davenport Used Settee and Chair Olympic Furniture 321 Railroad Phone 94 qv ,,m'4 *'  ',r,v,p-'e' v",@,'qr'qP," ,,e",,F ',*¢v v',, ',,"  FOR SALE FOR SALE: new ]10-volt AC. 75C watt light phmts, witi kit of re. pair parts, $250. Western Suppl Co., 218 North First St. Phone 126. 3-6tin. ! I IH NOW Real-Silk Merchandise * Lingerie * Dresses * Skirts * Blouses * Handbags * Finest in Men's and Ladies Hosiery * Many other quality items K. L. MANN Box 1, Lilliwaup, Wash. DROP A  CARD' or phone Shclton 221-R-4 7-3-31 Wheels Balanced On Your Car New Stewart-Warner post- war electronic balaneer. $1.50 per wheel "Bob Ervin Motors 633 S. 1st Phone 673 [ I I FOR SALE: Sherwln-Willlams Out- side house paint, $5.50 gel, Catto Hardware, 15 Railroad, Phone 48, -22-tfn { I I I FOR SALE WESTERN FURNACE No. 25 Complete with Jacket, Fan and Pipes Also Oil Burner $100 for outfit. G. C. ANGLE KITCltEN cabinets, linen closets, store fixtures, and custom mill work. made to order. For free estimates Phone 217R2 or 217R6. Peterson Bros. 8-1tfn. F0 R -SXgV--h?'q--B'ER--iqieK Tractors and Gas Engines. New and used water syetems, home-freezers, Reach-in Refrigerators. light plants aria many other hard-to-get items at IEDUCED PRICES, Stop 'N SEE MISKELLA REFRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Olympia Hlway at Aberdeen "Y". Ph. 9690 Olympia, or write Rt. 1, Box 148. 6-1-tt'n free for cutting. Accessible. Angle- side. See fI. G. Angle, 4-24-tfn FOR-"sA:LEi"--J2x12 all wool yrtezc Broadloom ru, and pad, excellent condition. Fre Bell, 107 North 8th, Phone 294-R. 7-17-24 NLff'H'itN-X-S--];s- and serv- ice at IHllcrest Hardware. 7-1%31 br/-t:LEi- acE--i!h{i-lffV%-/iiTe" eupboards and counter with/sinks, auital)le for store or tavern. Cheap. Mnplo Auto Court on Matleck Road, 7-17-24-31 pets $32L DoUb]'e (lown arctic" sleep- ing bag, $25, 2-wheel utility trailer, $95, Phone 538-M. M7-17-31 range) Ivory color, good condition, Twentieth Century Store. 7-17-31 rugs. Call 17-W after 5:30. W7-17-31 BOATS FO'"SALE}-"22fiT"'Mk"-dj." s[gn Swanson-built cal)in cruiser i Universal motor and 16-fl speed [ boat, Star conversion. Jnst over- haukd. Inquire Shelton Machine Shop and Moorage or Phone 384. D7-17-31 good condition, priced for quick sule. I Harold Miles, Phone 766-J-3. Can be [ seen at slore across froln Rodgers[ Bros. Garage, Olympia Hiway. 7-24 [iS-t-"S'XLE:." "9x]2" X/i&ii//ii 0rii]h'hi rug, good condition, Phone 574-W evenings. F7-24 FOR SALEi'"---Ai')'o,-t""'80-- ilh.-"hacE StulIlphlg powder and 88 sticks of dyna;nlt(.;, $10 for lot. Dan Nevitt, ___ Allyn Wash.  7-24 Joe Iunke,', at, 2, Box 86, Ehna, Wabingt on, 7-24 _ . , FOR SALE : '{;h:f'7"i!a:;(fe-7-2bT--d.if .................................... : ......................... 760-J-4. T7-24 [ . I I I II ii II I NEW BOATS FOR SALE V-Bottom, 14 Ft. Outboard Runabouts $0050.00 Silva Bros. Boat Shop Route 3, Box 233 Shclton, Wash. (8 miles out, on Cole road) I II [I I I I ENTER !.,THE: 1947 WORLD.WID£ GRAFLEX :CONTEST FOR SALE: Hydro electric plant com- plet(i Pelton wheel 1900 watt D,C. generate," and all fixtures, J. C, Simmons Rt 2 Box 148, Shelton. ' 7-248-7 writer. $35, Can be seen at Join'hal office. 7-24- 31 OR sALE:.-N:w%q[61-:iZ- f)Ti.i:,;;i.-i, iiS,: cutting clippers, Will sell at ,;ost price, Runs oa AC or DC current. Also tcd furniture, B• L. Rose c-o -ord Dealer, 7-24 FOR SALE : -Sii]]ff-wffii-]d:rt:'-'%'/£/'= rlage, ball I)earlngs on carriage, roller bearings on arbor, (arriage (,pentng 16 inches. 