July 24, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Mobile Homes
2201 Olympic Highway N.
* It's located on the edge of
town but outside city limits.
There are two bedrooms,
built-in appliances, and on two
nice level lots. Full price just
$8,000 and good terms.
* Here's a cozy 2-BR home
located downtown close to
stores and business. Some
retired couple would
appreciate the garden spot, the
fruit trees, and even a dog run.
This home is in very good
condition and priced at just
$12,750. Call us.
* It's brand new! A very neat
3-DR split level home. The
price just $34,950, and you
may claim up to $1,700 in tax
credit if you need it. That's
money in the bank.
* A 5-bedroom suburban home
-- quite new -- for under
$30,000. It's for real and you'll
enjoy the quiet setting and the
neat yard. When can you see
* A country 3-bedroom home
less than 10 minutes from
Shelton for $35,000. It is on a
small tract that is easy to care
for. This custom-built home is
just a few years old and very
* The view is terrific from the
deck, living room and kitchen
of this waterfront home.
There's a small den, 13/4 baths,
three bedrooms (1 really big), a
fireplace and part basement for
storage. Beautifully
landscaped, too, at $35,000.
* On Mason Lake we have a
terrific second home with 2
bedrooms, a fireplace and a
huge sundeck. The 65' of
lakefront is protected with a
neat little bulkhead just a step
high and there is a boat launch
ramp. It's a real value at
* Real carefree living is yours
because this dreamy
condominium has a
maintenance program. Just
enjoy "home" in this lovely
2-bedroom that is on Hood
Canal. You even own your own
share of beach and the view is
unexcelled. Asking $45,000 --
not bad -- so call for an
appointment and see for
* How's this for a bargain in
salt waterfront? Almost 400'
real low bank, wooded, gentle
slope, southern exposure, and
~Lenty of depth. This Little
ookum property priced at
just $9,500. Terms, of course.
* Let us show you this 100' of
Totten Inlet waterfront that is
~iced at~ just $7,500. County
acktop road frontage with
electricity and telephone right
there handy.
Come in
and meet
It's Summertime in
7th & Railroad - 426-3361
CABIN ON WOODED LOT WANT TO GET AWAY FROM Olympia: Kathy Coombs, Eves: 357-7541
WITH CREEK AT OLYMPIC IT ALL? We have a small Shelton" Harry Tokos, Eves: 426-8460
CANAL TRACTS. 16x28 vacation cabin at Lake
cabin partly furnished with Limerick on large wooded lot.
year-round creek through County road access. $9,000 -- • HOMES • RANCHES • WATERFRONT • COMMERCIAL
property. Use of salt water terms.
beach, boat ramp, 2 parks and
playfleld. Owner has lowered 200 FEET WATERFRONT -- 4 HOOD CANAL QUICK POSSESSION
the price to $5,500. acres -- near Union. Paved Last of a kind built over the Move into this clean rambler 5
121WRA~LROAO highway runs through the water beach home for blocks from Thriftway. Fenced
3-BEDROOM HOME AT property. View of Olympics and year-round living. Clams, yard with patio. Attached D
BAYSHORE WATERFRONT HOLIDAY BEACH on 2 lots. Hood Canal. Priced$17,900 oysters, salmon and trout garage can be converted to ave
HOME -- Fully furnished. Only 5 years old. Well with terms, fishing, waterskiing. $55,750, extra living space. Easy terms.
No-bank frontage with constructed. Forced-air terms. $16,500, Arcadia Avenue. M th
exceptionally nice gravelly furnace. Shake roof. Garage, SUNCREST -- 5-acre parcels CI ewe
beach. Includes tidelands, boatlarge garden area and west of Hoodsport. Wooded,
shelter and garage, yet the panoramic view of Hood Canal.power to property, access and MINI-RANCH WATERFRONT & GOLF
price complete is only $28,500 $31,500. building site in. From $8,900. Six miles from city. Two-level Everything is ready for your WHO • SAYS
with $4,000 down. Call for an home, brand new. Cleared
summer or all-year home.
