July 24, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 24, 1947 |
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Servic'00'0000" I REAL
and alterations
sin, 222 So. 4th FOR SALE: New
6-10-tin aluminum
--REPAIRING, $1495.00, Die
lakes of sewing dealer, 1525
Bl0-tfn 653.-W,
ager and tr.uc FOR SALE:
tiring. Sam B house, 14
and Cherry, Road across
3. U. S. Tires E.Z. Thompson,
ll-15tfn. Phone 278-R.
them and other 160-J.
lien, at. 1, Box
d), Shelton.
home and auto
a Junior
n. Phone ' •
ry. Closed Sat- FOR
'ork at Killmer
ll-7tfn. Located ir
118 South
tber Co.
prt ll-W-3 WA
Inlall home a few LOTS
ater, direct fronl
e Journal office,
7--iiiae- -lio {/s , or all
noved ; furnished
town. Star Rt.
W7-24--8-14 "A
-Isabelia -lake.
.ft. inboard 2Vz
will trade equity
ood condition for
car. Lester La-
after Mill Creek
7-24-8-21 WILL
r front--lot, -- with for
windows, for 5-
dles on Arcadia WITH
,is H. Guay, 7Rt. Unioll,
oaern llouse With
Roosevelt (end of
owner at above -----
D7-17-24 Farm Ne,'
4 l, -heres-
11, chicken house, FOR
2600. Located on
on Lost Lake 53 acres, 40
-4. , ]'. Landis, fully modern
.......... 7"10"31 buildings,
muse with com-
hen, 2 nice lots, milkhouse
arage, and large water sy
e roofing, siding tons hay in
at 1411 5-29---8-28Railroad" all farm m
...... it included free
9OKING owner--
O % mile
DAD just out- Airpor
3-room modern
trnished, includ-
vith oil burning ?Ta, rtnle
electric pump,
fruit room; All homes,
L I each.
] school buseS,
Very rc
F ACRES on - :Box
North with 2- field-SALE:
ility room and over 5 acres
:y 4 years old, some tmpr
sale. ] C2all
s 1,000 ft. high- ness.
it. cased-in well Routs ,
pump; $4,100. Wash.
* closed
dth 2 bedrooms, age,
floors, electric jars,
:omatic .eleotric Wash.
room anti faun-
really large liv-
m approved for
be handled on
otherwise; You
$6,500. FOR
)DERN in Ste-
)me work to be ill Real
1 100x139 feet,
hts; only $3000, HOIES
)m home, large
laundry trays; BUSINNSS
hed with new
[] LOT on high-
Addition, with
", total 60 x 220
nd sewer, nice
e. $1,200.
onsult a Realto St. House
ready to set
Le Ins. Building under
,on nearly comPS
tion. $185 , s
modern, won- hardwood
pics and Canal matte hot
Ld shrubs. $3500 port. Good
rn, some inside G. I. $7150
e--splendid view 4 ROOM
Canal, $0000 electric hot
Modern house built and
house, gravity
a. $12,200 Herbert
441 7-17-tfn. I
125 First
up to
a for a
ted within city
ter and light.
and 7th
: 133-J
August. .
garden or
i homo or
g lot, Olympic Matlock
for $750. 147.
cal or
housc Mt, Vicw
acres more ori
feet o water-
f excellent Hill'
?erty, close in,
el" nlow er.
105, Shelto'
met or
9 to 17,
he Estate of Earl
GIVEN that
al)ove entith,d
to the under-
day of June. 1947,
given [hab all l)er-
against said estate
tlmm. with the
the Adnlin-
of rec-
.5 Govey
tile santo
as the phlce
f tile business of
tile same witil
our(, together With
wiiilin six (6)
le'of first publica-
17, 1947,
or said Eat:ire.
[icy for
a, Defendant.
moned to appear
the date of
of this sumnlons,
days after the
NO. 4939
Dan Johnson. Plaintiff
Mildred Orr Jollnstm. Defendant
YoU ,'ll'e hereby Sllllllnol|ed tO appeal"
wiillin sixty days el'let (tie dale of
tilt? first publication of this SUllllnons.
to-wit: within sixly days after lhe
17th day t)f July, 19.17. anti" defend tile
above eatitled aclioll ill lhe above
entitled eonrl, and answ(,r the COlll-
l)laint of the phlintiff. Dan Johnson,
and ser% e a copy of your answer upon
tilt; undersigned attorney for plaintiff,
at'Iris office below stated; and ill case
of your :failure so to do. ju(]glnent will
lie rendered against .',,fill according'lo
tile demand of tile eemplaint, which
llas been filed with the Clerk of said
Court. The object of bringing tills ac-
ties is to secure a divorce.
Plaintiff's Attorney
P.O. Address: An'le Bldg.,
Shelton, Mason Co(in(y,
NO. 1861
ItI,:I'ORT AND lq,:'rlTl ON FOR
In Probate
In the Matter of the Estate of l)an
Q. Bennett. Deceased.
Ahna Baker. Ad,ninistrau'ix t,f the
estale of Dan Q. Bennett, deceased.
has filed with the Clerk of 'the above
entitled court her final report and
petition far distribntion, asking the
court tO settle and appr,f,'e tile sflloe.
on Tuesday, tim 5th day of August,
1947, commencing at ten o'clock in the
fo'renoon of said day, in front of the
Illain en I l'allCe door tO tile Connty
Court I+[OUSO in the city of Shelton,
ctlnnty t)f lVfason, State of Washing.
ton, by tile County Auditor of said
county, the following described state
hnlds, together with ill(.' ilnprove-
lnent8 situated thereon, will be sold
at public auction to tile highest bid-
der therefor, to-wit:
NOTE.---No one exeeDt citizens of
tile United States, or persoas who
have dechtred their intention to be-
conic Stl[]l. can purchase state lands,
Ai'I'Lll!ATlllN N{}. 1982-1
NEt£ ,ff SE of section 36, town-
ship 21 n.rth, range 3 west %V. M,,
contaillin 40 acres, nn)re or less. ac-
cording it) tile governlnent survey
lheveof, el,praised at $1,000.00.
Subject to easement for rigllt of
way for County Road heretofore
granted under application No. 1834.
Said lands will be sold for not lese
d' see(lOll 7, township 2'2 roll'(h, l'ange
• west. W. M• Wtl]l It i'renlal$e of
13.g3 lineal chains, IllOl'e o1' loss, al)-
i l'a sd at $..00 ].er chain el ;3 ,rL75.