406 Syh'ester St., Olyl)Ipla. ' 8 FOR SALE or Trade for cow: 5- aited saddle horse. Phone 15-F-1, urke Cruson. at, 3 (/ mile down ._A_.rcadia._pad ): .................... 7y17_-31 (Corsetiere) BERNICE ST]]WART (Charts) Established Clientele BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Phone 372-R 616 N. 1st St. I HI WANTED WANTED: White enamel incinerator with coils. Phone 727-R. J7-24 WANTED: Two boys to carry the Ta- coma Times in city limits. Phone 259-R, M7-24-31 WANTEDi General office heiper,-with beekeeping experience, also able .to take/dictation• State qualifications. Inquire Journal office, Box "E". 7-24-tfn WANTED: alesman to take Vacuum Cleaner agency. Tlis is an excep- tional "opportunity for a live wire. ewing machines wlll be In line wllen available, This could be handled on a part time basis. Must be finan- cially responsible. Write or phone or appointment. House of Palmer, 632 Washington Avenue, Rremerton, Washington, Phone 2576, 7-10-tin i LOGS WANTED SECOND GROWT-H PREFERRED Prevailing prices paid by Enitai Lumber Co. Mill located at Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 r-AN TE D'?'-dhd- t-6 k-75it--f r e e: courteous service. Phone us collect. Elma 21-J-13. Grays Harbor Render- ing. Inc. -27tfn. W Ai'T. ED: women to wor as oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- t ancd, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for t)sear ZandeIl. 10-18-tin WAITRESS and kltclen help wenlto ply aote Shelto. Co Sho, WANT TO BrV2 old hores for Mink feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4676 collect, l-ltfn call on farmers in Mason County, Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital re- quired. Permanent. Write today, McNess Company, Dept. B, 2423 __a_g_n.o.!t__S.t.:- oa!!_n..7,_c_alV,.7-?.:2.. WANTED: Practical nurse wants work. Convalescents and new mothers pre- ferred. Mrs, James D. Ford, at, 2, Box 251-A. 7-17-31 WANTED: Good cook. until 1st of Sept., at summer home on Canal. excellent wages, Call Hoodsport 25-J-13. D7-17-24 USED CARS FOR SALE: 1941 Pontiac SIx, 4-door sedan, radio and underseat heater. good condition, upholstery like new. $]295, Fred Archer at Firestone Store. 7-3 "F()R SALE: Two-wheel trailer $25.00; also pick-up steel bed $25; one new hot water tank. PershaIls Serviee Station, 3Vz miles south, Olympia ._ IjwaF_. ................... 7-24---8-7 FOR SALE: '34 Chevrolet cbhvertible,- $250; '35 Graham, $250; '35 Chevrolet coupe, $395, Pershall's Service Sta- lion 3V miles sotitb. Olympia Hi- way. 7-24 FOI SALE: '39 Oldsmohile radio, heater, 3 new tires. Jim Percy. Star Rt. 2, BOX 103, Phone 221-R-1..!.7,,2:, .... MI i I [ BE READY FOR THE STATE CAR TEST Lights -- Brakes -- Toe In TESTED FREE ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON NECESSARY REPAIRS BOB ERVIN MOTORS First and Mill Streets PHONE 673 II ii III ii torcycle. Inquire Pershuli's Serv- Ice Station, 3  miles south on Olym- L t) Hiway. 7-24 XL-: ]''5t coupe, go'od tires, radio and heater, Phone 329-M. G7-17-24 SR'-X'LE 193€ Chevrolet c'vi;{tigle, 250,00. Model A convertible $100.00, Perha]l'.s Se,'vtce Station, 3 miles S0UtlI, ULympic Highway. 7-10-24 O'R--SALE: &-ton Clmvrolet ca:go 4-wheel drive, good (.ires, powerful winch, will pull 14-in. fir stumps, Wilbur Peterson, Star Rt. 1, Bo 134. Phone 217-R-2 or 2 7-R.,3. 7-10-24 OR SALE: Practically new house trailer new paint and tires, lots of locker and cupboard room, ice box, stove, and hot plate. See at Butck _ Garage, ssk for Brockman. 