WATERFRONT ON THE EAST pasture. Next to Fawn Lake.Waterski -- fish -- golf. Only
appointment. OUTSTANDING VIEW OF SHORE of Hood Canal--5-acre Country living at its best.
4 BEDROOMS, 2 FULL HOOD CANAL COMES WITH parcels -- trees, view of Owner moving. $42,000. 7% interest on easy owner
contract. $16,500. Bayshore
BATHS -- Large dining and THIS: 2-bedroom home on 5 Olympics and Hood Canal. Cove.
living rooms, brand-new lots overlooking Hoodsport andCounty road access. Priced at ACREAGE & BEACH
Long-Bell kitchen. Check this, the Canal. Carpeted except for$150 per front foot.
~ou may qualify for an 8V2% kitchen and bath. 2-car garage Close to town. Nice wooded
armers Home Administration and large shop. Cement HOOD CANAL VIEW -- 13 acreage with private beach of 10 ACRES+WF
loan. Appraised, $23,500. driveway, shake roof and acres -- over 2,000 feet of living 214 feet with tidelands. Build 133' waterfront on nice
bathroom newly remodeled, area in this near-new 2-bedroom your private secluded estate, saltwater cove. Small cabin.
NOW $37,500 -- The price has Electric heat. $15,500. 2-bath home. View from every $22,500, easy terms. Tidelands. Near Agate Store.
been reduced $2,000 on this room -- garage, storage, Investment for 2 or 3 families.
truly beautiful 3-bedroom
custom-built BAY EAST LOOKING FOR A VACATION workshop. Beautifully CATTLE RANCH $39,300, terms.
home. Includes 450 ft. of HOME? We have just listed a landscaped. 120 ACRES
shared waterfront, deep-water beautiful one at Lake Cushman,
dock, boat launching ramp. 1960 square feet, 2 decks, HIGHLAND PARK--Spacious Stream with trout -- steelhead BUSINESS •
level wooded lots with a -- salmon. 80 acres fence with
You'll love the home with its I carpeted except for bath and OPPORTUNITY
corner stone fireplace, Ikitchen, 3 years old, 1% baths, panoramic view of the pasture. Deer & elk. Room
snowcapped Olympics. Only two for horses and your herd of Owners ready to retire. Will sell
formal-size dining room, lovely I dual heat -- electric and propane miles from Hood Canal. Enjoy cattle. Miles of riding trails on business and/or whole block of
carpeting, a dream kitchen and -- 16x28 garage and 8x24 'Country Living" in an area of adjoining timberland. Owner real estate too. Sporting goods
combination utility-sewing boathouse, 70x140 lot, $23,000.great beauty at prices you can l moving and wants quick sale store--station--home--extra BUY THIS
room. Come see it. afford. One-acre lots that start at a nd/or t fade f or cash & lots. All on State Highway 3 to
HOME AT UNION WITH VIEW $4,500. I contracts. Bremerton.
$23,950 -- This attractive OF CANAL AND OLYMPICS. HOLIDAY BEACH -- Look
3-bedroom, 1% bath, 2-bedroom home on 150x150 what you get when you live at For Mason & Thurston County properties, call us for
fully-carpeted home merits lot. Nice garden area and city Holiday Beach! A 2-bedroom
your inspection now. It has so water. 1,050 square feet of living home on nice level lot with your needs. We can exchange difficult properties.