All lide hulds )|' lilt, second class
owne(l by the StaLe o[ Wasllhlt4ton,
sit(tale ill l'l'(int of. adjaet:!lt to or
eliot(tag upon that p(,rtiou ,,f section
26, to%vnShll) 2.1 no 'Ill. l•Illg 3 WeN1
"%'.M.. ill Mason CI,Ul] 3", Wll,hilll£1on.
llllWll as ll'at'[s }t alld 10 of block
2, of tile unr0cordcd plttt of AIlic
Ahl's Snnwilel' 1t1,111o Tl'acls and iIl-
chided within lhe fr,lh,wing described
1 ract:
Beginning at the northwesl corner
of said section 26. running thence
along tile lille between .;oeliollS 26 a.n(|
27. on /In azillluth of ] ,:1' 0l" [l'l-
ferred IO t]ll WashinftOll (tl(H'dinale
Sys[OIlI, South ZlUle) 183.1 h•t,t to Ltle
iil,.an[h!r COl'lleF. fl'aethnlltl se('tit)llS 26
/tilt| 7, thent'e all)rig the ((Vt'I'IIIIClII
]Yleander lille ell an azilllUlh el 267"
04' 05". 932.7,t fee|. tlwnce ttlon, said
Hlealidor line i)ll all azllfluth of 276"
36' 41". 478.6'1 feel to all intel's6!ltion
with lhe west line of said tra(:t ,.
extended, said poinl of lilt0 section
net having a Y-- coordinate of 818.- R. 3, W.W.M. Year In Certificate 9.tI. joyed games and a nice lunch,
840.70 feet. and an X-- coordinate of Certificate $1.81.
t..l,.,ll..32 feet, referred to the Original Certificate No. 6. Roll 2 mong Patsy's birthday gifts was
Washington Coordinate System Smltlt Page 90. Line 49. Assessed to th)rne, nil official invitation to join the
Zone. and being distant 183.81 feet Gilbert Britton: Tract 1 of SW..: GJrls Club. and tlle members av
on an azimuth (,f 1" 53' 01" from NW. Sec. 32, Twp. 21 N.. 3. preparing for her initi'tion. Mem-
lhC northwest corner of said section V.W.M. Assessnr's Tract de-
26, running thence along the govera- scribed as follows: lleglnning al the bets present a.t the party were
nmnt meaader line mf an azimuth of SW corner of tlae SWI NW!4 ,f Georgia and Lonita Plcws. Alice
267" 04' 05" 734.2:t ft, et to the true Sec. 32 Twp. 21 N, R, 3 W,W.M, Deemer and Dede Nosworthy.
]mint of beg(ailing, then(.e continuing run thence N ,In the section line 208 it. ;
al6ng s'lid meander line on all azimuth lhence East parallel with tile South Other guests were Tula Kimball,
of 267 O,l' 05". 99.57 feet thence on line of s ld Forty ,116 ft.; thence Sandra Walker and Virginiaq:am-
an azimuttl of 287" 17' 25,8'*, 7[.).64 South' parallel with the ection line
feet. thence on all azinmth of 315" 49' 208 ft. : thence West on the South on of Shelton. The club leader,
42.5" 1175.23 feet. more or less. to a !ine il6 ft. to th(, Southwest corner Mrs. Irvin McVay, was unable .to
ihml the appraised valne above tated
having a Y-- eoordiuat,, of 818.833.30
and upon the terms and conditions fe(,t and an X--- :ot,r(linate of
following :
Not less than one-tenth of the par- 1,374,319.31 feet, referred t, said
chase llriee must be paid at the tin.e Waslfingt(,n Coordlnaie Sy,-flem, sad
of sale. Tile purchaser, if he be not being the TRUE POINT OF ]3E('IN-
the owner of the improvements, must NING OF THIS DESCRIPTI(N:
forthwith pay to tile officer nlakiug tlnnlec on an aszimuih ,,f 310' 09' St",
the sale lhe full anlount of the ap- 673.97 fc(t more ( less, to a nint
praised value of the improvements, o,1 the li'ne be]?t:l :;mdlant) ";;:
as above stated. One-tenth of tim pur- established by ( 'r " SCllt:nnl)er
chase price nlust be paid annually 2], 19.t6 in the Superior Corn'! of Ma-
thereafter with interest on all deferred s,n County, in (.ase No. 4467. Ihuna
payments at the rate of sixper cen- I]anla Logging Colnpany t's. Allie
turn per annum: Provided, That any Ahl et el. tllenee on an azinulttl of
purenaser may make full payment of 297* 42' 21" 2126.32 feet. mot or less•
principal, interest and statutory tees to the line of extreme low tide. thence
at any time and obtain deed. The pur- along the line of ,.xtreme low tide
chaser of land containing timber or on an azinluth of lh,<P 18' 10". 204.83
other valuable materials is prohibited
feet ttlenee, ah)ng the line of extreme
by law from cutting nr removing any low tide oil an azii}luth of 177 ° 24' 10"
such timber or materials without first 29.92 ['eet. tilence oa an azmmth 0f'
1)oiot (m tile line I)etween ]madlands of the said SW! NWI und the
as established by decree of Septenl- point of beginning. Year in Cerlifi-
her 2l, 1946. in lhe Sut)evior Court of eate 1041 Ceriificato $.73.
Mason County, llama Hams Logging Original Certificate No. 7. Roll 2,
Company vs. Atlie Ahl vtal. Case No. Page 15,t Line 12, Assessed to Buol
4.167. tlumee (,n Hn azimuth of 298" Logging Co,; SEI SW, Sec. ]9,
:44' .t7". 2'282.55 feel. more or less. tie Twp. 24 N.. R. 3. W.W.M, Year in
lhe line of extreme low tide. ttlencc Certifie.ate 1941. Certificate $31.94.
el,ms the line of extreale low tide Original Certificate No. 8. Roll '2.
on an azimuth of 18" 22' 20" 34.98 Page 160, Line 5, Assessed to Buol
teot. thence on an azinmth of 118 Logging Co.; NE. NW}4, Sec. 30,
41' 00.1" 2'287.9'2 feet. more or less Twp. 24 N,, R, 3, W.W.M. gear in
to a l,oint on said line between head- CerLificate 1941, Certifie.ate $1;6,15
lands, thence on an azmmth of 135" Original Certificate No. 9. Roll 2.
29' 0-1.7". 1180.37 feet and thence on Page 160, Line 6, Assessed to Bull
all azimutil of 107" 00' 47.7", 160.09 Logging Co.; Lot 1, Sec. 30, Twp. 24
feet io the true point of heginning, N., R. 3. W.W.M. Year in Cerlilicute
having a*] area of 2.66 acres, nn)re or .]941. Cerlifleate $54.91.
less. aPi)rai>cd at $133.00; also Original Certificate No. 10. R,II 2.
All tidelands of the second class, Page ]60 Line 7, Assessed to Bnl
owned I)3' the State or Washington, Logging ;i2o Twl). 2,1
s.,,ate ,,, frt, nt .f. adjac.ent to or., --.. . ,,,. . . .37,,. Cel'tlf,-
abuttinff uptm tllat portion of lot 2, cate 1941. Certificate $49.84,
section 26. towaship 24 nor,b, r0Jlge Original Certificate No. 11, Roll 2.
3 west, W,M., known as lot 3, block 2 Page 160, Line 11, Assessed to Buol
of the um'ecorded plat of Allie Ahi's Logging Co;; Dot 4, Sec. 30, Twp. 24
Summer Honle Tracts and more part(- N., R. 3. W.W.M. Year in Certil'ieate
cularly described as follows: 11941, Certificate $65.36,
Commencing at the meander corner, _ Original Certificate No. 12, Roll 2.
fractional sections 26 and 27, said Page 160, Line 12, Assessed t@ Palol
township and range, said nleander cor- Logging Co.; SE4 SWIA. See. 30,
her having a Y--- coordinate of 818,- Twp. 24 N., R. 3 W.W.M, Year in
840.0 feet, and X-- ceordinate of 1,- Certificate 1941, Certificate $74,03.
