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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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oes are LENORA GIBBLE grows dozens of dahlias. ripening .... Saturday after -Saturday the Seventh-day Adventist Church is made beautiful by blooms grown in the garden of Lenora Gibble. "Except for mowing and rototilllng I do it all myself," says the 7 6-year-old green-thumber whose windows are overflowing with houseplants and whose backyard is a picture-perfect vista of color and foliage. Nine years ago a fall from an attic broke Mrs. Gibble's back. Through many long months in a brace she dreamed of her gardening days. "They told me I couldn't do that sort of work again," she laughs, "but I showed them!" Born and reared in Hutchinson, Kansas, Lenora Gibble came to this area 33 years ago. Now widowed, ehe recalls the days when she and her husband gardened together. "We had ten acres on Mill Creek Road," she explains. "We moved here to our Hlllcrest home seven years ago." Her garden is smaller than that grown on her acreage but yields a wealth of food and flowers. Dahlias, and glads, zinnias and marigolds flourish beside already-ripe tomatoes and many other vegetables. "I wouldn't trade my little house in Shelton for a mansion anywhere else!" she exclaims. Feature Writer, l JAN DANFORD Utterly false indeed is the prevalent rumor that I have permanently forsaken the frills of feminine attire in favor of the more practical pantsuit. My preference is but temporary and dates from a milm4r vacation rrashap which so disfigured my fat little legs that I have since hidden them from public view lest it appear that 1 was deliberately flagellated. In the somewhat bleary-eyed state which is my normal condition immediately upon arising and directly prior to my morning coffee I peered through the grime of my cobwebbed kitchen window to note that Shadrach, my beloved goat, had wrapped his weighty chain around a tree trunk in such a manner that he retained a mere few feet of freedom. Becoming aware of my attentive concern he forthwRh set up a piteous bleating. I dashed from the house clad skimpily in a decidedly short nightie. Soon the heavy chain was disentangled whereupon Shadrach, instead of leaping happily forward as any decent goat would have done, swiftly irretrievably off balance and about to fall flat on my poor old face 1 noticed that I was being swept beneath the bending bough of the old apple tree. In true Tom Mix fashion I grasped the providential protuberance, twinging my tortured legs up and front to allow the chastising chain to pass beneath them. While I was congratulating myself on this athletic maneuver the branch broke and down came rockabye baby flat on her aching back. My skull bounced off the turf with a resounding whack. Blows on the head never raze me an iota, but I feared for the safety of my already ailing spine. As I rose cautiously to my tottering feet there echoed from my readjusting vertebrae a dry and brittle rattle reminiscent of an ancient marimba in the f'mal throes of decaying disintegration. A tentative step was attempted. I jogged a little. I ran madly across the meadow, leaping blackberry bushes. My back felt great. I may change Shadrach's name to Chiropractor; or maybe I'll just call him Big Bruiser. The things one does on tennis courts should certainly be done in shorts and when my weary bones relax they do so best in roomy slacks, but I, who dearly love to dance will seldom do so wearing pants for now there sags unsightly hummock where before was firm, flat stomach. Trousers tend to make appear a bulge as ugly in the rear. I cannot boast of solid muscle nor lay claim to padded bustle. Not for me the dinging knit nor any other clothes that fit. I find the kind iiiiiii!iiii THE PUDERBAUGH FAMILY is pictured as they appeared in 1940. ~iii¸ :i i:~iiiii¸ i~~' ~ i!