7-10-24 26-FT. SEMI trailer fdr sale or trade for dual axle log in trailer. Phone 218-R-2. g ff I)7-10-17 - I II _ WANTED Clean Cotton Rags With Buttons and Snaps Ronmved No Curtain or Heavy Underwear Journal Office WANTED TO RENT WffH A NEW O7-24--10"I ...... v.vv.vv.v ...... ... WANTED TO RENT: 2 to 4-r'oom FOR SALEi"'21:ft[--c'tliil"bost, 25-h,p. house, or improved acreage within Unlvm'Sal motor, Handy Andy 11 may easy walking distance of Sheiton, be sen at M nerva Park, Pbon Richard Reese, Box 10.t, Plummet. 474M. A7-24 Idaho, 7-17-24 FOR" SA'del vamiun.I WANTED TO RENT',-Teaclel. wishes cleaner, in excellent condition, $18. lmuse fox' family as sooa as possible. 1011 Olynlpie Ave., Shelton. (Angle- Phone 403-M. O7-24,8-7 side) P7-24 one ]n0ton pctul'e prejeetor, 3 ]()t LOST AND FOUND a/r registers. Phone 171, (]7-2,i .-. ............. "F6R"ALE']"gf'i'i"iii':C;;ul;"ffSat5 ' LOST; Lady's gold Bulova wristwatel, ful Gladiolus, fine. fox' any occasion, Thm'sday morning, July 3rd. Finder ]llany colors now bloondog, 1 Inth-}s pleaso return to M,,s. H. W. Gruver i S  @@" s()uih on Oly,npla Hiway, Earl's nt L. M. Store. Rcard. 7-10-24 __.---- Ghuliolus Farm. 7-24-t fn ......... 9(:IC sAgt,, VWffi{;-';:;h3£;iu,-ff wood range with water jacket, Good ondith'm. Plone 727-JL J7-24 FOR SALE: 2-burner eh,)ctriC plate, TOTAL CA$g P00IZE$ 3.h,,at rontrol. A, H. Ayers, Hoods= port• ANDREWS I UD 0S 120 North Se0ond St, PHONE 152 724.tln ]0 R" S hG],f-] ff,7'ia=:'8;;;" ifi -•'iii({ a drtke, $I0, Nine baby Muscovy ducks 25(.' eaciL tl. Halbert, Spen- ('er liice ],/!sor(, 7-2'1-dl---8-7 O"SAIE: Joh) *D0.m',:; 10-1)i. }{ioW," practically now. Inquire 2()2 E, Pine t. Mc7-17-24 FOR -S'JLI '-"'f--/h)i/iT- ti/}i'dJ"(;/.aweF lractor and 1 right-band btlzz saw mandrel. Chcal). ,?ames D. Ford, Itt. 2. Box, 251-B. Shel(on. 7-17-31 FOI SALE: Bast;i{ii':hi -¢{ii¥i;;Tw''ff or oil, witll piping, Jacket and fan; , als0 oil burner, cheap price, see H. [ G, Angle. 7-17-31 1 WOOri' I)E:VY SLAg"2.qlt"gi:;;W/li ; w(od, tfg,00 largo h)ad, delivered, { Sbelton 'atleY Lumber Coolpany, I IU;¢ So. 12ih. Phune 545-J. 7-17--,$-13 I "LOST: 17-jewel" Swiss yel]' Altha wrist watch with brown loath- Jour- ernalStraP,office.Reward for return t°7-1 e-?I-T LOST: "Black" ]nglish leather wal|c containing discharge Papers, var- ious papers valuable on|Y o me. Lost between Shelton and C)lymt)ia, Re- lurn to Jolm S. Coates, Star Rt. 1, Box 38, Shelton. 7-24-3/ FOUND: Pair of h'oi'n-rLmmdd glmses, ,)It corner of Secolid and Cots. Owu- el' nlay clalln aL Journal and pay £or _.!}d'. ......... P7-24 LOST: Ladies' nmroon colored' sweate on Seventh-Day Adventist Church porch July 19, Finder please con- tact Mrs. Louis Powers. at. 1, Box 12, Slelton. Rewurd. 7-24 CARD OF THANKS Our sinccre thsnk Io the many friends who presented us with uselttl and beautiful gifts sod to the many who offer;d help when fJrc destroyed OUt' home. My, and Irs. Fritz BuecheL SHELTON-I[ASON COUNTY JOURNAL Classified Service PRESCRIPTION SERVICE on medl- eal contraets, old age assistance, or direct with you on your doctor's order. Prepp's Drug Store, Second and Railroad. 10-3tin. WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- rlal guaranteed, Vern Davidson, 903 E1Hnor. Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tin -H--lgM--STITC-I-NG-: 10c yar(I, also but- tonhollng. Mrs. Ellis Wells 405 At= ealia Avenue. (Corner Arcadis ana Boundary Streets.) 2-28,tin PLEASE CALL Stoehr & Rlchert Mo- tors for carpenters. Phone hours will be Mondays from 9 to 12 o'clock a.m., Wednesdays from 1 to 4 o'clock p.m., ad Fridays from 9 to 12 o'clock a.m: Phone 212. S. A, Torkelson, _ us/ne_s_ _4ge,t ......... 