July 24, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 24, 1975 |
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LUCY LYNN is a writer of poetry. She also gardens and
paints, cooks and crochets and pieces quilts.
Lynn writes as hobby
Eighty-two-year-old Lucy
Lynn grows in her own garden
many of the vegetables served on
her table.
"I keep moving," she renmrks
u she surveys a large and thriving
plot of corn, beans, peas,
potatoes, carrots and other
edibles. "I take care of it all
Except for 15 years in
Orison, Mrs. Lynn has always
lived in Shelton, where she was
born in 1893.
"My father came to Mason
County in 1888," she says, "just a
few years too late for me to claim
eligibility in Daughters of
Ptemen of Wmldnlpon."
Mrs. Lynn, now widowed, was
married in 1913 to Walter Arthur
Lynn. She now keeps house for a
son, Donald Lynn of Shelton.
Lynn reared eight children
and a grandmn.
For 14 years Mrs. Lynn and
her llmband owned and operated
a grocery store in the Skokomi~
Valley Center.
Her hobbies include
homephmts. She pieces quilts and
crochets afghans. She paints in
oils and her work ham won ribbons
in the Masnn County Fair.
Since her Ichool days Lucy
Lynn has written poetry. Her
verses, inspired by timely
subjects, have not been published
but have been enjoyed by her
fanily and friends. The following
tribute, dedicated to Neff
Armstrong, will be ment to him:
clalleng= for Mank l
by Lucy Lynn
What strength of courage
spurs man to seek
Deep in the crmt
of this earthy sphere;
Or mar in boundleu realm
a way so bleak,
For attributes of life
to conquer mortal fear?
To di~para~ acts
of tho~ brave muds who dare
Skyward to
some distant starry form,
Could deter the progrem
of the life we share
And disquiet
the useful purpose they perform.
Enet~¢ provides the fulcrum ~
with which we build
Irresolute, the slothful
langmdly fall behind,
Yet "Only One Short Step
By Man," fulfilled
A blanket need with
"A Giant Leap For Mankind."
A favorite recipe is
Jack Homer Cake
1 C. pitted and uncooked prunes,
cut in pieces
(1 pt. of canned Italian
prunes, sieved or chopped,
may be substituted)
1 C. boiling water
2 C. flour
1 up. salt
1¼ tsp. soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. cloves
School slated
Veterans of Foreign Wan
school of instruction will be held
Saturday at the Tyee. The
meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m.
Those wishing to attend the
12:30 p.m. luncheon should
contact Toni Martin. Auxiliary
Ha. 318 Olympia will serve a
dinner at 7 p.m. the same day in
the VFW hall. Those planning
attendance should inform Evelyn
The fifth district picnic is
scheduled for August 3 in
Schaeffer Park from 10 aJaa. until
6 p.m. Potluck will be served at
1:30 p.m. with coffee, soft drinks
and ice cream furnished by the
Raymond Post No. 968 will
hold a mortgage-burning
ceremony at 8 p.m. Saturday to
which all post and auxiliary
n~embers are invited.
At the recent meeting of Post
No. 1694 and auxiliary Vietnam
veteran Till Prellwitz was initiated
into the post. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Jenkins, Bill
Kane and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Martinson of Post No. 318,
Olympia, and Joe Fitzpatrick,
commander of Montesano Post
No. 2255.
Awards for reports and for a
scrapbook on community service
have been received by comrade
Darrell Sparks and sister Mabel
Aitken. The auxiliary presented a
party at Western State Hospital.
John Florek
opens store
John Florek, reared in
Shelton where he began his career
in the grocery business, on July 1
opened a store in Winlock,
Washington. The closing on June
30 of the Safeway Store was
followed by the advent of
Winlock's Family Market.
Safeway Stores in Chehalis,
Centralia and Winlock have been
managed by Florek, who is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Florek of Shelton. He and his
wife, Pat, have four children.
MR. AND MRS. KEITH ANDERSON will be honored on
their 25th wedding anniversary.
Party to mark anniversary
Shelton for the past 11 years.
Andersons have six children, Dan
of Olympia; David of Fort
Leonardwood, Missouri; Doug,
Richard, Jennifer and Steven of
the family home. One grandson,
Jason, is the son of David and
Gloria Anderson.
Parents of the couple are Mrs.
Cleo Brown of Mesa, Arizona;
Harley Hidden of Florida; and
Mrs. Raymond Peterson of Galva,
Illinois. The Andersons have been
residents of Shelton for 11 years.
Family and friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Anderson of Shelton
are invited to honor them on their
25th wedding anniversary.
An open house will be given
by their son, Dan, and
daughter-in-law, Barb, on August
10 from 2 p.m. to 5 pan. in the
couple's home at 503 Wyandotte
in Shelton.
The Andersons were married
August 6, 1950 in the Methodist
parsonage at Kahoka, Missouri.
Anderson has been employed by
Simpson Timber Company in
Picnic planned for unday
North Shelton Community be swimming in an outdoor
Auxiliary and Fire District 11 heated pool, as well as games and
firemen and their families will conversation. Dinner will be
hold a picnic on Sunday at the served later in the afternoon.
,,:: , Gary Bensen home in the
'.lob to meei Addition, one block
.... north of the Island Lake Firehall.
HarsUne Community Pinochle From the Island Lake Road turn
Club will meet at 7:30 pan. lefl and follow signs.
Saturday in Harstine Hall. Beginning at 2 p.m. there will
This is a planned potluck.
Those who have not been
contacted should call Mrs. Gary
Bensen at 426-3187. Members
will furnish their own table
in ;helton
Pastor Wayne Eason came
from Hobbs, New Mexico, where
he had served for two yean, to
become the new pastor of the
Church of God in Shelton.
On July 4 he was joined by
his ,wife, Viola, and his three
children who are Patricia, 18;
Vivian, 15; and Austin, 13.
Born in Oklahonm, Pastor
Eason was reared in Oregon.
Ordained in 1964, his first church
Where begin and end ½ C. vegetable oil was located in Turner, Oregon.
their course to thrust 3 eggs (½ to 213 C.) The Sheltnn church will be his
The billowy waves I C. chopped nutmeats sixth. ,,. Pastor and Mrs Wayne Eason
apimt the rugged shore, Pour boiling water over cut "Pro glad to be here, ne says.
With a strong breeze prunes and allow to stand for 2 ,,.;. / .
that hurls a nighty gtm, hours. Heat oven to 350 degrees. :, • ,
.' / / /
And bring the cloud=, Grease and flour, one 13-inob by /:, /,,i
from whiehthe raindrope pour. 9½-inch by 2-mch pan or two ,' // // /. 11
9-inch by 1½-ineh layer pam. ~~ __ .
~o=iined Blend dry ingredients. Add e, ,i, 3
withaanow3, crest prunes. Add remaining • / -i" I1
Of mountaim ingredients. Blend thoroughly and
whose peaks in grandeur rise, beat 2 minutes at medium spe~! a,~ I 1St I;lil
and give the daring on mlxer or 300 strokes by hand.
-- their greatest test Pour into p=n and bake 45 to 50 / / /
While climbing the rocky trinutes for oblong pan or 35 to / ;, / y
, ~ ilL. /
precipice toward the skies. 40 minutes for layers. ___-- ~'~ 6" ~ f ' ~.. • /
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