many extras, including area. 2-cargarage. $16,500. beautiful community beach with
fireplace, patio, fully fenced
and beautifully landscaped LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! Are you dock and clubhouse. $18,500, TOKOS REALTY 7th & Railroad, Suite D
yard. looking for a recreation lot for
your motorhome, trailer or ONE OF A KIND COUNTRY
$16,950- 2 bedrooms down, cabin? We have lots in several HOME -- 3-bedroom 21/Pbath
2 attic-type bedrooms up, developments from $1,100. home on county road with 202
economic electric heat, • feet of creek frontage. Concrete
carpeted, large garage and it's 125x100 WOODED LOT near block construction, composition
on 7/10the of an acre, in town. Union with outstanding view of roof, 2 wells, barn, storage
$2,000 will handle, $150 per Olympics. $4,000, terms, building, fruit trees, .beavtifull.~
month, includes tax and landscaped, completew enceo • Outside trim & shutters
insurance. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE to Patios front and back. Sewin(
$21,900 -- Highland Estates, 3 have a secluded cabin? We have room, pantry, large family room, • Storm windows
bedrooms, fireplace, carpeting, a newly-built shell cabin that is brick fireplace in living room, • Range • Porchlight
carport and large lot. If your 20x24 with one bedroom and dining room, large country • All electric
gross income is $13,500 or less, loft. You can finish it the waykitchen with dinette, utility • 2 bedrooms
~ou may qualify for 8Vz% you want. Located across from room, lots of closets and storage. • Refrigerator
inancing with no down Lake Cushman State Park on 1 Pasture for cattle or horses. Call • Carpeted & draped
payments, closing costs only. acre of land. One more acre us for an appointment. Must see MANY OTHER FEATURES
available. Cabin and 1 acre are to appreciate.$56,000,with
$1 0,950 -- 3 bedrooms, $8,700 with terms, terms. ALL FOR ONLY
Hillcrest. Located close to ~ ~ .......
shopping,rent.beater thiSfor you.Can Forced-airbe a real Dick Endicott, Broker .... ..... i04
furnace, fenced yard. carport Alan Tahja, Sales Representative PER
and more. It's only $10.950 ....
and several ways of financing Helen Spaulding, Sales Representative MO.
can be arranged. GET READY FOR SCHOOL! Cherry Park home built by Parker.
• ~ Well planned 3-bedroom 2-bath home on a quiet cul-de-sac. $969.36 Cash
$5,950 -- Lake Limerick Waterfront-Recreational Separate dining. Extra room for hobbies or recreation room. or Trade Down
waterfront. This exceptionally ~ Residential- Commercial Nicely decorated and carpeted throughout. Huge lot dotted with
nice low bank lot with 75 ft. of ,¢ trees and natural fol)age for easy care. All fenced, too! Truly a $16,133.76 total deferred
depth. Owner reduced the fine family home and within walking distance to the new high payment price, 1% per mo.
price to only $5,950 and will school. $37,500. Ad 360. simple interest, 144 months.
help in the financing. Believe
us, it's worth investigating. SHELTON 426-5521 •
O H 877-5287 HOODSPORT 877-5236 OPENSUNDA Y
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - P.O. BOX 335 BELFAIR 275-2826
® REAL ESTATE Hoodsport, Washington 98548
121 Railroad Ave. MOBILE HOMES
Equal Housing Opportunity Legal Publimfions Legal Publkntions 426-5252
* On northern Harstine Island
we are offering for sale 312' of
low bank waterfront with
tidelands plus 20 acres of
wooded backlands. Contact us
for details.
* This 90' of salt waterfront
with tidelands on Harstine
Island is very choice. It's low
bank, has plenty of depth, and
is covered with tall firs.
$15,750. Terms.
* Large beautiful wooded
Mason Lake lots. Trailers
welcome. Utilities, paved
access road. Free brochure.
* This unique property
includes salt waterfrontage,
frontage on a tidal cove, as well
as a small year 'round stream.
There are a number of choice
view building sites. About 7
acres. Call for details. $19,500.
For Rent Legal Publications
~- - ---~------------------- --=------:------------_-..-~-_-_-~-_" ~- ..------------=---------------" NOTICE OF APPLICATION public waters, subject to existing
FOR SHORELINE rights, from an unnamed stream, ~--~-~ ............ ~-
ForRent LAWTON APARTMENTS hasa Health Hegulations (WAC MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL tributary of Lake Cushman in the --~llipUbl~l~llS
one-bedroom unfurnished 248.96): Article VI entitled DEVELOPMENT PERMIT amount of 0.02 gallons per
apartment with range, "Individual Sewage Waste Notice is hereby g~ven thatminute, continuously each year,' Fo
refrigerator, electric heat, Disposal", Article VII entitledthe Washington State ParKs andfor Domestic Supply. The source
M T. VIEW -- 2-bedroom, carpeting throughout, laundry "Standards for Individual Sewage Recreation Commission has filed of the proposed appropriation isr the 1975-76 school year, until
fourplex unit. Range, refrigerator, facilities. References required. Waste Disposal System", and an application for a substantial located within SE]/4NE¼ of 8:00 p.m., 12 August 1975, at
dishwasher and disposal included. 703 Pine. L7/10tfn Article VIII entitled "Preliminary development permit for the Section 31, Township 23 N., which time they will be publicly
Garage for your car and storage.