5:22-t_n LAUNDRY DONE; Call 705-J: R7-24 WE SPRAY PAiNTexteriors and hand trim houses, barns and outbuildings. Free estimate. Phone 217-R-4, D7-10-24 FLOORS SANDED and REFINISHED: New hardwood floors installed, old or new homes, J. A. Schlange, Box 28, Belfatr, Phone Belfair 582. 7-17-47--7-17-48 II | Cabinet Work and Upholstering General Carpenter Work Park Street Cabinet Shop MARK FAY 518 Park St. Phone 284-R I RI I I I HI UNDERSEAL Protects against rust, ping-, spots from flying rocks and gravel. GUARANTEED for the life of y)ur car. $35 and $40 Available at Bob Ervin Motors 633 S. let Phone 673 I SHARPENING Itwnmowers, Kaives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kind Bicycle Repairs Keys Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cots PHONE 243 BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING Ralph Danielson RT. 1 BOX 12A Phone 218 R2 tin KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any- Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W Ifl |1 ROBERSON & FONZO Heating & Plumbing Everything in" Plumbing and Heating Supplies Estimates Given on ANY JOB Large or Small 222 S, 2nd Phone 685 |I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-R 620 Cedar St. Prompt Service CA Carl J. Arney Co. OLYMPIA 5865 219 N, Capitol Way BETTER INTERIOR DECORATING Papering Well Done Rugs and Uph0stery CLEANED Work done in own home Fast and Effecient Service Write D. L. Ward 819 So. Decatur Street Olympia, Washington 7-3-31 i m . HOWELL ROOFING CO. LOCATED AT Shelton Sheet Metal Works 321 South Third PHONE 105 Shingles -- Flat Roof  Miscellaneous Asbestos Asbestos Gutters Thickbutt Built-up Downspouts Dutch Top Tar and Hexagon Gravel Coating ASBESTOS SIDING -- RICK SIDING SPRAY COATING FOR LARGE AREAS ROOF REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Estimates Furnished Free i i CONSTRUCTION WORK Fills and Basement Digging Roads Graveled TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS -- Prompt Service H. ALLEN & SONS Union, Washington Phone Union 354 BODY AND FENDER WORK AUTO PAINTING -- UPHOLSTERING LONG'S BODY SHOP Next to Bus Depot Phone 162 GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK J. M. SCOBEY ii i nn TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton.Bell'Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 outh Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-Presldent C. Nolan Mason, Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE -*- ..... '- • --- " --i ......... I=, .v'r" .....  -__ TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS -- Sold and Repaired -- H. D. BAKER CO., INC. 114 W.5th OLYMPIA Phone 8044 Office Furniture), Files and Fireproof Safc Classified Service THE GIFT BOX 200½ West 4th Olympia, Wash. We invite you to visit our shop of Catholic religious upplies and gifts, 7/8-tin SAVINGS On ALL needed repairs to your car Flat Rate Means -- More Money IN YOUR POCKET A set price for EVERY JOB Free estimates FURNISHED at Bob Ervin Motors THE BUICK AGENCY Phone 673 1st & Mill St. ! EI.CTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Service and upplies..Free pickup aad delivery. c aney, only authorized fac- tory representative in Mason Coun- ty. Phone Hoodsport 2W2 or Shel- ton 664. 