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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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f 24 Club luncheon, noon, Club, 6:45 a.m., Restaurant. Chapter No. p.m., Baptist Church. ranis Club of Mason Seniors, noon, Senior Anonymous, 8:30 Library. Age Club, 6 p.m., Lodge and Auxiliary, 8 hall. July 25 of Commerce board 7:30 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., Grange, 6:30 pan. ,8:30 p.m. meeting. sale by Robinettes, p,.m,, PUD. ¢, July 26 Sashayers, 8:30 p.m., hall. Community Pinochle !:30 p.m., Harstine Hall. Lake Arts and Crafts noon to 8 p.m., Knudsen Harstine Road. , Ju]y 27 churches invite you the church of your social, noon to 5 p.m., City Masonic Temple, Center. Lake Arts and Crafts noon to 8 p.m., Knudsen Harstine Road. ¢, July 28 No. 3 commission 1 p.m., PUD conference , courthouse. Bridge commission meeting, Club, 7:15 ntennial committee 5 p.m., Senior Center. Association of Mortgage Women, 6 ~rents Without Partners ~k, 6:30 p.m., Kneeland ~y, July 29 ~anis Club luncheon, noon, ~S. ,28~ commission meeting, 8 ~ty hall. Anonymous, 7:30 Library. July 30 s, 8 p.m., at the lodge: Town Kiwanis Club, Hy-Lond Inn. July 30 and Mineral Society, ents Without Partners, home of Rudy Flakus. Club luncheon, noon, Cafe. Club, 6:45 a.m., s Restaurant. mobile home under of Enumclaw's Rainbow An insurance plan features not found in policies. Like credit card and liability coverage recreational re- Ask your M of E agent Insurance by OF: :LAW ~urnclaw, Washington RANC: SMITH AGENCY Cota St., Shelton 3-3317 Tops Washington Chapter No. 313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church., Kiwanis Club of Mason County Seniors, noon, Senior Center. Overeaters Anonymous, 8:30 a.m., Timberland Library. Lead to grave The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Thomas Gray rmln, By SANDY JONES and working women, programs covering such topics as MARILYN VALLEY Nu Phi Mu is the first of four art, music, women's changing role Beta Sigma Phi is a familiar levels of BSP. in society, and many other varied name in Mason County, but many The next step is Ritual of subjects. In addition, each chapter people are only vaguely aware of Jewels Chapters which draw usually holds several social events its purpose, women from ages 22 to 35. during the year. Essentially, Beta Sigma Phi is There are 200,000 members In the ten years since its an organization for social and and 8,000 chapters in 14 formation, Epsflon Omicron has cultural advancement. Through countries around the world, expanded so greatly that a need the years since its founding in Sorority is an excellent way to get for another Ritual of Jewels 1931, the sorority has taken its acquainted, for you have Chapter has arisen. If you are place among the outstanding ready-made friends wherever you interested in the newly-forming women's organizations of our may be through transfer privileges chapter please call Vicki Owens, time. Beta Sigma Phi is geared for wherever there are chapters.426-3510, or Sandy Jones, women of all ages and multiple Chapters meet twice monthly 426-6184. interests, whether homemakers or for regular business and cultural 426-4302 THIS WEEK'S , 205 W. Cota SPECIAL Shelton Nell Young "Tonight's the Night" LP Album $ $2.00 off list • 8 track tape $2.00 off list 8 • • i ! ii~::¸ i~~ ,~ii~ ~ , i'!~! BE E F .o,,,.,. 