~i~ /iiiiiiiii! :iiiiiii! i • i¸ THE FORTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of Mary and Alvan Puderbaugh will be celebrated at an open house to be held in their home at Route 2, Box 834 from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. on Sunday. Hostesses will be their daughters, Vera Lorenz of Shelton and Rose Brownfield of Tenino. The Puderbaughs were married July 3, 1935 in Bremerton and have resided in Shelton since 1948. They have eight grandchildren. They ask that no gifts and no money tree be presented. oa as Officers to serve for the ensuing six-month period were installed by Shelton Toastmasters Club at a dinner held Friday in the Timbers Restaurant. Taking office were Jerry ers in: II Obendorf, sergeant-at-arms; Irv McArthur, educational vice-president; Don Kendall, administrative vice-president; Brian Shetterly, secretary-treas- urer; and Ron Godwin, president. new cers Officers were installed by area governor Bruce Congdon of Olympia, who spoke on the duties of officers. Irv McArthur spoke on "A Better Mousetrip." Phil Hamlin's topic was "Identity Crises." Guests are welcome to attend breakfast meetings of the group held each Thursday at 6:45 a.m. at the Timbers Restaurant. NEWLY-INSTALLED OFFICERS of Shelton Toastmaster Club are, left to right, Jerry Obendorf, sergeant-at-arms; Irv McArthur, educational vice-president; Don Kendall, administrative vice-president; Brian Shetterly, secretary-treasurer. President Ron Godwin is not pictured. PWP group plans picnic for Monday Parents Without Partners will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday in Kneeland Park for a potluck picnic, and at 7:30 p.m. next Thursday will convene in the Rudy Flakus home at 201 West H Street for coffee and conversation. All single parents are eligible to join the newly-formed group and are welcome to attend the Monday evening meeting. For more information call 426-3088, ' 426-3603, 426-3664 or 426-8525. World of words | Ul Regular prices up to $140.00 Men's Sport Coats Regular $60.00 to $100.00 O0 O0 4900 encircled me from behind. With *** of skirts that flare more A world of facts lies outside and . • one end of the metal tether camouflage beyond the world of words. Mens Leisure Suits securely attached to his abode I prefer, my derriere more. Thomas H. Huxley and the other terminating at a I must confess, " One group cotton leisure suits sturdy collar rounding his at times the trouser J .... | Regular $25.00 tO $30.00 well'muacled neck' the g°ugin8 t° the dress" I ;i i: ,.:, I the bad[ of my knees as the When walking dogs I i I Men's Casual Pants Men's Knit Slacks ungrateful brute propelled me or pups or bitches I ~! ' ~ ~ I Double knit Slacks onward at a pace far too rapid for I am quite I i: " I Wash&Wear iil[O0 Regular Regular my rather over-ripe limbs, at home in britches. ........... Regular $12.00 $15 to $20 $27 to $35 FIeexertedanot-quite-steady O . s900 s16oo pull in order that the slightly For riding horses, slackened scourge might beat a by all ream merry tattoo from rnid-calf to one should eschew .......... ~'~ ~::I~IL ~P01r~ & high-thigh. Just as I wasthegown for jeans, l j ...... I • • "~ "~ '~ ~! I ~!,, • ............... ;[I 1 ...... ~ I ts DressSh,rtsl, l -- MELL CHEV -- MELL OLDS -- MELL CHEV -- ....... " .... : : U~;EE' CAR , t=eorge Solomon and C ,rysler ar , D,;^^ I;/ I'RI(.'ES /![I ~,~ ~t~e,,, ~ I L =c " I;] CIJT Uo'$500 / ll Photograph Copy I :~:r;:sSk'rts • /3 i/, 1~°,°,~- ~0 I PontSu,ts__ I precious photograph on orders I Ill P / I reg. $12 placed MondaysI /7/7 .HEV 0LDS i , While you're visiting the // | .a I relatives this summer, collect ? I d l ~ I! ff ~11'11 ~.., Service & Parts i 409 Railroad I some of those precious old ~ l i ~ i ! J fl I/lJ I/ Monday-Saturday i l family pictures and bring them ~ I I ~ I Rental- ! ease l make perfect copies. They'd ~a~ I I I ~! IJULJU " / [ ,n for the experts at [:)ean's to ~ I I make great surprise Christmas U| l[~ I !~.._ Nil./o -- --_ -.---- -- -- --__ _lst & Gr°ve 426-4424 J l°" I -- MELL CHEV -- MELL OLDS -- MELL CHEV -- Art ;how Spencer Lake Arts: Show will be held and Sunday from p.m. at the Knudsen miles north of Highway No. 3. onto Harstine will be the first on Commissions on augment the Shelton scholarship fund. The welcome, Winners North-South Shelton Bridge evening meeting were and Bob Quimby, Bob Geyerman, Kay Katherine White. Winning for Henry and Elinor Rust and Francis Purse and Vic King. for Identifying Dry Skin Just as oily skins oily over a so a dry skin can in life. It may be that slowed down early, have led Dry skin are: * Definite around eyes and * Absence of oily parched, dried-out * Some signs of ! all over the face. * A leathery some sagging. Heirs Ph, Emergency Ph. Fifth & Franklin Open Daily 9:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 9:30 to Parle 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 24, 1975