7-1StUn. REXAIR The air conditioner and vacuum sweeper Put the dirt in water. FIEE DEMONSTRATION by your dealer Rudolph Hodachek 5020 S. Thompson Ave, Tacoma, Wash. Phone Hillside 4788 7/10-31 FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 334 I i I I II i Reliable, Expert3y Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyer 105 Front Street Shelton FIX.IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair O Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 192-A Phone 462-J CABINET WORK PLATE GLASS SETTING REPAIR W.OIK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys [ Septic Tanks Cesspools CLEANED Free Inspection Satisfaction Guaranteed L. E. STEPHENS BOX 99, Allyn, Wash. 6-267-31 CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine  Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHIN G A Y4 v vvvvv vvvvvvvvv vvvv Classified Service EXPERT FITTING and alterations done. Mrs, M. McCann, 222 So. 4tl St., Phone 489-M, 6-10-tin SEWiNO -- CHINE---EPAIRING, also parts for all makes of sewing machines. Phone 596J, B10-tfn "t)J--;I-R. passenger and tr.uc recapping and repairing, Ssm B Smith Co., Legion and Cherry, Olympta. Phone 7758. U. S. Tires and batteries. 11-15tfn. BUILDINGS RAISED. new founda- tlons placed under them and other alterations. C. N. Allen, at. 1, Box 140 (Mill Creek Road), Shelton. 5-1-7-31 BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- vice on all makes home and auto radios. Across from Junior High school, 1221 Franklin, Phone 112W. Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leave work at Klllmer Electric. ll-7tfn. We Deliver MILL WOOD FOR SALE Enitai Lumber Co. Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport ll-W-3 REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY: Small home a few blocks fronl city center, direct from owner only. Call the Journal office, ........................ T= IF YOU HAVE a lot, I have a house for sale, must be moved; furnished complete, $2260, On Dayton-Matlock oad4½ miles from town, Star Rt. • W7-24--8-14 "FOR SALE: Lot on Isabella -lake. tartly cleared; 18-fL inboard 2½ awson motor; also will trade equity in 40 Packard, in good condition for '37 or '38 model car. Lester La- Marsh, 1st road left after Mill Creek Bridge, Cabin No. 2. 7-248-21 -FOR SALE : -- Waterfl:o-nt--lot,--with lumber, doors and windows, for 5- room cottage, 6 miles on Arcadia Road. Inquire Lewis H• Guay. Rt. 3, Box 230-A. 7-24 FOR SALE: 4-room moclcrn souse WltU 5 large lots at 305 Roosevelt (end of Summit Drlve). By owner at above address, D7-17-24 FOR SALEl4 ½ her-es- of ground. Good well, chicken house, big garden spot. $2600. Locate{] on Isabella Lake loop on Lost Lake Road. Phone 616-R-4. hi. F. Landis. Route-l, Box 212. 7-10-31 ivOR-SALE: 7.tin.--house- with - corn d aletely electric kitchen, 2 nice lots, rge fenced lawn, garage, and large workshop, ansville roofing, siding on house. See owner at 1411 Railroad. 5-29---8-28 i |i WORTH LOOKING INTO ON ARCADIA ROAD just out- side city limits, a 3-room modern ,home completely furnished, includ- ing electric range with oil burning incinerator; wel, electric pump, full basement and fruit room; At/ for $4150 on terms. . * * $ THREE-ONE-HALF ACRES on Olympic highway North with 2- bedroom house utility room and qaundry trays; only 4 years old, several outbuildings 1,000 ft. high- way frontage; 40 ft. cased-in well with new electric pump; $4,100. $ $ $ NEW MODERN, with 2 bedrooms, on Mt. View; maple floors, electric range wiring, automatic electric water tank, utility room and laun- dry • trays, exceptionally large liv- ing room; has been approved for G. I. loan or can be handled on reasonable terms otherwise; You will like this home. $6,500. 