Water and garbage paid. Fully ~ Platting Standards". This construction of a new entranceRange 4 W. W.M., in MASON opened andread.
amendment is proposed to changeroad, construction of a timberCounty. . Specifications may be secured
carpeted and drapeS. Call Mason feet office on Hillcrest right on current on-site sewage disposalbridge spanning Twanoh Creek, Protests or objections to at the Business Office in the
C ou nty Realty, 426-4486. 101. Free desk and chairs, water, system requirements and platting renovation of two camp comfortapproval of this application must Evergreen School.
M5/29tfn lights and heat included. Callrequirements, to meet the stat one, and remodeling and include a detailed statement of The Board reserves the right
"Mitch" at Mason County Realty, minimum stanDarDs for on-site renovation of the entire the basis for objections; protests to refusa any or all bids.
1-BEDROOM garden apartment, 426-4486. M6/Stfn sewage disposal.as r..equired by campground at Twanoh State must be accompanied by a two By Order of the Board of
all-electric. Adults only, no pets. WAC 248.96. 5uostantiam cnangesPark, within Sections 19 and 20, dollar ($2.00) recording fee and Directors, 8 July 1975.
$13 0 per m o nt h. Phone in the present Articles VI, VII and Township 22 North, Range 2 filed with the Department of /s/Louis R. Grinnell
426-2549. H7/17tfn One and Two Bedroom VIII are proposed and copies ofWest, W.M. in Mason County, e-cology, Southwest Regionam
~~ Apartments, with carpet, drapes the proposea articles may be Washington; said development isOffice, Olympia, WA. 98504 Secretary 7/17-24-2t
& appliances, no pets. ' obtained atlthe Thurston-Mason proposed to be within the w!thin thirty (30) days from July
beautiful garden setting. Includes Public Hea Building at 529 wetlands of Hood Canal. z4, 1975. 7/17-24-2t
laundry, carport. Adults, no pets. West Fourth, Olympia or 11U Any person desiring to
Downtown area. 426-1479. West K. Street in Shelton. express his views or to be notified NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Terms. O7/17tfn Anyone desiring to speak or give of the action taken in the NO. 4620
----------- testimony, for or against the application should notify Mason IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
2329 Jefferson St. adoption or me proposal should Cou nntY Regional Planning NOTICE OF APPLICATION THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
SEE WHAT YOU NEEDI! accommodate any size, secluded Mgr. Apt. 2or , appear at the above time and Cou cil, Mason county PUBLIC WATERS IN THE MATTER OF THE
place. . Courthouse, Shelton, WashingtonSTATE OF WASHINGTON, ESTATE OF GERARD B.
and quiet. Also overnight spaces, 426-1916 7/12tfn J.V. Desnaye, M.D., 98584, in writing of his interest DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY SLATTENGREN, Deceased.