70% LEAN FRESHLY GROUND IN OUR OWN MARKET ...................... LB. RIB ROAST U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS ROTISSERIE ROASTS ............... $1 LB. • $ U.S. CHOICE BEEF WASTEFREE CHUCK STEAKS ............... LB. SELECT QUALITY AT BIG SAVINGS ........................... LB. U.S. CHOICE LEAN CHUNKS FOR KABOBS .................... LB. RIB STEAKS U.S. CHOICE BEEF WITH GREAT FLAVOR ..................... LB. SPENCER STEAKS U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS STEAKS ........................ LB. ! (WESTERN STYLE) U.S. CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUTS -- GREAT CHARCOAL BROILED ICK ROAST WESTERN STYLE • Use about S# blade rc~st, 2 or 21/2" thick (the stand for it least 6 brs,, room temper[tyro, or thicker, the bettor), ieqor. At least 6 hrs. in advance of conking, pierce the In cenkbg over coals, ¢oak for II to !0 ndn. en rmst well and rub into aack ~ I/2 el ~ ~ side With ~ grill ~ till calls ~ following ingredients: relse ~ grin at ie~t 3" and cook for an 21/a tbsp. Iton-seasooed tenderizer edditieNI 8 to 10 mie. en each side. This slmuld 2 tsp. garlic salt or to taste give a 21/2'' thick roast • gand pink coke. 2 tsp. table salt or to tmto Slack pepper to teato 4 tbsp. olive oil (mnce if desired) When roeot iS ¢odlnd, roalove from Fill end cut oat the baals, Filltle and fat. Pies! mt Rub each of these in welt, selmmtely, end let tagather end curve crossways. PARADE QUALITY CUBED BUTTER ............................ POUND BARONET IRREG. FREESTONES ........................ 29 OZ. TIN LAUNDRY DETERGENT $ (lOc OFF LABEL) ............................. 49 OZ. BOX MAXWELL HOUSE $ ...................... 3 POUND TIN • I--'~ --RED TAG SPECIALS ~ f"--~NON.FOODS • _, S&W FOODS- LEMON JUICE 9 I ICE CUBE 9 RSAL LEMON ............ .OZ.ROm,6 / I.,. , [ TRAYS "/ /KETCHUP o/ I 'U"ERMAID, ,,0.,,, .... ;.... • | '",,,LO'CRE,ME* ............ ,0,. /HUNT'S ..........14 oz. ROmE -- / /INST. POTATOES" 5 I RIGHT GUARD /TOMATOES STEW|D ................... 16 OZ. TIN /HUNGRY JACK MASHED ..... 160Z5. 9 / I DEODORANT ............... 4 OZ. AERO [PORK 'N' BEANS" A 1 [ I MURiNE-' ozs | KIDNEY BEANS ' IS |VANCAMP'S ....... ::.- ..... 2, OZ. TIN'I" / I O,A,,,, .................. ' " / .................. , , ., o,. ,,, ,, , BAKED BEANS [HEFTY LINERS S 1 / ] EARTHBORNS 1 | ........................ . oz. TIN 5 9 k AS. CA. s,. ........ ,o couNT •) I .POO .......... ,, o,...LE-- SHOP-RITE WHOLE EGG MAYONNAISE QUART JAR ASSORTED REGULAR OR DIET FLAVORS 28 OZ. BOTTLES ALUMINUM FOIL PARADE 12 INCH x 25 FEET •.. ROLL FRISKIES CUBES OR DINNERS. 25 POUND • MAXIM FREEZE DRIED COFFEE ........ 8 OZ. JAR • COFFEE 3 99 MAXWELL HOUSE ......... 2 POUND TI• 1880 BARS ICE CREAM BARS ................... 6 PACK BROWNIE MIX PARADE .................... 22½ OZ. BOX VANILLA FIGS ARC BARS .................... 16 OZ. PKG. PITTED OLIVES PARADE MEDIUM ................. 6 OZ. TIN HOSTESS PASTRY 85 FRUIT FILLED .................... PACKAGE SANDWICH BREAD *WONDER ...................... GIANT LOAF DAISY FRESH PRODUCE TREE RIPE BISCUIT MIX FISHERS -- 40 OZ. BOX *NNT tou's 9 / .q.'l CARROTS ..... , POUND .L,O-------- FOODS :KEN BANQUET-- -- JUST HEAT $ AND EAT - .............. 2 LB. BO) ORANGE JUICE..:E!R=F': ...... ,,0,..,43 RHODE'S BREAD w,., o: W.,L.:W.% ., JENO'S DELUXE PIZZA CHEESE COMBINATION SAUSAGE . ozs. $1.49 23 ozs. $1.89 ozs. $1.69 -- PRICES EFFECTIVE: JULY 24, 25, 26, 27 -- LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED -- ONIONS W,L. w,,,, 29 SWEETS . . ........... LB. I CRISP 'N' TINDER . . . BELt PIPPERS ......... EACH S'As" 39 TREAT .... LII. WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DAIL;Y 9 TO 9 e Thursday, July 24, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page