"172,912.32 feet, referred to the Wash-I Originul Czertlflcate No. ]3, Roll 3,
iagttm Coa,,dinate System, South ' Page 6, Line 3. Assessed to Guyoi, G.
distribute the property t,i the llersm obtaining consent of the Commissioner 117" 14' 02" 16',]1.86 feet. thence on an Zone and 4icing distant 183,81 feet P.; SW% NWV, SWlA, Sec. 6, T'p,
ttereto (ntitled. and to disclmrgc the of Public. Lands. unlil the full amount azimuth of 84" 49' 27". 114.70 feet. on an azimuth 'of 1" 53' 01" from tilt'! 19 N.. R, 4. W.W,M, Year in Certifi-
of the purchase price has been paid
said Administratrix. and deed issued.
be present at the party bat called
later to congratulate .Patsy.
Thursday evening of last week
Mrs, William Viger had a stork
shower at her home for her sty
ter-in-law, Mrs. Russell Viger,
Court whist was played with high
honors going to Mrs. Pat Smith,
and Mrs. William Levett: low to
Mrs. William Batstone and Mrs,
James Wilson. Mrs. Russell Vig-
er was showered with many love-
ly gifts---one unique *gift was a
jar of safety pins given by the
hostess who had everyone guess
how many pins were in the jar.
Mrs. Steve Viger and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Allan Rau, vied with
each other for a tie count so each
received a prize. Others present
besides those mentioned were Mrs,
Smith and Mrs. Vern Wyatt.
Last Wednesday evenhtg Mrs
Harry Mawson was alonc at home
feeling" a bit disconsolate with the
thought of a birthday the next,
day and news that some of her
family could not be with her on
Examinations Set L.
For Postal Jobs
Examinations, were announc0d
last week by the U S. Civil Serv-
ice Commission for filling Spclal
Worker and Geologist positions in
the Federal servJce.
Persons appointcd to social
worker positions, at salaries rang-
ing from $3,397 to $8,179 a year,
will give social work assistance te
veterans in hospitals, out-patient
clinics and other Veterans Admin-
istration installations located in
Washington, D. C., and throughout
the United States.
No wrltted test is requireS, To
qualify, applicants must have lind
appropriate training and exper-
ience in the field ef social work.
Geologist positions are located
in Washington, D C, and vicinity,
in various Federal ugcncies, and
throughout the United States in
the Department of Agriculturo
and the Dpartinent of Interior.
Salaries range from $4,149 to
$7,102 a year.
Competitors will ]tot be required
to take a written test. To qual-
ify, they utust llave complete(/
college study in geology or must
have a combination of such study
and technical experience, plus pro-
fessional experience m geology,
Further information and appli-
cation forms may be obtained
and defend the
.in tlle above-
the eonl-
Elmer J. Yosh-
your an-
and in case
so, judgment
au accord-
the clerk
far an lnterlocu-
in accordance
of Wash-
Estate of
cant, Deceased•
that Tom
of the estate
Sergeant, de-
the Clerk of
said County
report and pet(-
of said estate:
said Superior
aid County,
of the
which time the
such report,
to the per-
and discharge
John M. Wil-
entitled Court,
Court afflxed
of wage
and steel in-
496,800. The
was 532,-"
aid final report and pelitiou for dis-
tribulion will be h(mrd on Saturday,
the 16th day of August, ]9,17, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at
ill/! court rOOlll in the (:our[ he(Ise ill
Shelton. Washington.
Dated this 12tIi day of July, 19,t7.
County Clerk,, Mason County,
Attorney for said Estate.
Bell Building, "119 South .Ith Street.
She[bin, Mason County, Washington.
NO. 4936
Gloria Jeanne Armstrong,
Robert James ArlnstronK,
You are hereby sunlnloned tO appear
within sixty days after tile datc of
tim first publication el ' this summons.
to-wit: within sixty days after the
17th day of July, 1947. and
above, entitled aetien i*l tim above en-
titled court, and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff, Gloria Jeanne Arl-
strong, and serve a copy of your an-
swer upon the undersigned attorney
for plaintiff, at his office below stated;
and in case of year failure so to do,
judgment will be rendered against
you according to the demand of the
complaint, which has been filed with
the clerk of said court. The object of
bringlng this action is to secure a di-
Plaintiff's Attorney
P.O. Address: Angle Bldg,,
Shelton, Mason County,
Wasii [ngton.
NO. 18@9
In Probate
In the Matter of the Estate of Albert
Winkleman. also known
Winkleman. Deceased.
Frances Wilkleman Harris• Executrix
of. tile estate of lbort Winkleman., also
known m Alfred Winklenlan. deceased.
has filed with the Clerk of the above
entitled court her Final Report and Attorney for said Estate.
Petition fro. Dlstrihution anions other Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street.
things asking the .court to settle and
thence on an azinmtb of 192 ° 39' 21", u,rtllwost couler o" :mid section 26, cate .1941. Crtificate $2,03.
All sales of state lands are made] 63"52 feet, thence on an azimuth of rtlnning thence along tim govcrnmeutl Original Certificate No. 14, Roll 3, her big day. Her husband being from the commission's ioeal see-
117 14' 02" 304.52 feet, more or less, meander line on an aszin*uth of 267 Page 49, I?,ine 1, Aasssed to Calklns, in the "know" had turned a deaf retary,' Mr. Hale, located at the
mtbject to the reservattoas of oils, ]to a point on tile said liae between 0.1' 05", 833.80 feet to the true poiut Lucy.; S E, ..E,_,. See.. 31;, Tw.t?. eat' to g)ing to a show, so all in postoffice, from most flrst..and
1 gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils $ headlands, thence oil an azimuth el of beginning, lhence continuing along o r,, t. . W.,w.a. .ear nt certm- all her expression was not a hap- second class post ,offices, front
of every name, 1rind and description, I 121 o 40' 48" 42!}.82 feet, more ,,v less, said It andor line or an azinluth of cate .la41, Certificate ,21.
nnd io "tile additional terms and con- [ to the point of intersccti(,n of the ~"67". 04' 05"., 98, ,94 efdet .t° an anglen; ; PageOriginai108 LlneCertificate4 AssessedN°' 17,to OhntanR°ll 3, py onc, when about 8:30 in alked Civil Service regional offices, and
dittons prescribed in section 3 of chap- ] cast line of said trac't 10, extended, l)omt thereto, lhenc continuing ate g .... .,, . . - , ;-,- ,,., ....... , a group of her women friends but from the U. S, Civil Service Com-
ter 256 of the Laws of 1907. and Mle Government nwandm, lille said me.ander line\\;on an azhuuth of tctor.& J.onnsolL .ex, ,,..1..Ir.,
Said land will be sold snbject tel thence aloes the Government ]Wander 276" 96' 41'" 2.27 f(et. then(e on an fc. z,.L '*'p..,-3 r., cZ: 4, .,.w.m, it soon changed to one of glee mission/ Washington 24,/D, C.