426-5559 ,, showers, laundromat, reasonable
Dick Knauf-Gerharcl "Skip Nor~ rates. Corner Shelton Springs , D.P.H., Thurston-Mason within 30 days of'the last date of TAKE NOTICE: ---S Notice is hereby given that
JloacmMoKatson MaflleDennyRoad and County Road, 1 block Health Officer publication of this notice. That DENNIS J CONNOH the undersigned has been
"Pw'solmli,lmdServlee" off Highway 101. Evergreen ..... . MT.V I Executive Secretaryof Publication dates of this notice ofTacoma, Washin~ton on July l, appointed and has qualified as
Mobile Estates, 426-5202. IEW theBoaro are July 24 and July 31,1975. 1975, under Apphcation No. S Personal Represantative of the
E7/3-24 7/17-24-2t 7/24-31-2t 2-23880 filed for permit to above entitled estate; that all
~~ I ~ appropriate public waters, subject .persons having claims against said
to existing rights, from an Deceased are hereby required to
.,~-v-----.~-------------~--- ~ INVITATION TO BID unnamed creek, tributary of
2-bedroom, fireplace, downtown,
for $150. First and last and deposit.A/~l~al~-~ I SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT ~r~r~Derry Creek in the amount of SlattengrenServe the sameor OnHerSaidattorneyHildur of E"
References. Phone 426-1205 or NOTICE TOCREDITORS NO. 309, 8th and Pine, Shelton, 0. cubic feet per second, record at the address below
426-6629. D7/17ffn NO. 4614 Washington 98584 continuously each year, for Fish stated, and file an executed copy
FANTASTIC HOOD Canal view, 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN eropagauon, Wildlife Refuge. The thereof with the CLERK OF
THE STATE OF WASHINGTON that sealed bids will be received source of the proposed SAID COURT, within four
large one-bedroom, furnished, MR. AND Mrs. Landlord. Mason by the Board of Directors of appropriation is located within months after the date of first
fireplace, garden. $130 month. County Realty has complete Available NOW -- No PetsI FOR MASON COUNTY
In the Matter of the Estate of Shelton Consolidated School NEV4NWlk of Section 35, publication of this notice or
Call Seattle 1-271-1131. H7/24 rental management service. We CONTACT MANAGER I JOSEPHINE BAILEY, Deceased. District No. 309, Mason County,Township 21 N., Range 3 W.
provide all the forms, show the The undersigned is the Washington, at the District Office W.IVI~, in Mason County. within four months after the date
MODERN 2-bedroom duplex property, check credit and 426-3100 | appointed and qualified Personal in the Evergreen School at 8th P'rotescs or objections to of the filing of the copy of said
with carport and storage room, references, collect the rent and I~epresentative of said estate,and Pine Streets in Shelton, toapproval of.this application must notice to creditors with the Clerk
wooded backyard. Adults. deposit to your account. Call tfnJ Persons havimj claims against the supply Bakery Products requiredinclude.a.oetailed statement of of the Court, whichever is the
Available August 1st. Call "Mitch" at 426.4486 for further deceased must serve the claim on by the District for the 1975-76the bas0s for objections; protests later.
426-6338. A7/24tfn details -- we take care of the the undersigned, or the attorney school year, until 8:00 p.m., m.u)t be2a~mpanled by a two DATED AT Tacoma,
2-BEDROOM unfurnished headaches. MS/8tfn oT record, at the address stated August 12, 1975, at which time oo,ar t~ • u) recording fee and WASHINGTON THIS 17 DAY
- below and must file an executedthey will be publicly opened and filed with the Department of OF July 1975..
- - - -L4~li P~~-s- Personal RepreSentative
downtown, I block bank, COMPLETELY FURNISHED ' copy of the claim with the Clerk read. Ecology, ~outhwest Regional of said Estate
pharmacy, Older person or couplebachelor apartments. Dishes, of the Court within four months The Board reserves the right Office, .Olympia, WA. 98504
preferred. Deposit, references, linen. $50 to $65 per month, after the date of first publication to refuse any or all bids. within thirty (30) days from July Hildur E. Slattengren
$125 monthly. Inquire Rod Shelton Apartments, 2nd and of this notice or within four By Order of the Board of 31, 197b. 50Masterton Road
Bronxville, N.Y. 10708
Directors, 8 July 1975. 7/24-31-2t L.R. Ghilarducci, Jr.
Olsen, Olr~n Furniture. O7/24tfn Grove. S6/Stfn months after the'date of the filing /s/Louis R. Grinnell
4-BEDROOM house, 2 bedrooms F~ APARTMENTS. 7-, NOTICE OF of a copy of this notice or the
PUBLIC HEARING claim will be barred, except underSecretary Attorney for Estate
2200 One Washington Raza
upstairs, 2 down. $135 per 2- and 3-bedroom~ no pets, Notice is hereby given thatthose provisions included in RCW 7/17-24-2t Tacoma, Washington98402
reasonable rent. Edgewood, pursuant to R.C.W. 70.05.070 11.40.011. D A T E O F F I R S T
month. Call 426-8088 after 5 426-4364. Highway 101 past a nd Article I of the Dateof filing copy of notice
p.m. H7/24 airport. E6/26tfn . Thurston-Mason District Board of to creditors: July 3, 1975.
