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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FOR SALE family room, large )om, I~12 baths, large utility room, fenced area. All-electric disposal, plenty of area, blacktop streets, ~Irade school• Priced bly. Call 426-1076. al rno~- 713-24 dtcl : gara Lake Property 5 acres, nicely wooded, on small lake. Access to larger lake. $7,500, easy terms. Call Steve or Ray Northwest Land Brokers Tacoma -- 531-3800 7/17-24 Lake Cushman $23,500 Luxury vacation home, 11/2 baths, carpeting, drapes, stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Quality plus. 3 years old. Call Melva Bostrom, 377-4090, or Bremerton Realty, 377-3848. 7/17-8/7 Call 426-3361 --Ask for LISTINGS WANTED we rentals, sometimes. PROFESSIONAL REALTY OFFICE BUILDING 7TH AND RAILROAD AVENUE SUITE B SHELTON WE NEVER CLOSE -- EVENING OR WEEKENDS CALL JUANITA NELSON, 426-9351 -" JERRY SMITH, 426-9131 -- SALESPERSON WANTED -- Setting Close to Town IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT YOU ARE ~ CALL US! WE HAVE OTHERS. AND IF WE DON'T HAVE,T, i,2 IF IT'S TO BE FOUND, Charming 2-bedroom cozy log ~r°d_°end _?l~:;e cabin, nestled in the woods. Paved road. Plus second cabin. All for only $14,500. Mobile Home Lot ow. NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM ... AS LITTLE AS WELL... LEVELED•.. $1 O0 DR IVEWAY... Down FENCED... $89 or less per month Only $3,500 9% per annum interest up to 16 yrs. financing Also suitable for home available $8,950 cash price y ! ou must see this onel 3 4 bdrms. . , neat as a pin• biedrloaoms, 2',, baths: 2 Family di_n, ng kitchen. Large p ces, large rec. room. veranda, fenced yard. See it Many' many -e~(t'ra;f"$41,u0u0~: today -" $27,500. _ . • irge Garden Area Land Satsop River Frontage With large timber 11/2a • cres, $4,950. Low down payment i~:i~ ii~ Arcadia Point 3 acres large alder and cedar - - d, 2-bdrm. trees -- winter creek. $5,500. nome. Good soil for garden. Low down payment. ~tU,UO0. Submit your terms. Saltwater Retired? -t. no-bank saltwater Dine for couple. frontage. Property includes Large lot for garden. Walking 5-bedroom older home. Over 1 distance to store Only acre of land. $22,000. $13,300. .... u~. only Mobile Home Lot B-elelfair AS LITTLE AS EXCELLENT INVESTMENT • $40 600-ft. commercial highway DOWN frontage across from new " $2,450 cash price Shopping center in Belfair. $50 or less per month. 9% perHouse, garage, barn 2~0~ annum interest. Up to 16 Asking $47,000. financing available, down, balance on contract. Matlock Tim berlakes ~ top i~ ~ ~t tol:) gt3r: 10 secluded acres of forest land BeautifuH Must see it, 2.bdrm~ with double-wide mobile 2:bath. Fireplace, outbldgs.- , home. Good road. $23,500. landscaped, many extras. $22,500. TIRED OF LOOKING at homes priced out of your budget? First time offered! A 3-bedroom home you CAN afford. Built-in range and oven. Soft sculptured carpet throughout. Real brick fireplace. Forced-air electric heat. Close in at Oak Park. The builder agrees to erect a fence, too. 8~/4% financing available. $22,750. BRAND NEW 3-bedroom 13A-bath home with a second level left to your imagination. Great for recreation room, hobby room or extra bedrooms. 2 fireplaces. Carpeted. Color coordinated! Qualifies for income tax credit --8V2% interest money available. Low down, $33,950 cash price. 2 models to choose from. (Laundry) This excellent German owned and operated laundry with dry cleaning facilities is now being offered zU VERKAUSEN (For Sale), exclusively by Shelton Land and Homes. For details call Doug, 426-5555, or evenings 426-1054. JUST LISTED! Quality built executive home on choice waterfront near Bayshore Golf Course. Fully bulLheaded with steps to the beach. Your own dock! Full deck across the front with plenty of glass in each room to enjoy the view. Heavy beamed ceilings. Cut-stone fireplace. Extra cabinets and built-ins throughout. 