,,,.in,,h ¢f la" 15' (" llS. |'et xear n cert i cate 1'.141 Cortif cate as the gang brought tables, chairs, Geologists' applications will bo
the terms, conditions and resewat|on line on au azimuth of 96" 35' 41", .......................................
of ehagter 812 of the .Session Laws l 4 56 feet tn the true p lint of b ill more or le. to a point on the line $A4:
2 3 • 'g - birthday cakes, ice cream and cot- aceptod by the Commission mltii
of 1927, relating to easements refining,, appraisetP at $606.50. between headlands as establislled by rlginal .Certificate No. 18, Ioll d,
ac ....... e ,-,e0,,r,e,, 2 lS i- the **age 6, bme 3 Assesseu to So,'en, fee and would not let her lift a further notice. c'
rights-of-way and the carrying of tim- Oysters on above described tract ............... v .................. ' a
-.,.c-,ior °o-,, f Mason Count- William int. and Soren Jessie & finger but just have a good time. Applications for the social work-
her,. stone, minerals and other pro- appraised at $175,00 to be paid ill cash . • , , int • SW/ NEI (J ssio Soren s /a
oucts over the same. ] a. tile thne of sah% ,,, • u, - a ' ' ' 1
ltaeta Hanm Logging Co,nany s. • %' -- - -^ - "" --'-- - - Court Whist was played with high er examination must be filed witlI
OTTO A. CASE. The above description is based on " mt rest) ec ao TW lu . r a,
Alhe Ahl et el, Case No. 4467, thence ...... , . ,.. , , .P.,: . .,.:. .% ,
Commissioner of ublic Lands. Exhibit No. 14 of Case No, d467, Hanla on an azlmuth of 298 ° 28' 25" 2277 12 w,w.m, xear in certltlcate 1341, Jer- score held by Mrs, Nolan Mason, the Board Of Examiners at the np-
' ine of ex tiflcate $244
7-3-1-17-24-31--5t. J Hams Logging Company, vs. Allie ¢=.feet nmre... a°r less. ..... to the].l h U.el .... Omg" "nal' CertificaLe" No 19 Roll 4 and low by Mrs. Frank Noswor.. propriate Veterans A dministrat!on
No4icE OF DISSOI, UTION OF September 21,Ahl et al, and1946 in'he saidtsed(mree enteredin the of .............................. extremeL low ttde on an" almuth ........ I ....(.:ra ....... e o, ,lne'" 4, Assesses. w" '-':t0. aorta". ''a" thy, Everyone brought her a branch office not tatr than Aug-
PARTNERSHIP I Superior court of Mason wounty. (,f 1" 22' 20" 5 56 feet thence on wmmm ,,. int, ana oren, Jessie j gift and several who were unable ust 12, 194.7 The addresses of
...... ..,,h ,e o ' 47" 5 Int,; SE% NE% (Jessie Sorens /: to come sent gifts so the honored the branch offices al'e given'in
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that] APPLICATION NO. 1141@ ......................... , .
e., .......... to ....... i-,* ..... id interest) Sec. 10 Twp, 19 N, R..,
Monroe Michaelis of Shelton, Wash-] All tide lands of the second c!ass ......................... v ....... ' , ' ,' ' lady nad many lovely packages the examination annonncement.
Phlintiff, ington, and Lea Dolan of Seattle, I owned by the Stoic of Washington, I.'h,t. h..m..a h.c o--n W.W,M. Year in Certificate 1941 Cer-
Washington, heretofore co-partners l situate in front of, adjacent to or a'z']rnul"o"f"13"5;497-4"9."5';-11"'752-fe'et tiflcatq $2. t. . . - to open. Her "Secret Pal" was
engaged in Well Drilling have dis-I abutting" upon that portion of Lot 2, and thence on an azimuth of 107" 17'] °tug(nat .uertificate o. 20: oll 4, the fairy who "wended" the af-
t lanL solved theh' partnership, the said[section 15, township 23 north, range , -a e li lme ld Assesseu to Sorcn
25.8,, 79,64 feet to the tue point of : ' , " - ' fair ably assisted by close neigh-
] 9N to Monroe Michaelis' is continuing the t3 west, W,M., lying north of 4he beginning having an area of 2,651Wlilan, '--and-S°!'en'-.Jesme .' Reelfoot lake, in a depression
' ... ,u' - '/4 (Jessie oren's *A, bors. Those enjoying the affair
.€ ARM- business and is responsible for all[ south t75 feet of said Lot 2, with a] acres, nlore or less applaised at . .', . . ....
debts and obligations as the said Les ] frontage of 20,16 lineal chains, more. or q r.n ' I interest), ection 10, Twp. 19 N,, R. 5, were Mrs, Vern Wyatt, Mrs. Clyde formed by an earthquake ill 1911,
., appear Dolan is withdrawing from the part- } less, appraised at $25.00 per chain, or ?'i'e'aboce descriptions are i}ased on,I W;,W.M. Year in ertiicate 1941, Cer- Bacon, Mrs. Nolan Mason, Mrs.
ks one of the many points of in-
atc of nership and is not responsible for any I $504.00. • tlilcate $2.44 I
Exhlb t No 14 of Case No 4467. Hama . • -" ............ terest in the state of 2ennessee,
reruns, debts hereinafter incurred by the bus- ] APPI,ICATION NO. tilT1 ,a ........ .... r .... ," r .......... v,, ........ al Sill PaU ugmat .uernncate o. m tees, , Lud Andersen, Mrs. Frank Nos- I The principal places of produc-
t u' the mess. I All tidelands of the secon(l class, !el al and te decree entered Sep-I._; e 6, Lin.e 16, Assessed to Sfn'eb worthy, Mrs, Leroy Winne, Mrs.
nd 1he Dated June 10, 1947, I owned by the State of Wastlington, te nber 21 1946, in said case n tire wlnanh mth aria oren, JeSem & Allan Rau, Mrs. Larry Seheel, lion of peppers in the United
ve en- MONROE MICHAELIS, [ situate in front of, adjacent to or Superior Court of Mason County. I !nt,: S E,/ SE (JessLe Soren's.
:, lplaint LES DOLAN. I - , lnteresl) ee u Twp, S r%, ., ,, Miss Elin Strand(n, Mrs. Lester States are Southern California,
Said lands will be sold for not less, ........ %. " ' ' ........ e ....... -,
Florida and Tel(as.
lot 2, section 23. township 20 north, w.w wt xear in uerLillClt, lo't/ ".-
1 AI'I-[ abutting up(m the west 228 feet of than the appraised value above stated t .... : ,_^_ , Bonner, Mrs. Harlan Blake, Mrs.
ur an- ---- [ range 3 west, W.M., with a frontage • and upon the terms and c0ndltions tel- ul)$at(} .a. ............. Frank Schafer, the guest of honor
torney NO. 1856 ] of 3,56 lineal chains, more or less, j lowing. I tJmgmal ,certnieam o. z2, ot q,
r,,, i.o ,.. -ne-*-¢ f ,h ,,.. 1 Page 39, Line 11, Assessed to ,lovm and Mr. Mawson arrived home in ducing areas in the United States
tated;to do, NOTICERF.PoRTOFAND]IEARIN(PETITIoNON FINALFoR [appraised$160,20, at $45,00 per chain, °r chase price must be paid at the time I Thomas._ ^, _S% 2NW, A_.__,SW¼ Sec.. 2a, time for the refreshments. One of are the Norfolk district of Vil'-
,gainst 1)ISTR]BUTION I Excepting, however, any of the ab- of sale. The purchaser if ire be not t£wp:,.zo_ .,.^_3. B..w w:M. t!lr m the gifts, a birthday book giving ginia and the 'winter garden dis-
of the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE [ eve described" tide lands which may : ,h, ,,---r of the improvements must certmcate ]al certilmate ,2.
i 1 with STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ] be incltded In an oyster tract deed- : fo'tlwih nay to til offlcer'lng } Original Certificate No. 23, Roll 5, the characteristics of certain birth trict of Texas.