Health Sanitary Code, on the
chalet. Wall-to-wall carpet, MOBILE SPACE available. Quiet, Seventh Day of August, 1975, at
10:00 A.M. at the
FURNIsHED 2-bedroom A-frame
fireplace, large sundeck. On
beautiful beach, 5 minutes from
town. $135. Deposit and
references. 426-1290. B7/24ffn
FOR RENT: Trailer space close
to downtown. Call 426-4426.
secluded, laundry. Walk to town.
Call 426-3242. B9/Stfn
studio apartment for 1 adult.
References required, no pets.
Lawton Apartments, 703 "
Street. L7/10tfn
Thurston-Mason Public Health
Building, 529 West Fourth,
Olymp|a, Washington, the
Thurston-Mason Health District
Board of Health will consider
amending the following articles to
conform with State Board of
Date of first publication: July
10, 1975.
j/s/Joan Miller
Personal Representative
c/o Robert L Snyder
Attorney at Law
125½ N. 5th Street
Shelton, Washington 98584
NOTICE OF APPLICATION NO. 309, 8th a n~l Pine, Shelton, 7/24-31-8/7-3t
TO APPROPRIATE Washington 98584
STATE OF WASHINGTON, that sealed bids will be received
TAKE NOTICE: Shelton cnoo ums.~rmct No. 309, LIABILITY, FIRE &
That P. j BAUMGAERTNER Mason ~ounty, washington, at BOILER INSURANCE
forsCity of "Tacoma of Seattle, the District Office in the CITY OF SHELTON, Shelton,
Wa "g ton on June 4, 1975 Evergreen. School: 8th and Pine, Washington
filedunder fAorPP~ratmi°tntoN° aS2"23r846ppropiate Shelton, to supp,y me PS 300 Sealed bids will be received by
Fuel Oil required by the District the City of Shelton, Washington,
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 24, 1975
Trailer wiring.
jacks, brakes.
4814 P_acey
H 11/28tfn
paidfor or not. 011
Homes, 3813
456-8890. O1-1
24x64, 2-bedroom,
kitchen. Save over
demo. For
homes from $2,49
Olympia Mobile
Pacific, Lacey.
for your 1
Paid for
Call Dave:
at the City
Hall, no later than
the 4th day of
which time they
and read aloud.
period will
August 12,
are available at the
The City Com~
the right to
bids, to waive an)
the bidding, and
bid as it deems tc
interest of
Helen W.
RUNGE, Deceased,
Notice is
May 23, 1975,
Lilliwaup, Wasl
appointed and has
as personal
above estate a
proceedings are
above court.
Dated on this
July, 1975.
James B.
Attorney for
P.O. Box 869
RUNGE, Deceased,
The undersi!
Attorney of
of Herman D.
qualified per ma
of said estate is L
all persons having
the deceased must
on the personal rel~.
the Attorney of
address stated belo~
an executed cop~
with the Clerk o
four months after tt
publication of t~
within four months
of the filing of t
notice or the claia
except under tl
included in RCW
Date of fillr
Notice To Credit
July, 1975.
James B. Sew~
Attorney of F1
P.O. Box 869
Shelton, Wash
98504, July 23,
The Was
Highway Corr
No. 3 is soliciti
the improvemer
be opened on
7, 1975, at 3:00
Bid propo;
person will be re
Reception Desk
foyer of the
Building, 572(
Tumwater, Wash
Mailed pr,
addressed to Poe
Olympia, Washir
This project
order to enable
and minority
effectively coral
Department cc
Maps, plan
may be obtainq
3 Office upon
the bids
1. SR I
VIC., MP" 2.69
6" AND L
Director of