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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• L!!i -. =IllI/fiT .......... ........... .. men's softball results ( ) Karmel Lawson (c) ~nn Mendenhall (p) Dotettes ....... , .... 20 Systma (c) ...... lb ~ Aria Strutz (p) Earle Rains (c) A&S ......................6 Fred Smith (p) ~'sby|ci " " " (1~) ........... 8 Cheryl Peterson (p) Desi Clayton (c) • hJpnens (p) . Ann Minoza (c) ) S ~dges (c) 13 MONDAY :~Sowers (p) Day & Sons ................ 1 gue ~itcraft (p) Robbie Dale (p) ~, ;~¢l~iz (c) Karen Wood (c) Brit~Ward (c) S.I.T.E .......... , ........ 15 allr' t=:J~"~ Mary Ann Mendenhall (p) Val aug (c) Chris Brotche (p) Dotettes .................. 15 .14 Aria Strutz (p) Lorie Rains (c) Karen Johnson (p) .4 Gypos ... : ........... " .... :5 IPl Joanne Sowers (p) Merge Witcraft (p) Shirley Ward (c) (c) Pam Veliz (c) P= lk=ti $ ROAD PROJECT NO. 807 matter of C.R.P. No. constructed on Mason oad No. MUse, known the -- Road, and more located in District No. IY RESOLVED OF COUNTY that it is their Apply 3rd Coat BST Roads: Drive, 0.4 lilche Shores, 0.2 lurn; 3.1 said work is to be Legal Publications COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 805 in the matter of C.R.P. No. 805 to be constructed on Mason County Road No. Misc., known locally as the -- Road, and more specifically located in District No. 1. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to Apply BST C1 B to the following Roads: No. 2206 Kingston Way, 0.2 mi; No. 2319 West Leeds Loop, 0.5 mi; No. 3730 Sunset Road, 1.2 mi; and that said work is to be performed by day labor in accordance with the Washington work is to be State Standard Specifications for by day labor in Road and Bridge Construction as with the Washington adopted by Mason County. Specifications for B E I T F U R T H E R Construction as RESOLVED that the above County. described County Road Project is F U R T H E R necessary and proper, and the that the above estimated costs of said project are Road Project is herewith set out in detail as follows: Tips and Talesi By HERB WILLIAMS When you look out across the vast expanse of our salt water, it often seems a miracle that you can find salmon at all with your lone little line and bait. Fortunately, salmon are not scattered evenly through the salt water, • but concentrate in general locations and quite often in a very small part of the general area. One of the places where salmon like to feed is where shallow water suddenly drops off to deep water. Tidal currents sweeping past points have helped create places such as this over the centuries, and that's one reason so many of the hot salmon spots have the word "point" in their names. The tidal currents form eddies at these points, which offer resting places for salmon as well as collecting bait fish for the salmon to feed on. One way to improve your chances in these areas is to have some way of telling just how deep you are. You can count off line as you pull it off your reel, a foot at a time. Some sort of marked line is much easier, for you can pay it out faster and tell by the color or markings how much you have out. Then when you finally find fish, note the time of day and weather conditions. Then next time, under similar circumstances, go to the same depth. For salmon will be found in different depths, depending on whether it's early or late in the day or whether skies are sunny or dark with rain. Bayshore Golf Club sets Mother-Daughter tourney B a y s h o r e G o I f C 1 ub's for hidden holes on Tuesday. Gert Mother-Daughter Tournament Batstone and Rosemary James will be held Thursday evening, won balls. Batstone played a July 24, starting at 6 p.m.38-41 game. Sign-in starts at 5:30 p.m. The women travel to Clover Dinner will be served after a tour Valley this Tuesday for an of the links. Husbands can eat exchange match. with their wives after the The Bayshore Steer and Beer tournament; you may call has been set at a later date, 426-1271 for reservations. August 10, instead of the earlier They Bayshore women played announced date, August 3. proper, and the ~-------------"--------~-~--~ of said project are R o a d C o n s t r u c t i o n Legal Publications Legal Publications set out in detail as$11,400.00, TOTALS11,400.00. The County Road Project --=-----=-=-=-------=--~-~ Construction herein described is HEREBY COUNTY ROAD PROJECT COUNTY ROAD PROJECT TOTAL $19,500.00. DECLARED to be a public NO. 809 NO. 810 ~unty Road Project necessity, and the County Road In the matter of C.R.P. No. In the matter of C.R.P. No. cribed is HEREBY Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED 809 to be constructed on Mason810 to be constructed on Mason D to be a public AND AUTHORIZED to report County Road No. 6231, known County Road No. 9825, known and the C¢ ,nty Road and proceed thereon as by lawlocally as the Mason-Prickett Lake locally as the Old Belfair Highway =REBY )ROERED provided. Road, and more specifically Road, and more specifically )RIZED to report ADOPTED this 21st day of located in Sec 14T 22N R2W. located in 5ecs 17,20,29 T23N thereon as by law July, 1975. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED RIW. this 21st day of RS OF N COUNTY, In Bariekman liam O. Hunter Auseth BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/John Bariekman Chairman /s/William O. Hunter /s/Martin Auseth Attest: ~(eRUth E. Boysen rk of the Board 7/24-1t BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED COMMISSIONERS that it is their BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY intention to Pave with Asphalt COMMISSIONERS that it is their Concrete Class B 0.4 mi and that intention to Pave with Asphalt said work is to be performed by Concrete Class B 2.1 mi 22' wide contract in accordance with the and that said work is to be Washington State Standard performed by contract in Specifications for Road and accordance with the Washington Bridge C~mStruction::as adopted State Standard Specifications for by Mason County. Road and Bridge Construction as B E I T F U R T H E R adopted by Mason County. RESOLVED that the above B E I T F U R T H E R described County Road Project is RESOLVED that the above necessary and proper, and thedescribed County Road Project is 7/24-1t COUNTY ROAD PROJECT estimated costs of said project are necessary and proper, and the - NO. 806 herewith set out in detail asestimated costs of said project are In the matter of C.R.P. No. follows: herewith set out in. detail, as_ ~// i (3 ere 806 to be constructed on Mason R O a d C o n s t r u c t i O n follows: II ROAD PROJECT County Road No. Misc, known $9,000.00, TOTAL $9,000.00. R o a d C o n s r r u c t i o n NO. 808 locally as the -- Road, and more The County Road Project $40,000.00, TOTAL $40,000.00. r matter of C.R.P. No. specifically located in District No herein described is HEREBY The County Road Project constructed on Mason2. " DECLARED to be a public herein described is HEREBY )ad No. 200, known IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED necessity, and the County Road DECLARED to be a public I I I ght" Ihe Satsop-Cloquallum BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED necessity, and the County Road .=r e i s d more specifically COMMISSIONERS that it is thejrAN-D AUTHORIZED to report Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED ~ S I /Atl t18 "IEREBy~c 26 T19NREsOLvEDR6W. tointenti°nfollowingt° Roads:Apply 3rd Coat BST andprovided.proceed thereon as by law AND AUTHORIZED to report IOARD OF COUNTY No. 4644 Holiday Beach Plat, ADOPTED this 21st day of and proceed thereon as by law ONERS that it is their 0.3 mi;No. 7913Wooten Lake, JUly, 1975- provided, f IX c asses eas 3 Construct BST Class 1.6 mi; No. 5830 Wonderview, 0.2BOARD OF COUNTY ADOPTED this 21st day o t° 0"5 mi and that said mi; N°" 4370 Valley Drive, 0.2 COMMISSIONERS OF July, 1975. *- -- G d d fi be performed by day mi; and that said work is to be MASON COUNTY, BOARD OF COUNTY accordance with the performed by day labor in COMMISSIONERS OF run ston sea n l State Standard accordance with the Washington /s/John Bariekman MASON COUNTY, ,ns for Road andState Standard Specifications for Chairman WASHINGTON uction as adopted Road and Bridge Construction as /s/William O. Hunter /s/John Bariekman nty. adopted by Mason County. /s/Martin .u,eth C,0 rm0o O n C es s o n s /s/william O. Hunter F U R T H E R B E I T F U R T H E RAttest: that the aboveRESOLVED that the above/s/RuthE. Boysen Attest/S/MartinAuseth: A pl p ki ty Road Project is described County Road Project is Clerk of the Board /s/Ruth E. Boysen rn e o r ng pro.r, and the necessary and proper, and the 7/24-1t Clerk of the Board 7/241t e ti ts7 00 p of said project are estimated costs of said project are out in detail as herewith set out in detail as follows: onstruction Road Construction rac ce star : .m. , o0000 ,,o0000 ,o ,,0000o :Y Road Project The County Road i:;roject ~// A )eC is HEREBYhe_rein described is HEREBY liP P to be a public uP-(~LARED to be a public pec a owner :ace Road necessity, and the County Road !RED Engineer is HEREBY ORf~ERED ZED to report AND AUTHORIZED to report thereon as by law this 21st day of :aUNTY IERS OF in Hunter 7/24-1t and proceed thereon as by law provided. ADOPTED this 21st day of July, 1975. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/John Bariekman Chairman /s/William O. Hunter /s/Martin Auseth Attest: /s/Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board 7/24-1t CHEV -- MELL OLDS -- MELL CHEV -- rn CHEV Prices Reduced Quick Service & Parts Monday-Saturday Rental- Lease 1st & Grove 426-4424 -- MELL OLDS -- MELL CHEV -- r- r- O r- o U1 I I I m r'- r- A lot of people are talking about the fast action and polished players in Women's Fastpitch competition. • We'd like to congratulate the members of our team on an excellent season. l I "Suppliers of the finest, freshest seafood" -CHILDREN 12 ADMITTED Sign Up Time: 5:00 p.m. No Tire Restriction Six bike minimum to make a class Classes Mini-100,125-200-250-open All races pay NMA points Powder Puff Race 125 & under Rider Fee • Another exciting event span On Hig .............. 101 Look for the arrows. Plenty of parking. Easy entry through main gate at fairgrounds. sored by the I • I III IIII Thursday, July 24, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15