(jeetof MASON COUNTY led by the State of Washington to ..... to*e:- '"1 * ....... ftu°'lPage57Ltne6Assessedt°Deva dates'causedal°t°famusement PR ISlOAL --0F---:N 'C "S
t a di- Ill Probate I Andrcw Getty, July 19, 1904, undcr pt'ais, v'[e"f "£1a'"zlovleIt, t?n b kaeydcPitflcCf;, 11 ts (1;t21!;: as Mrs. Wyatt read the character ,,v-,,, ....... .....................
In the Motter of the Etate of J, Guy application No. 2958. ns aoove stated. One-tenth of the pur- I -" • ,__ ._ ' . ' a , , tl'tt-
chase rice must be paid annually_ ncate $1.47. . of each one present.
: Lowrnan, Deceased. , -.. .lq'LIC/%.'rION NO. 11170 thereafr with interest on all deferred _ Original .Certificate No, 24, Rdl 5, " ,'---
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that An tiae lancls of the second class navments at the rate 0f slxner ten- I age 67, Line 17, Assessed to dhell- Probably the largest SoCial at, - - _ ,-.m,,,s,
3 g., Dixie Una Lownmn, Executrix of the I owned by the State of Washington, ,%,, ....... nU,n" rvided iat an stad Frank' Lakewood Plat "J" Lots fair ever held on Hood Canal was
estate of J. Guy Lownmn, deceased, ]situate in front of, adjacent to or I ...... v ........... , r. ' ' • " ' - [
m,ra-er may make full -amneat of, 4,)-49, Blk. 2 Year in Certiilcate 1941 the "Tet" on Sunday afternoon
has filed with the Clerk of the above abutting upon the east 234 feet of the *" ....... , . '
4 1-28-7t entitled court her final report and l west 42 feet of lot 2, see.tion 23, t aP[lnciypalti'minatelesotbtaand ;su{ fees. Cet.fgiat $c, egriflcate No. 25, /€oll 6, at "Elfhill" given by the Hansons HE,BERT ROTTER
petition for distribution, • asking the [ township 20 north, range 3 west, W chaser of land containing timber; or Page 31, Line 10, Assessed to OI.ym- and Daniels. The artistic clewr PUBLIC ACCOUNTING [
court to settle and approve the same, [M., with a frontage of 3.66 lineal iothe r valuable materials Is prohibited, ,.lal^3nv.est, : C.o.L..HdJsres.t A(ldlt!on, invitations to the affair, brought SERVICE [
INAL distribute the property to the persons ] chains, more Or less appraised at
[t ilia- thereto enlitled, and to discharge the [ $45.00 per chain, or $164.70. i suchbY laWtlmberfrOmorCUttingmaterialsOr removlngwithou firstany |1 tiflcate' " u o11941,1ot Certificate ]' tg. z;, $2.57,ear in Cer- togethe}' hundreds of friends from Govey Building |
said Execut,'ix. I Excepting however, any of the obtaining consent of the Commission-]. That any of. the. foregoing lots, Grays Harbor, Shelton and Hood Shelton, Washington ' [
THE NOTICE iS FURTHER GIVEN that I above described fide lands which nlay er of Public ands until the full am- i u.acts, or pareeas ot lane nereinoem,'e Canal points. There also were a
: FOR said final report and petition for dis- I bc included in an oyster traet deed- i o_ntu of the urche price ltas been described, and havin been included. PHONE 720 I
tribution will be heard on Saturday, 1 ed by the Stete of Washi,rgt(,n to An- i paid and dee issued in the Certificate of elinquency here- lumber of eastern guests. There
the 16th day of August, 1947, at the [ drew Getty," July 19, 1904, ul)der ap- t All sales o; tate lands xe made tofore issued to Mason County will be were clever signs to direct people .....
t Albert hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at [ plication No. 295& ; subject to the reservations of oils, gas- [ sold subject to any.local improvement and two "Elfs" parked cars for '- . "
as Alfred 1he court roon, in the cour't house iu [ APPLICATION 1.1172 !
Shelton. Washington. I All tide lands of the secoml class, es, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of ', assessments Ior paving, aratnage, rl't- them, The spacious grounds were
every" namg,.kln.d.and description:..and, gatt.on,, or an), other kind or.sort 9f
Dated this 12th day of July, 1947, I o2ned by the Sta'te of Washington,, nDroven
flovers of all kinds, A bounteous ..Lawyer
County Clerk, Mason Count], [ abutting npon that port,on of lot 9:., of the LaWs of 1907, ; =.,W a al urn, eeverat amounts spread of "delicious food completed City Hall
Washington. " t section 23 ,townsl, ip 20 north, range Said land will be sold subject to th'-h.eretnabove set opposite the severs(
CHAS. R. LEWIS, , ] 3 west, W.M., lying ast of the we.t terms, conditions and reservations of descriptions of each l)arttcular lot, an elaborate affair.
Attorne, for s d Estate. 462 feet and west of the east 365,fi chapter 312 of the Session Laws.uf 1927, ] tract, or parcel of real property bear' Phone 12
Bell BU" ding, 19 South 4th Street, feet of said lot 2, with a fr(mtage of relating to easements for rights-of-way interest at the rate of tweh'e percent .,w,w,,,w,w,,w,.. She|ton, Wash.
sl,elton 0000as,,n Count,. Wasl, ingte,, ii00°al chaIns mor° l°ss ap and tl00°arrying00f timber st00ne n'ln per °nn°m fr00nl and in°lt`dhlg Lilliw
7-]7-24-31--8-7-4t praised at $45.00 per chain, or $427.50. orals gnd other products over the same. ] the 12th day of ffuly 19.i7, until the au
Excepting, howgvcr, any of the OTTO A. CAS. paynlent the,'eof be nu, de, or a judg-
above described tide lands which may
aPl)rove the same, distribute ihc prop-
ert r to tl persons the,leo entitled J " " . " ic ds, meat entered evein. ,v ....................
UI/ and to &lcharge said Executi'ix " ' State of % ahtngton . . . Commissioner of Publ Lan h
lillY1 .NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR be included In an oyster tract eeaeu 7-3-10-17-24-315t. You, and each of you, are hereby
afl_i)nal R eort and Petition for OF IIYDRAULICS by the State of Washinffton .to An- summoned to appear within sixty Week end house nartv uests
rl d.-'l,ltl" UMtlon Will De neara on Satu,'- Olylnnia orew (etty, JUly 1, 1DU4, unaer ap- days 60 days) after tim date of the ' r €
]2 day.the 16U} day of August, 1947 at - " plication No, 295. NO. 355 fh'st iubltctio'n of "this summons a'nd at the C. E, Hill home in Lilliwaup
'lna me hour of lo oclock in the fo "enoon .,.t F OF GROUND ..a. APPIICATION NO 10953 NOTICF AND SUMMONS IN COUNI'Y notice to wit. W thin sixty dav after included L Mr- and Ms Rhellev
in the Court Room, nt the Court House RIGtlT APPLICATION NO sa All tidelands of. the second class, TAX FORECLOSCRh the 17th day of July 197 exclusive w ...... • .... r.. o^
IVi ._ S ton Washington. ' ' owned by the State of Washington " NO 31 )f'oaid dte nd elen a 'the abae * . .