2 bedrooms with extra room for hobbies or a 3 GOOD-SIZED BEDROOMS, bedroom. Artistically landscaped with your own well and well-planned kitchen with range, oven pumphouse. Prestige living at a comfortable price. $54,500. Ad and built-in dishwasher. Fully carpeted 357. over soft deep padding. Fireplace, WEST SHELTON 426-5521 forced-air electric heat. Sliding glass doorsI~B~I ~, B~II~' HOODSPORT 877-5236 to the patio. Quiet cul-de-sac living in the ~i~lll~IBB~ BELFAI R 275-2826 Oak Park community. Show any time. Immediate occupancy. 83/4% financing available. $25,900. LAKE LIMERICK -- nestled in the woods a few hundred feet from the beach, docks and swimming area. Floor-to-ceiling glass front, with sliding ~ :'\ doors to a spacious deck. The 20x32 ~ ~ • :'~'~~ Get Achon chalet has one bedroom on the main floor ~ ~ i with Vz loft. Fully carpeted. Includes ~\~'i~,:-! appliances by Frigidaire and deluxe ~ kitchen cabinets. Free-standing fireplace. By John Brush Ready for immediate occupancy and a Broker-Realtor whole lot of family fun. $21,900. HAVE YOU NOTICED how much time the legislature spends in session? Makes one stop and think -- taxation without representation was tyranny, but taxation with it is pretty ~ OPEN HOUSE -- Friday and Saturday. expensive. , , --~ , ==t = ~ 1:00 to 4;00 p.m. on Bayview (near down.The averageHe justtaxpayerhopes thatn°cong,ress,willl°nger feels letthathimC°ngreSSup, will let him II J I 111J corner of 12th). 3 bedrooms with l'/z [] I I II| i baths. Large living room and dining area. IF THEY LET YOU UP, come check with BRUSH REALTY for [] I [] ll! ¢ Built-in range and dishwasher. Fully that piece of Real Estate you're looking for! [] ! [] Ill I carpeted in high'low pattern. Floor to B ~ ~1 IIII ~ ceiling brick fireplace. Big 2-car garage CAMPSITE. Large wooded one with underground utilities at l ! ~t~: (finished inside, too,). $27,400. Fawn Lake. Cash or terms. $1,000. LAKE LIMERICK! Big corner lot. Convenient to lake. Only $1,8oo. CREEK FRONT.= 80' on Cranberry Creek at Lake Limerick. $2,500. | !1' IE E,LTT ~ o,NEkRSATSOPRlVERll00'xl50'Ripplew°°drecreeti°nal$2,600. SHORECREST~ Beautiful view lot overlooking Shelton Harbor. , .1~ P.O. Box "Y" P.O. Box 27 Rt. 1, Box 359 ~{ A! C(~ $2,500. " Shelton ~-, Hoodsport Union LAKEFRONT! 60' on Fawn Lake. One of the best. $4,800, "- Kneeland Center Hwy. 101 Near the Park terms. • 426-5521 877-5236 275-2826 3 Offices to Serve You CREEKFRONT, 146' On Cranberry Creek at Lake Limerick. A super-large tract with towering trees makes a park-like setting. Mobile homes allowed in this division. $5,500, very little cash required. LAKE LIMERICK,.. HAMMERSLEY INLET.. I I DV rmul~lCD LAKEFRONT.= 75' on Lake Limerick. A steal at only $5,500. We have just listed several Fine large waterfront tract in I J .,. .~'.--"~.''"~"~- .... lovely lots in this fine me pretty Channel Point area. I J n I/tee °l~]erinn°me, i~nglest~LAKELANDVILLAGE. You must see this homesite, kdandyon development. Waterfront and Extenas_ also to middle of Mil! I I a.~,, ,o .~ .,;~,. oo~ ,~,,~; ~, LakeLand Drive. $7,500. back lots. Take your pick, and %reeK. Two for one here. JUSt I I :".~V'='~'` Y""."~ ....... " ..... make an excellent buy! From r,gm tor nice home. $10,000.I J Kl~.c~en~i~eDe~r°°ms-~e~o-r°°n~"U~' FINISH THIS.= Fawn Lake cutie! Livi.r.~., dining, kitchen, w~ p . ~ p $2,950. 60 ACRES -- P-RFEK , I , I laundry area. 1-car garage, over Dam on main level -- plus large sleeping loft. N,ce wooded corner lot. $11,150. ......... ''''--"T~I In the -. _-."- ::." I I 2,900square feet of usable DI:::/-~u/IrUL /l't/~l.~/o... .- pretty bnelton Valley I I c n=ceLarne corner lot with FIXER-UPPER -- Big 4-bedroom on large corner lot on w,th Coffee ~" = Hard to find nicer 5 & 10 acre .. . Creek rambling I I - :'- ........ Angleside. Area for rec room over double attached garage. Older tracts that are wood,',~ cl~ t~ mrougn Pasture ~=.-~ M~-r ne-' I I DeauuTUl rnoaoaenorons a,u ÷^ ,, -- k'--H ""' -~"=nd freeway too ~nJ'~': ........ I I flowering trees. Lots of home home. Good buy. $21,500. vw un u,u,.KIOp roaD, a . :poou/acre. I I ft~r ¢~Q c, NI3 C~ll for '% "" " -- --Mr • i . v. -t*---*,~,vv- .,.u,. fine area. YOU can lake yo h ~ e hi time Let's look~ AT FAWN I J appointment to see. No agents, OVER 1,000 SQ. FT In this 2-bedroom Lake Limerick home. c o'c at t s ........ = ~ please PLUS attached cJarage~ covered deck, split shake roof, landscaped We have 2 very pretty J J " 426-2780 yard., and_ more. ~t'ou'll have to look at this one. The best buy at SUMMER FUN - PLUS • • waterfront lots here, and a few J I _ LaKe LimeriCk. $22,950. I te" attractiveback lots Take our ick and Nearly compe a .. en;,~,.1"~. Y P , I "" e on --retry ~--~this verv nicearea A-frame cottag p er , -- " Emerald Lake. You can finish T ms too. Lets go look! I I HTAH I SheltonINVESTMENT'MINDED?Ior apartments or HerecondominiumsiS one of the3½ beStAcREsIocatiOnSclose toin and save. New range anD AT A--- I I ...... I city water and sewer. Asking $9,000!! " refrigerator included. $16,500 LUERBROOK... I I ,,-, , , I on terms. If go!f is Your thing you may I I KAIN ,rl L/ INIJ I well know the bea~J'ty of this | J ,~ .... FAMILY HOME IN THE COUNTRY.= 4 (could be 6) bedroom 2 TOPS IN OUR BOOKI.... excellent.. 18-hole course. Why I I -ul~ An Acre I story older farm house on masonry foundation in good condition. Yes, you'll have to go far to not nave the convenienceof I I "~ I Spacious rooms. Lots of potential on 61/~ acres pasture- fe .nced home your own cotta e on a rett find a nicer 4-bedroom " "-i g p y J J J and cross-fenced! If you like country living and no ClOSe With 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, =~ldrway. And, so many I I No ClubHouse I neighb°rs this will suit you-fPriced at only $32,000" SckePta~baCirn~:v~ni~tahr~O~bme, a Potr!ftmtU! ~,5~(~?nal advantages too. J JNoSv~;~Colnrgs:sooJ I ON NO. 2 FAIRWAY. At Lake Limerick. Spacious 2-bedroom r-'my senarate HOME -- INVESTMENT I I., T .... J newer daylight basement home. Ample room for more bedrooms, , , ~ v,, , " .-- Uer--,- -. " " IlIND .,~o I rec room, etc. Too many features to list in this exceptionall nice workshop. In a top area, wlm r,, = ~ a cozy 3-bedroom home I 1%1. ¢~÷~,b r't nn=r¢ I home. Call us for an appointment to see it. $33,000. lovely landscaped yard. Hard =~. n~ce area near stores, I ,,~u ....... I to beat at $42,000. .~."ut*-nes, schools, etc. And, I ].6 Miles From/own I me 'mportant thing here is that I Rorderinn Blacktop Hiqhwayl NEED SHOP AND OFFICE SPACE? See us. We have an excellent 20 ACRES - CANAL. • • tne location will definitely I .... I proposition to offer you on short or long term lease to suit your I south increase in value, so vou'll be 20 acres on Hood Cane . living fnr f........ ~I: I _l.¢f rarme land and grass, near I requirements. shore with 165' waterfront. - ....... ~,vvu. I T--'.. '= ..... - ......... i Am le clams and o stere, and P./('tor" ..... I nuntlng ann risnlng, wa¢e~ .u IMEETING HALL, OFFICES, SHOP. This 2nd floor location in nlenPtv of develnn°~nt room. T~'='~°¢:'llM PRONTAGE .. I problem I'll carry the contract I central Shelton is available on lease at $125 month. ...... ~o of ni %APR Call Bremer~on, Good investment. $40,000. water .... cely bulLheadedI at 7 • . ..... .. uont on pretty Oakland I 373-2604 COlleCt, atter b p.m. I * * gay Just n 5 ltfn NEW SPLIT LEVEL ... $24:000 "ght for 1-2 homes. I / | This attractive 3-bedroom on easy terms. I ~ ~ MAYBE YOU'RE SICK OF T,AXES and want to get rid of your l~-bath home is ready for you CHI~P.Id "ru=¢, ~,,- I property - ~all BRUSH REALTY for an appraise and see if it now. It's brand new, with A re--:" "']'° Vl,,-... I ,_~ ~ will be enough to make you well! plush carpeting, cozy family 11~.k.~/ comfy 3-bedroom I room, fireplace, pretty built-ins '" s~" nome only few blocksI • "i:/P and 2-car garage. Nice new area ~lra~noo!. All carpeted, pretty I r, ~/'bd2~ / on Mountain View, and ~a u~' nlce'y paneled, separate J lbl:A~l I~1: x~J~" " /~ " ~~:~[~ financing" already approved. -~--,=~u¢~'~ ~rY,on andterms.mUch more.I /) /., Ill,ibmi III )11 *" = : ® r~ A. ROY DUNN .............. 426-4601 I (*~I~,9 426-1141 DON BROWN ............... 426-6388 I ~ V ~" Cor. 1st & ~~~~ Shelton REALTOR" JAMES RouSH ..............426-8522 I ..I).,,~ ~'I) or 426-8540 I z...~ - U I I Thursday, July 24, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25