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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ing barrel rules told Fire Department made a random survey barrels in the city. In it was found residents and aware. Fire Chief George that so far this year p been no fires caused by but as the hottest and driest part of the year approaches, the hazard becomes greater. In an effort to prevent fires, he reminds city dwellers that a screen cover is required and all combustibles should be kept at least 15 feet away from the barrel. iELL CHEV -- MELL OLDS -- MELL CHEV -- urday ,ase from New Car Sales Contest Quick Service & Parts Monday-Saturday Rental- Lease 1st & Grove 426-4424 :LL CHEV -- MELL OLDS -- MELL CHEV -- Danny Perkins uoe mh,,,. Talk is cheap, when you call off-hours. *~ Portland during off-hours. So, if you want to get together As a matter, of fact, you can with someone special, don t let talk to someone there for a full the money stop you. hour for only $6.78, plus tax, Just remember, talk is cheap when you dial direct between 11 when you get up early or stay up p.m. and 8 a.m.* [a~e. The same sort of savings are available whenyou call any- *Discounted charge for a 60.minute call where in the country during dialed direct, without operator assistance, Seattle-Portland, 11 p.m.-8 a.rn. Every day. Pacific Northwest Bell Vehicle license plan told Washington motorists were reminded this week by the Department of Motor Vehicles that the recently adopted system of staggered vehicle license renewal won't go into effect until 1977. Jack Nelson, department director, stressed that the 1976 license renewal process will be the same as in past years. All licenses will be renewed this next January. The staggered vehicle license renewal as adopted by the legislature will provide a number of benefits not only to the motorists but to the county and state as well. Nelson explained that the long lines of vehicle owners seeking new licenses each January will be gone. Also to vanish will be the combined license costs during the holiday season. The director added just how the staggered system will work has not yet been determined. He said consideration is being given to using the final two digits of a license number to determine in which month a new license will be purchased. He said details will be worked out during a series of public hearings. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY As another service of FIRSTBANK, you can have your SOCIAL SECURITY and retirement checks deposited directly by mail each month to your account at the Shelton FIRSTBANK Branch. NO WAITING -- NO WORRY -- NO CHARGE. Contact FIRSTBANK now or call 426-8295 for information. SEA T TL E " FIRS T NA TIO NA L BA Member FDIC Shelton Branch, Seattle-First National Bank All Deposits Insured to $40,000 Hoodsport By DOLORES DRAKE Eagle Court of Award for Danny Perkins was held at the community hall in Hoodsport July 12. Danny is the fourth boy scout of Hoodsport Troop l l to receive the Eagle Scout award. He started boy scouting five years ago in Klamath Falls, Oregon, transferring to the Hoodsport troop in 1971. Participating in the ceremony were Jim Philips, executive director of the Tumwater Area Council, who spoke on the "Award of the Eagle." Invocation and closing were given by Reverend William Andrews of the Methodist Church. A special guest speaker was Danny's grandfather, Donald Boulton, of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. Boulton has been active in scouting for 60 years. He spoke on the many activities in his scouting days including wartime service projects carried out by the scouts. Sir Baden Powell, founder of the boy scouts, presented Boulton with his Eagle award in 1918. Pie Social The Elinor Chapter of Eastern Star will have a pie social July 27 from noon to 5 p.m. at the Masonic Temple located along Highway 101 across from the Valley Center. Wild blackberry, apple, rhubarb, blueberry and gooseberry are some of the varieties of pies to be served with ice cream. There will also be homemade cake for those who prefer it. Brothers Visit Captain A. J. Schwab of Washington, D.C. and E. W. Schwab of Santa Barbara, California were guests of their brother, Rudy Schwab, last week. The captain gave a talk Wednesday in Bremerton at a meeting of the Naval Medical Service Corps, while the following day was spent canal salmon fishing with the success of catching three. The brothers spent time in Cle Elum visiting their father, John Schwab. Home on Leave Airman First Class Donald Rollevson is home for a week's visit. Don has been stationed at Maln~trom Air Force Base at Great Falls, Montana, since his transfer from Okinawa last May. Annual Visit Sydney Finch of Cawston, British Columbia, visited his niece, Jean Bearden, and close friend, Alma Roe. Finch's daughter and her husband, Grant Sharp, and three children accompanied him over from Seattle for the day's visit. Finch was born in Hoodsport 93 years ago and makes annual trips back to his birthplace. Golfing The Lake Cushman Women's Golf Club will play each Wednesday for the remainder of the season. The Alderbrook Women's Golf Club were guests of the Lake Cushman Women's Golf Club on July 16. Thirty were present for an enjoyable day of play in pleasant weather. Winners for the day were: Low gross, Jean Anderson from Alderbrook and Afline Baker from Cushman; low net, Ann Anderson, Cushman, and tied from Alderbrook were Joyce Pentony, Francine Hughes and Dottie Hilderman; least putts, Evalyn Kretschmar of Alderbrook and tied were Bee Hewin and Gladys Peterson of Cushman; longest drive was mashed by Margaret Bibbee and closest to the pin on hole four was Claire Good. GranddWdren Visit Elmer and Lucille Edwards' granddaughter, Robin Latham, 25years with Electrolux at your service! 1976 parts now a D Free delivery anywhere in Mason and Thurston Counties. For Electrolux sales & service call Jack 426-3544 - 1622 Boundary 24 Hr. Answering Service and great-granddaughter, Kristin Latham, were weekend visitors. Kristin celebrated her fifth birthday with her grandparents in absence of her father who is working in construction in Kinshasa Republique, Du Zaire, Africa. Athmore Richardson's grandson, Kipp Flentie, drove up for a ten-day visit prior to leaving for a trip to Europe. Kipp's sister, Kerrie, will stay with her grandparents until August 20, at which time she will have to return to Palm Springs and pack to leave for England where she will be attending high school next year. Chdstmastown USA Community Decoration Fund Goal $3,000 Send your contribution to Chamber of Commerce Decoration Fund Box 666, Shelton very kind of store" Shop 9:30-5:30 LAY-AWAY Friday 'til 8:30 '2: Dept. Store 3RD & RAILROAD Reg. 44.00 Introductory price Reg. 27.00 Introductory price Reg. 40.00 Introductory price Reg. 27.00 Reg. 44.00 Introductory I ntroductory price price assorted styles Reg. .. to 2s..oo I F, EE BOOTS! I i 'O'S'--',.-- so,e *00 = "ew° i ,,, "-- ,m.r 0'" ,,size 3-7 ..... Thursday, July 24, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21