L| [t Dated this Lth day of July, 1947. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN • situate in front of, adjacent re, o,' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TI-/E entitled action in the above entiLted Pearne ana nel chool friend,
at (Seal) . _HARRY DEYETTE, Notice is lereby given that Eugene abutting^upon that p{'tion j?f lot 2. S_TA_T_E _0F_._ _W_.ASHINGTON FOR court, and sTrve a Cl); of your an- Miss Sally Blavin of California,
e,'K.ot.mason county, Brown of S}vIton, Washington, under seeuon zb, townsnlp z4 nortn, range MASON Q?OUNTY .... ..... swer upon undersigned attorney for 15 r R E Brown Mr vmm na
k|. ......... wasting(on, date of July 1, 1947, filed with the 3 west, W.M., known as th!. unnum- MASON COUNTY, W.ASHINGTON:; a plaintiff, at his office address here- .." " :. . ' "'" "'_--':"."'" 2 ''
u|V IF 14¢trl t:t,, r. wx, S,.(- u,)er:isor of Hydraulics Ohm-," Dered tract of I:)10eK 2 of toe unre- Municipal Co,.poration and one el tile inbelow iven or ,lay the antount as wms auy rown o: lleI'(lecn
._ u Attgle.::fpI said !stat.e.... i)[a,'Vahlngton, an a'pplicatio'n fear's corded A)lat. of Allie Ahl's .Sun ua?r Counties of tile State of Wash.nto.n, [ hereinabo'e s'et f(;rt], upon each of were Saturday dinner guest& Mr.
en Jsu lamg liv outn 4in S{leet } ol, e Tracts ano lno, e paluc nariy t'm hurt sa trac s )l e e )
rnaele --e'- .. ' ..... " ..... permit t(, witlldraw l ubHc ground wa- . . . ''. . '" " ' I , "d 't..q' parc.ls of r al l,'Op- and Mrs John W Robinson slid
ll .lion, Mason county, wasmngton, ters by means of a punlp well situated aescrioea as lOllOWS: " ] VS. ] erty of WhiCh yOU al' the owner o';" , _ " ,, _ ,.[ ....
'€1 ph,,,, a- a, 7-17-24-31--8-7-4t 9"niles Nm'th of Shelton, in the amount' Beginning at, the meander corner, I A Lindquist, ct ux. all pers, ms here- I reputed owner, or in whtch you own nree nman uaUgntel also jolnea
, .,,,,0 .,u-m of 20' gallons per minute subject to fra(tional set(ions 26 and 27, sid I inaftcr named as o.wners of any of the ! or claim to own or have, or clan to the group Saturday, visiting on
aeGill_., ,,,, .......... oqtin r riu'hts during hriation'-,- township and lange., saia lneanaqr ] her, inafter, descmoea" . real pzgpety,' " ]have any right ittle or int(rst,
use ne JOUrnal want Ads son'ea,h ;;ar for the Pu,'P')se of :,:i- corner having a Y-- coordinate of 818, I a,d" all persons unlurown owning or i theretu together 'witil all costs tntgr- Sunday at the homeof Mr_Rob-
they really get results! gation; that the location of the with- 840flO e:t, and a X--: coordinate of ] claiming to own, or having or elain- . eat or 'penalties attached ttmreto, inserts parents, ne 'rarm rmbm-
. .... drawal works is within SWV¢ of NEa/ +,(z,l3z lFt, .rel'leu t%tne_w, asn- I ins to have, any.right: •title,. estate. { In the eyent pf your, fallure to ap- sons. O, Addleman of Vail fath.
............. --: --" of Sec. 16 Twp. 21 N., Rge. 4 W,W.M rag ton oor0mate yste[n, ot!tn one, ] interest or equity In snore sam prop- pear anu erena such action and pay er of Mrs John Robinson was also
T* ' . . , , o i-.,= , [ in Mason County, A map showing the an.a o emg asantl,, zeet on an ]erty or any part thereof, l the amount sue on such lot, tract, or ' _.. . :' ....
l'|; IIalntl'|" | 'hl••ga " I location and pmn ox said works and azm)utn or p u trom me nor,u- I Defendants: parce.l of land assessed to you, or in a unuay runner guest a ne 1oo:.
utk.l J.(LIk$ltlb %.IIAI A[ I the place of the proposes use is on file west corner o sam secuon z, run 7 I You and each of you are hereby .wh!cn you .have. an interest as here- lron home. "
t I - the office of the State Sunervisor o€ ning tnence amng tne government .,¢t=a .h.+ .. o, ;;anted nlaint- lnaoove states luagment will be ren-
,,S;Oye e .............. , ............... %.. , , .
' , Pastor F fth and Cota Streets I Hydraulics Olympia Washington to meander line on an azimuth of 267 [ee =.. om,.±v - municlna' cor- dered against you and against the Victor Robinson of Chicago, who
tal 9"a v .... .,^. ^,. a -- I gether with such other InformaL(on as • 04 05 , 635,17 [eeL, thel[c£ on a) I aeration and one of the lo.wfully lot, tract, or.parcel of land, fo,'eclos-, has been making a vacation visit
, ,..,,. -- .uu.$ 1.= ..=,,, u:-o p.,.. ' " i,'cd by law ] azimutn of Za ° ,9o" 08". Z40 12 Ieet I " • ' " " unt es of the lng thereon tne lien 0I Mason coun-
. is lequ • " o 'l,i 5" organized and existin co . . . at ,the homes of Hood Canal and
Morning Worship 11 a.m, Ally pe,:son, .Qrn 3 or. corporatmn I t])enco on an azimuth of 315 08 6; , I State of Washington, is the owner and ty..fp* its certificate of delinquency ..... , .........
.... ,. .... , .r,.a whose ,,ignt .Will oe m)urlously af- ltl. ee, in.reeOrhl2SiatnlsaaPOnt ]holder of a ce,4kicate of delinqueaey ,wl,Cns,,mcm.aes all taxes, .penalties: 9ea.ne lelauy.es,, lett last Wee
..,.,, .... ..o v.,-. feeted by sale appncauon [nay file i .. ,,.,:^ ,L. "i ...... €" o...^..... 2" } issued in one certificate in boo form mtere t: anti costa agalns 5 eaea - o t or nome. rim aaughter Janlce
• with the ,ate u e,'vlsor of Hydraul- tau,lm.cu ,. m=Cvv,= u* o,w,,p "' 1 and dated the 12th day of July 19,t7, sam tots, tracts, or parcels el lane I'=, rmainod # h- €.,.!