4-ROOM SEMI-MODERN in Ste- wart's Addition, some work to be done; 2 lots, total 100x139 feet, city water and lights; only $3000, terms. NICE NEW 3-room home, large utility room and laundry trays; completely furnished with new furniture; $5,700. FINE RESIDENCE LOT on high- way in Mt, View Addition, with another lot in rear, total 60 x 220 ft,, clty water and sewer, nice homes on each side. $1,200. For Realty Buys Consult a Realto M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157 -- Title Ins. Building Shelton N [ I HOOD CANAL Four-Room house, modern, won- der view of Olympics and Canal lots of flowers and shrubs. $3500 New-House, Modern, some inside finishing to be done--splendid view of Olympics and Canal, $t5000 95-Ft. Waterfront  Modern house fireplace, guest house, gravRy water, clean beach. $12,200 FRANK NOSWORTHY REALTOR , Union, Washington Phone 441 7-17-tin. "|ll LOTS OF LOTS Any Size up to A FullBlock Cleared, ready for a GARDEN or A HOME Immediately Excellently located within city limits. City water and light. Ralph St0ekwell Wyandotte and 7th PHONE 133-J 5-8tin. ] REAL FOR SALE: New aluminum d1495.00, Dic ealer, 1525 653.-W. FOR SALE: 40 house, 14 Road across E. Z. ThompSOn, Phone 278-R. FOR SALE : 160-J, smaU R FOR Located i Shelton Inquire TONY'S 118 South For LOTS or all WILL for WITH Union, Farm Ne,' FOR 53 acres, 40 fully modern buildings, in milkhouse, water system, tons hay in b all farm it included free owner Ephriam V2 mile prtments. flea-'sALE : over 5 acres some Jmp sale. hess. Call or Rout 2, (Aga Was}}. fire tric FOR in Real HOMES BusINESS AlWa Shick & 125 First 2-ROOM St. House ready to set 10-ACRES of under nearly compl( UPRIGHT pIANO tion. $185 NEW 4 ROOM hardwood marie hot furnace. Good port. Good G. I, $7150 • 4 ROOM electric hot built and e.v q..v ., ..v-,qr FOR RENT: E. Phone ley, FOR'-RENT roo(ns and Canal 3 Choice building Iot, Olympic View addition all for $750. cal or Small unfinished house Mt. View B, 1650, pllone to Modern housc4 acres more or] FOR el" nlower. less including 50 feet o water- 105, front, $4650. , FOR SPEN I [Block and a half excellent Hill- i crest view property, close in, $3500• - - -- ice. -- 9 to 17. I H. L. Olstead Agency CAPABLE /3( garden or 787. NILL holno or Matlock 147. 194 r. ............... 2 : ....... 1920. OF THE FOR he Eslat of Enrl th wil GIVEN that the ahoy(, entitled to- the under-' 17t of June, 1947, ab en t given that, all I)er- pla said ostate ant rye t}}om, with the the Upon the Admin- at': )|'hey Of rec- of 5 Govoy be' the san{e the as the place has the business of Cot the same wiLl tio )urt. together With within six (6)' first publics- said Estite. )ey for WasiL NO 7-17-24-31---8-7-4t II l g OF TIIE FOR Q I] Plaintiff, 'N 3efendant. J est[Aln has F. Yell'i-' ent ig,;\\; i, disl this summons I tt! {lays alter the sa( and defend the ! N ,in the above- the co,n- Elnr J. Yosh- tlm of our an- hoc ned attorneys [ the BRODIE. at I She ; and in case[ so, judgment [ (Se 'ou accord- I CH Att, for an interlocu- accordance of Wash- DIE ding 7--6t. OF FINAL DISTRI- iE OF AD- OF THE IN OF MASON ?E) Estate ol :ant, Deceased. that Tom of the estate Sergeant, de- the Clerk of said time the e such report, the per- discharge John M, Wil- tl L Coux't, rt afflxed Court. number of wage and Steel in- 496,800. The was 532,-', HIM 'and at of God Phone 476-M Pastor First Baptis vee, Pastor a.m. -- Young • Morning Worshi Evening Service The Church of the I - !H'IGHWA Telephone 395-M 9:45 a.m. -- Method00 rlendly Churoh in a F Fourth and Sunday School at m|ng Worship /hat Did the ,WAYNE Vv'RIH' 320 N. 4th of C SHELTO Branch The First C Boston, M Subject Next "TRU00 SUNDAY 8CHO0 MORNING, SERVI EVENING ME maintained by this except SundRy, from 6:, ' invited to atte: the Reading H AT 302 AL