. __I .... , ,,.,.,nia -ashin,to. o...,. ^,. 1946 in the Supe,uor Court el vason .. + m ..... . .e ooa o.. 'ore,.- UP to and iacludina" the date on -a, ................. . 6-.u-
• - - _ _ m jections ,,r representauons, in writing, ] wount., l=taala kalanla .,.ogging un- j ty, Washington, and issued to the wn)cn a}u ceruncate was lssueu, p.c.,, . , ovum. attzt o*
t .... _ _ - -- -- =----:_ & as he may aesn'e to make, within] 4P6. y Xs e c. 'he .... e.,at,.cas ) l s.id Mason County for the several Any pleasing:, answer, appearance, (risen, in Litliwaup. She plans,
i thirty (30) days atte,] qate of last 97, u,,nxx^on^ an .azt nuut o amounts due and owing for taxes on, or .procoss," snan ue serveu upon tne t,rthnr ur|fh h., ,r,,=. lur.,il.;
' qNI I tP'e. lieati°n' wmehdateJs jul X 24: 1947: t 47 tl0g '] neZ.sitree,lA°l'fde°lil,.g I each and eve,.y •lot, tract, or. parcel ]Inaast;s|gguntto,'n:Y to," tehe plaintiff; .1";" ittA--nd-tilJnT;/e;;iW';
. I witness my liana xtltl olIlelal seal , ..... ' • " of lanu neNluLter nlore parUculGrly ,v., ,. a t. ut.,. u,pw , ,,
- " -='_ . [i I this 3rd daY of July, A,D, 1947. ] along the line of extreme low tide ,on [ described and set forth said amount [ stated: and .a..cop): the,,eof filed with : Washington at the opening of the
, _ ]. 1 ] (SEAL) RODN.Y RYIER, all azlmutn of,.18"..22' 20", 58,47 feet, ] belong set out opposite each particular ]the tpr ortbe.aove enLitled court llI nnnrtaI'
l [| j " State Supervtspr •of Hydraulics. ¢gence along m.e A}ne ot 9xu'eme o,,w ] des}ription and being the amount due / .Au? •U£TX, .. .... "----': '', ._ __ •
'. ": ' B Chas. J, Jarmolet, De sue on an azlmutn or zb* o u , , o ea ,titular A mun,clpm Corporauon, :Mr. ano lvlrs, v. 14. Shields who
| I Y 7.171t; ] 164.70 feet, thence on an azhnuti of ] al 2,eHtq,entnacPeln of ahnarlesneet - ] By S. E. SMITH Treasurer . ..... a,...1 ..... .:.. . ,
I ..... ] 119' 80' .08", 205:56 feet, ntore or 3 as; ] i%:'ly'fT''tRxes'for the year 194I, ¢ for / B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Proecut- watV'iggt 1 ee"Iale';t
.I. 191q t tea p01nt on said line i)etween h ad-i ,htT.b s-iS ason County laims right ling Attorney, and Attorney for IW p, . :
" ............ , --- A.';,T ...... I lands thence on an az muth of 133" I t.",:'.;27 7,,,";. oo will In'ore -s,)eetfcal - / Plaintiff here n them to attend the lnldmel auto
- , NOTI ,, . .............. . RE- I 02 36 1219.61 feet thence on an 1 .......... :, .... terence tt eacl -rtic- ] Office and Post Offme Address ,,o,= in qnoo + o,t.,,,a,.
[ • EN_ ...... 'R C '' ---- ] azimuth of 87 06 39 730 50 feel t .,lr esc, i-tion herein tat.ether wlO [ of Attorney for Plaintlif. . Y
IN TH] urm**v ,-,urr ul," THE • ' ' ..... ' v ...... '
more or less to a point oil the lin • • an e : e Mason County Court House nlg/u;
E OF WASHINGTON , . all interest, costs, d p .naltiez# tl er .....
$11i .... !1 __.V_ ..... ..... ,_ I, STAT .......... FoR ]hetwan said sections 26 and 27, theneelo ..... , ..... ., tucludin the 12th d-v ]Shelton Washin,ton. . .... ,, ..... ,,,,, .........
I,IIIUdlM 1 lllrnltlP,uiIrll I-nllFn I MASO cu',.ob.," I on an azimuth of 181" 53' 01" 254.601 o?" 3fiv''9'th, na'nte°of {re ners;J', / No. 31 Pub. July 17, 24, 31, Auft. 7 --,.:..,r -...,*,-j....=.- ..... 1'
Ill I1 H-ILIIILIII/dl]ll ILIIIlUlllalli I ' ..... :-: ai tia -" ...... / feet to the p(int of beginn ng having I firm o,' cornorat on to whom or"whioi{ I 14 21 1947 ' vacattons at me us teterson
_ I bert Hurst also known as Rert Hu I aa_raaad°fa21'l 0.' 'anfL e o, 1, S, lsai d property is a, e.! being .et beach are tr. and Mrs. Roby
• "!- ' " Decd " " ' / 'l' ....... ' - "" : - la , forth with each partmu!ar aecrlption, ] ' . NO. 1912 Sutherland of Seattle. The Carte'r
,. n¢ ChUrch of the Lutheran Hour I .'mvE IS HEREBy GIVEN t"-" / Aa u aelan o tee econa ss air of said property I)elng ittm.teq In ] NOTICE TO CREDITORS ., €. ..,o
' , ,aa ownea Dy the tate Or wanlngton, tate or wasnln ton €'*'"" *' ""' "'" '"""" "
.| ersi ned &lma Hurst Mason County. S : g , IN THE SUPERIOR . URT OF THE
, tCFIIST o HIGHWAY AT CASCADE ] rhea t2a'f.d and has oum.d'aha { s!tuate in front of, adj.acent to, or 1 and be ng more parttcularly deeribed [ STATE OF WAS(XiGTON FOR stay and havc had as their guests
' l ,,¢=,, v ---, ......... , ,. aoutting upon (nat port(on ot lo z. I , £ llows to w t' '
'ratrix of the estale of as o - • THE COUNTY OF MASON recentl Mr and Mrs Harold
• • Adminls . the section 6 township 24 north range i Orl inai Certificate No 1 Roll 1 • e ' ' Y "'
I. P [ above ._ ...... laim ..... h,t all]3 west W.M. known a lot 1 block Page 9 Line 3 Assessed to Llndqulst [
Tole hone 395-M and 230 named deceased, and t ' ' g .... In the Matte, of th. Estate oi Bat ,
nt..u,..,,h, e e Malmquist and daughter, Jane of
)el'sons aw,, aanat the hl s i D aa d
mo01 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 11 a.m. ]'1aid estate or the said deceased are 2,of the u nre2rdeafflator All too. A."et _ux: Tax No...652 .A-l: Sec, ,$, [. l'i'e"l¢hetby given that the un- Bellevue.
[, hereby r,0qu.tred to serve the "came I 'l't', e'criles'll " .... ] wp, 2£ N;, It. 1, _ww.mxso!(s [ uers.!.ned has t)e.e.n appomte:q.and, has A tecent guest at "Carrolyn "
i duly verlfieo With line necessary vt,ueh ' er Tax ro. uo #.- S uecr,o,:u x *,- qUalltleel as aetmlnlstrat0r ol the ShOVe near tAIl w '
, [ ..... ., .... n * ....... - ] Connaenciag at the meander corn ] lows' All tlde lands of the second [ onflflod tnl.o. thnt rill nernn, hay i sup, was ][rs, Cilar-
..... I e' a,aari x or her attorne., l,gned [ .traoti..al ssctloaa 26 and 27, sam } class lying between the line of mean ling claims against said deceased are ,iotte McVlcker of Seattle former
• ' ' . " -- 2u u""=Pk-01d' at clime Building,'"--'" °eft"" 119u^°So.U''tnas' tee-JR, corne ,t°wnsnlPhavingana' arangey--' stUacoordinatemeanuer, of / loWtide tidein fiontand theof • tlalinel t OfarteXtreme. #.if Lotl°w2, | dulll'eh"* "verff'ed,"'"'it;a'",on ""saidSet'e-adntlnlstl ator" t... ....me, a.-'la*a 'e .,.., .., hr'"'nll' a eattar ,.
...... ' - I Stwt ' ;lelton, Mason County rUartl: ] a_lg'470.f.eVd and, a, t Seotton . r w, ,,. N., West• W.M. [or hs attorney of record at the ad- in social wolk m Seattle,
![!1" U.ad,'lbla,,m,idi, 'v[m | [ng[o and file such claims together. ]','*n'.2,am''^.l'th |n, easureu along tne mean.er }.ne as [dr, e.ss .below. stated, .andfile the so, me Club To Picnic
, m, &WJl,l,llallll, iPll, Jmi, lSJkmli ---,q, roof of service with the fn,;- I &;, ....... "x- . ..... ":. %.-:x='-.2"-'t I touows ,eglnnmg at um pu;. 'i" t wrTn tne UlerK ol salOL uourt, togetuer lramh=,,u ,€ *.. r m, .. .
,,.1., ' . .I w v DO%" r-¢ ..u--'l*l',u c=uvt* wi--'-- ..... . . t one anu oelng alstanto , xs,,,a, iv I intersection .... of South line oI ,ot t with ,.nranf' ........... nf .oh -el,t, ioe, _lChln. six .,. ........ o . ,, ...**waup .om-
r, endly Churoh in a FHendly Community" 1 °f.thsa after the date of tln,s-[x: / 9 an azimuth of 1 53 01 f rpm [with said meander lie and .running months after the da of fh'st publica- muntty Club and their families
Fourth and•Pine I ::iiation of this notic'e to-wit', ).-_t. the nort.nwes corner, or s gla sect,on ithence north 45" East a.ot, cnams more. tlon of thls notice or the san, e will be are invited to t,.,.a .+,,
' .... • 1 "':= ..... It loim . ., • ,JU*y i, running mence along I;ne govern-i or less to all ane'le point in ,}al(l barred ......... *'''
unoay onool at 9:4 a.m. I 17, lUSt, o$_3.Lyfreve',y so_served ment meander line on an azimuth of i meander ltne' thence North 38:K de- Date" of first ,)ublicatlon J{llv 17. supper at the C. E. Hill beach
and fileu SaaJ| at" A" uarrett , o r. tr
un" M@rn|n" Worshi 11'00, a.m. I ---'"AA,,w HURS ;i4, " I 267. 04' 0o", 635.17 feet to the ..... ue [ grees East 7'13 chains more or less [1947 " " " home Tuesday evening, July 29.
,, in In
Topic: "What Did the Church Do About It? [ Administ_ratrlx 9r the estate of P{)o rot, o ben.i, tnee cont i,g i }) the.°i.n}.we.re,,.h0e,ne.liJ i ABE,R I i, BLANK,ENBHIP, They should arrive in time to
• • lbert HUlSt, alsO kn , ,, . y . . u,. . I ttnnnltrttLO, Ot n u ao . .
,.. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister [ A. Wurst de ..... own as [ uth of 267 ° 04 05 99 06 feet, thence[state Ovster Reserve Plat Nn. 98,, Addle 209 Rrenlertaa T, ust serve the picnic supper at seven
onage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 I Bell Building 119 So Fo .... ] o}. 4 ^an a szi..mth of 287 0.0 47.7 [ and. having a frontage of 12. I0 lineal , & Savings Bldg., Bremerton, o clock. Plans for the beach par-
Sti'eet. Shelton, Mason C .... [ 6uvoaxeeL tneneOaOn "aen +aztnutr o.t [cpams, mpre .9" le_, measorea.,amng I Washington. ty and also for a h ...... in Ch,,
un e .......
I ty Washingto,i " V "O e ..... * ..... -- I., ,p, eO i tile meander tne. Iear m c WUIlCat ] R, W. MILLER, Attorney for Estate, ftll .... -. - 7 . ,-"
" --' .... a' .xxriS.. , I LeSS... tO a point on ule line. netWr I 1941 ...... Certificate $ 27d 1209 B, enm, ton Ttst & Savings_ Bldg, were aiseusseot at a Ineel:r'l, g
CHAb., e io," ..... id Estat ^, ] headlands as. established by decree of I O, iglnal. Certificate No. 2, Roll 1 I Bremelton Washington of the cltlb holt I4'rlt'lv nloht
--, Attoln..Y. ........ ._ i Sentember 21 1946 in the Sunerior I "t,.... sa T.tn 1 h.qoe] to Evans, I ' "" ,7"n oa a+ . . -- . :" ......... ,', """"
.. [ ?[!,u'lndnot,'tuntsF2? t,' I coTrt oI ashn County<.B;ama Nama! "Ja,?;;s"S'Yi-.ffW,:? "87:''i2, Twp7 01 .......... -o----. auty. 1.8, m the commumty .hail
| 1.._ L R K'aL__;4. --;..,4-.',-,4- ! o. ....... 7-17 ._,,tgtol. I Logging uompany vs. aule Anl et al, / N,, R. 2, W.W,M. Year tn Certificate I ,.w'r,v.r,vwvv,vv,,v. at L, llllwaLlp. Mrs. l.oy t'rusla lS
,li'llrll all • ,llrl/ ,31-1111/1/ i "--'---o--t Cass No, 4,167, thence on an azimuth 11941 Certificate $7 I T T * nresid-e at ,h. 1,,, r. oute
'---aa v .aa '9 ,-daV,A, I -- - I ,ff 298* 41' 1" n2 feet inore / ' r '.,. r, He.';a ' , -ll 1 = .*ma • ..... ...... , ....... ---*
SHELTON [ NOT[CJg On.ALalrOl STAT ]or less, to tile line of extreme low ]Page 65, Line 10, Assessed to Heath. I L/lllUll Joiln.s, treasurer and Mls. Frank
m .... € | - -L'II:.- I tide, thence along the line o1: ex- / Hen,'y; N. and W. 20 Ft. of W. 38,801 v, ww__v,wwwvwrvww l%oomson, secrerary.
@ NoTICE r. N That tr .me low tide on, an aszimuth o * acres of l.,t 2 Sec. 20 Twp 20 N. Mr and "
' I It the ath day of ' , ,, . ......... , , Mrs, Waiter Johnson
hutch, The First Chu,eh of Chrlgt, So ent s, [ Tuesday, . -=^i. -t ....... .August, t 22 20, ::,81 fee, t, thence :m azin! [ R. 2, W.W.M:.Year in Certificate 1941, ] On our stck list are Mrs, Arthur a¢ r.,1.. ,r, ........ , utrn ....
B. Fimmklin Heustou
Courthouse, Shelton ' i
Phone 312 I
I A.l00MeCampbell- I
[ Personalized Accounting I
[ Service I
I Address: Shelton Veaah, J
1 Rt. s, 54 /
! Phone: Shelton lllW .
. , , , .... ' ,
t Phone 5 I'
[ 11'9-121 outh Fourth lit.
i e, aa I
[ She,t00,,. Wash,.00on .... [
Title Insurance Building [
[ Opp0alte First National Batk |
Phcmo 23 - - .Shelt0
[ ,,okk.,,.,
I 123 4th St. ' Phone
I * : 'A: I
onlo, .t [
Dr. John R. Dodge
2 Miles South of Shelton on.
," ' Olympic Highway
Phone 766-R-4 Shelton, Wash.
w00rsm00s I
loenNd Ernllm I